Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue May 15, 2012 12:34 am

Charlotte had met Airen in the apothecary, and she was very glad that she had been asked to come with him for some ice cream, she felt much more comfortable here because she knew where she was and it was somewhere that was full of magical people, not full of creatures that could do them harm if they wished.

Casting Airen a large smile, Charlotte walked into the ice cream shop and she looked at the several new flavours of ice cream that there have been since she was last in here, and she smiled even wider at some of the wacky flavours that there were.

"What do you think you're going to get?" she asked him with a large smile.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed May 16, 2012 1:17 pm

Airen had been walking around and had stumbled upon Charlotte in the Apothecary. He'd offered to accompany her which she had accepted. He smiled as they approached the ice cream shop. He hadn't visited this place yet and had been meaning to drop by.

Looking around, Airen noted various flavors. His eyes widened in awe of the many choices available. He spotted many strange flavors. As he looked around, he spotted a favorite flavor of his since he was a kid: vanilla.

"I think maybe some vanilla. It may be plain, but it tastes great," he said. "What about you?" he asked.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu May 17, 2012 2:01 am

Charlotte turned to Airen and was sort of shocked when he said that he was going to get the simple vanilla flavour of ice cream, maybe he would try and get some different toppings to go on to top of it, although she thought it was sweet how traditonal it was.

"Vanilla? I always liked Cornish Vanilla ice cream, its so creamy, or the one that has the black dots in, I guess that means it's a really expensive one."

Peering into the vanilla tub, Charlotte saw some black dots and was glad that the ice cream was goinng to be good, humming she looked around again and pointed to another tub;

"I'm going to have dark chocolate and cherry flavour, it sounds yummy." she smiled gently "I wonder if I should get a massive one with sauce...I don't think I could eat it all by myself though." Charlotte pouted.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 17, 2012 10:15 pm

Airen smiled at Charlotte as she told him of that variation of vanilla ice cream. He'd had tried that before. Truth be told, he really didn't care about how it was made, he just liked simple vanilla ice cream.

"I think it's just how they make it. I've had one with the little black dots before. It wasn't that expensive," he said, smiling.

Airen followed Charlotte's gave to the other tubs. He looked around and saw chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, and even some cherry. When she pointed at the dark chocolate and cherry, He smiled as she thought out loud about getting a large order with sauce.

"I'll gladly help you finish it," Airen offered, grinning.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri May 18, 2012 4:26 am

Charlotte smiled lightly, she was very happy to be doing something so normal with Airen, it was something that she thought that many couples of their age would do, not like painting up her old house or something as strange as that.

"Well then maybe I will have to have a taste of yours, if you'll let me?" she asked with a happy tone to her voice, as if just being with Airen made her lighter, her worries fall away.

Ordering the large ice cream, Charlotte's smile grew as she saw it arrive, paying for it out of her purse, she waited for Airen to order his own ice cream before spying for a booth;

"Do you reckon that there will be one by the window where we can sit? I do like to people watch, it's so fun to try and guess where people might be going, or have come from."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri May 18, 2012 6:09 pm

Airen smiled when Charlotte asked to share his ice cream. He was glad to have finally gone on a normal date with her. Not that he didn't enjoy their other dates, it was just that he often wanted to experience being with Charlotte in a casual dating scene.

"Si, you can have some," Airen happily replied. He felt as if he could take on the world right now. Nothing could be more perfect than right now.

Airen walked up the person behind the counter and ordered an ice cream. When it arrived, he paid them from his wallet. He left a generous tip and bid them a good day.

"I think I see one now," Airen said, pointing over to a couple of barstools and a table that occupied a bay window. People walked by it in droves. "I like it too. It's fun to watch them interact."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri May 18, 2012 7:40 pm

Charlotte nodded when Airen pointed out the table that was open by the window, she didn't think that she was going to be able to pay much attention to the people passing by when she was with Airen, but she would try her best.

Artfully weaving in and out of the tables, Charlotte managed to snag the table before anyone else got it, and she smiled happily, sitting down there and taking off her jacket;

"Good spot Air, it give us a lovely view of all of the people passing by, and the pet shop just across the street." she grinned.

Taking a spoon of her ice cream, Charlotte smiled lightly as she ate it, sighing with the sweetness;

"What have you been up to then?" she asked with a light smile on her lips, deciding to make conversation.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat May 19, 2012 4:20 pm

Airen smiled as Charlotte made a beeline for the table. He loved being this carefree and wanted to savor the time he had. He knew that life could only get more stressful from here.

