Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:57 am

Hannibal had been keeping an eye on Charlotte in Hogwarts by using his animagus form of a vulture. It was just plain stupid how they hadn't set up wards against them considering how both Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew had managed to get into the school so easily just by swapping into their animal selves.

But after deciding that Charlotte was safe enough between her adoptive father and the other professors, Hannibal had decided to get back to civilisation. Namely Bond Street London. It had been a long time since he had been here and it was rather nice. Noticing a new shop, a chocolate shop, Hannibal entered with a small smirk as he looked around,

"Well now... this place is new!" he muttered to himself as he adjusted his tie and began to look at all of the expensive and elaborate chocolates.
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:12 am

Harriet looked up from the book that she was reading when she saw that a man had entered her shop, and not just any man, but the most heart stoppingly handsome man she had ever met and she resisted the urge to make a small squeak when he looked as if he was going to look around for a little while, oh what should she do?! Should she go and introduce herself, and tell him about the the shop?

With a small shy smile on her lips, Harriet hopped off her stool frm behind the old fashioned till, her tight black skinny jeans and her checked shirt, red of course with white patches was something that was out of place in Bond Street but she wasn't one for being trussed up in suits and ties, it was just plain annoying.

"H-hello there." she blushed tucking her hair behind her ear as she spoke "Yes we're new, I uhm...I just opened a few months ago, I don't want to bother you so I'll just leave you to it unless you want any help." she smiled gently, returning to her stool and nervously reading her book.

Persephone Walker

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:22 am

Hannibal was looking through the chocolates, looking for some of Charlotte's favourites, when he noticed a woman walking towards him. And oh what a woman she was! She looked so amazingly beautiful in an innocent way. All that just meant was that he wanted to make her very naughty. To him she looked, in a word, fuckable. Very fuckable.

He smiled at her adorable little blush when she spoke to him. It appeared that she, on some innocent level, thought the same about him. Oh he could have a lot of fun with this young woman. Of course by the end of the first week she wouldn't be innocent anymore, not by a long shot,

"Why hello there my dear." he half said, half purred, "Oh you're not being a bother at all. I'm sure there are lots of ways in which you can help me..."

He gestured to the chocolate,

"Do you own this establishment?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:39 am

Harriet blushed even more when the man looked at her the way that he did, it was so odd for someone to look at her like that, it was almost like they were checking her out but she knew that that couldn't be the case, no no not at all, she jsut wasn't one of those girls people checked out, she was just one of those girls that faded into the background behind their more attractive friends.

"Oh I see.Well just let me know if you need any help picking out some chocolates for yourself." she squeaked out a little bit before she smiled gently, nodding her head she sent her hair flying lightly about her face and she smiled even more enthused by the topic of conversation, she was so proud that she owned her own home and she ownded her own shop. Nobody could take this from her.

"Yes I do!" she announced happily "And I make all of the chocolates and jellies myself, so, there;s nobody better toask about them than myself."

Persephone Walker

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:10 am

He noticed the way she was blushing and couldn't help but smirk. Oh she was going to be a lot of fun he could just tell. It was almost like she had no idea how attractive she was. He enjoyed showing women like her just how attractive he found them. Again. And again. And Again.

"Well that's the thing. You see I'm trying to find the right chocolates to give to a woman." he grinned to himself as he got a little idea about how to win himself some affection from this beautiful woman, "I like her and I really want to get to know her better. Do you have any suggestions?"

He grinned a little bit,

"You're an enterprising young woman!" he congratulated her with a smirk, "I like that. I'm a business man myself actually."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:15 am

Harriet smiled happily when he told her that he was looking for something for a woman, but her inner goddess inside just thought that she was a complete loon helping him find chocolates for another woman and she flared in jealousy and anger, but Harriet swiftly dismissed these irrational thoughts, after all she had only just met the man and didn't even know what he was called.

Walking over to a specific area of the shop full of filled truffle like chocolates and she warmly smiled at the man; "Well ladies normally like truffled chocolates like these, uhm...lets see...some of my best sellers for men looking for a bit of a romantic gift are rose and violet creams, they are yummy I can say that for sure." Harriet explained, her passion coming through.

