Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:40 pm

Airen smiled at the comment Charlotte made about the headmistress, who did seem to prefer the darker colors. He'd noticed that just by the few balls he attended, and also the fact that her husband was the head of Slytherin house. He guessed it was just mother's former house affiliation that led to the unusual choice of color.

"I guess that makes sense. After all, the baby can't really make choices of her own, now can she?" he said happily.

Airen looked up when Charlotte squeezed his hand. He smiled at her promising to be there for him even if only as a friend. He returned the gesture, but added a peck on the lips.

"Except that you're more than a friend, Charlotte," he added softly.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:40 am

Charlotte smiled gently when Airen agreed with her, and she also had to agree with him, the baby could not make choices for it's own, and she hoped that Briony would be able to make sure the choices she made were right for Raven, and Charlotte knew without much thinking they would be.

"Exactly, I'm sure as long as whatever she is wearing is comfortable and warm there will be nothing for her to complain about, I'll hopefully make everything right, I've never made such small clothes before."

Sucking on her lip piercing, Charlotte was surprised by the peck on the lips and blushed lightly, giving Airen a peck to his lips in return, brushing some hair from in front of his eyes, Charlotte smiled;

"Indeed I am, for as long as you wish me to be."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:17 am

Airen smiled to himself at Charlotte's comment about the baby. After all, it was true. A baby has nothing to complain about if it's clothes are comfortable and warm.

"With your skills with making amazing dresses, I'm sure that you'll do fine," he assured her comfortingly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

He sighed contentedly when Charlotte returned the peck on the lips. He felt so at ease here with her. He wished he could capture this moment and hold it forever.

"Thank you, Charlotte," he said. He would've said more, but he didn't want to be too forward or presumptuous. After all, the future is never certain.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:37 am

Charlotte hummed lightly to herself and she suddenly remembered something that she had wanted to ask Airen for a long time, after all it was almost the end of the year now and he had been back for most of it, of course she was thinking about Humphrey.

"I've been meaning to ask," she said with a small blush, trying to draw the attention away from the compliment "What do you think to Humphrey being back, I mean...are you two alright with each other now?"

Running her hands through her hair, Charlotte swiftly returned to eating her ice cream and finished it within a few minutes, a happy sigh escaped her lips and she watched the people running to and fro outside.

Unable to stop a small giggle she pointed to the man outside;

"Do you see him? Doesn't he look funny with that carpet, it seems to be wiggling about all over the place! Maybe it's been hexed or something?"
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:38 pm

Airen was caught off guard about Charlotte's sudden question about Humphrey. Truthfully, he was still a bit unsure about him. He was positive that the kid was a nice guy deep down, but he still got on Airen's nerves with the excessive talking.

Airen took a deep breath. "Truth be told, yeah, I guess we're good. He may talk too much, but I think he and I can get along," he answered. He put a hand on her cheek. "There's no need to worry about us."

Airen returned to his ice cream. He ate slower than Charlotte, wanting to savor the flavor of vanilla. He smiled as he heard her sigh contentedly. He liked making her feel so relaxed. He looked over to where she gestured. He couldn't help but smile too.

"He does look funny, and I think I see the problem," he said, gesturing to a young boy with flaming red hair, most likely a first or second year, laughing and pointing his wand at the carpet. The man seemed to be laughing too, so Airen just let it play out.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:34 am

Charlotte smiled gently, she did not know that she was going to be able to keep her feelings about Humphrey secret any longer, truth was, as much as she hated to think it...was that she thought that Humphrey was really...really...annoying.

Sucking on her lip piercing Charlotte leant her hand into Airen's hand; "Maybe you can teach me how to get along with him?" she asked with a little laugh "I kind of slapped him...twice...because..."

Although she knew she should tell Airen what he did, she did not know how well he would take it, hopefully he would take it well, although she did not know it for definate.

Giggling a little, Charlotte was glad that the man seemed to be in good spirits and he didn't seem to be angry at the boy; "He is very brave to do that, I would never be able to pull a prank on somebody, I guess I'm just not that daring." Charlotte laughed.
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:36 am

Airen raised a curious eyebrow at Charlotte's comment on how she slapped him twice. He knew when the first time was. You see in their first year, they had gone to a ball and the Germans had ambushed them. It was a hectic night, and during that time, Humphrey had easily managed to tick off Charlotte enough to the point where she slapped him. There was no second time as far as Airen had heard of.

