Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:32 pm

Sweeney was looking forward to this detention. It was her first detention. The first one she had ever gave and she knew that the Highmaster would probably make it her last by the time that she was done with the boy. She wasn't called 'The Sweeney' for nothing after all.

Waiting, patiently, for the boy to arrive Raven tilted her head and looked at her wall, it was rather bare.

With that she got up, went into her office, several screams later she came back with a bowl of blood and started to write another message on the wall, in large letters, she was about halfway through when she ran out of blood.

Pouting softly Sweeney stayed stood on the chair and waited there.
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

Posts : 546
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : The Roost

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:37 am

Lukas took a deep breath and drank his potion from the vial he brought from the class. He was rejoiced as he watched his face return to normal and soon the whole body felt normal, without pain. His potion worked he couldn't believe his first ever potion under such stressful circumstances was made perfectly! Even though he had taken the anti-dote his mind still made it feel all... yucky. With a grin he went for a quick shower.

He came out of the bathroom looking clean and neat as if nothing ever happened but he knew what he has gone through which made his success even more important to him. He couldn't have been happier, with the same spirit he was going to face all the challenges especially the ones Sweeney throws at her and survive it all.

With a brisk pace he reached Sweeney's office. As he stood out side the door, he glanced upon his watch, he was five minutes early. With a sigh of relief and a winning smile he opened the door after knocking twice.

"Good evening, Sweeney."


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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:35 pm

Raven tilted her head to one side and frowned a little, this boy was too happy for her liking, so she jumped down from the chair with a grin, bowing sinisterly against she gestured to one of the many seats around the classroom.

"Goodevening Boy."

Dissappointed that he seemed to be all healed Raven frowned again and set the bowl of blood on the desk, her fingers still covered on it then she sat crossed legged on her desk and gingerly licked it off.

"You seem happy. I dont like that." Raven glowered at Lukas

Raven stood up and with blood still on her hands she took out her razor, which she hadn't cleaned in some time, moving closer to him Raven stopped, blinking at the boy yet her eyes never leaving his own. Even though they were a pleasant purple shade people never likes to look into them.

"You know why you're hear don't you?"
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

Posts : 546
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : The Roost

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:04 am

"You can call me Lukas or Luke if you prefer that.", Lukas went and sat on of the seats as he said that.
Trying is best to avoid Sweeney's glare for now. Calmly replying to her he said, "I am here because you like me. Well my blood actually but it's the same thing right now. No?", his smile now turned into an annoying grin.

Finally after seeing everywhere else from the blood on the wall to the candles around the walls and the blade in her hand he sharply looked straight into Sweeney's eyes, his face devoid of all expressions but his cold blue eyes deeper than the oceans and probably as terrifying as Sweeney's own.

His voice soft, his eyes fixed and his words calculated as he said, "I have heard nothing but praise about you from my father since the past three, perhaps four, years. I have a single point agenda Lehrer, I want to have friends like yours. I am ready to undergo all the pain and nuisance which you make me go through. Till now I have done all I can to get your attention and I've been successful at it."

Bringing his annoying smile back he said, "And maybe I am not happy. I am just acting like this to displease you. So teach me how to make shiny friends, Sweeney?"


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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:08 pm

This boy was pushing all the wrong buttons. He knew nothing of her and nothing of her feelings. She would see to it that people never thought she would take on a stupid self centred pig as an apprentice. Raven would never touch him with a five foot barge pole.

"Then you're a fool. You don't know me as well as you claim too. Maybe you should recheck your sources and give me their names so I can slice and dice them."

The coldness in his eyes was surprising. Yet comical. An eleven year old boy couldn't hope to live up to her own experiences. To Raven his eyes were just eyes, she had no use for them so they remained in their sockets for the time being.

Raven heard him mention her friends and how he wanted one like them and she felt her eyes flash, her anger began to rise and she hoped this time she would actually get to kill the boy.

"Nobody. Not some arrogant up his own ass student certainly, is going to get his hands on my friends. I will not help you. I do not like you. The only attention you have revived is from being a little snot in my class."

