Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:49 am

Vlad had decided that he would try and come to have a look around England, although he only had a mild German accent it had been enough for him to stop himself from coming over here, but there had been something that he had wanted to see, and that was the beautiful crystal maze that they had over there, and it was something that he had hoped would look as beautiful as he had heard that it was.

Smiling a little when he approached it, he saw that it was indeed, stunning, the way that the sun seemed to glint off the crystal, and that it made the area around the maze so light, the dimming charms that were on it started to work as he approached and entered the place, beginning to walk around, seeing millions of versions of himself, and each of them not knowing anything about himself.

Sighing, he continued to walk, and hoped that his condition would get better soon.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:23 am

Alice was crying. Why did Lacie have to come here? Why did she have to do such a horrible thing and leave her here? A place with crystal that reflects everything. She can see the blood her hands and pure white shirt. She walked around the Crystal Maze with tears falling.

She noticed nothing about the lifeless place until Alice heard a thought from someone nearby. She turned away quickly, wanting no one to see her like this. But, she didn't see a broken piece of crystal in her way and tripped, falling into a small pond. Her red hair turned darker.

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:50 am

Vladimir heard the sound of someone falling and he wondered if they were alright, looking around to see if he could spot them, he jogged a little way through the maze until he found to his surprise and delight that there was a little pool, and park in the middle of it, not having enough time to taking this in however as he spotted the woman, hurt, on the ground, he hurried over to her.

"Hey, are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" he asked, immediately more worried when he saw the red blood pooling around her in the water.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:08 am

Alice heard someone ask if she was okay. She didn't answer, curling up and putting her face on her knee. She felt dirty.

"Please, don't look at me," she sobbed. "I didn't do it. Lacie did it. I didn't kill them. Please don't be mad. Please don't hate me. I didn't do it. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."

She sat there, wet and unmoving. She was crying and afraid, almost shameful. Someone was here and saw her in this state. Suddenly, coldness swept through her.

"I'm cold. So cold. Why is it cold?" she questioned as she rocked slowly. "Mama, where are you?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:39 am

Vladimir in all honesty had no idea what he should do, it looked like the woman was in some sort of shock and he didn't know enough magic to help her out just yet, biting his lip he walked to and fro on the ground for a moment, before deciding that he should make her warmer, since she was complaining of being cold.

"Here, uh, I'm going to give you my jacket okay? Hopefully this will make you less cold, and uhm, I'm going to move you out of the water okay?"

He asked, while moving to her side and gently rolling her away from the water, once she was away, he placed his jacket over the top of the woman and he bit his lip again;

"I'm Vladimir, I'm going to help you, but you have to tell me what to do okay?"
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:47 am

"Thank you, Vladimir Wazowski," Alice said, calming down when the jacket was placed on her, but still crying. "But, I think I'm fine now. Thank you. I'll be leaving."

She slowly stood up, not wanting to have black spots appear. She took off the jacket even though she was still feeling cold.

Alice turned around, noticing she had a limp. She probably had hit herself when fell down. Then she saw a large crystal, mirroring her image. She was wet and her red hair was darker, like blood. She covered her face.

"No, wait. If you want to help me, will you kill me, please?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:27 am

When the girl stood up and began to walk away, Vladimir was more than a little confused, biting his lip he really wasn't sure that he should let her leave the state that she was in, but then again he didn't want to try and tell an adult what to do, he might get into trouble, and she might turn on him or something.

"Eh! Wait are you sure? I mean you look as if you've hurt your leg!" he called after her.

Seeing that she had stopped, Vlad walked up closer to her and smiled gently, she was seemingly going to ask him to do something, and when she did, his mouth dropped open and he had to blink a little bit.

"Excuse me? Kill you? Why would I do that?" he asked incredulously.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:28 am

Alice didn't move her hands away from her face.

"Because I'm a murderer," she answered. "I'm a sin against the fire of life. If I let myself go, Lacie will kill everyone I love. I can't keep up any longer. Don't you see the blood on me? See how my hair is blood red? My original sin is my own existence. That's why I have no family. That's why my mother and father was murdered. The fates are punishing me. I deserve this. I deserve to die."

