Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Exploring Foreign Grounds (OPEN)

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Post by Alice Nocte Thu May 03, 2012 3:39 pm

Alice started to feel jumpy. She wonder if her eyes were starting to look golden. She must be going on a sugar rush and she would have to move around if she didn't want to knock everything down. The table was expensive. 50 galleons. The chairs were 25 each. Then there were the tea set with four matching cups and teapot, which was 500 galleons, and the drinks that were 20 per box. Alice wondered if she should have bought cheaper ones if she was worried about knocking them over.

"Does the tattoos work?" she asked. "They must be very handy. Have you use them before? I wonder if I should get one. I heard they are much in style these days with Muggles."

She started tapping her feet to a old tune she remembered, but somehow forgotten.

"Hogwarts staff have been late with their classes these day. It's either they're late or there is no class at all. Such things is causing a problem for our Headmistress. There was also that girl who committed suicide as well, from what I heard. Brought grief to many people. What a horrible choice to do."

Alice stared at him, very sure that her eyes were her original green, but darker.

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri May 04, 2012 6:59 pm

Vlad nodded his head with a small smile, the tattoo worked as far as he knew, but there was something that made it stick slightly in it's magical powers, after all, he wasn't used to using it yet so it took a while for it to work properly.

He knew however this would get better as he practiced more and more; "Yes it worked, but I need to practice with it some more, I'm no where near fast enough at using it just yet to be honest."

Sighing a little bit, Vlad was glad that there was the same problem happening in Hogwarts, it meant that his school wasn't completely useless, and it must just be that the Professors are very busy, and sometimes run over with other lessons.

Blinking at the news that a girl committed suicide, Vlad coughed.

"Why on Earth would she do such a thing? Surely there were people she was friends with that would have stopped her?"
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sun May 06, 2012 4:12 pm

"If you practice," Alice said," I believe you will do fine. You seem like an intelligent student. Maybe you'll be the world greatest duelist if you fast enough. Does it work that way?"

Alice watched Valdmir choke when she mention Anne Jones, the one who committed suicide.

"Careful, darling. I heard she been having a terrible time. Her parents were murdered and I don't think she could stand the visions she had. She had problems with her scars, too. Drank a bottle of poison in the Cold Room. After that she became one of the ghost of Hogwarts. I think she should have gotten over that already. Even though that happened to Lily, she did fine. She's an Auror now too. Well, it was her choice and it's too late to change things now."

Alice said all that without even a hint of sympathy while eating another slice of cake. She didn't believe in sympathy for the dead, especially for those who chose to end it themselves willingly. She always thought they were weak like that. The will to live was the greatest will of all.

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Tue May 08, 2012 6:54 pm

Vlad grinned and he shook his head, he did not think that he was going to be one for duelling, he was interested in all sorts of creatures, mostly dragons, perhaps he would be able to have an apprenticeship to become a dragon worker.

"I think that's how it goes, practice makes perfect, you just need to work at things and then you get better and better at them until you're awesome."

Gritting his teeth a little bit, Vlad shook his head and placed his tea back on the table, it was something he could never agree with, and he thought that the people who did that were terribly weak willed and foolish. He had no sympathy for people like that.

"I've been having an awful time, by looks of it so have you, if we can deal with it, so can she, it's a waste of a life." he scowled "Sorry, people like that make me really angry."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Fri May 11, 2012 12:25 pm

"Yes," Alice said. "And be super strong, becoming a very powerful wizard of all time. Just be careful, you might use your wand hand to death. Wouldn't want that now. It would be useful."

Alice didn't bat an eyes as Vladmir got angry.

"It seems like we do have hard times," she said. "But, you seem to do very well and I am a mental case. I can be both truthful and lying at the same time. Anything I say can be complete bull. You can also blame Lacie. She influence my thoughts all the time."

She gobbled up a cake.

"And don't apologize. I have offended you, so I should. I'm sorry, Vladmir."

Alice Nocte

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Join date : 2012-04-13

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri May 11, 2012 6:43 pm

Vladimir laughed lightly, of course he knew that he could never become the best at any sort of fighting, but he knew that the Highmaster, and the Gott Des Assisstenten had gotten where they were because they had fought to become the best, and the best they became.

If only he could bottle their passion and drip feed it into himself, it would make everything so much better.

"I'll make sure that I don't cancel out my magic for using too much of it, I wouldn't want that at all, even though I'm hoping to go into a field that doesn't really require lots of spells." he smiled.

