Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:46 am

Richard had just tested it's full power for the first time and he was struck by a mixture of awe and horror. The power he weilded in his closed hand was almost insane. It was bordering on the power of God and he wasn't joking. He'd used not even one hundredth of it's power and the Ampitheatre now needed a new set of stands for the north side, he'd quite literally destroyed them.

He wasn't even sure there was anything over there to mark that it had ever actually existed, he'd wiped the stands of the north side off the face of the earth. Richard sat down in the middle of the arena, holding the object tightly hidden in his hand.

How was he to handle such raw power?

The power to destroy with a wave of his hand?

Should he even have this power?

Regardless, should he use it?

So many questions and no one to tell him the answers because this situation was much too rare. He sighed a little bit and held the object tightly in his hand.
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:55 am

Briony had recieved some reports of destruction on the Ampitheatre, it was something that she thought was due to her husband training there so had given the all clear to the Ministry, now she would have to go and see what it was that Richard had been doing.

With a large sigh she walked into the theatre and blinked when she saw that the whole of the north stands were completely gone, they had been obliterated and she found Richard sitting on the floor of the ampitheatre looking completely shellshocked.

Swiftly Briony marched over to him and sat down in front of him, placing her forehead on his own;

"What happened?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:04 am

Richard just didn't know what to do. He had this power to destory an entire structure without feeling any real strain. Where did that kind of power end? Would he be able to destroy a city with only a little bit of effort or something like that? Was he going to be the magical version of a nuclear strike? Dropped into a city to ensure it's complete destruction?

He just didn't know. He just wasn't sure, he didn't know what on earth he had created and it was scary. If he had created this then shouldn't he be able to control it? Evidence pointed to no at the moment. He blinked a little bit when he felt a forehead pressed against his own. He sighed, a little bit more relaxed already,

"I tested out the stone..." he told her quietly, unclenching his hand to show the philosopher's stone in the palm of his hand, "Like we said, I needed to know what I could do with it... and... I'm scared Briony. I disintergrated the northern stands... and it wasn't even difficult!"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:22 am

Briony knew it would be something to do with the stone, she had told Richard to test it out after all, and she was glad he had done so because it had shown that she was right, if used in battle it would be so hard to control it it may actually harm the friendlies on the battle feild.

Gingerly she took the stone form Richard and she placed the stone in her bag, it was something that she knew she would be able to protect, it would be death to them in the hands of a German.

"Well then we know what we need to do then don't we?" she asked Richard with a small smile on her lips "We need to put this in my vault in Gringotts, and keep it safe."

She had suggested this before, but it all depended on the results of the experiments.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:40 am

Richard had to admit that his wife had been right, the risk to friendly forces on the battlefield was great without proper control and right now not even he had proper control. And to learn proper control he would have to try scaling up to the main stone. To this end he'd taken a small chipping from the stone and set it on a necklace. It wouldn't last more than one use but it would be enough to let him test it some more.

He chuckled a little bit. Briony had been pitching that idea for awhile now but Richard had requested he be given time to research it,

"Off to the bank with it." he nodded a little bit before showing her to slither of the stone hanging from a piece of leather, "A tiny fragment of the stone. Good for one use. The stone regenerates itself to stay at a constant mass anyway... I'll test the power using this for now."

He kissed Briony lightly on the lips before merely resting his forehead against hers,

"It's so scary Briony..." he whispered quietly, "It felt like I had the power to do anything... anything at all..."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:21 am

Briony heard Richard chuckle and she knew that he would be resigning himself to what she had told him he should do, after all it was going to be something that proved that once again she was right, the stone in her hand made her feel lighter, and less stressed simply by holding it.

Closing her eyes, Briony took a deep breath and then opened them once more;

"I know this isn't what you wanted, I know you wanted this to work, but we can't have this in the house any longer, it's not safe enough, just imagine this in the hands of the Besturmen." she whispered smoothing Richards hair back.

Normally Briony would think that feeling would be rather amazing, and she could not help but want to know what it felt like, but it seemed it wasnt as good as it seemed;

"I take it that there is such a thing as too much power, it should not be given to people who are powerful already, I am just glad I know you wont abuse this power."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:53 am

Richard had always known that Briony was likely to be right. She had this knack for knowing exactly what was the right thing to do at any given moment. She was amazingly accurate too. He chuckled a little bit and watched the stone in Briony's hand. He was glad that it was with Briony now, he didn't want to be tempted to use it,

"And if we keep it in the bank we can still be close enough to it to gain the benefits of it's healing and revitalising agents." he agreed with a small smile, "Once again your logic trumps mine. This is why you make the important decisions."

