Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Learn the lesson well (Invite)

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Luther Amsel Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:43 pm

Luther was stood by the door to the shooting range, his arms folded across his chest as he looked down the range. It was a very long range and at the end of the room there was an assortment of structures which could be used as cover. There were some half walls and some trees and alike.

All of them were set near the far, very far, wall opposite the door and, more importantly, opposite the line of ten machines. Luther was the proud owner of these machines and he was about to teach the children who had accepted his invitation with them.
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Aquila Wilson Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:01 am

Aquila was interested in being invited to partake in the activities that she had been offered. Who was she to turn down such an honoured position? Aquila was mildly excited to be trained up for battle, but wondered if Lucian would've been asked as well. After all, he was a brilliant student.

She felt a strange feeling inside her at the thought of Lucian being in danger, and rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. She entered the room and smiled briefly at Luther. "Hello." She said, looking around and seeing she was only one to arrive so far.
Aquila Wilson
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Vladimir Wazowski Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:52 am

Vladimir was very surprised to recieve this invitation and he had been only too delighted to come and spend the time with the trainer in order to make the best possible use of this training, he would like to protect his friends, and he missed one of them dearly, not having much of a chance to make any others...

Opening the door to where he had been told to come he saw there was one other person there, and the instructor, the famous Luther Amsel, Vladimir was quite shocked at the fact he was leading the class because he didn't seem the type to enjoy being around children at all.

With a smile on his lips he walked into the room and stood next to his fellow student Aquila, wondering what they were going to be taught today.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Dimitrius Skaia Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:36 am

Dimitrius had been surprised to receive the invitation, and he figured that it would at least help him a little when the tournament came around. He really couldn't believe that he had been chosen to represent his school, and he figured that a little training could do him well.

He entered the room, immediately recognizing the man. His father had talked about him, occasionally, the man had a certain presence that said foolishness was not to be tolerated. He saw two other students there already, and he thought he recognized one of them. Vladimir perhaps?

Wracking his brain for the name, he went and stood by the others. He cast his gaze around the room, and his fingers twitched, anxious to draw the very range.
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Luther Amsel Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:24 pm

Luther walked across the long room to stand in front of the three students who had accepted his invitation. He was dressed in his usual overcoat to cover his arms and he sketched a bow to the students present,

"Guten tag." he greeted them, "My name is Luther Amsel, you have no doubt guessed. You are here because the Minister believes that the country needs to have at least one squad of soldiers who have strong bonds. These bonds are to be created and tested by my own tests. The first is simple..."

He gestured to the machines with a wave of his hand, gloved as it was. The machines began to start up and he turned to the children,

"These are clay pidgeon throwers. They will throw clay disks at you at half the speed of a bullet. The clay is spelled so that shield charms won't stop them. No magic can touch them. To avoid being hit, at great speed, you will have to find cover. I suggest you do so now as they will begin firing... now."

On cue, the machines began launching disk after disk at the children, homing in on their general locations.
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Aquila Wilson Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:49 pm

Aquila listened intently at Luther as he began to speak and was fairly interested in what he had to say. So the ministry wanted to train them up to fight Britain, and by starting at such a young age it would ensure their bonds to the country were in-built into their system? She smirked, oh indeed the ministry was very clever, very clever indeed.

Then again, that was a good thing. The last thing Germany needed was an un-intelligent government ruling their country and leading them in the battle. It wold make for a lot of stupid choices.

Aquila's attention focused on the machines as he motioned towards them, and she wondered what they were for. The machines started up, and she looked back to Lutehr.

Aquila was alarmed as he announced what they were to do, and she eyed the machines in disgust. Then, he advised them they should begin so now and she ran out of the way as one disk came flying straight at her. She rolled as another one came and hid behind a half wall.
Aquila Wilson
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Dimitrius Skaia Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:54 am

Dimitrius nodded to himself as he listened to the man talk. His father was right about the man, in all context. He'd have to mention this little meeting to them. He himself wasn't even sure what Luther wanted, so he had just told his parents had was going out.

His brow furrowed when Luther motioned to the machines. Dimitri has seen them, yeah, but they looked pretty weird. When the man explained what they were, Dimitri was still confused. Until he started talking about the machines spitting things out at them. Fast.

Dimitri was a little in disbelief at what the man said until one of the clay pigeons whizzed by his head and nearly clocked him. He dove under the next one and scrambled up, watching the machines for any sign of a pattern. They seemed to just be shooting at them.