Raising an eyebrow when Alice said that whatever she said could be a lie, he wondered just how much of what she had said had been the truth and what had been a lie. He didn't mind though, he had the feeling she had always been telling the truth.

"A mental case? Well, I was a little bit freaked out when you looked as if you were covered in blood, but, besides that, you've been really nice." he grinned.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sun May 13, 2012 4:00 pm

"What kind o job would that be?" Alice asked. "Ancient Runes? Law Department of the Ministry? Magical Creature? It would be a waste of magic, but if you really dedicate yourself to it, it would make up for it."

Alice smiled as Valmir spoke about her mental case.

"You're as sweet as chocolate cake. I could eat you up," she said. "You should be more freaked out when my eyes turns shiny gold. I warn you to run for your life if you do. Lacie is only restricted from family and friends. To keep you safer, maybe after tonight, we are friends?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Mon May 14, 2012 4:41 am

Vladimir smiled happily when Alice managed to guess what job he wanted to do, he had been wondering about it since he had saw the tattoo on his back and hoped that it would be something that he was adapted for, but since Durmstrang offered no lessons for it...he would not know until later.

"You're right, I wish to be a dragon keeper, my tattoo is of a dragon so I thought that maybe it might be a family thing, that I should check it out and see." he smiled gently.

Blushing a little when she said that she wanted to eat him all up, Vlad smiled gently and shook his head;

"I just tell you what I see Alice, but, yes, I would like to think that we're friends, I have not made many of those since school began. I suppose its hard to when you have no memories to discuss with them."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Tue May 15, 2012 11:13 am

"A dragon tattoo?" Alice muttered. "A symbol of power and royalty. A great symbol for a family of the brave. Sounds like it fits with knighthood. A dragon keeper would seem like a good job for you. You look fit and strong."

Alice smiled, lightly pinching Vladmir's cheek when he pinch.

"You should make new memories. They can even crack jokes that you forgotten about. Maybe as you talk, you can learn a bit about yourself."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Thu May 17, 2012 8:13 pm

Vladimir couldn't help but enjoy the praise that he was being given, it made him feel better about himself, and that he would be able to get what he wanted to, and that he would succeed when it came to trying to get a job later in life.

"Well thank you, I will be sure to get fitter and stronger so that I can do my job, if you ever have a dragon problem when the war is over, let me know."

Blinking a little bit and rubbing the place where Alice pinched his cheek, Vladimir nodded his head a little, he had tried to make new memories but in a school so empty people were hard to find.

"I will, this is a new memory, I will make sure to keep it safe since it's one of my first nice ones."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Sat May 19, 2012 10:06 am

"Can I get a dragon now?" Alice asked. "I been wanting a pet for awhile. I was thinking of a turtle or a frog. Something green or small. But a dragon would be amazing. Envy of many."

Alice smiled, thinking what kind of dragon there was. She love creatures. She might reconsider since she tends to black out and hurt things. She didn't want to hurt anything or anything. It was just Lacie. She was not kind as she was blood thirsty.

"I wish I had thought of that back then. I just remember being by myself and hated talking to people, so I spent much of the time studying or practicing magic. The only people I talked to was my cousins."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Mon May 21, 2012 6:59 pm

Vladimir laughed lightly and shook his head, he didn't think that it was going to be easy to give her a dragon, although he thought that there would probably be one around Hogwarts she could talk to if she wanted to.

"Have you looked in the grounds of Hogwarts for one? It's so old it might be the type of place to have a dragon if you look hard enough for it." he offered "I don't think I'll be able to send you a dragon though, I'd get in trouble."

Feeling a little sad that Alice had such a lonely childhood, he was more resolved than ever to make sure that he got some friends and made new memories. He wanted to show her it could be done.

"Well you can always come and talk to me when you want to, although you'll have to send me an owl first, you can't come to Durmstrang now can you?" he laughed.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Wed May 23, 2012 10:50 am

"There's a dragon in Hogwart's ground/" Alice asked. "I didn't know that, but it must be because I don't usually go walking around at Hogwarts. I do it outside castle grounds more. If I can't get a dragon, what about a snake, or lizard, or a turtle? I want something reptile."

Alice silently thanked Vladmir when she saw a glint of empathy in his eyes.