She looked up, smiling sadly, holding out her hands.

"Don't you see how red my hands are?" Alice asked. "Give me a reason you shouldn't kill me."

What she couldn't see was that her hands were not red because she had lost her way.

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:56 am

Vladimir began to feel more than a little out of his depth and really wished that an adult would come and help out any time soon, he didn't know if the woman was feeling a little bit light headed because of the blood loss or something, or if she was genuinely believing everything that she was saying to him...

If everything was true than he was in the company of someone who he really shouldn't be and would need to try and get the heck out of there as soon as possible.

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down! I don't understand, who's Lacie? I think that I need to get some sort of adult..." he said and stayed still for a moment, not wanting to make her more upset by him leaving her, he was more than a little worried about her.

"Your hands aren't red, look, see? They're clean!" he smiled.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:27 am

Alice looked at her hands. There wasn't any blood.

"They aren't red," she laughed, feeling like a child. "What a wonderful day!"

She twirled around, ignoring that she had a limp. Her mood was completely changed. Then, she went to hug Vladmir.

"Thank you so much. I don't think you should worry about treating me as an adult. I like to be treated like a child sometime, too."

She giggled, hearing his heartbeat. It was comforting.

"Your thoughts can be heard loud and clear to my ears."

Alice let go and went to twirl around again, reaching her hands up to the sky, this time faster until she finally tripped and fell.

"Ouch! Yes, I found my knapsack!"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:11 am

Vlad was on one of the most emotional roller coaster rides of his life, of course his memories were limited to the span of a few months, so that was not saying anything much, but he supposed that it was going to be a lot harder to forget over the years than his other memories, just for the sheer oddity of it.

"Yes they aren't red they're clean, yes it's good." he said a little unsure of what else he could say, but he was glad that the woman seemed to be a little bit happier than before, she seemed extatic even.

Gasping a little as he was hugged quite quickly, and unexpectadly, he gently hugged the woman back and ran a hand through his hair with a little grin on his lips, her head stayed against his chest and he blinked a little bit, she was wet and it was dampening his jumper a little bit.

"Oh okay then, child like it is, and that's not fair that you can hear my thoughts, it's almost like you're cheating in this conversation." he smiled gently "It must be kind of cool though."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:06 am

"Cool because you can hear people thought as they think?" Alice said, looking inside her knapsack. She reached in mindlessly. "That's only if you have a special talent for it. I don't know how I can do it, but I'm sure it has too do with my memory loss. You must have loss your memory, too. I can't see anything. It's empty. Ah, I found it."

Alice pulled out a small tea table and two matching chairs, setting them up. She found her box of treats and tea cups.

"It's such a nice night, why don't we have tea?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:34 am

Vlad was a little bit shocked the way that she could tell that he had lost his memories, and he decided since it was allowed in her books to behave like a child, he would do so, after all, why not indulge himself for a little while? He was so used to acting the adult because he had to take care of himself, he very rarely actually got to do something like this.

"Well what if I'm just an awesomely skilled mind shielder, and it's only blank because I don't want you to see anything?" he asked, pulling his tongue out as he did so.

Blinking a little in surprise as the chairs and tea set came out of her bag, Vlad nodded his head and wondered if they were actually real and he was able to sit down on them or if it was just some sort of a trick to make him fall on his ass; "Sure, tea sounds like it could be nice."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
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Post by Alice Nocte Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:07 pm

Alice took out a already hot kettle of water and set it on the table. She placed a tea cup in front of Vladmir. She took her wand and the treats were placed nicely on a silver platter. There were slices of cake, cookies, scones, and small bowls of ice cream. Any flavor you wanted.

She laughed at his comment.

"If you were as amazing as you described yourself, then you would have a wall in your mind, not empty spaces," she teased, smiling. "And second of all, you're only about 12, 13 years old. I'm older than by at least a decade. But, if you want to prove yourself in your capabilities in Occlumency and the mind, then go ahead. Try me."

She reached back into her knapsack and puled out two boxes.