"Well, my method may seem kind of rude," Airen said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I just don't talk to him one on one, or I try to keep those conversations brief," he said shyly, unsure if Charlotte would think him any less than she did.

He noticed that she seemed to be hiding something. He stroked her cheek tenderly, sending her assurance through his touch.

"It's alright, Charlotte. Tell me, what did he do? I promise I won't get mad," he whispered to her.

Airen laughed with Charlotte at the scene. It took a lot of guts to laugh along with a prank that made you look like a fool. "He sure is. Actually, it means that your more kind."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:55 am

Charlotte smiled and giggled a little when he told her what he tried to do when he was faced with talking to Humphrey, after all it was something that although was slightly over the top, was definitely going to work in every situation.

Seeing that he was nervous, Charlotte smiled warmly at him; "Well that's one way to do it and it will always work, I think it's a good way to go, and no, I don't think that it's rude, after all you can't be expected to get on with everyone and it's a good way to handle it."

Sucking even more on her lip piercing, Charlotte looked at her lap and squeezed Airen's hand;

"He started telling me that he still had feelings for me, that he loved me more than Keiba and that he was going to kill himself if he couldn't be with me, a-and...then he kissed me and jumped off the ampitheatre! So I slapped him..." she said in a slightly rushed manner.
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:26 pm

Airen felt more at ease when Charlotte told him that she didn't think his method was rude. He was glad that she was so understanding. He thought about Humphrey, how the kid could talk to no end, and how he claimed to have changed.

"I guess, yet I still can't help but want to at least talk to him more," he said. He smiled back at her to let her know that he felt better now.

Airen listened to her as she told him what had happened. It sounded like the usual Humphrey, being immature and taking measures way too drastic for such a small matter. When she mentioned that he kissed her, Airen's mind skidded to a halt. Anger instantly flooded him, but he held back the tides of rage and calmed them to a trickle of annoyance.

"Okay...I understand. I won't talk to him about it if you don't want me to. I'm sorry that happened," he said slowly and calmly. He placed a kiss on her lips. He stood up and deposited his cup and spoon in the trash. He returned and held out a hand to her.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" he asked.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:30 am

Charlotte did not know how Airen could be so understanding, how he would still want to be nice to Humphrey after all that he put him through, although the same she supposed could be said of herself, she was often very forgiving of people who should not be forgiven.

Although she had been expecting Airen to be angry, Charlotte had expected him to be angry at her, it was a pleasant surprise when he didn't seem to be, a large smile spread on Charlotte's lips;

"Y-you mean you aren't angry at me?" she asked happily "I was so worried that you were going to be angry for what happened, I don't know why though...I just feel so bad that I couldn't have stopped him."

Pouting slightly, Charlotte cheered up when Airen kissed her on the lips and she nodded her head with a dreamy smile, getting up she placed her bowl in the bin.

"I would love to go on a walk with you now it's stopped raining."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:22 pm

Airen smiled at the Charlotte's question of if he was mad at her. The thought of being angry or mad at her just didn't seem possible in his mind. He had thought about if he could be mad at her many times, but he just couldn't think of a reason to feel that way to her.

"I could never be mad at you, Charlotte. I understand that he caught you off guard. I am really annoyed at his constant mind changing, but I think that if we just left him alone, then things will work out," he said honestly. He would have a chat if only he didn't want some one to get hurt.

"Well then, let's go," he says.

Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:48 pm

When Airen told her that he could never be mad at her Charlotte smiled happily and she felt a lot better about what had happened, she thought that it was nice that they could be so open to each other when they were so young, their relationship seemed to be very strong already.

"I do try to make sure that the conversation doesn't go that way, it is really quite shocking when the subject changes so rapidly to different things, especially about his feelings." she said quietly.

Running her hand up her arms Charlotte smiled sadly; "I just don't want to leave him friendless, he seems to be driving everyone away with his mood swings."