Airen took the seat opposite Charlotte. He sat down and took a bite out of his ice cream, sighing at the delicious and simple vanilla flavor.

"Thank you. I thought you might like it," he said softly. He looked out the window and noticed that the sky was beginning to darken. "Looks like we got here just in time," he said as rain began to patter on the window.

"Nothing much really. I've been visiting my old academy every now and then to try to salvage some books that'll help me learn the rest of the whole Swordmage art," he said. He never did like returning to the ruins. It only reminded him of that night.

"What about you? I here that you've been living life to its fullest," he said, sending her a warm, caring smile.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun May 20, 2012 4:51 am

Charlotte looked out of the window when Airen prompted her to, it did seem like they had gotten here just in time and she couldn't believe that the weather could change that quickly, pouting a little as all the people that she would have people watched apparated away, she turned her attention back to Airen.

"It would seem that the weather is a little weird these days, although maybe it's just a quick shower or something?" she suggested "Either way, I'm glad I'm not out getting soaked in it."

Nodding her head, Charlotte smiled lightly, after all she did remember that lesson with the boggart, and that Airen was a little afraid of returning to that place and the memories it brought.

"Are you going to start the meetings back up in school Airen? I do so miss them, although I wonder who will turn up but me, both Pyxis and Humphrey have been awol for so long now." she pouted again.

Laughing a little she thought about what she had been doing; "My Papa turned his office into an art studio for me, so I've been working away in there, with Viktor of course, he likes to tell me what to do, he's so bossy for a kitten."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun May 20, 2012 3:55 pm

Airen caught her pouting at the fact that she couldn't watch people interact anymore. He was also disappointed by the fact that he couldn't watch people interact.

"I don't know. I think with this war going on, there is bound to be some dark magic at work here. Wasn't it like this at the time of the war between the Dark Lord and the Order of the Phoenix?" he asked. He thought he had read somewhere about the weather changing due to the war or something like that.

"I've been trying to put them together. There is still a bit to cover, but I think we'll be working on the more advanced spells next," he stated. He really had a lot to teach them, so the next year would be a lot more stressful than normal, but he was sure that he could handle it.

"I bet he is. I'd like to meet him if that's okay," he said simply. He always liked cats. They were so calm.

"By the way, how is the other Viktor?" he asked, thinking about the German who had shown regret for nearly killing Charlotte.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue May 22, 2012 11:13 pm

Charlotte did not like to think about the war that was going on at the moment, she did not want to think that her friend Viktor could be out there trying to hurt people in her country or her friends. Nevermind any other German people who tried to come over here.

"I suppose so...but then again that makes it all the more scary and I wish that it would just go back to normal for spring, how it should be." she whispered, sucking on her lip piercing.

Glad that they would be learning more spells this year, Charlotte nodded her head happily, she hoped that she would be able to do it properly, she didn't want to make a fool out of herself after all, especially not in front of other people.

"I'll look forward to it already! I can't wait." she smiled lightly.

Nodding her head Charlotte beamed; "I would like to show you him, maybe I will bring him with us with Hannibal when we come and see your Auntie, does she like pets?"

Pouting a little Charlotte shrugged; "I don't knwo I haven't seen him in ages."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed May 23, 2012 2:03 pm

Airen regretted bringing up the war. He should have just kept his thoughts to himself. He knew that Charlotte, being the kindest person he had met, would have friends on both sides. He hated war. It shattered families and shredded friendships.

"I'm sorry I brought that up. I know you worry for Viktor, so please, forget I said anything," Airen said, laying a soft, comforting hand on her shoulder. He sent her an apologizing smile.

Airen smiled back at her happy attitude to the spells. In theory, they were pretty simple. All a person had to do was say what they needed, but it required a pretty huge amount of focus.

"I'm sure you'll like it. It's actually pretty simple," he said.

"She puts up with Epos and his antics. I'm sure she can handle a kitten and a vulture," he said, smiling.

"Oh," Airen said simply. He hadn't meant to bring up a sore subject. "Sorry."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed May 23, 2012 6:37 pm

Charlotte smiled happily, she did not mean to let her emotions show so much, she only hoped that she would be able to get better at that, she didn't want to make Airen upset because of something little that had set her in a sad mood.