"Would you like coffee or rose tea? Hmm, are you even old enough to drink coffee? If you're too young, you might shrink."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:43 am

Vladimir bit his lip and he could hardly contain himself when he was confronted with all of the delicious cakes and biscuits, and even ice cream! There was simply too much there for his child like belly to resist, and he reached across and picked up a double chocolate cookie, it was so good when he took a bite that he managed to finish it in record time, eyeing up another but deciding it would be too greedy.

"Well, I never knew that! You learn something new every day, I don't think I'd be very good at Occlumency, I can't even keep my own memories straight never mind hearing and seeing other people's thoughts and feelings too." he frowned a little bit as he thought about his loss of memories, like he always did.

Chuckling a little bit, Vladimir pointed at the coffee and almost couldn;t bare the idea of having to drink rose tea, he couldn't remember if he had tried it before, but it sounded like something sweet and sickly that he had found that he didn't like recently;

"May I have some coffee please, I'll take the risk of shrinking, I think I'm old enough...I'm in my 3rd year."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:18 pm

Alice smiled when she saw Vladmir eat a cookie so quickly. He reminded her of a cute little child. It was cute.

"Vladmir," she said. "You don't have to hesitate. Eat as much as you like. I have plenty more in my knapsack. Undetectable Expansion Charm. It's not like I'm fattening you up so I can eat you. I think I do rather prefer lean meat."

She laughed, putting a few teaspoons of powered coffee bean in his tea cup and pouring the hot water from the kettle.

"I don't use Occulmency all the time. Just when I feel like I need to have my guard up or when I feel weak and tired. It's a good thing to have when you think someone will ambush you. You can learn it, but it might takes year. IF you're lucky, you can learn fast."

She set up her rose tea. The smell of rose reached her nose.

"It won't be my fault if you shrink. Anyways, little Vladmir, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:38 pm

Vladimir smirked lightly when Alice caught him looking at the cookies, he knew she would do because it seemed as if he was going to be made to do whatever he thought he wanted, which was fine by him because it meant that he got to have whatever he wanted when he wanted as long as Alice was okay with it.

"Alright then, and I don't think I would be very nice to eat, at least not the part of me that's tattooed, after all you don't want a big load of ink in your mouth do you?"

It was odd the way that he could joke around so much with someone he barely knew, maybe it was something that came with the memory loss, or maybe he had always been like this. Vlad couldn't be sure.

"I don't think that Durmstrang offers that class though, and if they do, I sure haven't taken it. I think there might be a psychology class, if that will cover it."

He shrugged and then he grinned when he was asked if he should be in school or not "The school has let out for it's break at the moment, what do you do as a job?"
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:50 pm

Alice smiled when she saw Vladmir's smirk. She thought it didn't fit him much as he did smiling. She took a piece of cake, chocolate flavor.

"A tattoo?" she asked. "What kind of tattoo do you have? Maybe if I like it, I'll skin you before i cook and eat you."

Alice licked her lips and giggled when she hear his thought.

"I must be very friendly if you joke with strangers. Durmstrang gives psychology classes? I don't think they count as Occulmency. In psychology, you have to observe and predict. In Occulmency, you look into the mind. Both are neither easy and need time to learn. They do have things in common though.

She dropped a scone in her mouth.

"I'm the Hogwarts Occulmency professor. I only taught one lesson though and I only had one class only. May I ask what classes do you take?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:37 pm

Vlad thought that the talk of skinning and eating was getting a little bit too intense now and he was glad when she asked him what kind of tattoo he had, he couldn't exactly show her what it was, but he could try and describe it as best he could, after all it was on his back and would require him taking off his jumper;

"Well it's kind of like a large back peice with tribal designs on, I don't know how I got it, or what it means, but it might be a good start to trying to find out where my parents are, or at least something to do with my past." he sighed lightly, taking another cookie on impulse and eating it.

Nodding his head, Vlad smiled lightly, he thought that it was different, and that it wasn't going to include occlumency, but he wasn't sure what Professor Nickel was going to teach them in the other years, maybe it would include a little bit about the art of occlumency;

"I thought so, but I wasn't sure, Professor Nickel is very good at teaching when he breaks out of his whole...'lets stare at you and make you intimidated' thing."