He thought he was doing a fairly good job until one nicked him in the arm as he jumped behind a wall for cover. Looking at his arm, he shrugged. He'd probably bruise, but that was it. Nothing to worry about in his eyes.
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Noah Regnad Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:08 pm

Noah was pleased to get the invitation, thinking that training could only be a good thing. Also being part of this small group made him a little surprised he had recieved an invitation, but was willing to train hard all the same.

When Luther had described the machines, he was a bit confused, but immediately realised what he meant when they started to shoot at him. Using the reflexs he had from playing quidditch, he was able to duck under and dodge most of the clay disks as he looked for cover.

Seeing a half wall he made his was towards it, still dodging the clay disks at high speed. He made it to the wall and ducked for cover, seeing a girl already there he gave her a half smile while inspecting a bruise where one of the disks had hit him.

Noah Regnad

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Luther Amsel Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:50 am

Luther watched with satisfaction as the students he'd recruited burst into action as soon as he was finished speaking. It was encouraging to know that they would act and react quickly to new situations. Although some of them seemed to have been having brushes with the clay pidgeons, they were still going strong.

Despite standing in the open, Luther was completely free and safe from the disks. They were designed to lock onto the children only and fire rapidly in their general direction, muchly like muggle machine guns did. He nodded with a blank expression,

"Good work people. Keep your heads down." he called out to them without having to raise his voice, "If you can't find suitable cover I want you to make some. Blast a hole in the floor if you must. But find some cover because in one minute and fifteen seconds the machines will fire even faster. At that speed the disks will break bones. One minute."
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Vladimir Wazowski Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:53 am

Vladimir really wanted to run and hide when he had completely zoned out and didn't listen to what was happening, the next thing he noticed was the fact that there were lots of clay discs being shot in his direction and he dashed behind the nearest wall, trying to find some cover from the discs, although he got hit square in the chest by one, leaving a nasty red mark there no doubt.

Keeping his cover, Vladimir casted the shielding spell, and he kept himself hiding behind the wall as the discs were tainted by magic, the spell should shield him from them, there was some hope if this didn't work, he would be able to blast a hole in the floor to hide from the discs as they were shot at him.

Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Noah Regnad Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:04 am

Hearing the warning about the machines shooting faster, Noah started to look for more stable cover, he didnt really fancy having his bones broken by the disks.

Looking around the room he wondered wether to just blast a hole in the floor, but then he decided that he didnt really want to have to crouch in a small place until the disks stopped shooting if he could help it.

He then turned to look behind him and saw the blank wall, smiling lightly to himself he muttered "confringo" and waited for the blast to clear. He then stepped into the sizeable hole he had made in the wall, glad to note he was out of the range of the disks, especially if he stood slightly to the side.

Noah Regnad

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Luther Amsel Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:53 am

Luther watched as the students struggled against the disks and their now increased speed. One of the disks went off course when it hit a wall, reflecting right towards him. It wasn't going at it's full speed but it was still fast enough to almost blur.

When it was within a foot of him, Luther whipped his right hand up, catching the dangerous disk and holding it fast easily. He crushed the disk easily, his metallic arms working even though they were hidden. Looking over the students he frowned and used his wand to tear down Vladimir's shield,

"Magical shields defend against magic Mr Wazowski. They won't stop the disks so don't waste the energy." he turned and noticed that Noah had found an inventive way to find cover, "Imaginative Mr Regnad. But remember something... you are a team. Why is only one of you in a good piece of cover? Why haven't you helped your team mates Mr Regnad? They are your team. They are your life until I say otherwise."
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Noah Regnad Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:58 am

Noah nodded, thinking he should have probably thought about the other people on his team, pulling his wand out again he muttered another spell to make his hiding spot bigger, then sticking his head out minding the disks he shouted, "over here, quick" and waited for the others to get to the cover.

Noah Regnad

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Dimitrius Skaia Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:46 am

Dimitrius nearly groaned when he heard they would get faster and break bones. He really didn't feel like getting a broken anything right now. This all seemed like a lot more work than he thought, but he'd see it through no matter what. He pulled out his wand and was ready to cast a hole in the ground, when he noticed Noah's work.

