Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:38 am

Briony had decided that after what had happened with Anne, that they perhaps needed to have more than one school councillor, and this was the perfect oppertunity to meet the new person that she had hired for the job, of course, they had been hired based on their excellent CV, and her husband had met the man before, she however had been at a baby scan and couldn't make it.

Knocking on the door to his office, Briony waited patiently outside, tapping her fingers on her bump, which had begun to grow rather large, she was due in a few months after all, and it was hopefully going to be the wonderful baby girl that she and Richard were hoping for.

Sighing, she waited for the door to be opened.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:52 am

Sergiy Monomyth, the only human that had been alive since the first wizard war. Second, and Third. And was still live and well. He was also a former Care Of Magical Creatures Professor back in his day at Hogwarts. He was re hired, by the Present day Headmistress of Hogwarts. He wasn't sure who she was. He was just hired by what seemed to be an application and recommended, by a a person that worked at Hogwarts. Sergiy by far exuded all exceptions of most maybe all Wizards. Mostly because of his advanced Age. he had Appated to Hogessemse(Sorry for misspelling it.) And made his way towards Hogwarts. God he missed working here. And now he was getting another chance. He sighed and made his way towards the his office. Once he opened the door he found a female. Who seemed to be Pregnant Sitting down."Hello, may I help you?" She seemed older, so she must of been from staff.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:01 am

Briony smiled when she was let into the office, her signature small smile, that vanished from her lips almost as soon as it was placed there, moving to sit down on the chair in front of the other man's desk, she sighed lightly and tried to make herself look as business like as possible, which was hard with the large bump that was sticking out, she could almost rest her hands on it now.

"Hello there Mr.Monomyth, I am Briony Romain, Headmistress, I just came to see how you were settling into the job, I apologise that I couldn't make it to the interview, I had to have an emergency doctors appointment."

Looking around the office, she saw little evidence of the prior worker making any impressions upon it, Mr. Siet, had obviously not been very good at his job given what he was allowing to go on with the students emotionally at the school.

"My husband interviewed you instead."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:07 am

He sat down, and looked at her before he spoke."Please call me Sergiy we are colleagues now not student and teacher. It's a pleasure and honor to meet you, Briony." he told her slowly, getting his stuff ready as he slowly placed his belongings where they should be he looked at her and spoke."No problem, whether it's your husband or you it doesn't matter. Both of you would have been swell. Anyways. SO when can I get right to the job, I love helping people." He said slowly towards her.

(Gtg see you tomorrow after school.)

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:52 am

Briony nodded her head a little, and was glad that there was an air of informality between them, after all, she was normally the one to be in charge of the interactions, but to do that in this case, would be something completely patronising for the man in front of her, and she wanted to treat him with the proper respect, as with all her staff.

"Sergiy it is, I am glad that you think of it that way, I have tried to make a positive name for myself to counter...well the more negative aspects of my work for the Ministry." she smiled, a little darkly.

When he asked when he could begin the job, Briony coughed lightly and was jogged back into what she had come here to talk to him about in the first place anyway; "Ah yes, well, I believe that right away would be good, there was an incident not too long ago, that prompted me to get a new councillor, it seems that the children need it." she sighed "So right away would be good."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:08 am

He looked at her and smiled. Amazement overfilled him as he looked at what she was able to be here at her current state. He shook his head and spoke."What do you mean by a Positive Name? I mean what kind of work do you do for your at the Ministry? Head Auror, Head of the Department?" He asked her very slowly in a curiously mind set. Shaking his head as she coughed lightly.

He looked towards the ceiling and smiled before speaking."Is everything alright? Sick, would you like tea?" He asked her very slowly. Before sighing and shaking his head in approval. He sighed again and spoke."It would be more helpful, if I was explained the incident. So yeah, can you explain it to me. Also Was there you wanted to talk to me about. I am by all means Willing to hear Staff out as well. I was a Former Care Of Magical Creatures Professor." He told her calmly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:50 am

Briony chuckled a little bit and couldn't suppress a small smirk that appeared on her lips, after all, the things that she did were no secret, they were often talked about in the Ministry although she didn't officially work for them, it was going to be a little awkward to tell Sergiy if he was going to disapprove of what it was that she did.