"Don't be sorry, it's going to be hard while this war is going on, it's just one of the reasons that I hope it is finished soon..." she sighed, but then let the smile back on her face.

With a nod of her head, Charlotte took another spoonful of her ice cream and hoped that the chocolate would do it's work and make her mood improve;

"I...I was thinking of something a few days ago, but I'm not sure if...I'm not sure if I should do it or not." she sucked at her lip piercing.

Smiling happily Charlotte shook her head; "Don't worry about it Air, I'll see him soon I'm sure of it."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 24, 2012 2:33 pm

Airen felt better about bringing up the topic of war, but he still didn't like to put dampers on happy conversations. He gave Charlotte a small smile. Taking a bite out of his ice cream, he felt the cold and sweet vanilla flavor run down his throat. The taste lingered on his tongue before slowly fading.

"I hope it is too. I don't like war, especially after a certain part of my life," he said. He knew she'd get the last part. He was close to being ready to tell her about it, but there was still one person he needed to talk to before he could truly be free of the guilt.

"Charlotte," Airen said, laying a warm hand over hers. "you know that I will always be here for you, no matter what," he finished. He'd support her in whatever her decision was.

"When you do, be sure to tell him 'hi' for me," he added.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu May 24, 2012 7:26 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly and she placed a comforting hand over Airen's she was glad that he was freely alluding to the events in his past that he found painful around her now, and she hoped that perhaps in the future he would be able to tell her completely.

"I'm sure that the new peace talks between the countries will help the war to end, after all neither side want their homes and cities destroyed, they'll find a resolution."

Taking a deep breath Charlotte managed to get confident enough to tell Airen what she was thinking of doing, in a hopefully calm enough manner;

"I was thinking about taking control of the SS...you know it's been a while since we've gathered and I don't think that we can wait any longer for Salina to organise the meetings..." she whispered.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri May 25, 2012 3:09 pm

Airen looked up when Charlotte placed her other hand over his. He felt all warm inside, as if everything was right in the world. He smiled softly in return. With his free hand, he picked up a spoonful of ice cream and put it in his mouth. He deposited the spoon back in his cup.

"Yes, hopefully," he agreed.

Airen smiled at Charlotte's reluctant nature to the rise to power. He liked that quality in people. It showed that they had no ambition for power for personal gain.

"I think you should. It will help us, if it turns out that the peace talks don't go as planned. I know that you'll do fine. I'll help you if you want," he added supportingly. He placed his free hand over their other hands. He leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss on her lips as a sign of dedication to her.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun May 27, 2012 7:59 am

Charlotte smiled at Airen in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. The peace talks were going on even as they were here. A long series of them which would influence the world in which they lived. Charlotte was a little bit afraid of what might happen but she wouldn't show it,

"We've got to be positive Airen." she told her, squeezing his hand gently with her's, "I'm sure the adults know what they're doing."

To be honest Charlotte didn't think she was the best choice for the leader of the student spying society. She had hoped that Salina would have come back so that the burden would have been on her shoulders instead but she hadn't so the responsibility had fallen to her,

"I'm not so sure that I'll do a good job... I mean what do I know about being a spy that none of the others don't already know?" she whispered her doubts before they melted away in the short kiss. She smiled and squeezed his hand lightly, "Thanks for offering your help... I think I might take you up on it sometimes."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon May 28, 2012 2:25 am

Airen squeezed her hand in return. He liked being this close to her. It made him feel as if all the worries he had just melt away. He inwardly smirked at how sappy he could be, but it was the truth. He was glad that the peace talks were bring held by adults. They'd, hopefully, be mature about this.

"I know they do," he replied assuringly.

He smiled as she told him her doubts and worries about being the new SS leader. He looked at her appraisingly. Squeezing their joined hands, Airen smiled reassuringly at her.

"You'll do fine. If you do not know something, just ask for help. There's nothing wrong with admitting that you need help, alright?" he said comfortingly.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue May 29, 2012 2:02 am

Charlotte smiled happily, she knew that everything was going to be alright just from those few short words from Airen, after all, the adults knew what they were doing best, and they would be able to handle things as well as they could, after all it would take a while for them to be able to get past the aminosity between them and see the situation independantly.

"I know that Auntie Briony will be able to keep her head if nobody insults her, even the littlest thing sets her off recently, I think it's because of baby Raven." she said with a small smile "She's so cute, have you seen her?"

