Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:23 am

Mia had decided that she was going to take herself out of her dark apartment and go for a walk in the dusk around the Willow Lake, she liked being here in the dark, there were so many sights to see what with couples deciding that they couldn't wait to get home for a quick grope in the willows, it was so so funny to jump out at them and scare them half to death, which she managed to do more often than not.

Sighing lightly she walked through the tree's, there weren't many people here tonight, just dog walkers, and the occassional strange person who just seemed to be out on a walk on their own, which was then what she realised she was in fact doing.

Stopping for a rest under the boughs of a tree, she took out her cigarette case and lighter, beginning to smoke her cigarette happily, taking a long drag and exhaling with a sigh.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:47 am

Sergiy was coming to this little lake, hoping one day his friend will turn up but was of no luck. He was sadden that his friend was not found. He missed her, and she might be the only one he cared for. He made his way towards the branch, And smelled smoke.

Luck overfilled him, but that happened all the time. And failed, and then he saw Mia."It's been a while, Old friend I would have never expected to see my bestie here. Smoking is bad and you know it. So what have you been up to?" he asked her slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:01 am

Mia heard a voice coming from behind her, and she thought that she recognised it and when she turned her head around to see someone that was unmistakable, it was her friend that she had been out of contact with for some time, at one point they had been so very close, but they had lost contact a while ago, although she couldn't remember exactly how.

"Bestie? It's been a while since you have called me that, you've been neglecting me my friend, but you know that I have always smoked, it makes me look better than without it, smoking is cool, and you know it." she winked and took another drag from the cigarette.

Shrugging her shoulders Mia turned and rested her shoulder against the tree so that she could look at Sergiy freely, and she couldn't help but allow a long drawling smirk appear on her lips; "The usual, killing, drinking, partying, having lots of fun while I still can. Yourself?"
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:16 am

He looked at her. Aw, she looked stunning then ever. He missed her. He also had a crash on her before. How exactly did they lose contract he couldn't remember himself and he had a Photographic Memory. He looked at her and smiled."Of course, I do. I just don't find it right." He he was talking about the cigarette. He shook his head smiling.

He looked at her and spoke."Need I have not called you bestie in a while, we haven't seen each other in ages. I missed you dearly. I got a Job. At Hogwarts again. As a Hogwarts Couincler." he smiled at her. Before he spoke."You know, the drinking, one night stands, constant sex with dumb girls, paying for sex, dueling, denying The Ministry of Magic, partying, Orgies, Dueling, the Usually." he said slowly towards her. He sighed and simply shook his head."It's been a while, ten years? maybe less?" he asked her slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:26 am

Mia smirked lightly, she had always rather liked doing things that people didn't approve of, after all her school years had been wrought with her disobeying the rules and she was on the verge of being kicked out once or twice, but she didnt really care much about that, she had managed to get her grades thanks to Elizabeth, so she didn't need her any more, she didn't need either of her sisters.

"Well you know me, I've never really been one for 'right'." she smirked, running her hand through her hair, while turning her gaze to look back at the lake, it was beautiful and peaceful out here, she loved it.

Raising her eyebrow, Mia took another drag of her cigarette and blew out a smoke ring, she couldn't believe that he had missed her dearly, what with his lifestyle, he had probably found copious amounts of women to occupy himself with over the years;

"It's good that you have a solid job, unlike me, you used to work on the dangerous side, thats the reason that I became what I am partly, I would have gone this way anyway but...you were a great bad influence." she smirked deeply "Sounds like the life of a batchelor indeed, hope you haven't caught anything." Mia teased "It's only been two years or so, I am technically only 19 even though I act much older, then again you've never been one to tell time like a normal person."
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:59 am

He looked at her and smiled. He missed her. he still had feeling for the young woman, he did ever since she was a first year. She meant everything to him. he shook his head and spoke."Tell me, why did you follow my shady footsteps. You know better. I was never the type to be a good influence on people. Do you at least have a house. And remembering things was always my strong suit, I am just detached from this world." He sighed slowly."How's everything, how's your profit going from killing." he said slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:12 am

Mia smirked lightly and she ran her hands through her hair, it had always been a bit of a mystery to her why she had in fact decided to follow in Sergiy's footsteps, she had never been one for emotion, and she normally while in this form did not feel much of it at all beyond desire and the lust for blood,but now it was becoming a little bit different and she wasn't sure if she liked it.