Blushing lightly when he complimented her Harriet smiled softly; "Oh really, what business are you in? Oh how rude of me, my name is Harriet, Harriet Amelie James, its a pleasure to meet you...?"

Persephone Walker

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Join date : 2012-08-30

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:23 am

Hannibal was a clever man but almost all of his intelligence was related to women and business deals. This meant that he instantly read the signs of jealousy in Harriet's stance. That was good. For his plan to work properly she had to be jealous. It would make the surprise that much more surprising and have a much greater impact.

When she took him over to the truffles section he immediately pegged that these were some of her favourite chocolates in the shop. He smirked a little bit before nodding,

"And these rose and violet creams are good?" he paused before smiling, "Which ones are your favourite? I'm sure you have fine taste."

He smirked a little bit,

"A lot of different businesses." he admitted with a wink before he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He looked up into her eyes with a smoldering look of desire, "The pleasure is all mine Harriet. My name is Hannibal Matthews but please... call me Hannibal."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:32 am

Harriet nodded her head swiftly, they were indeed one of her favourite chocolates to make, but when he asked her what her favourite thing was, Harriet smiled lightly and still felt a little peeved that he wasn't buying these things for her, but once again the voice of reason however small in her mind told her that she was definately not going to have a shot with someone as attractive as him, who she had only just met.

"Well...my favourite ones are the chocolate covered berries that I do, they're really lovely, and the berries are frozen in hydrogen before they're covered in chocolate so they're nice and have retained all of their moisture but aren't squishy...I detest squishy berries." she sighed before blushing "Sorry...I ramble on a little bit sometimes."

Now thoroughly embarrassed, Harriet bit her lip and she couldn't help but let her mouth open slightly when he told her who he was and she almost wanted the floor to swallow her up, the prolific Hannibal Matthews in her shop? Oh my...and she had just acted the complete fool in front of him.

"Oh my, not the Hannibal Matthews? You're so prolific in Muggle Business, you're like...a millionaire!" she squeaked out, face turning crimson "W-what are you doing shopping in here you should be buying far better things, I mean...uhm..."

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:39 am

He could tell that her jealousy was beginning to build up and had to fight down the smirk that threatened to make itself known. Oh she was just so much fun to tease! And this was teasing with their clothes still on, imagine how good she would be to tease to an orgasm? She was going to be his new favourite person in the world, he planned to make her his,

"Chocolate covered berries you say? Coated in hydrogen before they're coated in chocolate? Now those do sound nice!" he picked up a dozen of said sweets in a box, "I'll buy a dozen of them if you please my good lady! I'll have to hurry to get them to the lady I'm interested in. Who knows when she'll lose interest in me!"

He chuckled a little bit, almost sheepishly. Despite loving the attention of women, Hannibal was not one for fans and it seemed that she was some kind of fan. He grinned,

"Millionaire... well... multi millionaire actually. Hoping to make my first billion this year." he told her with a grin before shaking his head and taking a step closer so that he was dangerously close to her. He whispered, "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than with you, here, Harriet..."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
Magical Celebrity

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:48 am

Harriet smiled gently at Hannibal and she took the box happily, placing it on the till so that she could key in the amount into the register, before she did so however a thought struck her and she looked up at Hannibal before asking with a shy smile on her lips;

"Would you like me to gift wrap the chocolates for you since they're as a present for someone?" she asked with a small smile, getting all the things ready just in case he said that he wanted the box of chocolates wrapping for the lady in question "It...it doesn't cost any extra just in case you were wondering."

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Harriet bit her lip lightly and she couldn't help but blush at the way that she had reacted, it was just that her father had so often spoke of Mr. Matthews that she found it hard not to react in this manner when she found out that it was him. She had also heard some other things from her father about him, that he was a prolific ladies man.

"I'm sorry." she mumbled swiftly "I didn't mean to embarrass you b-but my father speaks so highly of you, that I was just excited to meet you at last." as he stepped closer to her his voice getting more husky Harriet almost squeaked and her face turned bright pink "Uhm, t-thank you b-but you barely know me, a-and my father told me that you break a lot of hearts so I...I think that I'll just...stay over here and you can stay there."