Thinking that he should have guessed what class that Alice took, Vlad had to cast his mind back to the classes that he himself had taken; "Charms, Dark Arts, Psychology and Ancient Runes."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:07 am

Alice had been wanting to get a tattoo before, but the problem was that Lacie dislike many kinds of designs. Said something about wanting the tattoo to be unique and showed how dangerous they were.

"Maybe you should see if you can find the person that made the tattoo," she said. "Most tattoo artist have their own style. They should be easier to find and could tell you something."

She took a chocolate chip cookie.

"I wonder if I could do that kind of stare. Not really something I do, but it seems most useful. We don't have Psychology, Dark Arts, or Ancient Runes at Hogwarts. They sound difficult. Do you do well in them?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:47 pm

Vlad nodded his head enthusiastically, that was what he had hoped to do, but the fact was he didn't know where to even begin! There were so many tattoo parlours in Germany alone, and he didn't even know if that was where he had come from originally, but it was a place to start and he knew that he would be able to slowly gain more and more knowledge when he found the tattooist.

"I was thinking of doing that, it might take me a while but finding him in the end will be very rewarding and maybe he will give me another place to start to look for my parents." he smiled lightly, although he wondered if his parents were still alive...and if they were if they cared, if they were looking for him.

Shuddering a little bit, he shook his head;

"I don't think that it would make your students come to your lesson happy, its really scary." he blinked "You don't? How strange...Ancient Runes is hard, there are so many formations to remember, but I think it's one of the most interesting. Dark Arts is interesting, I like it."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:56 pm

"I suggest asking around," Alice said. "I think that some tattoo artists know other artists' work. They could easily help you with that. If it's unique, that would make everything a lot easier. Maybe it could be a signature design. That would be interesting."

She took a sip of her tea.

"Happy students seem more better than scared students. Especially since they won't be able to clear their mind. Ancient Runes, what language is it written in? I never found out. And why would a school be teaching Dark Arts if it's illegal, though I wouldn't mind learning several spells."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Tue May 01, 2012 12:45 am

Vlad smiled lightly, he would like to be able to find out something from the tattoo on his back, and it was something that he would do in the future, this conversation had just made him even more motivated to go out and to try and make sure that he found out the results that he needed, and the results that would hopefully shed some light on the blackness that was his mind.

"I'll make sure that I do that as soon as possible." he smiled lightly

When Alice asked what language Ancient Runes was written in, he paused for a moment, he believed he had never been told, and he should have probably read it in one of his textbooks however, now that he thought on it, he had a vague idea;

"I think it's Norse, although I'm not sure." she smiled.

Humming a little bit Vlad shrugged his shoulders; "I just suppose that they teach them and they don't allow people to practice them out of class, I have never really had a proper class in it..."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Tue May 01, 2012 3:22 pm

Alice giggled at Vladmir's sudden motivation. He reminded her of someone, but she couldn't remember who that person was. From the feeling she had, it must had been someone close. Must be from someone before she lost her own memories at 13.

"Maybe you should ask your professor about it," she said. "Maybe it is. I never took Ancient Runes. It seems boring because you would do so much translation. What do they tell anyways?"

She picked up a cookie, not worrying a bit about gaining weight.

"Never had a proper class because you're forgotten about them or is it you haven't really been through one full? Hopefully you can catch up to the rest of your classmates."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed May 02, 2012 12:12 am

Vlad thought that it would be a good idea to ask his Professor about it, but he had never really been able to talk to him outside of the lessons, after all he was the Higmaster, and he was busy with his apprenticeship with Lucian, and working with his staff he supposed.

"I should make time to ask him after one of the lessons yes, well, at the moment we are learning about the different types of runes, one of them that I had a tattoo of was to make the movements of spells faster." he smiled "We're working on using that now."

Running his hand through his hair, Vlad remembered the one time that he had turned up to dark arts and the Professor hadn't been there, that was a bit of a problem in Durmstrang he was seeing.

"Well the Professor wasn't there when I turned up, so I just left after about ten minutes thinking that they weren't in, and since then the class has been cancelled, I hope it is on when I return to school. Do you have staff problems at Hogwarts?"
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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