"I normally take on contracts for the Ministry although I haven't done so lately, I've had to rest up because of this little one, it wouldn't be very good to have me out when I'm like this, not safe for me either." she said with a small sigh.

With a small smile on her lips, Briony shook her head and held up a hand; "No I am alright, just sometimes with the baby I get some coughs, it's nothing."

Humming a little, Briony folded her fingers together, and she thought about how best to put this together so that she would still be respectful, but that she would not only do the right thing by Anne, but that she wouldn't get too angry about the event either.

"A girl committed suicide in the Cold Room a few days ago."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:35 am

He looked at her and smiled."How long have you been alive? It's just a curiously Question. There is no evil or good. What matters is what a person does. Taking contracts from the damned place isn't good. They try to cheat you sometimes, I've been Head Auror before. And saw my share of weirdness. Fought my share of Dark Wizards and won? I don't brag about it. Because I am not proud of what I did. However that's behind me, The Ministry has it's kinks on people. I'm not saying I will disapprove of what your doing it's just not how may I put this without being Hypnotically. Wrong." he said calmly. He then shook his head and spoke."Do you know why she committed self Murder? There has to be a reason. And why the fuck did The Other Coupler didn't do anything about it. Exult my Bloody Language but If I'm sharing an office with a twat. I want to Request for my own office. Please." He said calmly.

Sergiy Monomyth

Posts : 166
Join date : 2012-04-23
Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:51 am

Briony raised an eyebrow and she wondered why the was asking her such a strange question, normally there was something that made that leap between the conversation to what they were now talking about, deciding that it wouldn't do any harm, Briony told him;

"I'm 26 years old. A lot younger than you I know."

Listening to Sergiy talking about taking contracts she was wondering if he knew what kind of work she did, and she didn't believe that being a head auror meant that you knew everything that went on, but then again, she knew little of the Ministry where that department was concerned;

"I do what I wish to do, they ask me to work, if I want to I accept, if I don't want to I don't, it's hard to decide what you think will be a correct contract morally, but, there is always the idea that whatever they had done, it has to be something wrong. I used to love doing things like that, going out, being an assassin...now I'm a little calmer, the blood lust is dying down."

Nodding her head Briony said;

"Yes she said that she loved someone who didn't love her back, and she was having some troubles with a boy from Germany harming her, I offered her protection, but she denied it, so eventually it must have gotten too much for her. As for your partner, I haven't seen him for months, he's always around but manages to miss students 'unfortunately'." she sighed.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:14 am

He looked at her and shook before speaking." Headmistress at such a young age. I'm impressed. Tom Riddle, And Even Ablus didn't-" he paused himself."And you have a child. Please take my advice, while you have have the child don't accept any contracts. I would hate if something bad happened to you. Now we talk about Assassins, who would to think the Ministry is up to such things. Well, there was the Death Eater thing, back in 1980, and Volderment in 1960. I found the man quite amusing with his thirst for power." He said riddling with his own words. Shaking his head he spoke."Sorry I get detached from this. World, at times. I think to much. Also If you don;t mind I would love to have a Word with our Ministry Of Magic Head. I believe I can influence him to stop giving you this contracts. It's wrong of him. Taken it or not taken, Morally right or wrong. It's still wrong." He shook his headed, and then listened to what she had to say..

Wow, people to this very day just grew stupidly, well children in this case. Back in his day, they didn't have this overreacted Drama."That's all. Well Why didn't you hire me sooner, I would have prevented this from happening. I still can. I think maybe I can, if only we can bring back the dead. Nope, that's just disturbing balance, anyways. I would like a word with The Twat. Alone, in your office. If you don't mind." He asked her slowly."Would you like to discuss anything? And Did anyone witness her die?? Maybe I can help them." He said slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:31 am

Briony smirked lightly, she was glad that she managed to make such a good impression on the new professor, she had always believed that she was right for the position, and in this time of confusion she had offered stability, but not only that, she had a rather accidental run in with the old Headmaster, he was a fool, and he did not deserve to run the school with such an important time at hand.

