Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:53 pm

Raziel had decided that she had had enough with loud thumping music and she would rather have a quiet night in an establishment that wasn't her own, of course she never really left her business she could tell what was going on even now.

Straightening out her micro-denim shorts, Raziel tugged up her dark blue corset and smirked as she entered the Three Broomsticks, waving at everybody as she did so.

Hopping up on the bar stool, Raziel ordered a bottle of firewhiskey and poured the first shot into an empty glass, wondering who it was that she was going to be meeting today, if anybody. But there was nothing so lonely as drinking by yourself.
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:04 pm

It had been a very long day, he had never imagined in a million years that when he came to Hogwarts to work that he would run into Sofia. They had ended on very bad terms, but mostly it was his fault. He was not the very faithful of men, but he was young at the time.

He walked into three broomsticks with the intentions of finishing off a couple bottles of fire whiskey. Walking up to the bar he ordered a bottle and sat down.

When the bottle came he pour a glass worth and then glancing over to his left he noticed a woman sitting there with the same idea as him.

"Hello there, I am Angelus Moody, nice to make your acquaintance." Looking at the bottle in front of her. "Seems you had the same idea as me, care for some company?"


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:13 pm

Raziels ears perked up when she heard someone next to her, a male, begin to talk to her and she turned with a smirk and looked at him slyly, getting the measure of him, he was quite cute.

Spying the firewhiskey Raziel grinned and chuckled lightly:

"Pleasure to meet you Angelus, im Raziel Ciero."

When he asked if she wanted some company, Raziel nodded her head, company was always good, especially when drinking, after all, there's nobody to talk about stupid things to.

"I would love for some company, have you has as long a day as I? Or are you in need of forgetting something in a hurry?" she asked, a light smirk tugging on her lips.
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:28 pm

Angelus was looking this beautiful creature up and down. It had been a long time since he had the pleasure of a woman's company and when he told him her name he found it quite unique.

"Well Ms. Raziel, that is a very unique name, do you ever go by Raz." Angelus asked then took a drink of the whiskey feeling the burn in his throat.

Thinking about her question there were many possible answers.

"Well I think it is a little of everything. I have had a very long day and week, and after the wedding I attended I need to rid my mind of something." As he poured another shot and downed it.

"How about you, how can someone as beautiful as you need to drown yourself in fire whiskey?"


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:02 pm

When Angelus asked if she ever went by Raz, she grinned and she nodded her head, picking up the shot glass and slamming it back with a small shudder, she always loved strong spirits, drink wise and personality wise.

"I do quite often go by Raz, you can call me that too if you wish, our names are actually quite similar, do you know why?"

Raziel asked, leaning forwards over the bar and looking behind it, there was nothing interesting food wise and she pouted softly, placing a finger on her lips as she thought.

"Ooooh wedding, yikes, it's a shame though, taking such a handsome man off the Market so early." making a small tutting noise Raziel asked with a small smirk "Who was the lucky lady?"

Laughing quietly, she shrugged her shoulders, sending her hair bouncing slightly: "I'm here to meet someone, have a little fun, go on home, the usual. Just mixing unseemly amounts of alcohol in with it."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:40 am

Angelus took his bottle and filled up his shot glass and then filled up the glass she just empty. After that he flung the shot back and slammed the glass down. "Now that was good" he said as he filled it up again.

"Well do tell me Raz, how are we I mean our names similar?" Angelus had already had a few drinks at the wedding and was already feeling good.

Angelus noticed that she was looking for something to eat.

"Would you care to go and grab a booth, and maybe a bit to eat?" as he downed another shot.

Pouring another one, he was not sure what had gotten into him, he thinks he was just pissed.

When she made the comment about taking a handsome man off the market he wondered if she miss understood him.

"I was not the one who got married, and I am not really sure about the woman..her name was Lotus something."

He noticed with all of her laughing and drinking a piece of her hair and stuck to her face and he brought his hand up to move it away from her face.