Persephone Walker

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Join date : 2012-08-30

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:54 am

When she was ringing the chocolates up he smirked a little bit. It was time to play against those jealous instincts that she had been giving off all night. He winked at her as he handed over one of his credit cards. The price was rather high but then again what did you expect from a chocolate shop on Bond Street? That and he was almost a billionaire so he didn't much care about the price,

"No no I'll rush them over to her you know?" he chuckled a little bit, "She really is the most beautiful woman I have met in a long time... you know my heart skips a beat when I see her!"

He took the box of chocolates and left the shop quickly. Almost immediately he came back into the shop and grinned widely,

"Here you go Harriet!" he told her as he presented the box of chocolates to her, "You see Harriet the woman I was talking about... she was you Harriet! You are by far one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the pleasure to meet."

He smirked a little bit when she tried to step away from him, blushing and stuttering. Seemed she'd heard about the rest of his reputation as well,

"Oh come now Harriet, I won't bite." he teased before smirking and giving her a teasing wink, "Unless you ask nicely that is."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:08 am

Harriet took his credit card and ran it through the reader, she smiled gently, it wasn't too expensive here compared to other places as she didn't have to pay rent, so she could charge what she liked as long as the gas and electric was paid which it was and she had a little money left over for her to buy things for herself as well, so she was very happy at the moment. Her heart fell a little bit and she handed him the card and the chocolates with a small smile.

"She's a very lucky lady I'm sure to have captured your attention, I hope that she likes the chocolates." she smiled softly, before pouting as he left the shop, her inner goddess merely tutting at her for thinking that she might have been the woman he was talking about.

Hearing the little bell ring again she fixed a smile on her face and blinked when she saw Hannibal there again before blushing bright red and taking the chocolates back; "Oh my, uhm, thank you very much Hannibal b-but you really didn't need to do that or be so complimentary, I know that you probably have seen a lot of beautiful women in high society."

As soon as she was about to reply to Hannibal's seductive comment, Harriet's best friend Amelia burst through the door and blinked at the scene; "Harri, are you about to kiss that guy?!" she shrieked

Now throughly embarrassed Harriet knew any chance she had was now gone, Amelia was so very beautiful compared to her, her figure was stunning and she had the most beautiful facial features, which she now turned onto Hannibal himself, Harriet merely smiled sadly and took a step back...like always.

"Hannibal this is my friend Amelia Bennett, Amelia this is Hannibal Matthews."
"Pleased to meet you.." Amelia purred.

Persephone Walker

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Join date : 2012-08-30

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:15 am

Hannibal grinned a little bit at her reaction to his little surprise. Oh she was so surprised that the blush was just the sweetest thing he'd ever seen. It was good for her as well because it would help her self esteem too since he'd just paid her a rather large compliment. He snorted at the thought of women in high society,

"The women in high society believe that a man is only as attractive as the numbers on his bank statement and believe that pumping themselves full of silicon and having things sucked out makes them beautiful." he shook his head and grinned at her, "No I much prefer my women to be real. To be women who don't feel the need to alter themselves. Women who are naturally beautiful. Women like you Harriet."

As soon as the friend came in Hannibal's mood dropped and he had to stop himself from growling at the new arrival. He struggled to put on a polite smile,

"Nice to meet you." he said shortly before turning back to Harriet with a wide grin, "Now... I believe we were about here..."

Leaning forwards, Hannibal kissed Harriet passionately, pulling her close to him so that their bodies were close together. He broke the kiss and stared pointedly at the friend, "Could you do me a favour and turn the sign to closed on your way out?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:22 am

Harriet's breath caught in her throat when she was told that Hannibal thought that she was attractive because everything about her was real, nothing had been altered at all, and it was true, she didn't think that it was a good thing to start hacking and changing her body, after all it could go wrong and then she would be really really ill when it came to recovering, and she could deal, barely, with her appearence.

"Hannibal you're making me blush so much, I think that you should lay off the compliments for the time being, if my face has any hope of returning to it's normal colour." she whispered quietly, her body seemingly leaning forwards of it's own accord, attracted to the current that seemed to be connecting her and Hannibal together, it was strange and she jerked away slightly to break it.

"Oh I have just been dying to meet you properly Mr. Matthews I...Oh! Harriet!" Amelia gasped, stomping her foot and looking like a petulant child as Hannibal wrapped himself around Harriet, kissing her passionately and Harriet gasped into the kiss allowing her sweet lips to move against his own very tentatively. Breaking away from Hannibal Harriet gasped and placed her hands on her lips.