"I did it because it was fun, and I was good at it, isn't that the reason people do anything these days?" she asked with a small chuckle "Don't be so flattered by it that you think it is because of your influence alone, you just showed me that it was an option."

Finishing her cigarette with a long drag, Mia threw it on the grass and ground her heel onto it to stub it out properly, moving away from Sergiy, she tightened the knot on the front of her corset and looked up at the moon and stars, nighttime, it was her favourite.

"I have a flat, I do not care for houses, they are too big for me, I am only one after all." she said with a small toying smirk "The profits go good, but you should know better than to ask a girl about her money. Yours must be going down the drain with all the hiring you do."
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:46 am

He looked at her and smiled. His hands around his chest. Crossed as he spoke."You know, it wasn't right for me to choose that path, and by the way I use spells to prevent me from catching any STDS. DOn't want me to die because of that virus now do you? Mia." He said slowly. He teased her. Hoping she had any feeling for him. He shook his head and made his way next to her."It's lovely isn't it? The moon and all, it's great isn't it?" He asked her very slowly."I live in a Palace, And I still have a ton of money." he said, nudging her arm lightly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:52 am

Mia smirked lightly and she gently punched Sergiy on the arm, there had been this kind of rapport between them before, they were quite open as friends about what they were up to when the night came around, and it was something that she found she hadn't been able to do with many other people.

"I know, it wasn't right for you, but it's right for me." she grinned darkly "Causing mischief is the only thing I'm good at, you've known me long enough to realise that. But of course, without you around who will I have to bully and tease? Of course I don't want you catching anything."

Nodding, a slow smile crept on her lips, if there was something she loved, it was night time, and she remembered with a start something she had meant to tell Sergiy; "I finally went by the way, to the Van Gough museum, to see the Nights Sky, it was beautiful."

Snorting, Mia shook her head; "Me? Live in a palace, you know my sister would be cleaning it from top to toe I'd never be free."

Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:18 am

He looked at her and smiled. before shaking his head."Whatever you wish then I don't mind. Whatever you choose I will be there to be with you." he said slowly. He shook his head."You'll have no one. Not even someone else to bother and tease. I'm only yours." He teased before looking at her and spoke."That's nice." he said very slowly towards her. He looked at her and spoke."Yes what's wrong with my Palace, you should Live with me? What do you say?" he asked her slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:30 am

Mia chuckled a little, she knew Sergiy all too well and she was not going to fall for him at all, she was onto the charms that he usually used with women, and she was not going to allow herself to be suckered in by him, after all, she didn't want to be another one that he used and then left by the wayside.

"You will be there to be with me? Bold words from someone who has just found me again after two years, forgive me if I do not believe what you say so readily." she smirked, flicking Sergiy on the nose playfully.

Looking at him with an element of shock on her face, Mia believed that she would be able to get someone else quite easily, but when she thought of it, she was often found with blood all over her, with a hazmat suit on or in the corner writing soppy poetry.

"I'm certain I could find another male for my teasing needs, after all, I haven't exactly been alone all these years." she shrugged.

When he asked her to come and live at his palace, Mia raised an eyebrow; "I never knew your persistance would be turned onto me, I know you well enough not to doubt the reason you're asking me to stay there." she frowned lightly stepping a little closer to him.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:43 am

Sergiy smiled at her and spoke."I had and still have feelings for you. I've been using those women, so I can get to you. It's like drinking over your emotions, Another thing that's wrong." he said slowly before shaking his head and sighing slowly. Looking at her slowly before speaking."So, what if I want a decent female in my Life Can't I get that?" He asked slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:49 am

Mia felt something that was like a heat creeping up her cheeks, she had never felt this before, not in this form at least, and she turned away, placing her hands on her cheeks and blinking softly for a moment, what was she saying before about not being drawn in by this guys charms?