"So is that all you want out of a companion? Some one to have fun with and then you go home alone?"


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:43 am

Raziel grinned as Angelus filled up her shot glass from his bottle and she chucked it back again, feeling that lovely familiar wanted trickle through her again, she loved that feeling.

Pouring another shot she swirled it about in her hand as she answered:

"Both have some connection to angels, my name means, the one who helps God or something like that. I never really got into all that." she waved the topic off dismissively.

Now finished talking she threw the shot back and grinned: "Oh my a dinner out? How lovely and unexpected, I think I'll take you up on that offer." Raziel winked.

Raziels face cheered up considerably when he said that he wasn't married, she might be a Succubus but she had boundaries, she was not in anyones book a home wrecker.

"Oh I am glad, otherwise i would have to stop flirting with you and I am so enjoying that, how come you got invited if you don't know the woman?" she asked confused.

When Angelus moved to stroke a strand of hair out of her face, Raziel leant her cheek against his hands, let her eyes flash briefly red and nuzzled her skin against his.

"Pretty much, I'm not fussy, I don't like to be tied down to just one man." she grinned "Maybe ive just not met the right one yet."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:47 pm

Angelus kept throwing back his shots, he grab his bottle and offered Raz his arm.

"Shall we find a table?" Angelus asked. "You know I never thought about Angels when I see my name, maybe I should have thought about it."

Angelus pulled out the chair for Raz to sit down and then he walked around to the other side and sat down.

"Well I am glad that your enjoying flirting with me, because I am finding myself rather enjoying it myself." Angelus poured another shot and drank it down.

Angelus lost count at his shots now, but he was feeling good and enjoying the company. He had forgotten all about Sofia whats her name.

"So what sounds good to eat, order anything you want." Angelus was glad he knew what he wanted because he was having trouble taking his eyes off this beautiful creature

She had asked him about the wedding and it really was not a big deal. "Being a professor at the school I just automatically got an invite."

He was not sure whether it was the liquor he had drank, or some other forces, but he noticed he hand was on the table and he just reached across the table and began to rub her hand.

"Sometimes bouncing is fun, but then when you are happy its all worth it in the end."


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:34 pm

Raziel hopped off the stool and gratefully took Angelus' arm, it was all a little odd for her. She had not been out to dinner with a man in lord knows how long and it was getting to her a little bit, but she quickly recovered and sat down in the seat he pulled out for her.

"My my you are a gentleman aren't you? It's nice to be treated well once in a while I'll admit."

When Angelus sat down Raziel smirked and casually moved her leg against his as she crosses them under the table. Picking up the menu she flicked over it, biting gently at her lip.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." she whispered "Because I'm just getting started."

Raziel saw that he was looking at her again and Raziel smirked lightly, placing the menu down and her head resting on her folded hands as she propped her arms up.

"You mean besides you? I'm not a salad girl, so I think im going to have the spaghetti and meatballs. What about you?" she asked, looking up at him from under her eyelashes.

"Ah! How lovely, a professor! What is it you teach?" she asked

When Angelus began to rub at her hand Raziel smirked wider and linked their fingers together; "You're drunk dear."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:59 am

Angelus was wondering what kind of powers were at work here, he cannot seem to take his eyes off of her. Glancing down he noticed she had intwined their fingers.

"I have the upbringing of a Lord, so I have always been that way." Angelus didn't know how to be rude to a woman, well not since back then.

Angelus started getting a little excited when she talked about just getting started with the flirting. "Well I am glad its just getting started, I haven't flirted in a very long time." He was trying to think of how long it had been.

Looking over the menu he was wondering what she was going to have when she said she wasn't a salad girl he could not help but laugh.

Angelus was not completely drunk enough not to have missed the comment about her wanting him. That really got him excited, it had been a long time since any woman had wanted him.