"Harriet Amelie Jones, you know I have a crush on him!" Amelia pouted, as if Hannibal wasn't there
"Amelia please, now isn't the right time really is it? You're being very ru-"
"I'm being rude?! Oh that's rich coming from you and what you just did!" she yelled at her.

Shaking a little bit, Harriet thought this was not the way that she wanted her first kiss to be remembered as, being shouted at for having done it in the first place.

Persephone Walker

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:30 am

Hannibal was complimenting Harriet and not one word of it was a lie. To him she was an incredibly attractive young woman, worthy of both praise and, if he had his way, a damn good fucking too. Her appearance was by far better than 'average' or any other derogatory remarl. She was absolutely stunning and he would claim her as his. He wanted her more than he had wanted any of his other slaves,

"Oh but why Harriet? I rather like it when you blush for me." he purred to her with a wink before he noticed that she was leaning to him, "Seems that you like it when I make you blush too Harriet."

Hannibal was all for ignoring the annoying friend and going back to kissing Harriet, perhaps pushing her up against a wall and making out with her, but it seemed that her 'friend' wanted to lay into her. For some reason he felt oddly angry at this. Sure he didn't like it when people hurt his slaves, or future slaves, but Amelia insulting Harriet made him very angry,

"Leave Harriet alone." he whispered darkly, his tone broking no argument, "Or you will lose everything you own. I will personally see to it that you lose everything you care about unless you back off right now and leave this store. And remember... turn the sign to closed. Me and Harriet have some... talking, to do."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:41 am

Harriet didn't know what to do when she heard Hannibal threatening Amelia like that she almost wanted to tell him off but her head was in such a blur that she didn't know what she was doing or really what was going on any more, however she did notice that her friend merely glared at the two of them and flounced out of the shop, slamming the door behind her and the sign flipped to closed by accident as she did so.

Groaning a little bit, she sat down on the stool behind the till and she already knew that life was much easier without the romance in it, which was why she often tried to avoid it, all it did was cause drama and tension in her life when she had an admirer in the past.

"Was that really needed Hannibal?" she asked quietly "I'm pretty sure she would have just left had you not kissed me in front of her, and she has had a crush on you for a while, she's got posters of you on her wall." Harriet sighed sadly gazing at her clasped hands "You know you don't have to pretend to be interested in me, if you want Amelia that's okay...I understand she's very pretty."

Biting her lip Harriet blinked up at Hannibal with wide eyes and asked; "What was it you wanted to talk to me about? I hate to be rude but...the shops almost at closing time and I kind of have dinner plans with Henry."

Persephone Walker

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Join date : 2012-08-30

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:48 am

Hannibal realised that he might have been a bit heavy handed when it came to dealing with the woman, the friend, but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to care much. So she was a fangirl? Big deal. They were usually annoying women who tended to be very bad in bed. After all how were you supposed to concentrate when the woman was screaming happily about just getting the chance to be with you? It was a bit of a turn off really,

"It got rid of her and she was causing you a lot of distress. I hate to see you so distressed Harriet." he told her in a more gentle tone before snorting, "Only after she'd begged for my autograph. And a kiss. And a date. No I think I saved us at least an hour of her. As for her being pretty... not really. She's too self-involved. You on the other hand, are the very essence of beauty, believe me."

When she mentioned another man his blood boiled and he saw red for a second. Someone else with his slave? Unacceptable! He managed to slowly get his anger under control before he smirked slightly,

"Well I was just wanting to talk about arranging the next time we meet." he told her with a grin, "I do want to see you again after all. Tell you what... I'm staying at the hilton this week, how about you come visit me there? The restaurant is amazing."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:56 am

Harriet pouted a little bit, she hated to think that she would have been pushed to the background again while she had to watch her friend smooching her new found crush, it would be the very essence of irritating and she could sense her jealously flaring up once more when he mentioned the date with her friend, she wouldn't have liked them to go on a date at all..it would have made her so annoyed.

