Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Talking (Briony and Sam)

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:29 pm

Sam walked up the stairs to the headmistresses office, she was a little nervous about talking to the headmistress she sighed and saw the Professor's office Sam walked up to it and knocked on the door.

Sam sighed she wanted her nerves to calm down a bit so Sam closed her eye's and counted to ten
' One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten' she counted in her head she opened her eye's and felt a little calmer she looked at the door and waited.

Sam Hawthorn

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Age : 28

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:06 am

Briony was in the middle of eating some horrible vegetable called a lentil, in a kind of awful mushy soup, when she heard someone knocking on her door, she was getting quite used to all of these visitors and even was getting to like them a little bit.

With a small smirk Briony pushed the nasty bowl of soup aside and picked up her wand, flicking it so that the door to her office opened to reveal a Gryffindor First year, Sam.

"Come in Sam, and, what can I do for you?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:58 am

Sam walked and gave the professor a small smile, Sam closed the door and walked in.

" Professor, I'm kinda having a problem at home" Sam said " My adoptive father sent me a letter and at the bottom he told me ' Don't reply untill the end of term' " Sam said sighing a bit, she looked at the ground and stared at it.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:29 pm

Briony was a little shocked at the amount of student's having problems at home and she wondered if this was because the war was putting strain on family life.

Abandoning these thoughts she focused more on the actual problem at hand.

"I see, and what do you think would be the reason for this letter? Perhaps he has gone away on a trip somewhere and wont be back until this time?" Briony asked, trying to get a handle on the situation.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:37 pm

Sam shrugged " I don't know, my ' Mom' said that my ' Dad' was getting a little aggravated with work" Sam said " But, he could be going on a trip for work but why would he take my ' Mother' when she doesn't want to go" Sam added putting emphases on Mother and Father.

Sam looked at the ground she hoped they were going on a trip, but she was worried that if they were going to Bulgiara that something was going to happen to them. Her eye's widened at the thought she could picture something bad happening to them, she shuddered.

Sam Hawthorn

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Age : 28

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:51 am

Briony hummed a little as she thought about this situation, she did not want to pry but she felt to understand the situation fully she should definately ask some more questions of Sam.

"And what does your father do for his work? And, do you have any idea where they might be going?"

Hopefully it was not to Germany as things between them were bad if not worse than before now, and Briony felt compassion for the girl, not knowing what would become of her parents.

"Perhaps he just wants to ensure your mothers safety? He knows you are safe from raids here but she may not be."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:07 am

Sam sighed " He owns stocks around the world, so he has to travel from time to time" Sam said trying to calm down.

" He has a few stocks in Berlin which scares me because of the war and everything that's going on" Sam looking at the ground. She hoped that he took her mother with him but she sighed and looked at the ground.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:11 pm

Briony although not having gone through the pain of something like this, could sympathise with Sam and hoped that everything would come well of this venture, it would have been handled better by her father however if he had explained a little more.

"Well now that is a bold move to go there at this time, but I am certain that he will take the upmost care, after all he has a family to provide for..."

That never stopped me though, Briony thought to herself.

"The end of term is coming up soon, you will be able to see him then yes? Would you prefer to have a member of staff wait with you when the train let's out at Kings Cross, to make sure you get home?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:24 pm

Sam looked at the headmistress, She thought about it for a second and nodded.

" Yes ma'am, If it wouldn't be to much trouble" Sam said looking at the Headmistress she hoped her father and mother were okay, but she knew her father didn't know much about wizards so he didn't understand this war and the consaquences that came with having a witch as a daughter.

Sam rubbed her arm out of habit she knew, with her luck. something happened to them she was picturing them getting hurt because of her and her family Sam shook her head trying to erase these thoughts from her mind she closed her eye's than opened them and looked at the headmistress.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:30 pm

Briony nodded her head with a small strained smile, of course she herself would wait with her, and Richard as she knew that he wouldn't leave her in a spot where most likely a German attack was going to form.

"Well then if it is agreeable me and my husband will wait with you at the station until your parents come to collect you."

She gave a rare small smile and tried to reassure the girl in front of her that everything would be alright, hopefully they would be able to keep undercover while in Germany and not draw attention to themselves.

"Everything is going to be alright, and they will be there at the end of the school year, if it would make you feel better I could try and get in touch with them?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:37 pm

Sam shrugged " I-I don't know, if they'd recgonize the owl unless it was winter and my adoptive father hates owl my mother doesn't mind them" Sam said as she started to rambal.

Sam never rambaled unless she was worried she shook her head and smiled at her feet " I'm sorry I'm rambaling, Professor" Sam apologized knowing a lot of people hated her rambaling she looked at the professor " You don't have too if you don't want to" Sam added looking at the professor she looked glanced at the floor, she hated that she alway's looked at the floor she glanced at the wall than turned her attention back to the professor.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:02 am

Briony made a small humming noise, so communicating was going to be a problem, she could get in contact with the ministry and think about what they would do to keep an eye out for the girls family.

Thinking for a moment Briony scribbled a rough note on a piece of paper which she would write up in neat later.

"I will write to the Ministry and ask them to keep an eye over your parents, to ensure that they aren't in any danger, hopefully this will put your mind at ease."

Even though the Ministry was less than proficient these days and relied almost solely on Briony and Richard.

"Don't worry Sam, we will have this sorted. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:09 am

Sam nodded and she knew that the ministry was somewhat unrelayable but she hoped that they would watch out for her family.

" Thank you, Professor" Sam said looking at the headmistress Sam moved toward the door when she asked " You don't think... Something happened to them do you?" Sam asked a little quietly and she had her hand on the door knob, she kept her eye's down at the ground.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:33 am

Briony smiled her usual small smile as Sam headed for the door, it was nice to have helped someone for a change and for once she didn't feel like she had scared the child half to death with the way that she chose to handle things regarding students.

When she was asked if she thought something had happened to her parents, Briony thought for a moment and shook her head;

"No, no I don't think anything has happened to them." and she would make sure that nothing did, this war didn't need any more fuel to keep the fire burning , and this would do just that.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:01 am

Sam smiled and turned toward the headmistress and gave the professor a rare smile.. Sam's true smile her actual smile she has never shown since her parents died.

" Thank you for talking to me, Professor" Sam said and she turned back toward the door opened it and closed the door behind her, she felt good letting all her fears o her parents getting hurt were in the back of her mind, talking to the headmistress made Sam feel calm. She sighed and walked toward her common room.

Sam Hawthorn

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Talking (Briony and Sam) Empty Re: Talking (Briony and Sam)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:34 am

Briony smiled lightly when she saw that Sam was smiling back at her too and she wondered if her like she was unpracticed when it came to smiling.

"Goodbye Sam, everything will be fine."

Seeing her leave the office Briony made a note to do the things that she had promised to do and made sure that she was going to not forget them, then she remembered that she needed to go and make sure that she was still okay stress level wise with Lucia.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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