"Well I am glad your not afraid to eat what you want in front of a man. The best way to have a guy is to be the real you." Angelus looked down at his empty glass debating on whether or not to fill his glass. He was not as depressed as when he first walked into the bar.

"I believe the spaghetti sounds really good to me too." Angelus released her hand for a moment feeling a little clearer in the mind he thought. Flagging down the waitress he ordered their food.

Looking back into her beautiful eyes he let his hand travel back to hers, intertwining their fingers again he went to answer her next question.

"I teach History of Magic, and I am also the Head of Ravenclaw" Angelus really did enjoy his job. "I really enjoy teaching the young minds about the history of our world."

Angelus laughed when she said he was drunk. "Maybe I am a little, but I can stop drinking and fix the drunkenness. The reason I started drinking is all but forgot about."


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:17 am

Raziel was a little surprised when Angelus said that he had the upbringing that he did partially because very few people these days were bothered about manners, and only pure bloods seemed to put much stock in them.

"The upbringing of a Lord hmm? Trying to impress are we, well I don't need titles, just a loving pair of arms to keep me warm, oh and others parts besides." she winked.

Raising an eyebrow Raziel gasped slightly, surprised again by this new information, it seemed to her that Angelus was a good man and definately good looking, so it made no sense to her why that would be.

"Hmmn most women are blind to the good men and seek the bad, tell me, how long has it been? And I hope some wrench didn't spit on your heart to make it so."

When they both decided on the spaghetti, Raziel clicked her fingers and had an idea, albeit stolen from a Muggle film that she had watched: "We could eat it together, like from that film 101 Dalmations."

Gently Raziel stroked her thumb across Angelus' skin with a small smile on her lips. Making sure to keep plenty of eye contact she flicked her gaze to his lips then back up:

"Well, history hmm? How fascinating. How is it there in that school? I haven't attended there before."

Raziel was glad that she had managed to help Angelus with his sorrows: "Drink all you like it doesn't bother me, but if you're drunk you might not enjoy tonight as much." she winked, taking a shot of her own whiskey.
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:42 pm

Angelus decided to fill up his glass and downed it, he didn't mean to give the wrong idea about his upbringing.

"I am not a Lord, but that was the best way to describe the way I was taught." His parents taught him that everything was done properly because he did have to deal with a lot of important people.

"I always have to arms willing and able to hold a woman."

Angelus had to pour himself another glass, because that was what he was going to need to tell the next part of his story.

"Actually I was the one who ripped hers out. Its been five years since I was with anyone and I was with that one for 10 years." Angelus downed the glass he just filled. "Then what I did had happened 4 years into the relationship."

Angelus had not talked about that in a very long time, and here he was trying not to think about that time. But after filling a glass again he just stared at it and thought. That night was the last time he drank like this.

"I think that is why I have stayed single, I thought it was what I deserved." He pushed the firewhiskey away from him.

Angelus couldn't believe he just let his feelings out to some woman he just met. He had actually never told any one before but there was something about this girl that made it seem better.

"Sorry, I believe I told you a little more than you wanted." Angelus looked at their fingers and then looked at her "I hope I didn't just ruin the evening."

Angelus had to laugh when she mentioned sharing the spaghetti but she had said it was 101 Dalmatians, it was actually Lady and the Tramp, but you never correct a woman.

Bringing her hand up to his mouth he kissed it. "Sounds like a very intriguing idea." He smiled up at her.

Angelus had noticed she was wanting to know a lot about him, he was hoping that it was a good thing. Especially since he just lifted a huge rock that was sitting on his chest it felt things were turning around.

"I attended Hogwarts when I was younger, so it is just as great as it was when I attended. I just don't have to worry about losing points. I get to take the points." Angelus had to laugh.

When she told him she didn't mind if he drank, "I believe I will enjoy the evening with the amount of alcohol I have already drank." Angelus smiled again, he just couldn't help it.

"The amount I drink could never improve the already beautiful company."