He shook his head a little bit,

"It makes you feel like something of a God Briony and that's scary stuff... did you know that there are almost 190 trillion atoms in a single blood cell?" he asked, distractedly, "It lets you overpower every part of you. Your perception too. I suddenly knew how to disintergrate the stands without even thinking... I won't use it again unless there's no other choice."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:43 am

Briony chuckled huskily and she shook her head, of course Richard would think that they needed to have it on hand because of those reasons, she knew that she was plenty powerful without the stone. However she thought that it was more for the safety of the stone, she wanted it nearby.

"I'm having second thoughts Richard, I want to be able to keep the stone in Philosophers Close, but we don't have the security...do you suppose we could make our own vault there?" she mused, tapping her chin.

Taking out a cigarette Briony stood up and held out a hand to Richard with a small smile on her face;

"You know what that tells me? It tells me that someone is in need of a drink, a lot of them at that. Come on then." she grinned.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:47 am

Richard couldn't help but grin happily as he looked at his wife. She was the perfect woman, literally everything that he could ever want all wrapped up into one, amazing, woman. When she mentioned seconds thoughts he was a little bit surprised. Normally she was so strong in her convictions. But when she mentioned making their own vault his grin reached manic levels,

"Oooooo a challenge!" he laughed happily, "Yes I think we can do that no problem at all! I'm already getting some ideas... including one that will make it so only me and you can access it and if anyone else does then the stone is destroyed automatically. Well... at least made inaccessable."

Richard chuckled a little bit and used the hand that she offered him to pull himself up to his feet before pulling her in for a hard kiss. He broke the kiss with a smirk,

"You know what? I think you might be right." he kissed her lightly on the lips, "Once again you're logic proves to be the best."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:56 am

Briony knew that Richard liked a challenge, he often would work on it until he had finished it regardless of food, drink and breaks, so Briony was going to try and calm him down from that state just in case it made him ill, like she knew it had done in the past.

"Well we can work on it together cant we?" she asked with a cheeky grin on her lips "That would be something fun we can do to make sure that we aren't living completely seperate lives and we do see each other sometimes."

Closing her eyes she enjoyed the hard kiss and she nuzzled her head against Richard's neck and she moved away teasingly, winking as she did so, and beginning to run out of the ampitheatre.

"Last one to the Leaky Cauldron is a rotten dragons egg!" she chuckled, "And NO cheating!"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:36 am

Richard had a little bit of a possessive, perhaps even obsessive, personality and one of the ways this manifested itself was in the way he took challenges. Any kind of challenge, if he was interested in it, was worthy of all of his effort in his mind. Strangely enough Briony did not often find this trait healthy for him,

"Indeed we can meine leibling!" he agreed excitedly before grinning sheepishly, "I do have a tendancy to go over board don't I? Well I think we should work on it together too, to keep the effect to a minimum."

The hard kiss was like all kisses he shared with his wife; completely intoxicating. He purred when she nuzzled into his neck but pouted when she pulled away. He laughed and took off after his wife,

"No cheating? But you were running before you finished saying go!" He teased her as he raced after her, "I'm gunna win!"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:58 am

Briony laughed harshly and she could not help but nod at Richards admission of his own problems, it was a happt occassion that he was going to allow her to actually help him become a little less obsessive about a job.

After all she remembered the last time she asked him to paint the kitchen...it was not a pretty picture.

"Yes Rich, yes you do, so I'm going to make sure you actually have a break to sleep and to eat food, you know, all of the important things." she smirked a little.

Her hair running behind her as she ran towards the pub Briony skidded to a halt outside it and smirked heavily, running her hand across her hair.

"What took you so long?" she teased.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:52 am

Richard had the decency to look a little bit sheepish. His obsessive personality was fine when it came to be obsessed with making Briony happy but sometimes it negatively affected her. And with his research projects they negatively affected the time that the two of them could spend together. He chuckled a little bit,

"Sleep? Eating? And you call these things important?" he teased her before nodding, "Yeah I know, I need to do things that would normally be my everyday kinda stuff. Eating when I'm hungry and sleeping when I'm tired. Got it."

Richard laughed a little bit as he came to an abrupt stop outside the pub, managing to avoid sliding into his wife as he did so,

"Oh nothing, just thought I'd let you win one." he smirked, "Winner buys the first round."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Meditating on power (Rich and Bri) Empty Re: Meditating on power (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:17 am

Briony knew that her husband did not want to keep the conversation going and she knew that he had gotten what she was trying to say, so she let it drop with a little smirk on her lips, true they both had their faults, but they both loved each other regardless of those.

When Richard looked like he was going to barell into her, Briony smirked and she tried not to look startled, she had thought he would have more sense to stop sooner after all.

"Oh ha ha, you're so amusing Rich," she smirked "Im sure I can buy you the first drink of the evening, using our combined savings of course."

With a cheeky grin she stepped inside the pub and began looking for a table.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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