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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:51 am

Dani smiled as she handed him the now washed plates, " Hmm... I have so many how about, Manicotti?" Dani asked with a small smile she had alway's burned it when she made it.

Dani smiled and looked at Zephyr whom was still sleeping she yawned quietly and she continued to wash the dishes.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:28 pm

Angelus laughed a smile laugh when she said Manicotti, "A woman after my own heart, I love all kinds of pasta." Angelus smiled.

"What do you like in your Manicotti? I like meat and cottage cheese, and sometimes I like a veggie one too."

Angelus helped her finish up the rest of the dishes, and he noticed her yawn a little and he gave he a small smile, "If you are wanting a nap, I can leave."

Angelus could see them having lunch like this on the weekend and then sitting on the couch watching a movie and then taking a nap together.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:49 pm

Dani smiled " The cottage cheese and meat is my favorite" Dani said as she dried her hands off and she shook her head.

" No I'm not tired" Dani said with a smile she actually wasn't tired she just yawned she put the dishes back in the cabinet and she turned to look at Angelus.

She could picture them having lunch every weekend she smiled inwardly at the thought.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:31 pm

They had got all the dishes washed and put away and Zephyr was asleep still on the floor. Angelus smiled as he turned to Dani and pulled her into a kiss, there was just something about her he just loved to kiss her lips.

Angelus still could not believe that Dani was willing to give him another chance,

"So my dear what is up next?"


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:52 pm

Dani smiled when he kissed her she loved it when he kissed her Dani shrugged when he asked what to do next " I don't know" Dani said with a small shrug Dani looked and saw Zephyr was still asleep.

Dani was glad she decided to give Angelus another chance she smiled and she had no idea what to do, She decided to hum just for the heck of it.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:07 pm

Angelus thought that maybe just sitting on the couch and having a little private time would work. Angelus had discovered that with the two of them they didn't need to speak at all that their feelings seem to come across in the body language and the looks in there eyes.

Angelus pulled her hand and lead her to the couch and pulling her down with him. He placed his arm around her and pulled her close to him, just holding her there with him.

It just felt right to have this woman in his arms, he always knew the fates had a reason for not allowing him to stay with Sofia and he believed he had found that reason.

"I could really get used to this." Angelus said with a smile


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:20 pm

Dani smiled when he lead her to the couch, she sat down next to him and sighed happily she was glad they could just sit in silence and not have to say anything she leaned her head on his shoulder and she smiled up at him.

" I also could get used to this" Dani said with a smile she really could she had alway's curled up on the couch with Zephyr and he'd hog most of the couch so she really couldn't enjoy sitting with her dog, but she loved sitting next to Angelus, Dani glanced at Zephyr and he was asleep she smiled.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:45 pm

Angelus had started to play with Dani's hair as he sat there very content wondering where they were going to go from here.

"Once again I want to thank you for believing in me enough to give me a second chance." Angelus sighed "I don't know what I would have done had I lost you."

Angelus was falling fast for this beautiful woman in his arms.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:59 pm

Dani smiled when he started playing with her hair she sighed happily and hummed lightly.

" No problem, like I said I believe in second chances" Dani said with a small smile she wondered where they were going to go from here she shrugged inwardly.

Dani looked up at him " I don't know what I would've done without you" Dani said with a small shrug, she was falling fast for this handsome man she Sighed inwardly.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:59 am

Angelus smiled at her as she smiled back at him, Angelus could not describe the way he was feeling it was like Dani was meant to be a part of him and without that part he was incomplete.

Angelus knew that if she had not made up her mind completely he would not rush her into anything.

"Dani, where do you want to go from here?" Angelus knew they could always meet have meals and talk but is that what they both want out of life, just to settle like that or do they want the world to revolve around each other.

"Don't think I am pressuring you into anything, I just want to know what you are wanting?"


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:35 am

Dani looked up at his question she had thought he had proven himself to her and she wanted to spend the rest of her days with him.

" I think you've proven that I can trust you" Dani said and she kissed his cheek " And I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Dani added she hoped she hadn'r said the wrong thing.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:02 pm

Angelus was speechless at what Dani had to say too him. He had never thought he was going to be able to be happy again, he deserved to be alone forever after what he had did.

Angelus looked over at Dani and smiled and then he leaned in and kissed her.

"I don't know how, when, or why. But I have falling in love with you and would love to spend the rest of my life with you too."


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:08 pm

Dani smiled at him and when he kissed her she kissed him, she had no idea why she was falling for him, but she really was in love with him.

" I don't know when, how, or why I have fallen in love with you" Dani said back she really didn't know why she was in love with him, She just was.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:14 pm

Angelus smiled, he was really the happiest man in the world right now and could not explain it. Looking at the time he had to sigh.

"Well I really hate to cut this lovely day to a close, but I must get back. I have to be the the great hall for dinner." Angelus sighed he really hated to leave.

Angelus leaned over and kissed her, "I am not sure I can get away the rest of the week, but you are more than welcome to come by and see me, or owl."

Angelus stood up and then pulled her up to him, pulling her into a hug. Then he pulled back and kissed her.

"I love you, and I will see you soon" He kissed her again and then walked to the door.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:21 pm

Dani smiled and kissed him " Yeah, I'll miss you though" Dani said standing up with him, she yawned slightly and she smiled and hugged him back.

" I'll owl you more than likely" Dani said with a small smile she hated that he had to leave but she knew she'd see him soon.

" I love you too, And I'll hopefully see you soon" Dani said looking up at him than she followed him to the door and she unlocked it and opened the door.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:41 pm

Angelus sighed when she unlocked the door, he could not resist kissing her one more time. He just could not get enough of her.

"Bye, I will talk to you real soon." Angelus smiled as he apparated.


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:16 pm

(OOC: Did you want to make another thread or take a break?)


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Moving Along (Dani and Angelus) - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving Along (Dani and Angelus)

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