Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:44 am

Harriet had been waiting for this day since Hannibal Matthews had walked into her shop almost five days ago, she was so excited to see him again but she would barely admit this to herself, she knew that she just wanted to see him again to find out more about him, to find what made her so drawn to him and more importantly why he was so drawn to her, normally people were never attracted to her, at least never that much.

Now she, for the first time in lord knows how long was wearing a dress, it was a nice navy dress that contrasted against her skin, it was halter neck so she was able to show her smooth skin of her back to Hannibal, wanting to look good for him, as he seemed to appreciate her appearance even if she didn't herself.

Walking into the lobby of the Hilton she suddenly felt very small and she bit her lip gently, finding her way to the restaurant she looked around nervously, worried that he might not be there. Clasping her small handbag in front of it, Harriet took a deep breath and tried not to feel so dreadfully ill.

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:50 am

Hannibal had been waiting for this day with baited breath if he was totally honest with himself. Although it might appear that he cared little that was just a ruse he had had to use against those around him. He didn't want the rumour mill starting up that he had a new slave. Well... before she became his slave at least. But by the end of the night he wanted to have Harriet submit to him.

He was wearing a suit, not too much of a surprise to be honest, but this one carried a price tag about the same as some small houses. And it showed, the suit almost shimmered with the silks and other materials. It was pure perfect in suit form. But when he noticed Harriet wearing her dress he would have said that he'd seen perfection in every form; she was absolutely stunning. He wandered over to her from his table and took one of her hands. He kissed the back of it,

"Harriet, it is so good to see you again!" he told her with a smile before kissing her gently on the lips and leading her towards the kitchen, "It's been too long."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
Magical Celebrity

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:11 pm

Harriet smiled gently when she saw Hannibal coming over to her, boy he looked so good over there, his pants hung in just the right way from his hips and his suit made him look more amazing than he already was, she was eager to feel the matieral of the thing, purely to see if it was as soft and luxorious as it would appear to have been. With a happy smile on her lips she felt almost giddy as he spoke.

"Please, call me Hari." she smiled softly "Well, maybe for you Mr. Matthews but I have had a rather busy week, I was interviewed for a food magazine out of the blue when they found my shop by chance and wanted to promote the chocolates I created. It was so strange." she pouted gently as she thought.

When she noted they were being led towards the kitchen she blinked a little bit; "W-where are we going? It looks like we're going to the kitchen, surely we aren't sitting at the chefs table?" she asked with her heart fluttering in her chest, she was alight with the energy that was rattling between the two of them, his allure was already beginning to work it's magic on her and she tried to force her desires deep down.

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:34 am

Hannibal smirked a little bit at Harriet's rather awed reaction to him wearing the suit. It was the finest suit he had been able to buy with his extensive wealth, made by the finest Italian suit makers and from the finest of materials. He supposed he had a thing for having the finest of everything, hence why he was here with Harriet today. She was the finest woman he had ever come across after all,

"I couldn't bare to. For your name is so beautiful that I could hardly bare to lose a single syllable." He complimented her with a husky whisper before smirking a bit wider, "Yes... how very strange that a food magazine would notice your shop so soon after my visit... coincidences are funny things are they not?"

He chuckled a little bit when she asked if they were going to be sitting at the chef's table. Shaking his head, he turned right at the kitchen and lead her to a closed off area, with it's own entrance guard. After seeing who he was, the man opened the velvet rope for them to enter,

"Welcome to the VIP section." he told her as he took her to a small table for two. With it's complimentary bottles of white wine, red wine, rose wine and chapagne. Not only that but there was a man with a violin waiting, obviously to be summoned by them. Hannibal pulled a chair out for Harriet, "Please Harriet, sit and I shall show you the finest food this side of Paris."
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
Magical Celebrity

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:54 am

Harriet was in a whirl of emotions right now, although she had grown up in an affluent family, they had never ever done anything like this and it was so strange and new to her that it was something that she felt she would have to savour, in case it never happened again after tonight. Biting her lip she tried to fight against her blush.

"Are you saying that you sent them to my shop?" she asked quietly "I would really rather be recognised for my skills, not because you decided to make my shop more well known." she whispered, looking around and feeling so very self concious.

Her mouth dropped open when she saw the VIP section and she felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, this was almost like she needed to pinch herself to wake up from this...situation. Handsome man, great food, romantic atmosphere.

Sitting down she bit her lip and placed her hands on her lap; "This is awfully romantic Hannibal, you really shouldn't have gone through this much effort, we barely know each other!"