Holding out her hand to him Charlotte smiled more happily; "Where shall we go? Do you want to go shopping or something with me?"
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:32 pm

Airen adopted a thoughtful look as Charlotte told him how the conversations always seemed to go to Humphrey's feelings. He thought about how Humphrey seemed to have dramatic mood swings in the middle of a conversation. He wanted to be friends with him, but it was very hard.

"I guess he just likes to talk, but you're right. It can be a bit shocking. I don't expect to be talking about the weather and suddenly find myself talking about what books I like," he said, shrugging.

Airen looked at her softly as she said how she didn't want to leave him friendless. He wrapped his arms around her in a warm and comforting hug. "He'll be fine. I've seen him talking a lot with some of the other people around school," he assured her.

Airen thought about what they could do. There was still plenty of time in the day. "It's up to you. I'm just happy spending time with you," he said, smiling. He took her hand in his.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:00 am

Charlotte smiled happily, it was good to know that someone felt the same as her, she wanted to know that it wasn't just something silly that she was thinking to make her act this way, however, she could not help a small feeling of guilt rising inside her, she didn't like to talk badly about Humphrey.

"I guess it's just a little quirk about who he is, I don't think that it's going to change, so I suppose I will be getting use to it in the future." she giggled a little.

Snuggling her head into Airen's shoulder Charlotte smiled a little more relaxed, she was glad that Airen seemed to understand her desires but also her frustrations.

"I'm glad that he's got other people to talk to, I would hate to leave him all on his own, he needs someone to help him."

Humming a little, Charlotte pretended to stroke her imaginary beard; "We could always go to Madam Malkins, to see if there are any clothes ideas for me."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:32 am

Airen chuckled with Charlotte. He understood that that was just a part of Humphrey and who he was. Airen was the same in the fact that there would always be a part of him that had to deal with the guilt from a certain event in his life. He felt a bit bad about talking about Humphrey behind his back, but he couldn't hold all his annoyance in all the time. He sometimes would go find a room to himself and let out his frustrations in training.

"We all have our own quirks. I know we'll get used to it sooner or later," he added lightly.

Airen sighed and leaned his head on hers as they exited the ice cream shop. He liked being this close to her. It was nice to know that he had some one who cared deeply for him in the same amount that he cared for them.

"He does, and if we are able to tolerate it, then we'll be able to become good friends with him, too."

Airen thought she might say that. He nodded his head. "Well then, Madam Malkins it is. Shall we milady?" he asked bowing and offering his hand to her.
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:21 am

Charlotte smiled happily when they left the ice cream parlour, it was so nice to be with Airen, although she had never recieved much affection in her life before she came to Hogwarts she did love being close to people, it was so nice to just have someone to hug when you needed to.

Laughing a little when Airen bowed, Charlotte curtseyed in return and took his hand, making her way over to the dress shop to look in the window at the latest robes.

"Oh they all look so nice, I managed to get one of my works published in here, although I think that it could have been better Madam Malkin loves it!" she grinned lightly proud of her own achievements "Maybe one day she will buy some of my dresses."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:08 pm

Airen grinned happily as they left the ice cream shop. He placed a gentle hand around her waist as they walked. He hoped he wasn't being too presumptuous. They soon reached the dress shop window. He never really cared for fashion, but he liked to admire how he and other people looked in certain clothes. He often found himself gravitating to clothes that kept him shrouded in mystery or those that often caused him to look sharp and spiffy.

"Really? Well, I'm sure that you can earn an excellent living just off the profits. After all, you have a great gift designing ball gowns and the like," he complimented.
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:42 am

Charlotte smiled lightly to herself when she felt Airen's hand on her waist while they walked, she liked the little things that showed her that he wanted to be near her, and that he did care about her after all.

Sometimes it was the things you didn't say as opposed to the ones that you did which meant the most in the end.

Blushing slightly when she was complimented Charlotte stopped peering through the window to smile happily at Airen; "Well if you ever want some I'll make sure to make them my best ever, you deserve it after all."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:52 am

Airen noticed the light smile that Charlotte had on her face. He was glad that she didn't think him too forward or something along the line. He just hoped that she would be able to deal with the baggage he bared from his past. He had tried many times to push past the nightmares, but they would always return.