When Airen reassured her that it was okay to ask for help, Charlotte smiled happily she was glad that he was so supportive of her and she kissed him softly again;

"Thank you so much for offering your help Air, I know with you beside me I will have the confidence to be able to lead the group."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue May 29, 2012 2:46 pm

Airen smiled at the mention of the Headmistress Romain's baby. He hadn't seen her, as he felt like it wasn't his place. He listened to Charlotte as she told him about her thoughts of the meeting. He felt a bit worried that the Headmistress wouldn't be able to keep her cool, but he pushed those worries aside when he thought about the fact that she put the school before herself.

"That's good. At least we know that some one will be level headed in the meeting," Airen commented, relieved. "No, I haven't seen Raven yet. I don't think it's my place," he added.

Airen very nearly melted into the short kiss. He smiled back at her. How did he get so lucky? Charlotte could easily choose some one who had much less baggage, and yet she chose him. He counted this as a big blessing.

"I'm glad I give you confidence," he said warmly. "You're going to do fine."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed May 30, 2012 11:20 pm

Charlotte pouted a little bit when Airen told her that he had not been able to see Raven just yet, she really thought that it would be nice for Airen to see Raven although she could see why Airen didn't think that it was his place because he wasn't really close to Briony.

"Awwwww I'm sure that she wouldn't mind letting you see the baby, after all she doesn't mind me seeing her and I'm not really that close to Briony either."

With a large smile Charlotte thought about Raven and she added; "She is so cute though."

When Airen told her that she was going to do just fine, Charlotte actually believed that he was going to be able to help her, even the promise of having him near to her.

"Well I'm thinking of having one next week, do you think that you're going to be able to come?"
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 31, 2012 2:11 pm

Airen shrugged his shoulders. He'd always been shy, and it made him uncomfortable to ask something that he viewed as personal to adults. He bowed his head humbly.

"I guess I'm just shy. I mean, I've never been comfortable asking for something from a grown up," he said, sending Charlotte a small smile.

"I bet she is, but I'm looking at some one cuter," he said, looking directly at Charlotte. He was mentally surprise by how smooth that was.

Airen smiled and took another bite of his ice cream. It felt a bit runnier than before, but he was almost finished, so he didn't have to worry. He thought back to the days at the Swordmage Academy. The weekends filled with joy, sleepovers between friends, and lively activities.

"Of course I'll be able to," he said supportingly.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:17 am

Charlotte couldn't help but smile when she talked about Raven, she was so excited because she was going to be able to design some new baby clothes for her because Briony and Richard had not been able to find something suitable for her in the shops.

"Don't worry about it Air! I tell you what, I'll take a picture of her next time I'm there and then I can show it to you." Charlotte offered "I'm making some baby clothes for her too as a little present."

Blushing a little when she was called cute, Charlotte ate a spoonful of her ice cream and hoped that it would manage to calm her cheeks down a little bit from their flush: "Why thank you Airen." she said with a shy smile on her lips "I feel the same way."

Now feeling a lot more confident, Charlotte smiled happily and ate some more of her ice cream;

"Are you looking forward to becoming a fourth year Air?" she asked with a large smile on her lips.
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:33 pm

Seeing the smile on Charlotte's face made Airen feel warm inside. He remembered attending the baby shower of a few couple's in the Swordmage Villa a few times. He was always a big hit with the little kids, as he wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself.

"I'm sure she'll like that. I think I may take you up on that offer," he replied.

"I'm glad," he said softly. Looking out the window, he noticed the rain had stopped. People were milling about, talking, and going about their business.

"I can't wait. I guess I'm still bit nervous about graduating and leaving Hogwarts to start a life of my own," he admitted.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:08 am

Charlotte was glad that Airen did want to see baby Raven, although Charlotte found it alittle strange that she was called Raven, as she thought that was the name of the mad instructor at Durmstrang, but hadn't thought it her place to ask.

"I think that she will, Uncle Richie told me that she was annoyed because all the girls baby lothes were either pink yellow or green and she wanted some darker colours, you know Auntie Briony." she smiled happily.

When Airen told her that he was nervous about going to start a life on his own, Charlotte sucked at her lip piercing and squeezed his hand that she was still holding from before;

"Well don't worry, you'll have me here as a friend if nothing else and I'll always be here for you even after we leave Hogwarts." Charlotte attempted to reassure him.
Charlotte Smith
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