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:54 pm

Raziel smiled lightly, she didn't mind, she was raised to be a lady, but that was because of the time that she was born, she was after all hundreds of years old. Wondering if the man in front of her was pure blood, Raziel decided to leave that particular question out.

"Well I am very glad to hear that, you might have to use them by the end of the night, who knows?" she teased with a wink.

Listening to the story that he told her, minus of course the specifics, Raziel thought that she might have made a face basically conveying the fact that it might have been quite a bit of a burn for the lady in question.

"Ah I see, well, it has been many years since that occured, I think that you've tortured yourself long enough...anyway, she didn't slap you or knee you in that place so I'm guessing that she might be over it."

Raziel smiled lightly still, it hadn't ruined the night, it would be very hard to, after all, she rarely got treated so nicely by a man, it made a pleasant change to be honest.

"Don't worry, you haven't ruined the night, although, I don't think I was right with my muggle film knowledge, I don't make a habit of watching Disney films, I just hope I don't look the fool."

When he kissed her hand, Raziel smiled lightly again, it was definately a change for her.

"I wonder if I missed out not attending a magical school myself, although...never mind. You charmer, you're going to make me blush if you continue like this."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:37 am

Angelus liked the idea of being able to hold a woman for a least a night, would like it too me longer, but one night for now would be an excellent idea.

Angelus noticed her wink and smiled at her. "I most diffidently hope they become somewhat useful tonight."

Angelus could tell by the look on her face that she didn't approve of what he did, well he didn't approve of it either and that was way he didn't drink. He cringed when she said she didn't slap or kick him

"Believe me if we hadn't been at the wedding she would have probably slugged me" Angelus laughed.

Angelus looked towards the kitchen to see if their food was coming, not that he was in a hurry for it to come his was enjoying the company.
He was also glad he had not ruined the night.

"Well I grew up on Disney movies, I am a muggleborn wizard. Not that I have let that stop me over the years. I have gone very fair in my years." Angelus started to rub the top of her hand that he was still holding.

He was thinking of all the things he had done and many thing he turned down.

He was glad that his charm was working on her because he had not used it in awhile. Thinking of what to place upon her next he thought about it.

"The way the light touches your eyes it makes a person feel like they could get lost in them forever." Angelus smiled at her again.


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:28 am

Raziel smiled lightly and she listened to Angelus talking, it was nice to have an actual conversation with a man to be honest, not just the usual, it kind of restored her faith in the gender a little bit and made her think that they weren't ALL driven by one part of their body.

"Me too." she grinned, actually daring to drop her front for the rest of the conversation and smile properly.

Chuckling a little when he said that it was only because it was a wedding that she didn't punch him one, it was an amusing image to be sure, but she didn't really think that it would have been all that amusing for Angelus if it had happened:

"Ah but it didn't and now you never have to see her again, so, don't worry about that so much, I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't do anything so silly."

Hearing that he was a muggle born wizard Raziel became a little confused as to why he was so well brought up, but didn't ask him anything about it, hoping that he might ask something about her, and for a change she would answer truthfully, well, as truthfully as she could.

"Muggleborn you say? Well that would make sense, Disney films are a staple for a lot of people who actually grew up in touch with civilisation."

Raziel was a little taken aback by his comment and she blinked for a moment, before smiling bashfully and taking a sip of her alcohol to calm her down a little bit:

"Why thank you Angelus, I have to say, for a man you have very nice hands...did I just actually compliment someone on their hands?" she laughed "I'm loosing my touch!"
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:56 am

Angelus could not help but enjoy all of their discussions and he realized that they were spending much of the talk about him and that he needed to talk about her but after he answered a few more of his own.

Angelus smiled at her when she said me too, he was realizing that maybe she was dropping some of her guards she had in place she even had a nice smile.

Pulling her hand up to him he holds it with both hands. "You have a very beautiful smile, I love it." He said as he kissed her hand.

