Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:41 pm

Eva was sitting by the lake. She was tired, and felt ill. Her ever thinning hair was hidden in pattered scarf. She was hiding her cancer well. She knew her time was shortening. She didn't have to like it. She sighed knowing that she would never take her O.W.Ls. She would hardly see any of her life. She would never fall in love, have kids get married.

A few tears dripped down her face as she sat there. She was rarely sad. She had grown to accept death as a part of life. She didn't fear it. No what was saddening her was that she was never going to experience friendship. She was never going to have a best friend. She had been sick for most of her life. She was an only child. She didn't have a hope of getting a friend now.

Eva wiped her tears and pulled herself together. She took a deep breath and picked a flower form the edge of the lake. She smiled and looked at it. She loved flowers. She adored lilacs. She walked along the bank picking flowers. She thought they might brighten up her dorm. She was trying to get into a better mood. It was working too. She was getting happier by the second. She saw a beautiful red and green flower. She thought it was perfect. She smiled and wondered if she was going to meet anyone new today.

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:52 pm

Tess had had a long day. She had taken a few exams, had to cancel a meeting with Xander to work on her last essays that were due, and found herself losing time. She often wondered how time passed to easily, how in one moment it'd be too late to do something.

She had managed some time to herself, something she rarely did these days, with her constant readings and so forth. The lake was always were favorite spot to be. People rarely came to it, or took no notice of it, but from her bedroom it shined beautifully.

Seeing a girl there, she realized that she had never seen her before. She didn't know whether to go up and talk to simply go towards her spot, so she did the latter. Opening up and talking to people was so foreign to her, she supposed it came from her shyness.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:00 pm

Eva saw a girl come bye the lake. She found it funny. This girl was a Slytherin and she had just picked the red and green flower. Eva bent down and pick another flower. She then skipped over to the girl, though it made her head spin slightly. She smiled at her then sat down next to her. She really was very outgoing. She smiled at her and offered her the flower. For her it was a sign that Gryffindor and Slytherin could be friends.

"Hi I'm Eva." She said brightly holding out her hand. She really was friendly and rather hyper. Even if she was drained. She was trying her best to act herself. She knew it was only a matter of time before. Things caught up to her. However for now she would keep on living. She could do that. She would get everything she could done in the time she had left.

"How are you?" She asked. She was still smiling. She loved to be bright and happy. It seemed to make others happy too.

Last edited by Eva Jordon on Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:12 pm

Tess had barely sat down on her spot, beside the large tree where she could put her toes in the water and have shade when the sun was too bright, but that all didn't matter as someone had not only barged into her spot, but in reality bombarded her with a excessive amount of perkiness.

"Hey" she said shortly.

So the girl's name was Eva, and a Gryffindor, how typical. She inwardly sighed at the perkiness it was so foreign, but in that same foreign way a bit infectious. Tess was reserved, that was just how she was, but she had manners and gave the girl a polite smile.

"I'm Tess, nice to meet you" she said softly.

Her next question, once more was often times for her to be seen as pushy, but she found her grin growing a bit at the girl's enthusiasm. Perhaps Tess needed a few doses of being a bit more peppy.

"I'm fine, and you?" she asked.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:27 pm

Eva's smile did not falter when the girl was short with her. She was in too good of a mood. She didn't care about what others thought. She was happy so she was going to act happy. Nothing anyone said nor did would affect her. She would like to have friends but she didn't need friends that didn't like her.

She tilted her head to the side a bit at her soft tone. She really needed to get a bit louder. She smiled none the less and nodded "Nice to meet you too Tess." She said smiling at her.

Eva was hardly ever with out a smile. She just didn't like to look at the negative side, when the positive side was so much better looking. She looked at Tess grin and knew that her perkyness was growing on the girl.

"I'm great!" She exclaimed. She really was. She didn't care about what was happening to her at the moment. She needed to make friends before she died and that was what she was going to do.

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:35 pm

Tess smiled softly, this girl...this Eva girl was very happy. With her bright eyes and the bright smile, it was as if she was an impenetrable fort of happiness. She had met happy people, for example Alice who while she hadn't seen in a year she was perky. Perhaps it was a Gryffindor thing, after all Alice was similar, just less neon yellow.
It was funny but true Tess oftentimes compared people's personalities to color, a red being hot tempered, a yellow being bright, and she found herself a blue, calm most of the time.