But hadn't she always thought it would be exciting to be with him? She had hoped as she grew older he would feel like this but, she didn't know what to do. Slowly, she found her natural self beginning to take over, Mia showing her inexperience in this feild.

"How do I know you're telling the truth Sergiy? I don't know about this, we've only just met again and you're asking me to move in with you, don't you think this is all a little fast?" she asked, standing directly in front of him and biting softly on her soft pink lower lip.

"Why haven't you gotten that before me? Surely you've met others who...were more, compus mentus, you know what youre getting with me, three personalities,do you really think you want that?" she asked, talking herself down was second nature in this form, but her heart was hammering that they were finally having this conversation.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:43 am

He smiled at her and simply Spoke."Because I've loved you since you were little I saw great things in you. And besides would you want me to be banging Random girls, and spending money on them. Or would you rather me being with you and being committed." he said slowly waiting for her to reply. And then she spoke and he listed. He shook his head and spoke."Your the only one I want." He said slowly towards her.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:51 am

Mia blushed a little bit and she bit her lip harder, her sharp canine teeth that her sister insisted she kept filed were beginning to dig in rather painfully to her lip, but she was greatful of that, she wanted to be able to have something else there bar these feelings, she had wanted to hear him say that for so long but now he was saying it, she was suddenly so unsure.

"I don't like hearing that no, just how I presume you don't like hearing the opposite from me, I just...I've never had a boyfriend before, I don't really...I am a little bit nervous." she said playing with a few strands of her hair as she blinked up at Sergiy.

When he said that she was the only one that he wanted, Mia blushed even more and she couldn't help but step a little closer to Sergiy, so that they were almost touching;

"You would...you would stop going to all those clubs that you told me about?" she asked, nervously.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:16 am

He looked at her and smiled. She was so cute when she was nervously he shook his head and then sighed before beginning to feel more for her. He felt for her. He cared for her. He was just hoping she would say yes to his little asking.

But then she spoke and he listened before he spoke to."Of course you don't who would. And Yes, I would not approval of that either. Well, you have your first. Which is me Cupcake." He said slowly, before speaking."Don't be nervous." he said calmly. Before looking at her and sighing, she stepped closer and spoke he listened and spoke."I will do whatever you wish me to do." He said slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Age : 30

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:23 am

Mia thought more and more about what she wanted and what she thought that she could handle, she didn't know how out her sisters would take it, but then she thought that she didn't care, she was always very last on the list, and she was going to have her say for once and do what she wanted to do.

"W-well then, if you really mean it...then I think that I would like to, take you up on your offer, if...if that's okay?" she asked, still very nervous and blushing.

Loosening her grip on her lips she felt a small bead of blood welling up from the cut she had made with her lip, wiping it away with a finger, Mia nodded her head, she would feel so much better if he stayed away from places like that, it just had always made her skin crawl thinking of Sergiy.

"I will go out with you if you promise never to go to one of those places again, I should be enough...r-right?" she asked, unsure.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:46 am

He looked at her and smiled. The man really did care for her. That countless times his been banging and fucking girls, as well as pimping girls, and paying dancers for sex. While he was doing all that he was thinking of Mia. How much he cared for her. Sex was like Chocaholic for him. Instead of drinking he fucks random girls to take the emotion out.

He shook his head and came closer his hands placed on hers as he spoke."I do really mean it. And thank you for giving me that chance, Mia my dear." He said slowly. He looked at her and smiled. He blushed how cute he thought slowly.

He looked at her and smiled."I promise from this day fore day I will not go to any clubs at all, as long as I am with you. And Yes you are enough. I only need you. Why do you doubt yourself." He noticed her nervousness.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:52 am

Mia almost jumped when his hads touched her own, she was so used to not being touched the feeling of someone else willingly touching her, even if it was only her hands, made her a little bit happy, and she couldn't help but smile even wider at the fact that he was actually here and he actually meant these things to her, and it was in the most romantic of settings.

"Well, you're welcome." she said with a small blush and she rested her head on Sergiy's shoulder, moving a little closer to him so that their bodies were lightly touching, placing her hands on his shoulders, Mia hugged him to her and couldn't help but smile happily.