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:05 am

Hannibal couldn't help but notice the way that she blushed despite herself and seemed to be enjoying her surroundings. It was obscenely expensive to eat at the Ritz after all. The VIP section though? Well it would have been cheaper to buy an entire restuarant to be honest. But it really was worth it to impress Harriet,

"Of course not. I wouldn't do that without your permission." he assured her with a smile before shrugging a little bit, "I just suggested it to a few friends, only three people. One of them must have recommended it. Take it as a compliment to your skills Harriet!"

Oh that blush was a keeper! She was blushing so brightly that he could swear he felt a little warmer just standing beside her. He had to admit that if he was her, seeing and being treated to all this for the first time, it would be rather overwhelming,

"It is rather romantic isn't it Harriet?" he mused before taking her hands in his, "Harriet I do not believe in hesitation. The moment I saw you I felt a connection to you and I was ready to take the chance of heartbreak to know what it was. I was right to do so. Do you feel no connection to me?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
Magical Celebrity

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:29 am

Harriet smiled softly when Hannibal only told his friends about the shop, she wondered just who those friends might be, but then again maybe she didn't want to know, if they were girls, she would end up being so jealous, and the thing was, she didn't even know why, she didn't know the man in front of her after all!

"Well, thank you for reccommending it!" she beamed happily "It's always nice to be able to make people happy with the things that I make, it's one of the best things that I can experience." she smiled happily

Blinking when Hannibal took her hands in his, Harriet felt that surge of electricity again and she couldn't help but shudder gently, it was so strange for her to feel this way...

"I...I do feel a connection to you, but I make connections so easily, I just don't know what to think." she flustered "I just think I should get to know you, first."

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:41 am

Hannibal could tell how strange him admitting that he had told friends about her shop made her feel. No doubt she had heard of his reputation as a ladies man. No doubt she had also assumed that these friends of his were female. They weren't in this case but she might have been more successful at other times,

"Well the chocolates you sell are both good tasting and masterfully crafted." he complimented her with a grin, "Are you sure it's one of the best things you can experience? I'm sure there are... others things too."

He could tell that his touch was messing with her thoughts even more than his initial welcome. Hannibal couldn't help but smirk,

"Well all I'm asking for is a chance, for both of us to explore it." he assured her with a grin, "No harm in that right?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:52 am

Harriet blushed a little bit, she really did enjoy Hannibal's compliments and she realised just how little she had been complimented in the past, it was so strange, even her friends didn't really compliment her, and for a moment she found herself getting really quite sad.

"I'm glad that you compliment me so much," she smiled softly "I don't really get a lot of compliments. But...I guess there are other things, I don't really get a lot of those either." Harriet blushed wildly, gently playing with her long hair.

Biting her lip Harriet let her hand fall from Hannibal's touch and she blushed softly; "I shall see how tonight goes first, I'll tell you after the dinner, if thats okay? I...I mean I don't want to say no, but, I just want to get to know you as a person a little bit more, before I decide if I want to see you more often."

With a small smirk on her lips, Harriet realised just how cheeky she sounded, and wondered if the normally so formal and stiff Hannibal would chide her for being so.

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Hannibal Matthews Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:06 am

The way she blushed so much at the slightest compliment was not lost on Hannibal. It was clear that the reason why she was blushing so much was that she didn't have a lot of experience with compliments. Meaning she was not given many,

"Well how could I not compliment you Harriet? You are singularly amazing." he told her before chuckling a little bit and giving her a cheeky wink, "You can always make time."

He was a little disappointed that she seemed reluctant to keep holding his hand. Hannibal smiled slightly, she had a level head on her shoulders that was for sure,

"I understand completely Harriet, it's neither wise nor neccessary for you to decide immediately after all." he smiled, "And it is often better to think after a superb meal. You ready to order?"
Hannibal Matthews
Hannibal Matthews
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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

Post by Persephone Walker Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:25 am

Harriet couldn't help but feel her inner goddess shrieking at her to accept this man's proposal, whatever that would mean, he was the best looking man she had ever seen, his brown hair seemed to glint in the night and she smiled dreamily as his eyes sparkled with the soft lighting in the VIP lounge.

He looked like a Greek God sat there opposite her, and she was just some mousey useless thing that he was currently amused with and would probably end up poking to see what reaction he would glean.

"I...I don't think Im amazing at all." she whispered quietly "But Im glad that someone does, and as for making time, I'm a busy woman, got chocolates to make, shops to clean and bills to pay." she teased lightly.

Nodding her head she smiled softly and was glad that Hannibal seemed to relinquish his control, which seemed absolute, and allow her to experience what it was like being with him.

"Uh...everything sounds so complicated, what's a jue?" she asked, her mind boggling "You know whats good from here? Any reccommendations?"

Persephone Walker

Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-08-30

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A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet) Empty Re: A Night To Remember (Hannibal and Harriet)

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