Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Stress (Open)

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Stress (Open) Empty Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:56 am

Chale sat down by his desk with a sigh. It really was starting to become very stressful, this war. He opened a drawer and took forth the paperwork he had to finish. He quickly started reading through them, and felt a sense of dread fill him as he saw that the twenty first were filled with matters concerning the war. This would be a long process. He rolled his eyes slightly as it came to a matter about the creatures. Were they also turning against them now?

He leaned back when he was halfthrough, this having taken him up to two hours. Two more hours to go then. He looked around his office, remembering the time he had turned Head of Aurors. He remembered that two days later, he had received a gift. Chale rose and walked over to one of the lockers standing in the oval room. He opened it and then opened a safe behind it with the right spell to match. He then took out the shiny, little object.

The put-outer. He had to smile slightly. A gift from one of the finest men in this world's history, Ronald Bilius Weasley himself. Chale let his finger trace over the exterior of the object. He then put it back in the safe deposit and walked back to his desk, sitting down once again.

"Well, best to just be done with it," he said softly, but then his eyes caught the foe glass.

As usual many thousands of shadows were roaming in the indistinct darkness of the glass. He wondered who it might be, but he never thought too much of it. It was maddening if one did. He frowned as the outline of one of the shadows shone clearer than the rest, but the person were miles away. He looked at his paperwork and started working on it all the while, until he got disturbed by a sound outside, one hour later.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:47 am

Emilia entered the office of the Head Auror. She planned on running for Minister of Magic and so decided that she'd scout the area of the Ministry. She actually just entered the office and began running her hands over the walls and bookshelves in the room. She'd already visited the other offices and it was fairly close to lunch time so she hadn't expected anyone to be in them. So she didn't see anyone just as she continued adventuring the office. Em wondered just how odd she may have looked to be running for Minister for Magic.

"Hmm the Head Auror of Magic by Harry Potter?" She asked to herself raising a brow and looking at the book before opening it and plopping herself down on the couch.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:44 pm

Chale raised an eyebrow when a woman walked into his office, obviously oblivious to his presence. He felt a small smile on his lips when she took a book from his shelf, his favourite, and sat down in the couch opposite his desk. Chale cleared his throat.

"Well hello, woman that does not knock," he said humorously.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:10 pm

Em's eyes widened when she noticed there was another man siting in the office. She threw the book up over her head before it landed sullenly with a clunk at her feet. She flushed and smiled at the other man before realizing he'd said something. She narrowed her eyes and rose a brow. All embarrassment was gone and instead replaced with anger at the dry tone of his.

"Hello Mr. Workaholic. Aren't hardworkers supposed to be done earlier and thus able to enjoy the joys of eating before?" She bit back narrowing her eyes.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:42 pm

Chale had to force the smile of his face when the girl jumped: he knew how little they were amused by being startled. When she then went all sarcastic on him, he gave a smile again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as rude, but you can't tell me you wouldn't at all have found it a tiny bit amusing if someone randomly walked into your office and started looking at your personal effects without noticing that the 'owner' of the office wouldn't smile. Honestly, it was meant good-heartedly," Chale said with a shrug.

He then sighed. "As for being a workaholic, you're quite wrong. I just don't always have the liberty of lunch. The war takes up most of my time at the moment," he said, a bit exasperated at the very thought.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:03 pm

"I'm sorry too," she blushed a little. "Sorry, it was a little rude of me to say something so uncalled for." Emilia smiled at him before fishing into the satchel hanging by her side and pulled out a bar of chocolate from the bag.

"Here," she mumbled tossing it onto the desk before moving to perch herself on the end. Emilia picked up one of the pens and smiled wryly at him.

"You should relax a little bit, Emilia Alzone at your service." Still perched on the desk she bowed her head still smiling.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:06 am

Chale smiled as the woman's attitude changed. He instantly felt more comfortable, and he got much more interested in talking to her than he had earlier on. The aura changed, really.

"Don't worry about it. Happens to everyone," Chale said with a shrug.

He smiled when she tossed him a chocolate bar. "Why thank you," he said comically and broke of a piece, taking a bite off it.

He gave a nod back to the woman. "Nice to meet you Emilia. I'm Chale Donovan," he said kindly.

"So, what brings you wondering the offices here at the Ministry?"

Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:06 pm

Em nodded. Donovan reminded her of the last name of a character from a show. She shooed the thought away immediately before she linked her fingers together on her lap and hummed.

"Chale, interesting name." She commented smiling.

