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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:10 am

Kiera stretched behind the counter, flexing her limbs. She was expecting Humphrey, the young boy who worked at her shop for a spot of training. They had surprisingly hadn't met ever since that meeting in Hogwarts that day, but that was mainly because Kiera was busy in her business deals and she trusted Humphrey enough not to mess up the armory. Mostly because he was too sensible to make such a mistake, since doing so would ensure the slicing off of his head courtesy of Kiera's sword.

Kiera tapped her foot on the floor, waiting for the boy to come.
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:19 am

Humphrey was really looking forward to this training with Kiera. He hadn't seen her since that day at Hogwarts, and kind of missed her. There was a lot that she could teach him. It was a surprise to him that she trusted him enough to come in to the shop alone, but he was glad she did. Probably relied on the fact she could kill him whenever she wanted to keep him in line, not that he would have done anything.

Walking in to the shop, a wide grin crossed his face. "Hello Miss Auvergne, how are you today? I am so excited for this training session." Humphrey said eagerly.
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:53 am

The expression on Kiera's face was almost, almost a smile. "Hello to you too Humphrey. Its good to see that you're enthusiastic about training and learning more, because that way my job becomes easier."

Kiera led the way to the practice space behind the shop, a small circular arena-like space lit by pale blue, flickering lights. She turned and faced Humphrey, "I suppose you are wearing your boots, and have the weapon that you were talking about earlier, the one you use while training with your Swordmage . Good for you if you are. That's because in order to begin this training," Kiera slowly withdrew her cold blade, Krusa, from her sheath, and gave a slightly cold smile, "I'm going to attack you."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:08 am

"I'm just glad I have somebody to teach me." Humphrey told her honestly. It was a priviledge to be learning from somebody like Kiera, and he wasn't going to waste it.

He followed her behind the shop, and saw the practice area. "Yes, I am wearing my boots. Yea, I have it right here." he told her, and patted his hip. "Wow, okay, let's go." Humphrey drewe his sword Anduril from its sheath, and smiled, it would be good to cross blades with somebody besides Airen.
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:31 am

Kiera observed the sword that Humphrey held in his hand, as was her habit whenever she encountered a new weapon. "Hmmm, offence pretty good........defence okay.......the balance looks good.....the hilt could be a bit more fitted....." Kiera murmured as she constantly moved forward, eyes fixed on the sword.

Then she suddenly swung sideways, and dealt a left-handed, graceful but deadly backhand stroke towards Humphrey's left arm, if it connected, then it would leave the arm horribly numb for atleast an hour or so, that too only because her blade Krusa was at its lowest energy drawing level. The entire talk about the sword had been for her own benefit, but was also meant to distract Humphrey. Now it would remain to be seen if Humphrey could deflect the stroke or not.
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:06 pm

While Keira was commentoing on his sword, he stayed focused on her. She may have just been analyzing the sword for herself, but he wasn't going to let his guard drop.

When she attacked him he was ready for it. Humphrey parried the blow, and was a bit surprised by how much force was behind it. Sure, Kiera had always looked dangerous, but now he was realizing just how dangerous she was. "You know, I always had a feeling you were a pretty dangerous person. It seems my assumption was correct."
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:21 pm

"Not distracted then, huh? Well done." Kiera casually commented, letting Humphrey know that a compliment from her wasn't to be taken lightly, but was well-deserved. "And if you assumed I was dangerous, then I hope you know that I can be ten times worse than any assumption."

This time Kiera aimed for the leg as she knelt down and took a swipe at Humphrey's thigh. It was always difficult to avoid a leg blow, now it remained to be seen if Humphrey tried to parry it or dodge. Both would be extremely difficult. But when Kiera said that she wished to train Humphrey, she wasn't going to make it easy.
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:33 am

"I try to stay focused when somebody has a weapon out." Humphrey replied. She wasn't one to give compliments, and he was glad she had given him one. "Don't worry, I believe it. Somehow I have a feeling you are one of the more dangerous people I've ever met. Still not sure whether you or Headmistress Romain would win in a fight though."