"Why thank you, it is quite an achievement, I am very glad to have been able to get this oppertunity to become head of the school, and no, I have not taken any more contracts on since I found out I have fallen pregnant, there is no way that I would put the life of my child at risk. She is far far too precious to me."

A far off glaze came to her eyes for a moment as she remembered the child before this one, the child that never was, and she shook these thought from her mind, coming back into the present day, with a bit of a jolt. When he talked about bringing back the dead, Briony smirked.

"I know someone who can do that...but she isn't...all there." she smirked, it growing faint with a tinge of sadness, Raven used to be so beautiful, before her art tainted her mind even further "I shall try and get a hold of him, but after this incident he has become rather elusive."

Shaking her head Briony thought about who had seen the death; "You might want to talk to Alcyone Malfoy, and Lolly Hart, Lolly is not a student though, but she did find her. I only came here to talk, and to make sure you knew about what had happened before you came."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:45 am

He looked at her and spoke."I'rd love to do the contracts for you. If Get 25% of the share. Of the hit. I've done shady stuff in the past. Trust me. This is just another simple one." he looked at her and sighed.

He looked at her again and spoke."A name would be helpful. But bringing people from the dead, is disturbing the natural course. And Death isn't happy."Of course Sergiy believed in Death, the Elder Wand, The Cloak, The Stone, the Deathly Hollows. It was a children book that was real. He shook his head and spoke."Bring them here. And we shall talk, to help them. Is that all Briony? Or is there anything else you want to talk about, anything personally I can help you with, Funds?" He asked her slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:46 pm

Briony raised her eyebrow and shook her head when he asked if he could do the contracts for her, one thing the Ministry would not allow it, and secondly, she didn't want people to think that she was too weak for her to go out and do them herself, thinking like that made people a target.

"No, I'm pretty sure the Ministry will know you're not me when you show up to take the contract, besides, I don't want people to think that I've gotten weaker, makes me a target see." she smirks.

With a small glare Briony shook her head and stood up from the chair;

"No, I don't think she will be coming here any more given that the last time I trusted her it ended in the death of almost 5 of my pupils, if you want to find her on your own so be it, but I will not help you." she muttered cooly, getting up and walking to the door.

"I believe it is your job to go and find the students and help them, its what I'm paying you to do after all." she smirked her hand resting on the office door knob.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:51 am

He sighed and looked at her, It seemed weird that she would not allow him to take her contracts? Weak? The Ministry doesn't care for that. He sighed and shook his head before he spoke. " Who is the Ministry of Magic? I don't think they care about who's weaker and stronger. Anyways. You still have not told me her name. The that killed five students. I think she would need to be taken care off. She she one of your contracts that you intend to kill?" He asked her slowly. He smirked at her and spoke."And sooner or Later, I might be the Headmaster of this school." he teased."Well, bring in the students." He said slowly."See you." He said calmly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:18 pm

Briony raised her eyebrow and she shook her head lightly, this guy was rapidly beginning to step out of line and she furrowed her brow even more at him, deciding that she would indulge him in a name however much she thought it was none of his business, she half hope that Raven would teach him a lesson when and if he found her.

"The Sweeney, is her name, and no she is not one of my contracts, nobody would be crazy enough to take a contract out on a necromancer, they have a tendancy not to die." she smirked lightly "But go ahead, be my guest, don't come crawling back with your hide thoroughly kicked though and claim it's my doing."

Laughing a cold, emotionless laugh Briony shook her head again;

"I wouldn't make such a statement if I were you, I might consider you a threat and have to do something about it." she smirked "Besides, you are not the only one, who will live for a long time." and her thoughts flipped to her husbands Philosophers stone, if anyone would take charge of the school, it would be him.

Opening the door, Briony stepped out, and began to walk to the kitchens, she was feeling rather hungry.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:28 am

He looked at her and sighed before speaking."Well, see." he said slowly. Before allowing her to leave. he shook his head, and begun to get comfy.

(Sorry for the small post. So this Trhead is Ended?0

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Settling In (Sergiy and Briony) Empty Re: Settling In (Sergiy and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:19 pm

(OOC: Yup it sure is ^^)
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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