She made the comment about never seeing her again. "If it was only that simple, she teaches at Hogwarts, but stays in her tower most of the time." Smiling at Raz. "I believe I just need another beautiful woman to take my mind off of her, she doesn't deserve me anymore." He believe that this woman was the perfect one to do that.

"well you know all about me it seems and you like my hands, why don't you tell me a little about what makes you tick."

Angelus asked as he continued to hold her hand and run one of his fingers down her hand and arm.


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:52 pm

Raziel, although he complimented her on her smile, couldn't help but smile again, it was a very annoying reaction that women or anyone really that was complimented did, they tended to show off what they had just been complimented on.

"Why thank you, I haven't smiled properly in a long while, so what does that say about you hmmm?" she smirked, and looked around for their food.

Spotting it Raziel grinned as it was set down and twirled her pasta around her fork and spoon, popping it into her mouth with a small sigh, it was pretty good.

Wincing a little Raziel said: "Ooooh owch, well hopefully you'll manage to avoid her even though you're in the same castle, I've heard it's pretty big. Maybe you do...and I can tell that she probably doesn't."

Raziel smirked and thought about what made her tick, trying to think of a censored version:

"Well, I like alcohol, loud music, dancing and in order to get plenty of what I want I run my own club, you might have heard of it, The Masque?"
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:15 am

Angelus was glad she smiled again it was rather a pretty site for him to look at.

Just then their pasta had arrived and it looked very delicious so he had to try a bite. .

He saw her wince a little before she went to say something. "Yes it is very hot be careful"

He picked up a meatball with his fork and offered it to Raz "Here would you like to try a piece of my meat?" Angelus smiled at her with his eyebrow raised a little.

Angelus was tired about talking about Sofia that was why he was here and he didn't want to ruin the evening with this beautiful lady.

Angelus listened to the things she loved to do.

"I love to dance also." Angelus smiled at her thought of owning her own club.

"No, I have never heard of that club, but I believe that is a great dream to want to achieve, what is holding you back?"

Angelus wondering if it was money that was holding her back or what.


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:10 pm

Raziel wasn't sure she liked this whole 'Date' thing, after all she was being complimented, she was smiling and someone actually gave a damn if she burnt her mouth on pasta sauce, something shed never had before.

"I'll blow on it in future." she said with a small chuckle.

Raising an eyebrow when Angelus offered her a piece of his 'meat' Raziel chuckled darkly and leant forward to eat the meatball off the fork with a small smirk on her lips as she drew away.

"Mmm tastes pretty good, the best I've had in a while I can say that for sure." she winked.

When Angelus said he liked to dance, Raziel smirked lightly, this could be interesting if they ever met up again, they could dance together, and not a slow dance either.

"Oh no, I do own it, my house is just above it, it's a three storey Victoria townhouse, my flat is the third floor, the club is below, you should come one day, I'll get you in for free. When I want something, nothing stops me from getting it." Raziel grinned.
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:12 pm

Angelus had wondered why he had not attempted to enjoy the company of a woman before now. It was quite tantalizing.

"Yes it very important to blow on hot things." Angelus smiled with his trade smirk

Angelus looked down at his plate "I have plenty more where that came from, since you enjoyed it so much."

Angelus was beginning to wonder why a beautiful lady like this was not already spoken for.

"I am sorry, I just miss understood what you said, yes I will have to come and check out the club, and maybe its owner." Angelus knew he wanted to see this lady again and real soon.

"Well we have talked about your club, me. Do you have anything else that might pop in your mind." Angelus said as he was working on some more of this plate.


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:01 am

Raziel couldn't help but think that she had met somebody that might give her a run for her money when it came to smirking because what she just saw was pretty hot and she wouldn't mind seeing it again later on.

Pursing her lips, Raziel blew on Angelus with a cheeky grin: "Did I do it right? You're pretty hot after all?" she asked somewhat childishly.