When he promised that he wasn't going to go to any clubs, that made her feel even better, she believed him, and she hoped that he would keep his word, he did normally, but she was very untrusting, given the amount of times people had hurt her in the past;

"Thank you," she whispers quietly "When I have been told so many times that I'm not pretty, that I'm some sort of freak, it rubs off on you." Mia smiled sadly.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:55 am

He looked at her as she jumped. He held her closer so she would feel nervously."I will be there to the very end with you." he said slowly towards her, she then moved even closer so there bodies pressed on each other lightly. He nodded as he looked at her.

She also had her head on his shoulder, and her hands wrapped under his shoulder blades. He placed both his hands on her waist and held her slowly. Before he spoke."You have no reason to thank me." he said slowly." I've told you what I will do, and I intend to keep it. You not pretty? Who would ever tell you that. I have friends that will drool at your present just for you just standing next to them. You are the most wonderful female I've meant." he said slowly towards her.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:01 am

Mia smiled softly, she had always thought that being with Sergiy made her feel safe, and she felt as if she didn't have to act up around him, and she was glad that her sisters allowed her this time with him, after all, there was very little that Mia could do apart from kill, and Lizzie was only good at cleaning things, when it came to emotion, this side of her was the best.

"Do you promise?" she asked, feeling all of a sudden very vunerable, as she would prefer for him to be truthful rather than lie to her and tell her things that he thought she wanted to hear to make her happy "Until the end is hopefully going to be a very long time."

Feeling his hands on her waist Mia was glad that he was holding her back, it made her feel like she was doing the right thing, that it was okay to hold him, because she was all new to this, and she didn't really know what to do;

"Who would tell me that? Oh...I don't know, lots of people nothing specific about them besides they oftem end up dead after my sister is finished with them." blushing a little Mia looked up into Sergiy's eyes "You really think that? You've lived for such a long time, I can't be the best out of all those years..."
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:35 am

He looked at her and sighed. And looked at her before he spoke."Yes I promise." hes aid slowly. holding her even tighter and closer before he spoke."Yes, you are the only one. I've had a wife before but She wanted my money, and she died of old age. So I moved on, but when I meant you for the first time. I was planning on us living for ever together." he said slowly.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:40 pm

Mia blushed a little bit, this was something that she had been dreaming of for a long long time, and she had hoped that one day this would happen, but she hadn't thought that it would actually.

Sergiy had always been that one person that she had admired but she knew that she would probably never ever get a chance to be with, and now she was just too excited to express it properly, so instead she merely smiled broadly.

"Well I had always hoped that this would happen, but I was never actually thinking that you would ask me, especially when you lost contact with me." she pouted lightly.

"I would never do such a thing to you, I am interested in you, not your money, although Sister Mia says that it's a very big plus side, but just ignore her..."
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Sergiy Monomyth Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:56 am

He held her closer, he always wanted to be with her and now he was. And no one was gonna take that right away from him. He was together with the woman he loved. She was everything to him.

He looked at her eyes as his meant hers."I love you." he said honestly. Looking at how wonderfully beautiful she was. Smiling towards himself as he looked at her and spoke."There's no need to hope now it's happening and it's real. We both love each other. Both You and me. I mean you do love me the way I love you. DO you?" he asked her slowly. Wondering.

He smiled at her and sighed before speaking."Well, your sisters never did like me. And even when they tried to be my friends, they wanted money. You should not worry about that." he said slowly towards her.

Sergiy Monomyth

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Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy) Empty Re: Red Tide (Mia and Sergiy)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:01 am

Mia smiled happily when she was held closer to Sergiy, she really did think that this was all too amazing, but she couldn't let herself think that she didn't deserve the man, because she did deserve him, and she was pretty enough to capture and keep his interests, or that was what she wanted to think about herself. Sergiy might think differenly although she hoped he didn't.

"You love me?" she asked, her breath catching in her throat "I think that people love each other in different ways, but I don't think that I can deny the fact that I do, love you Sergiy, it hurt so much when you were away, I was my darker personality more than ever."

With a small smile Mia bit her lip and felt a little guilty about her other personalities, whom she called her sisters "I shall try my best to make sure that they behave themselves, although I can't promise for my darker side, she has a will all of her own."
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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