However, he knew that she would be able to deal with them. She was that strong, he thought.

Airen smiled in return. He listened as Charlotte offered to make him his own outfits.

"Thank you, Charlotte. You don't have to, but thank you anyway."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:50 am

Charlotte tilted her head to one side, it seemed as if they were both lost in their own thoughts for the most part of the conversation, she hoped that everything was alright with Airen, after all she herself was getting very nervous with the war going on.

it was almost like she couldn't go anywhere without fearing that Raven Drake was going to pop around the corner and gut her like a fish. Shuddering at the idea she tightened her grip on Airen's hand and asked in a quiet voice;

"Do you ever get scared Airen? When you hear about all the attacks and all the people who get hurt and killed?"
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:02 pm

Airen felt an uneasy surge of adrenaline. The primal instinct of fight or flight, but he knew that they were safe. He had his training, and he also had some one besides himself to protect. He had always had this uneasy feeling what with this war going on.

He felt Charlotte tighten her grip on his hand. He looked over to her and squeezed her hand as a sign of comfort and assurance that he would always protect her. He knew what it was like to experience true fear. That night always plagued his dreams.

"Yes, I get scared. I was scared when they attacked my old school. I was scared when the Germans ambushed us in first year. But mostly, I'm just scared I'm going to lose everything I care about in this world. Magic, my friends, and mostly you," he admitted.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:17 am

Charlotte felt much better when Airen squeezed her hand, it made her feel like she wasn't being so silly after all, like her fears and feelings were somehow justified, and she hoped that other would feel the same way. The topic however seemed to be taboo as nobody in Hogwarts actually discussed it.

"You do?" she asked "I feel better now that I know I'm not the only one thinking that, it's so hard to live in a place where you're constantly afraid of dying."

Looking around Charlotte leant against the wall of the shop and she sighed, clasping her hands in front of her lap, it was something that she had never talked about, but she knew she needed to, and who better to speak to but Airen.

"Nobody ever talks about it, and I think that people need to, if feelings keep getting bottled up then it'll get worse and worse."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:02 pm

Airen smiled when Charlotte admitted that she felt better. He liked to fix her problems. It made him feel good when he knew he was doing something good in some one's life. He remembered the first few days after the ambush on the Swordmage academy. He always felt like there were still a few attackers left, and they were waiting to come out and kill him.

"Yes, I should know. I felt that way after the night of the attack at the Swordmage Academy," he admitted, remembering living in a tent in Italian forests and hiding. He remembered jumping at even a small twig snapping and not relaxing until he knew what made the sound.

Airen leaned on the wall next to Charlotte. He slid down to sit on the ground, as his legs were getting sore. He beckoned Charlotte to sit down.

"I should know. I guess that trying to deal with the guilt from the night of the attack by myself helped some, but I feel That I would've come to terms with it faster if I had talked to some one." he sighed and leaned his head on the wall. he closed his eyes and breathed deeply.
Airen Auditoren
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:55 pm

Charlotte was very interested by what Airen and she had experienced, they seemed to be much the same in many ways, just in different circumstances, what with her main source of paranoia being her mother, and Airens the attack on the Academy.

"It's funny the way that the world has changed, it used to be so much...softer, like a pastle, but now it's harsh and acrillic, it's something I'm not sure is a good thing."

When she noticed that Airen was sitting down she joined him and smiled gently, she was glad that they could spend so long together it had been a while since they had talked this much.

"Well you always have me to talk to now Air, so if theres anything wrong you know you can come and talk to me about it, no matter what it is."
Charlotte Smith
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A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Sweet Encounter (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:15 pm

Airen nodded his head at the analogy Charlotte made. He remembered some idle sketches he had in his satchel. He had been rather distracted with school and thus didn't have enough enough time for art, but he still sketched from time to time.

"That's one way to look at it, but I think, in a way, the bad helps enhance the good. You cherish something more when it helps ease pain," he said voicing his thoughts.

Airen smiled softly when she joined him in sitting down. He never failed to be glad that he was so close with her. He just hoped that school wasn't going to get crazy this year, but knowing Hogwarts, it would.

"And for that, I'm very thankful," he said. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek.
Airen Auditoren
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