Unable to stifle a grin, Raziel nodded her head enthusiastically she would very much like some more of his meat, both phallic and none as she had eaten much of hers already.

Grinning again, Raziel flipped her hair away from her eyes; "Why Angelus, you're such a flirt, although you might have competition when you visit me at my club, I'm rather popular there."

Raziel thought about other things she could say, and then smirked: "Do you enjoy any particular music? I could make sure we play it when you visit our club."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
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Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:15 am

Angelus was a little caught off guard when she blew on him, but he really like it.

"Yes that is pretty good, but I think you miss a few spots" Angelus smirked as he took another bite of his food.

Taking a drink of his whiskey he smiled as she flipped her hair. He noticed that a piece of it was stuck on her cheek so he reached over to remove it.

"Well when I see something that is worthy, I go for it. I look at things this way, if you like what you see in front of you daily those other flirts mean nothing." Angelus showed his smirk again.

He would like it so much if she just liked him and only him, but she did seem like a free spirit and he would have to deal with that.

"I actually like all kinds music. So where is this club at?"


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:05 am

Raziel grinned ferally and ate some more of her spaghetti, feeling in a more confident position as the tone of the conversation shifted ever so slightly, it was something that she was more comfortable with.

"I'll be sure to get those spots later if you'll let me." she winked.

When he removed some hair from her cheek, Raziel leant her cheek against his hand: "Thank you very much."

That was very true, she thought after listening to Angelus, however she swore that never again would she take a partner not after what happened last time, even though it was hundreds of years ago.

"Truer words never spoken, although, sometimes you can't help but shop around a little before fixing on someone."

Drawing out a card from inside of her bra effortlessly and without showing anything off, Raziel handed it to him:

"The address, just ask for me at the door."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : York

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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:24 am

Angelus finished off the rest of his spagettit while listening to this beautiful lady. He could listen to her talk all night. She was the type of lady who enjoys the company of a man who treasures her mind not just her body he could just tell.

Angelus smirked at Raz " I am sure I would not mind that at all, there are many places that have been missed.

Finshing off his drink he thought about this woman, she just fasinated him, he wanted to learn all about her. Then when she talked about shopping around it made him a little depressed, he was tired of shopping.

Angelus just started at her with what he commented next. "Window shopping is fun, but there comes a point in a persons life where they tire of shopping, and want to complete the sale."

Angelus thought about how he would love to stare at this window all day.

"There is a certain window I could stare at all day, but I wonder how long it would take to convince that window to allow me a test drive. They might be surprised." Angelus smiled. He would just love to date this woman, and the bedroom was the last place on his mind.

"I believe that a woman should be treated like a queen, not a play thing. I learn my mistake on that and wish not to repeat it"

Angelus watched as she took out her business card and handed it too her.

"Thank you, I am sure I will be visiting before you know it." Angelus smiled


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Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel) Empty Re: Angels and Demons (Angelus and Raziel)

Post by Raziel Ciero Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:17 am

Raziel couldn't help but flick her eyes over Angelus and think about all of those places that had been missed and she purred slightly to herself, quite content with what she was thinking, even if she was mentally undressing the man in front of her.

"I'll be sure to give them all the love and the attention that they've been missing all this time."

It was at this moment that Raziel knew that Angelus was meaning himself, that she needed to settle down and he wanted it to be with him, Raziel suddenly allowed herself to forget her facade...she was tired...tired of all this.

"Maybe the window would like to be bought but doesn't trust many buyers enough to let them make the purchase." she said quietly. "Not exactly a good past, not that it matters much now."

When he said that a woman would be treated like a Queen not an object, Raziel smirked bashfully and ran a hand through her hair:

"You want to date me Angelus? Is that what you're asking me? Because you only need persuade me a little more and I'll consider it..."

Raziel smiled lightly: "I look forward to it."
Raziel Ciero
Raziel Ciero

Posts : 181
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : York

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