Her Gryffindor theory immediately found a loophole as she remembered her best friend Victoria. Victoria was like Tess in many ways but she was more reserved, unless when it came to food. Tess smiled at the thought of her friend.

Hearing the girl's short answer though, brought her out of her thoughts. She was always in her thoughts recently and bit her bottom lip as the silence loomed over them. Was she supposed to say something to keep the conversation going? Tess enjoyed the silence greatly but she figured the girl who she considered a ball of energy would not take it so well. Clearing her throat she asked softly.

"What brings you to Black Lake?"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:08 pm

Eva was having trouble sitting still. She really didn't like it. She thought it might be fun to go swimming. She however didn't think Tess would like the idea. Since she wanted to keep talking to the girl she remained as still as possible. For her that has slightly bouncing on the spot. She wondered if all of the snakes were like this. She thought and hoped maybe it was just Tess. She did seem like the type to be shy.

She really wished that she was more open. She didn't like that people hid what they were like. She liked it better when they were open to what they felt like. If Eva was sad she would cry. Though it wasn't often that she was sad She was simply too happy for that. She knew that she had to embrace life. She also knew that it live life to the fullest it was best to be happy.

Eva was very happy that she kept the conversation going. She didn't really want to start it. She didn't like imposing, well she did, but this girl had seemed annoyed with her.

"Well I needed to clear my head. Then I saw all the flowers and I started to pick them." she said rather fast. She sometimes did that. She hoped Tess caught what she said.

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:34 am

Tess smiled softly and looked at the flowers. She always had a soft spot for flowers, they were so delicate and beautiful but were more powerful than people gave them credit for. They easily appealed to the emotions whether people admitted it or not, and they sometimes were more agressive, for example the whomping willow and other plants.

"I always come to clear my head at the lake" she replied whimsically.

It was true, she had always meditated here, or fighting to survive when she almost got killed, to trying to coax Parker to swim in the lake with her. She failed on the very last one but still, it was her place. And under the tree was her spot.

Her eyes trailed back to the girl as she noticed that she seemed a little jumpy and restless.

"Am I keeping you from doing something?" she asked. "If I am I'm sorry"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:18 am

Eva had started to hum her favorite tune. She was looking at all the flowers. She was still considering jumping in the lake. She really did like it in there. She relized she would have to take off her scarf it put her off. She really didn't want to show anyone her thining hair.

Eva relized that she might be annoying this girl, Tess, by taking her spot. "Sorry, I really shouldn't have come." She said rather fast Blushing. She felt bad. She didn't want to take peoples quite time away from them.

"I'll just go swim in the lake. You can come if you want." She said smiling it was almost summer.

Eva walked a little bit away and litteraly jumped in they lake. The water felt nice on her skin. She smiled and swam for a bit. She wondered if Tess was going to join her.

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:31 am

She shook her head at the girl's comment and felt a pang of guilt from her reserved expression. It was just who she was, she wasn't that sweet person she was a year ago, she was reserved, a bit tight lipped and a bit cynical from her experience the previous years.

"You aren't a bother" she said softly. "I am not bothered by it, it's fine"

Still, she was surprised at the fact that Eva ran in the lake. Last time that she had done that was to save Corine's life and that had given her a tiny white scar on her thigh. She looked at the girl and shook her head smiling softly. She removed her slippers and slipped her feet in the cold water. She closed her eyes as a cold breeze passed by.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Eva Jordon Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:46 pm

Eva watched the girl as she swam in the water. She had just put her toes in. She considered spashing her. She thought that would be a bad idea. She climbed out of the water and grabed her wand. she muttered a drying charm and sat back down.

"So What classes are you taking" she asked. playing with her scarf. She loved this one. She wasn't sure if it looked good but she liked it.

"any cute boys you fancy?" She asked. Wondering if she liked any guys. She didn't have the time for boys.

Eva Jordon

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-02-26

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Green and Red (Tess and Eva) Empty Re: Green and Red (Tess and Eva)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:49 pm

Tess felt herself laugh at bit at the girl's randomness. She was so happy, it was refreshing to see. She saw someone that was innocent and naive, something so different from herself who was now almost cynical and dry humored.

"A lot of classes" she began "Transfiguration, Occlumency, Herbology, Potions, Muggle Studies, Dueling, Infiltration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. And you? "

Hearing her mention cute boys, a small flush appeared across her cheeks and she looked towards the lake blushing brightly.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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