Blasting a hole in the wall was ingenious of course, and perhaps he could help out as well. He looked back at the others, gesturing for them to follow him as well. Peeking his head out, he narrowly missed getting hit in the face with a clay disk. "Confringo!" He pointed his wand at the ground a few feet in front of him. He waited for the initial smoke to clear before he rolled, avoiding the discs and falling into the hole.

He popped his head out slowly, looking at the others and gesturing for them to follow him again. If he made a few more holes, they could roll into them and wait for the opportune moment to scramble up and out. "Confringo!" He aimed his wand a few feet in front of him again, ducking down in the hole when he was done. Blowing out a breath and counting to three, he scrambled up and rolled across the floor and down into the second hole he made.

He made a final hole, near the boy's space in the wall. Rolling and falling into the third hole, he took a moment to catch his breath. Definitely harder than he originally thought. Counting once more, Dimitrius launched himself up and dove behind the boy who had made the hole in the wall. "Thanks," he gasped, running a hand through his hair. "Just gotta get the others here now."
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Aquila Wilson Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:17 pm

Aquila raised her eyebrows as Luther announced that the disks speed would be increased to the point it would break bone. Was he mad?! She shook her head and rolled out from under the wall, running towards another one just as the disk smashed into where she'd previously been. She ducked down and performed intricate manoeuvres to avoid being hit. She slid behind another wall and ducked her head, looking around at the others and seeing what they were doing. They were her fellow students, and team members after all, she didn't exactly want them to get hurt either.

Aquila could hear the others blasting holes into the walls, and decided that she needed to find a way to create her own cover. Her eyes swept over the room and zoned in on the floor, but creating a hole in it large enough to fit her would take too long. She didn't exactly want to have her bones broken. She then remembered her powers and rolled her eyes at herself. She stood up with her head slightly bent and relaxed each muscle individually. She felt coolness building within her, like a soft caress as it swept out across her body. The cool feeling touched her hands and she lifted them up, moving and conjuring water out of nothing. It was a hard task indeed, but she managed to form a barrier made of water. She grit her teeth as Luther talked and used the water to protect her until she was against the wall. She then hid in the wall but peeked her head out enough so she could still see Vladimir.

"I'll help him," she told the others softly. It was a strain to use her powers, but practice had made it more bearable. She would have to rest after this, but she would soon be re-energised. She pushed her water shield over to Vladimir, protecting him from the disks. She manipulated it to follow his movements, continuously protecting him.
Aquila Wilson
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:55 am

Vladimir was pissed off by the way in which he was spoken to by the instructor, as soon as this day was over he was going to be all too happy to never come back to one of these sodding meetings, he was younger than him that was true, but there was no reason to speak to him like some sort of idiot.

Now sheilded by Aquila, Vladimir blasted a hole in the wall and kept his jaw locked, he did not want to speak until he left the room, the first things out of his mouth would be a string of expletives and insults towards the man who could kill him in an instant. Something that was not a wise thing to do. Vlad sat in the hole he had made and glared at his hands, wanting this session to be over already.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Luther Amsel Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:14 am

Seeing that the students were all working together well, to an extent, Luther waved a hand and the machines stopped. He noticed that one of them, Vladimir, looked like he wanted nothing more than to tear a bloody strip out of him. Luther sighed a little bit,

"I apologise for being so unneccessarily brutal in my method and my comments to you." he told them, glancing at Vladimir for a second longer, "I aim to improve your abilities faster through stress. This might not be the route for everyone to improve and now that I know this we will not be doing another exercise based on stress until you are more settled. Now..."

He looked at all of the students assembled before him,

"Each of you please name a spell that you think can kill me."
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Learn the lesson well (Invite) Empty Re: Learn the lesson well (Invite)

Post by Aquila Wilson Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:42 pm

Aquila let out a gasp of breath as she heard the machine's stop. She held up her shield a moment longer, before letting the water drop to the ground and she took another deep breath, seeping it into the ground so that the ground wasn't slippery and wet. "Merlin," she gasped, wiping the sweat from her brow.

She made a mental note to practise her magic more, that was harder than it should've been. But who to practise with? She shook her head. She didn't care if he'd been brutal, she was too busy trying to catch her breath to care about anything other than continuing living. She squared her shoulders and pretended she wasn't about to pass out from the severe pain in her chest.

Aquila frowned, and raised an eyebrow.

"Um," she said hoarsely. She cleared her throat. "Is this a trick question?" She inquired.
Aquila Wilson
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