Next, Kiera attacked his thigh. It was a much tricker blow to avoid, she meant business. Humphrey jumped back quickly to dodge it, and only just managed it. Despite his speed, it was a close call. "Somebody taught you well."
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:47 am

"Me or Madam Romain? Thats a tough one." Kiera inclined her head in approval when Hhumphrey managed to dodge her blow, however barely. He needed a bit more finesse though. "I'd say Madam Romain in a purely magical fight, but if I have my weapons with me....." Kiera trailed off, a competitive gleam in her black eyes. "I wouldn't be too sure about the results."

"Well, it wasn't a somebody who taught me well, it was several different somebody's in several different countries. I learnt weapons from the best of the best." Kiera then smirked inwardly, and apparated silently. She reappeared behind Humphrey, and immediately jabbed at his neck. It wasn't a fair move, but Humphrey needed to know that in a real fight, everything would not always be fair.
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:01 am

This was a fight that he had a feeling he would lose. Humphrey was glad that she wasn't an enemy, things would not go well for him if she was. "I think you might be right. Are you as proficient with all your weapons as with that blade there?" he asked her. If she was, then she probably could defeat Headmistress Romain.

"Ah, I see. Where all have you traveled to?" He wasn't that surprised she had learned from multiple different people. The fact that she had been all over the world made him a bit jealous, he wanted to travel the world as well. Suddenly, Kiera wasn't there anymore, she had apparated. By the time he realized she was behind him Kiera's blade was on his neck. "Good move Kiera, I knew I would lose this fight."
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:22 am

"Well, I've crafted, wielded and practically breathed weapons for nineteen years of my life. So its obvious that my area of expertise lies in weapons. But this darling is definitely my best." Kiera cast a loving eye over Krusa which she had won from deadly enemies at the cost of her toil, sweat and blood. "I can definitely use guns, bow and arrow, daggers, spears, whips, katanas...........whatever you can think of. I tend not to use bow and arrow much though." A very familiar blood-thirsty gleam came back into Kiera's eyes. "Too less bloodshed."

Then Kiera sighed a bit as her apparating maneuver worked. Of course, she hadn't been expecting Humphrey to actually predict and dodge her blow. Which meant that Humphrey still needed practice. "Stand on the balls of your feet, it helps to transfer gravity better if you have to turn, without losing balance. And hold your sword," Kiera stepped forward and raised Humphrey's arm higher, "a bit higher. Gives more impact. Try to defend less and attack more." Then a shrug. "I've travelled to Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, Argentina, Portugal, Iceland, Germany, Australia, Nigeria......and a few more names that I'm forgetting."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:12 am

"That's really cool, I would love to be a weapons expert like you someday. It is a brilliant blade, you wield it well too." Humphrey told her. She looked at Krusa with love in her eyes. "Appears that you can wield practically anything, huh. Oh I see, bow and arrows are effective though. But it's true that they aren't particularly bloody weapons." Sometimes when that blood-thirsty look came into Kiera's eyes Humphrey worried a little bit.

Kiera sighed, and he knew that she was hoping he would have been able to dodge it. He had a long way to go, but at least he wasn't a complete novice. "Yea, we always had to stand on the balls of our feet during basketball practice, I'll remember to keep on them." Watching where she moved his sword, Humphrey noted the height he should hold it. "Got it, and I will make sure to attack more enxt time. Thanks for the tips." Then she told him where she had been, and he felt a bit jealous. "Wow, that's pretty cool Kiera. Where is your favorite place?"
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:45 am

Kiera cast an appraising glance on Humphrey, he looked almost worried to see that look in her eyes. Kiera smiled inwardly. It had been a long time since someone had cared a jot for her emotionally. In fact, Kiera didn't remember a time like that at all. This happened to be one of the reasons why her best friends were cold pieces of metal and not living, breathing human beings.