"I'll be working in the Creatures Section soon so I just wanted to look at all the other offices. I haven't seen any." She added the small lie quickly. She honestly was here because she was running for the Minister of Magic.

"So? When did you decide to become an Auror? You didn't just randomly wake up and scream: "I'M GOING TO BE AN AUROR! Unless you did. I don't mind." Em joked quickly.

Emilia Alzone

Posts : 59
Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:22 pm

Chale smiled. "Thank you," he said calmly.

He then tilted his head to the side. Yes, he had heard that they needed new people in the Creatures Department. However, he could tell she was lying. One of the perks of being an auror, really. They were trained for hours to see through lies and similar things. It was all right, but it had also been the downfall of many social relationships. Therefore, he knew to ignore it. People didn't like when others meddled in personal business.

"Well, that sounds pretty interesting. And as for the offices; what do you think about them? I'm pretty pleased with mine, but I don't know how the others look. Any revealing details?" he asked wickedly.

Chale was pretty well-liked by the other workers in the ministry and he had many friends there that constantly made fun of him and his quirks. He wouldn't mind having something to attack back with.

"Oh, that was a while ago. It kind of runs in my family, so I guess they were a big influence, but I don't know," he said softly, "I guess there was a time in my life when I went around, shouting out that I would become an auror, but it had always been my plan, I think. How about you? Do you like to interact with creatures?"
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:32 pm

Em noted the wicked tone and raised a brow with an equally saucy grin playing with her bright red hair. She saw the shift in his eyes that she saw through the disguise so she leaned back and crossed her legs on his desk, careful not to knock anything so she decided not to lie.

"Well actually, I'm running for Minister but I'm pretty sure that Adele Luna's got it in the bag. I'm already Head of Creatures Regulation as of yesterday too so," she shrugged before leaning back and rolling her shoulders. "Nothin' too interesting. It's certainly not going to be as plain. Add some flavor." She added grinning teasingly before withdrawing her wand from her shorts pocket and transfiguring the couch into a statue of a heart and adding a red color.

"That's very noble and oh yes," she intertwined her fingers together thinking about her only nanny job with Melody and Wynley before she jumped into politics. No doubt, she'd still visit him. "I love kids so I just treat them like kids. Thestrals are the hardest though to calm but I do love Hippogriffs." She replied before adding more sizzle to her grin.

"What didn't think I knew a knew about creatures?" She replied

Emilia Alzone

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Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:52 am

Chale smiled when she told him the truth. He supposed it had been because he let on somehow that he knew she was lying.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, anyways. You never know what might happen," Chale said with a shrug.

He himself had no intention on voting at all. As Head of the Auror office, he found it terribly important to stay anonymous and stay out of politics. All he knew about politics was that it corrupted people, and Chale couldn't afford being corrupted.

"And I congratulate you on making Head of the Creature Department. That's amazing, really. Either way, you've got yourself a high up spot in the Ministry," he said with a smirk.

He then looked at the couch turning into a red hearted statue. He chuckled.

"You do realize that the minute you walk out of here, I'll turn that back to a couch, right?" he asked humorously.

He understood her way of thinking, as animals loved to be pampered with. They enjoyed a lot of things, among company as he knew. Well, at least those who let themselves be tamed, that is.

"How about the more human creatures? Oh, they would not like me saying so. But I'm talking, of course, about centaurs and vampires and the like. Do you interact a lot with them?" he asked her curiously.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:00 am

Emilia wondered to herself if she did become the Minister what she would do. She'd do what was right for Britain but it was probably unlikely though and she'd be proud to lose to Miss Luna.

"Well, your no janitor either. It must be very expecting for the Head Auror. I hope your happy with this position." She complimented grinning.

"Then I'll have to visit your office more," she shrugged. "Make a new couch, this is way better looking anyways." She figured changing her grin to a similar smirk.

"It's confusing and hard to deal with. However, most veelas who are unaware of their heritage are especially hard because they freak out if you don't explain it more carefully." Lifting her sweatshirt she revealed a long scratch from her wrist to her elbow. "Vampires are cool if they don't lunge at your throat first." She joked.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:33 am

Chale narrowed his eyes playfully. "Hey, don't diss the janitor!" he joked.

Then he turned more serious and nodded. "Yes, it is a lot of stress, and sometimes it feels as if the world changes with your decisions, and sometimes, that's not a good thing, so every step I take has got to be well thought through," he said with a sigh.