"Why do you hate to see me so distressed?" she asked confused "Hannibal...we barely know each other but...but I think that I know what you mean, its so strange, I...I think that I need some time to think about what's going on in my head, you're a very...intimidating man you know." she breathed out quietly, her eyes wide and heart beat fast.

Hearing that he wanted to meet her again and seeing his dark and almost heart stopping gaze when he heard she was busy tonight, Harriet's inner goddess whimpered a little bit, like she wanted to do, and she silently urged herself to be as cool as possible when she accepted his invitation, to the Hilton no less!

"I would love to meet you for dinner one night at the Hilton Mr, Matthews, what day and what time is convenient for you, I know you're a very busy man after all?" she asked, impressed with how smooth she sounded when really she just wanted to flail and run around the shop in happiness.

Persephone Walker

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:05 am

The little pout was simply adorable to Hannibal he had to admit. It was even better than the blushing in terms of innocence and wanting to ravage her. He managed to pull himself back though. He didn't notice the looks of jealousy and annoyance flash through her eyes when he mentioned her annoying friend asking for a date too,

"I'm not sure to be honest Harriet..." he freely admitted before smirking a little bit and giving her a cheeky wink, "Perhaps I'm just being possessively protective? You know... wanting have you safe and sound and happy... with me..."

He wanted her at the Hilton and not just in the restaurant either. But in the bedroom, the balcony and the shower. Hannibal wanted her to be his and the best place for that would be in the luxury of the Hilton. It would be the perfect place for her to surrender herself to him forever,

"Any night is free if it's you coming to dinner with me Harriet, everything else is unimportant." he told her with a grin before he smirked, "But tonight is a good night for me... what do you say Harriet? Table for two at the hilton for tonight?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:16 am

Harriet had no idea why she was going to be enthrawlled by this man, however she knew that it must have something to do with the delicious feeling that he made her feel whenever he looked into her eyes, the feeling of power that he radiated from his inner core and it seemed that he was going to be able to make her do almost anything if he persuaded her enough, it was a dangerous thing and she knew she had to be careful.

"Well what happens if I don't want to be safe and happy with you?" she asked with her head tilted to one side, feeling a little bit angry with his presumptions, however she knew that he was only showing his affection, but it was in such a strange and alien manner to her...he was so forceful, so dark and posessive.

Harriet was about to open her mouth and agree to going for dinner, when her brain kicked in and she shook her head swiftly, with a small apologetic smile on her lips;

"I'm sorry Hannibal but I told you I'm going out for dinner with Henry tonight, I already have plans, I'm going to be late as it is!" she squeaked a little bit, as she looked at the clock, it was now five to six, and she needed to be at the restaurant for six "How about friday? I'm free then, I'll meet you at about eight at the restaurant in the Hilton?"

Persephone Walker

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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:24 am

Hannibal could tell that Harriet was falling for his influence, the aura of power that he constantly gave off no matter what the situation. It was another of the reasons why he was so successful in business; people found it hard to fight him when he gave them the sense that he was stronger and more powerful than they were. He raised an eyebrow at her little game,

"Well then you're free to be safe and happy with others if you want to. But I don't think you want to." he purred, "I think you want to be safe with me. I think you want to be happy with me. But we'll see how it goes yes?"

He chuckled a little bit. He'd almost had her there. She had almost agreed to go with him instead of that damned Henry,

"Well you can't blame a guy for trying now can you?" he joked before nodding, "Yes friday at eight. Until then..."

He leant forwards and gave Harriet a kiss on the lips.
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: Sweet Tooth (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:31 am

Harriet smiled happily and she nodded her head, but she felt her heart skip a few beats when she was kissed yet again on the lips by Hannibal, it was such a good feeling that she didn't know what she was going to do when he pulled away, would she pull him back in for another kiss? No she wasn't that powerful just yet, she didn't think that she would want to force Hannibal to do anything...rather the other way around.

With a large beaming smile on her lips, Harriet moved around from behind the counter and stood at the door, when Hannibal had exited the shop she locked up and smiled softly at him once more;

"Goodbye Mr, Matthews, until friday, at eight." she nodded, and then apparated away with a smile on her lips even when she landed in front of the restaurant she was supposed to be meeting Henry at, now completely flushed and excited she smiled and then hurried inside, hoping that she wouldn;t be too late.

Persephone Walker

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