"I don't particularly have a favourite place, but I suppose if I had to choose........" Kiera drifted slightly into thought. "Egypt and Asia as a whole. Both are mystical, mysterious places with rich history, fantastic weapons and, " Kiera added with a smirk, "Dangerous people."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:21 am

Humphrey was curious about Keira's past. Now, she seemed hard, a bit cold at times, and though she loved her job, he thought she might be a bit lonely. A lot must have happened to make her the way she was now. "Kiera, if you don't mind my asking, do you...have any friends? Seems to me like you are a loner, you must get lonely, don't you?" he asked quietly. Hopefully she wouldn't be offended by the question.

"That sounds pretty cool, might have to visit those places sometime. I really want to visit New Zealand and Australia though, I've heard that the landscape there is amazing. Dangerous people, of course, so that's why you like those places." Humphrey said, laughing just a bit.
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:02 pm

"Friends?" Kiera repeated in an almost mocking tone. "What are friends really? Just a couple of people that love stabbing your back at every chance. I have allies, not friends." Kiera then averted her eyes and stared off into the distance. "I am a loner yes, but I am not lonely. I am absolutely fine the way I am. I don't need anybody."

Realizing that her voice had become slightly harsh, Kiera tried to change the topic, "Anyway, enough about me. How did you become the way you are? Your reflexes clearly indicate that you have creature blood in you
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:35 pm

Humphrey was surprised by Kiera's attitude, he didn't know she was this cold-hearted. "Not all friends are like that Kiera. Friends are part of what makes life worth living, and I even have a girlfriend. She actually came into the shop one day while you were gone, her name's Senium." he told her, though she probably didn't care. "You may find that you need somebody more than you think Kiera. Just so you know, I do consider you a friend, and if you ever need to talk. Well, I know you probably won't, I am just a kid, but I'm here anyways."

"How did I become the way I am? Well, my parents died when I was eight, and I moved in with my aunt and uncle. Grew up in America, but they live in Scotland. Never had many friends til I came here to Hogwarts. Was attacked by a werewolf two summers ago, which was also the summer my uncle died of cancer. What about you? You a regular human, or are you some form of creature as well?" Humphrey asked her, honestly curious.
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:13 pm

Kiera almost smiled at what, according to her, was Humphrey's naivety. "You're lucky Humphrey, very lucky indeed that you got a chance to associate with people your own age. I never attended Hogwarts, I never had that chance. As for your friends and girlfriend, good for you, but once you step out in the real world, you'll realize how fickle people truly can be."

"As for your always being there, Humphrey, I'm touched, I truly am. But I really don't need anyone else." Kiera tapped her fingers lightly on her knee. "As for whether I have creature blood or not, no I don't. I guess you could call me a 'regular' human, only if that word can be applied to me in any way." Kiera added with a smirk.
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:42 am

"Yeah, I am pretty lucky. Why couldn't you attend Hogwarts or another school though? If you don't mind my asking." She had said that her past was rough, but had never told him anything about it. "I know people aren't always the best of friends and can betray you Kiera. That isn't a reason to stop trying to make them though. Not everybody is going to be a bad friend, there are some good people in the world."

"If you say so, but for the record I think you do. Doesn't have to be me, but I still think you need somebody. You can take care of yourself though, and I can't make you change your mind." Humphrey told her. Everybody needed somebody in their lives, he knew that, and he hoped Kiera would find someone. "Oh, didn't mean to call you regular, I know you aren't. One of the most interesting people I've ever met to be honest."
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:35 am

At Humphrey's question, the lines in Kiera's face hardened. The reason I couldn't attend a magical school? Maybe because my b- of a mother deserted me when I was just...... Halting her thoughts midway, Kiera made a conscious effort not to sound angry. That anger would just be unfair, because it would wrongly be directed at Humphrey who hadn't even done anything. He was only trying to help. "I couldn't attend magical school because.......of some personal problems. And I know everyone in the world isn't bad Humphrey, there are good friends, but I've never come across any, so excuse me for my skepticism."

