Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson Three - Fourth Years

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:39 pm

The Doctor had been waiting til this time to teach his students some truly powerful rune sequences because up until now they had simply been too immature. But now that they were in their fourth year it was time to show them some of the more dangerous things runes could do.

Dragon-Fist Rune Sequence
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Dmitra Diamante Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:55 am

Dmitra walked into the Ancient Runes class, feeling determined to do better in this class than ever. She had studied quite a lot of out-of-course runes during the Christmas holidays, and so now had a much better understanding of the regular course work.

Dragon-fist Rune Sequence....hmmmm.... Dmitra mused as she walked to her normal seat, sitting down.
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Vladimir Wazowski Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:09 am

Vladimir walked into his class, he was looking forward to it and his excitement was running high with the tournament almost over, he hoped that Durmstrang would win, but he also hoped that he was going to be able to get a chance to compete in this round...he had been waiting for it after all.

Looking up at the task on the board, Vladimir grinned wolfishly, this sounded like his kind of lesson.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:35 am

Lucian had a quiet Christmas.

He had hoped to go back to see Raziel. But of course he couldn't. Because the stupid Reporter had decided that it would be a good idea to kill her, now the only thing that was on his mind was getting revenger for his sister.

When she had died all her energy, all her money had gone to him, and he was crackling with the power, it was almost breaking through him with his eyes glowing permenantly.

Which meant, he was not in the mood for this lesson. At all.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:25 am

Seeing that his students were now here, The Doctor rolled his neck to loosen the muscles in it. He was not in a happy place right now. The anger that he felt from the death of Viktoria was still very fresh and it was blinding him to almost everything else. Deciding that a demonstration of the dragon-fist runic sequence in action was what was needed, he channeled some magic into a small circle of runes on the back of his right hand,

"Dragon-fist!" he shouted out in an angry snarl. Fire burst into life around his fist but did not burn him. He punched his fist forwards and the fire flew off of his skin, the blast of fire shaped like a closed fist. The flaming fist slammed into an empty desk, breaking it apart even as it set it alight. Demonstration done, The Doctor vanished the burning table parts, "That is what you will learn today. You will draw the following runic sequence on the back of your right hand. I don't care if you're right or left handed by the way, it only works on the right hand."

He tapped the board and the runic sequence appeared on the board, extra large so that every detail was displayed,

"Five house points to anyone who can draw the sequence on the back of their hand. Ten to anyone who can make it less than the size of the entire back of their hand." he paused, "Fifty points to the one who can fire the attack first time, without burning themselves."
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Vladimir Wazowski Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:38 am

Vladimir blinked a little bit and he couldn't stop himself from letting out a small 'Whoa' it just looked so cool he could not help but want to try it out right away, so he looked at the runic sequence on the board and he tried to begin to draw it on a few scraps of parchment.

Once he felt like he had the feel for the shape, be began to draw it on the back of his right hand, it was hard to do since he was right handed, and it was taking a very long time, but he managed to get it to a small size, about two centimeters by three centimeters.

Very proud of himself he decided to wait until the rune had dried before trying the attack.
Vladimir Wazowski
Vladimir Wazowski
Muhe Seventh Year

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Dmitra Diamante Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:47 am

Dmitra's eyes widened when the Doctor demonstrated the rune sequence. Ancient Runes was her favourite subject, along with Flying, added to the fact that Dmitra had studied the runes the entire Christmas. In other words, she had to, had to, get it right.

Dmitra managed the drawing quite easily, it was one of the the simpler parts of runes. Then she erased it with a wave of her wand, and tried again, to make it more flawless, and smaller. Nope, still too big.

Dmitra erased it again, and started afresh. She balanced the tip of her drawing tool delicately, and started on the runes again. Slowly, slowly, she worked her way through the complicated design, through the minute turns and curves of the elegant shapes. Hand shaking, she added the final touch, and looked at it in satisfaction. Small, and flawless. Perfect.

Now was the time to replicate what the Doctor had done. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her magical core, and slowly, almost persuaded a tiny tendril to withdraw from it and immerse itself in the rune sequence on her fist. "Dragon-fist!" Her voice was clear and loud.

Too much. Dmitra bit her lip hard, as a light scalding feeling drenched her wrist. The desk burst into flame, and prickles of heat danced around her fist, scorching the skin.
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:43 pm

The Doctor wandered around the classroom looking at his students as they went over their work. They were getting it down quite well too. He paused next to Vlad and nodded,

"Ten points to Muhe Mr Wazowski." he told Vlad with a faint smile, "Now try it out, aiming at a stone wall please."

He moved over to where Dmitra had been practicing the rune and tutted a little bit when he saw the burns on her hand. It was to be expected he supposed but burns were always an annoyance to heal. He tapped her burnt hand with his wand, healing her hand perfectly. He then put out her desk,

"A decent try Miss Diamante." he acknowledged, "Fifteen points to Muhe for a decent first attempt. Put more power into it next time, the sequence molds excess power into a protective layer around your hand to prevent burning."
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Lucian Ciero Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:07 pm

Lucian stood up after he had managed to write the rune on his hand, he didn't much care about how big it was he had lots of tattoo's anyway now, and he looked at one of the desks in the classroom, in a few moments it would be turned into charcoal.

Narrowing his eyes Lucian tapped the rune and he let his power flow through him as he shouted; 'DRAGON FIST!'

With all of the training he had done with the Doctor, as well as the increase in power from the death of his sister, Lucian smirked as the fire attack worked, and he managed to create the shield that the Doctor had just talked to Dmitra about.

Smirking, he saw that he had managed to level half the classroom. Oh he liked this spell.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:22 pm

The Doctor paused when his apprentice, Lucian, charged up his own newly created rune. He could tell that it was going to be powerful from experience so he threw up a barrier spell between Lucian and the rest of the class.

It wasn't a second too soon either as Lucian seemed to have set fire to half of the classroom. Putting the flames out, he looked at Lucian with a raised eyebrow,

"A bit extreme don't you think Lucian? If I were slower you'd be tried for manslaughter." he smirked, "But I'm not and you're not. So you'll get 40 points for Verstand. Ten is taken away for almost killing people I'm afraid. You can get it back if you can hold the flames in your hand safely for thirty seconds though. If your concentration slips it'll burn you hand to a crisp though."
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

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Join date : 2011-11-27

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Lesson Three - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - Fourth Years

Post by Dmitra Diamante Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:55 am

Dmitra nodded her head in thanks when the Doctor healed her hand. Ugh, she hated not getting things right, especially when she ended up hurting herself in the process. Dmitra closed her eyes and concentrated on the advice that the Doctor had given her. From what she'd seen, the Verstand boy had gotten it right with the power, but overloaded it a bit. So what was needed for a perfect execution of the rune sequence was power as well as precision.

Dmitra took a deep breath and this time, focused on drawing out a much larger tendril of power from her magical core. She shivered slightly as power raced down her arm and she spoke out again, "Dragon-fist!!"

The desk she was practicing on grew blacker and blacker, and then practically crumbled in flame. The flames were dancing on her palm, this time leaving the skin untouched. Dmitra gritted her teeth, and managed to maintain the flame, projecting it again outward to roast another desk. Perfectly controlled. Oh yeah.
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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