He loved being the Head Auror, but it was quite a bit of responsibility at times. But he had a very close relationship to the rest of the aurors, after all, he had been one of them, and due to that they usually came up with some sort of agreement together before taking it to the Minister.

Chale laughed. "Oh man, that wouldn't be good... Please, visit me, but the furniture's... They'll leave the room every time you do," he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"I can imagine. They are very hot tempered creatures," Chale agreed. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the scar. "Not pleasant... Vampires... Well, I can only say I've ever had bad meetings with them, unfortunately. I don't think Vampires and me get along very nicely," he said with a shrug.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:27 pm

Emilia giggled at the joke about the janitor. She bowed her head in shame and pouted mockingly.

"Yes Professor Donovan sir," she rolled her eyes. "Well, now I'm here so stress be gone." She made a shooing motion with it's hands as she grinned broadly.

"You do take cautious steps, Chale. And many people adore and are proud of you for that fact." She gently murmured smiling instead of grinning.

"Oh really? Then I'll come over every day to make sure it stays." She smirked back before rolling her shoulders.

"There you go, we've got that in common too eh?" She stated carefully.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:55 am

Chale had to laugh at her tone and her shooing motions. "Merlin I wish it was so easy to shoo away stress. Think how amazing life would've been!" he said, grinning widely.

His grin vanished though, and turned into a soft smile when she said people adored and were proud of him. "Well, I hear to little of people thinking my actions are good. They don't react when things are going good, only when it's going bad," he said, "But I guess that's just human nature," he shrugged.

He frowned. "Maybe I'll have to make a code so you can't enter the office..." he said and then winked, "Nah, it be okay," he said jokingly.

He sighed. "Yes, judging by the scar you've got inflicted on yourself, I suppose vampires doesn't like you either," he said calmly. "Though it could be for other reasons, like you're cruelness," he said, grinning wickedly at her.

He only hoped she'd understand it as a joke, but considering how laid-back and relaxed she seemed, she'd probably see it as a joke.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:12 am

"Well it is that easy," Emilia rolled her eyes grinning with a raised brow. She perched herself against the desk again, letting her legs hang low and kicking her feet.

"Chale, you just can't worry about it. You have to trust yourself, that you're making the right decisions and people will follow." Em honestly smiled. "You do make the right choices; look where it's gotten you. Trust, Chay, in yourself." She murmured tilting her head.

"Me cruel?" She mocking stated placing her hands on her shoulders with a surprised look on her face before smirking. "No, just truthful. They do say the truth hurts." She nodded her head knowingly.

Emilia Alzone

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Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:47 am

Chale chuckled lightly. She was probably right. He then nodded. The problem wasn't trusting himself, the problem was what he didn't know enough about. Like the creatures. How was he supposed to handle that situation if they were to become a threat. Of course, this wasn't his problem yet. It was currently Emilia's problem.

"I'm not worried about my decisions as much as others decisions," he said with a smile.

He laughed again. "Yes, well, that might be true. And honesty is the best policy," he said truthfully, a smile on his lips.
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:48 am

Em giggled before hopping off the desk. Her stomach growled; she was hungry. She wondered where she should eat for lunch. She also wondered if Chale needed food too.

"Well then you know you can always lead other's in the right direction; you were just born into that role." She replied before standing up.

"Hey, I'm going to go get lunch. You want me to get you food too?" She asked.

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:00 am

Chale smiled to her. "Thanks Emilia," he said with a smile.

He then looked at her as she rose and down at his paperwork. He then rose himself. "Let's go to the Leaky Cauldron and eat there. The cafeteria food is horrible," he said calmly, "The paperwork can wait for an hour or two."
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Emilia Alzone Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:05 pm

Em nodded. She was thrilled that she was able to have lunch with such a deep and interesting guy. Grinning she extended her elbow for him to hook onto, despite their difference in height, and she knew it was normally custom for men.

"Apparate us off then, shall we?" She stated twisting her head to look at him still grinning.

((OOC: Would you like to start it or shall I?))

Emilia Alzone

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Stress (Open) Empty Re: Stress (Open)

Post by Thorn Winters Thu May 03, 2012 12:21 am

Chale grinned as she gave him her arm and walked over to her, sticking his hand through hers. "Oh, I feel like such a girl," he said jokingly. Then he smirked at her and apparated them away.

(OOC: https://hogwartsvsdurmstrang.rpg-board.net/t1744-dining-emilia-and-chale#21201 There you go! Very Happy)
Thorn Winters
Thorn Winters
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