Then Kiera smiled slightly when Humphrey called her one of the most interesting people he had ever met. "Thanks Humphrey. I take that as a high compliment. And you are definitely one of the most trusting people I have ever met. And I hope the world is kind enough to you so that your trusting nature never changes."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:45 am

Humphrey could tell Kiera was struggling to control her emotions. "I'm sorry about whatever it was Kiera. It isn't fair that you didn't get to have a normal childhood. Your skepticism is understandable really, but I'm your friend whether you like it or not. I enjoy coming here and hanging out with you, you're a pretty fun person."

He smiled widely at her. "You should, a lot of people are dull and boring. Interesting people make life so much more fun. Well I just try not to judge people before I get to know them, and assuming people are bad to begin with is pretty unfair. Thanks, I hope I can keep it too."

Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:55 am

This time, Kiera couldn't restrain the smile on her face. Because cold-hearted or not, she still had a heart. So when she spoke, her voice was genuine, "Thank you Humphrey, I do appreciate it. And the fact that you find me a friend......well frankly I'm shocked, because I'm not usually the kind of person that people like to befriend. Apparently, I give off danger vibes."

"Not judging a person before you get to know them, well, I guess you have a point there. But the fact remains that I find people ridiculously transparent with their bad intentions, and some times its so easy to read them that even if I do make assumptions about them, I'm proven right most of the time."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:54 am

He smiled back when Kiera finally let a grin cross her face. Humphrey could tell that she was grateful for what he'd said, and he was happy about it. "Your welcome Kiera. You shouldn't be so shocked, you are a nice enough person. Haha, give off danger vibes, that's a good way to put it. I would have to agree, you do seem the dangerous type." Humphrey admitted.

"Yea, it's kind of disappointing but lots of people do have bad intentions. The world has become a pretty cruel place. That won't stop me from being nice whenever I can though." he told her. "So, are we going to do more training today?"
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:33 am

"Nice? Really?" Now that's a word that hasn't been applied to me before. Kiera smiled lightly, "Well, glad to see that you don't judge by appearances and prefer to go more than skin-deep, considering the fact that appearances can be deceptive. Take for example me, or even you. You are much more mature than you appear to be at first glance."

"Well, I'm ready for training any time. If you wish, I can show you how to use some other weapons than the sword you have there. But if you're exhausted, and need to get back to school, then you can leave. It's your choice."
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:54 am

"Yes, you are nice. You practically gave me the boots the first time we met. Working for you isn't that much of a payment really. Plus, you were kind enough to offer to train me up a bit." Humphrey stated. It had been very generous of her. "Appearances most certainly can be, not always though. As soon as I saw I had to face Raven Drake for the third task I knew I was in trouble, she looks dangerous and is. Me? Mature? Surely you aren't serious." Nobody's ever called me mature.

"That would be great, I'd love to learn how to use something other than my sword. Do you know how to fight without weapons as well?" Humphrey asked her, he'd always wanted to learn a form of hand-to-hand combat. "No I'm fine, werewolves don't tire out that easily. I don't have anything I need to get back to at the moment."
Humphrey Williams
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Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera) Empty Re: Much Needed Training (Humphrey and Kiera)

Post by Kiera de Auvergne Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:56 pm

"Yes Humphrey, no need to be shocked. Most adults.don't have the maturity which I can clearly see in you. I guess its a side effect of your.....condition."

Kiera got to her feet and languidly stretched her body. "Yes fighting without weapons is also something I am adept at, all credit to my stay in Asia, which you know specializes in hand to hand combat. Of course, I prefer weapons, and I don't beleive in those sorts of combat which are all style and no substance. My way of weaponless combat doesn't involve elaborate roundhouse kicks and all that nonsense, but it is most effective." Kiera then gestured with her hand, "Want to try?"
Kiera de Auvergne
Kiera de Auvergne
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