Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Training (Open)

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:59 am

Tess squeaked as she felt herself in the air. She fell and rolled away not wanting to get any more attacks towards her. She then got up and cracked her back that had gotten a bit bruised from the fall. If she was honest with herself, she was surprised that she even managed to defend herself in such a way.

She was very much knew to the fighting aspect; in reality she relied on her abilities, such as natural flexibility enhanced by gymnastics, and dance. She smiled still, her heart was beating faster and she felt herself perspiring a bit. Wiping her brow she grinned waiting for the attack.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:10 pm

Sam sighed quietly " Watch your legs otherwise the opponent'll alway's knock your legs out from under you" Sam said seriously Sam had alway's known how to defend herself she sighed.

" Tell me whenever you want to take a break, okay?" Sam said a little out of breath Sam sighed and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:22 am

Tess shrugged. She figured that when her feet were lifted, she could easily push herself up. She ignored the little miffed feeling that she was being given advice from a second year. She supposed it was her own pride but being her usual self, she kept it in and said nothing.

"I'm fine" she said moving around.

She had gone longer times with doing exercise.

"Ten minutes more?" she added.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:39 pm

Sam blinked she could Tell Tess was miffed about Sam giving her advice, Sam was only trying to help, Sam sighed.

" Okay ten more minutes" Sam said with a sigh Sam blinked and attempted to hit Tess's arm where a nerve was her arm would feel numb for a second. Sam sighed and moved out of the way incase Tess came to attack her.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:16 pm

Tess jumped back surprised at the attack. She could not fathom what would occur if she had not dodged that attack. She moved back and attempted to roundhouse kick her, but tried to maintain her distance from her. She didn't want to end up losing, but Sam was good and Tess was no fool.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:42 am

Sam saw the kick and she backed up slightly so Tess's foot missed her head " Good" Sam mumbled than she did a quick backflip.

Sam jumped up quickly and tried to hit one of the nerves in her shoulder and Sam not knowing if she missed or not landed behind Tess.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:52 am

Tess threw her hands up in the air avoiding the frightening blow. She was surprised at the sheer strength of the aura being expelled by Sam. She read it pretty well and red, all she read was red from her. She jumped back and swung her arm to punch, alongside her leg trying to at least last the ten minutes left.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:11 am

Sam sighed and turned to look at Tess Sam jumped to floor as she saw Tess's arm and leg coming at her, Sam sighed and stood up straight they had five minutes left she smiled.

" Five minutes" Sam told her than Sam acted like she was going to punch Tess but actually attempted to knock her feet out from under her again.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:45 am

Tess was distracted at first, at the first five minutes comment, but as she saw Sam trying to do it again, she jumped back. She was frustrated at the fact that Sam had avoided her moves, but then again, no surprise. She needed to ignore that frustration for it caused more distractions.

"Got it" she heard.

She bent down and swung her legs over trying to trip her in return.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Trainging (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:10 pm

Sam smirked ' Great she finally watched her feet' Sam thought she could feel Tess getting frustrated Sam sighed and did a backflip as Tess tried to pull the same move when Sam landed she accidentally spinned and she heard her ankle pop Sam fell down and clentched her teeth.

" Time out!" Sam called quickly as her ankle started throbbing Sam sighed and looked at Tess.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue May 01, 2012 4:03 pm

Tess jumped in surprise as Sam hit the floor and immediately she was on her side. She hoped she didn't do anything wrong. Leaning forward she she realized that Sam hurt her ankle.

"Let me get a look" she said softly.

She hoped she was alright.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Tue May 01, 2012 5:39 pm

Sam gasped as she sat up she looked at her ankle and closed her eye's she could tell it was broke, Sam opened her eye's and sighed.

" I shouldn't have landed like that" Sam said mentally scolded herself she knew better than to quickly turn she sighed.

Sam knew that she'd have to go to the hospital wing she blinked and sighed again she couldn't feel her ankle she groaned inwardly.

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed May 02, 2012 6:00 am

Tess winced hearing her gasp, it was obviously out of pain or surprise and tentatively lifted the fabric to look at it. She touched it lightly and sighed it was purple already and already getting swollen.

"Here let me get my stuff and I'll help you to the Hospital Wing" she said. "I'm so sorry. Here I'll pack up your things too"

She felt guilty, after all if she hadn't attacked then Sam wouldn't have gotten hurt. She threw her things inside her back, her rapier back to it's place. Then picked up Sam's things and put them away as well. She slipped both bags on and bent down.

"Come on, it's a long way there" she said, "You can push your weight on me"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed May 02, 2012 1:12 pm

Sam gasped as Tess touched it " I can't feel my ankle" Sam said she closed her eye's her ankle looked disgusting she sighed and shook her head.

" No it was my fault I shouldn't have did a flip like that" Sam said while she watched Tess pack there things.

Sam smiled and tried to stand up she walked with Tess to the hospital wing.

(OOC: Do you want to start a thread in the hospital wing? You don't have to if you don't want to)

Sam Hawthorn

Posts : 375
Join date : 2012-03-18
Age : 28

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed May 02, 2012 1:14 pm

(OOC: I'll start it Very Happy No problem)

"Come on we'll get there as fast as our three legs can" She said with a grin trying to reassure her.


Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Training (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (Open)

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