"Of course, I will. You're fun to talk too. This is the longest conversation I ever had with someone who isn't a close relative in a long time. I don't have to walk right into your school's door, you can just help me sneak in Durmstrang or I can help sneak you into Hogwarts. If there's secret passage ways into and out Hogwarts, there's bound to be some in your's. Either way, we're sneaking in. I always wanted to do that. Unless there's a way I'm allowed into Durmstrang. "

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Mon May 28, 2012 12:54 am

"I've heard some stories. And if a school has giant spiders in it's woods and a basilisk in the basement then why not have a dragon too?" he reasoned with a small smile, "I think a snake or a turtle are more doable than a lizard. Too many different kinds of lizards. Though a turtle might not be obviously reptilian enough."

"Ah well thank you. Never been complimented on my conversational skills before I don't think." he replied before pausing and thinking. Sneaking into Hogwarts and helping Alice to sneak into Durmstrang... he grinned, "Oh that could be fun. I don't think you'd be allowed to walk through the front door so I'd have to get you in through a passage."

He chuckled a little bit nervously,

"Of course if you're caught then Instructor Drake might use those razors of hers... and I'd hate for that to happen."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Mon May 28, 2012 10:58 am

"Maybe Hogwarts have everything, but a dragon," Alice said. "They are rare. What about a tortoise? They're funny looking and I like it when they stretch their necks. They have wrinkly skin. It's funny."

Alice laughed at the thought of a tortoise's neck. They sure are funny.

"We could be in disguises so we can walk through the front door, but sneaking in seems more fun and exciting. Tell me more about this Instructor Drake. She plays with sharp things too? Lacie would like her, probably."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed May 30, 2012 9:52 pm

Vladimir found it strange how they were now talking about turtles, he had not really thought much about them but when he did so he thought about how they did look, and they did look a little funny, but he supposed they were easy to take care of.

"Well I think I could manage a turtle," he said with a small smirk on his lips "They do have wrinkly skin and it looks as if they'd be good door stops. They're still enough."

When he was asked to tell Alice more about the Instructor Drake, Vlad hummed and he wondered what he was going to say after all, she didn't teach any of his classes...thankfully.

"She's just really...like mental." he said shuddering a little "I think she killed one of her children because he took one of her razors without asking, although it's never been proved."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Thu May 31, 2012 11:28 am

"What a funny way to describe a turtle or a tortoise," Alice laughed. "They just have to get big enough so that they don't get hit by the door. I wonder if I can train one to open its mouth every time I say 'apple' or 'cheese'? They would be super funny."

Alice frowned at the rumor about Instructor Drake. She could hear Lacie laughed with excitement.

"What a horrible thing. If that was true, I certainly would not like her, but Lacie would do the opposite. Maybe it best I don't meet her at all. It would be dangerous, especially since you are there if we sneak in."

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:42 am

"Well some of the bigger ones don't move a lot. Better to give them some kind of use. Maybe a foot-rest for some of the really big ones?" he joked with a smirk before blinking in amused confusion, "Why on earth would you want to do that?"

Vladimir shrugged a little bit. It was a rumour so there might not have been any truth in the story. Plus, as callous as it might seem, he'd never really liked the guy,

"Well it's probably just a story. I mean her daughter's been visiting her and she's not dead." he nodded with a small smile, "I think most of the school has that opinion. Well I have some passages in mind but I'll do some extra searching for better options."
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:04 am

"That would be awesome," Alice said, sounding like a child. "Foot rest...I'm not sure I would use it much. I can rarely sit for a long period of time. To answer your second question, because they look ridiculous every time they open their mouths. I have cake all the time, so anytime I say, 'Do you want some cake?' it would open it mouth. It's amusing."

"Hopefully, it is. As for the secret passage, do Durmstrang have something like the Room of Requirement?"

Alice Nocte

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Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:37 am

"Well then it sounds like you're the one who wants to get a turtle to be honest." he observed with a chuckle, "Hyperactive huh? Actually I could see where that might be entertaining. I don't eat much cake though so if I got one it would be less amusing."

"I'm sorry..." he blinked a few times in response, "What is the Room of Requirement?"
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Alice Nocte Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:27 am

"It doesn't have to be 'cake'," Alice smiled with a bright green shine to her eyes. "It could be anything, from 'class' to your name. You just have to train it. Would it be as easy as training a dog?"

Alice blinked when Valdmir asked about the Room of Requirements.

"So you don't have a Room of Requirements," she said. "Well, it's a special, magical room that can do anything. When you pass it three times, thinking what you want, it will appear with what you need. It's real work of art. It must have been included in the history books about the Second Wizard War."

Alice Nocte

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