With that Raven flitted closer to Lukas and pinned him to the wall with her hand, flipping a syringe around in her other hand an evil smirk on her face. Stabbing it into his jungular Raven grinned wickedly and moved her hand to the top of the syringe.

"I push this down, poison enters your blood, when it gets to your heart it'll stop instantly."
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

Posts : 546
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : The Roost

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:34 pm

He was scared yes but his major emotion wasn't fear it was sadness. Lukas was sad because Sweeney said she didn't like him. He was supposed to join Durmstrang when he was eleven but due to the certain circumstances he wasn't able for the coming two years. Now that he was actually in Durmstrang and studying under one of the people he had come to admire after listening to what his father had told him, after all the hardwork he had done on physical combat mainly, swordplay. He wasn't going to be given a chance to show his worthiness, he won't be given a chance to learn from one of the best fighters of the country.

He couldn't come to school but he studied and practiced with complete dedication for two years and then finally on his thirteenth birthday his father presented him the owl from Durmstrang. His application for a scholarship had been accepted, he could now afford to study in one of world's best wizarding schools under the best teachers the world has to offer.

His eyes started to get moist, closing his eyes he stopped the tears. Confining his tears within the boundaries of his eyes. He looked down and his face hanging he said, "That's okay... just tell me why don't you like me, first. You can do whatever you want next."


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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:48 pm

Raven didn't understand why the boy was so upset about what she had said, she didn't really understand the fact that anyone could get upset with her, she hadn't killed him and his limbs were all intact so what did it matter?

Sighing frustradedly Raven took the syringe out of the boys neck and pressed on it hard, creating a large bruise but stopping the bleeding.

"I don't like you. Because I dont 'like' anyone. I find you intolerable because you think you know everything and have experianced everything and you have not. Your cocky attitude needs recifying."

She glared at him, looking deep into his eyes and then let him go.

"Now sit down. Luckily for you I'm in a good mood today. As you can see. So, you want to be like me do you? You want to learn from me hmmm? Why? What have you heard about me? And it best be flattering in every way possible."
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

Posts : 546
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : The Roost

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:08 am

"Fight Sweeney. Survive her and you would be ready to survive anything, Luke." His father's words ringing in his head. It was for the third time he had come close to be slashed up by her, each time getting closer and closer but he had survived this far though the year was far from end this just ensured her he can last longer and better.

He Kept his eyes locked on the floor while he started to reply, "I agree I don't know everything and have not experienced everything and that's why I am here asking you to teach me, to train me! I may have come as the sort acts over smart but that's only because I actually know more than the students of my year. I don't act smart I... really am!", he took a deep breath and continued," I am not cocky Sweeney, trust me... I only acted that way because let's face it if I came up straightway and asked you to train me to be as deadly as you... you would have simply ignored me or slashed me up. I had to show I have enough guts to survive your teaching. I had t--" Lukas was cut short as the bell struck. It was the first warning before lights out. If he ran right now he could make it in time or else he would have to wait for another three to four hours before it was clear enough to sneak back in.

He looked at Sweeney for the last time tonight and pleaded, "Please Sweeney you must see me again! Please promise me to train me! I'll answer all your questions but please you must teach me how to handle the blades."


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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:38 pm

Raven looked at the boy. He did not remind her of herself. Which meant that she didn't have to spare him the cruelty that she was spared, she didn't know why he was so keen to learn under her, the murderous sociopath of Durmstrang, but she had a pretty good reason why.

Blinking a little she heard the bell and realised that the boy would have to leave soon, turning her head and perhaps calm for the first time, she leant forwards and rested her head against the boy's forhead. She needed to know something before she even entertained the idea of taking him on as an apprentice.

"Right. You want to be my apprentice do you?"

A small twisted smirk appeared on her face and she poked the boy on the cheek before drawing away, almost like she was trapping him by being so close in front of him.

"What is your real reason for wanting to train under me. No messing around. Tell me straight, now, and I'll let you, if I find out later, which I probably will, I will gut you like a pig. Understand?"
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

Posts : 546
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : The Roost

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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:52 pm

"I want to be able to kill without harming myself ...and without any attachment", Lukas replied instantly. He had nothing to hide about from Sweeney. He wasn't sure if what he said made complete sense but he didn't know how else to say it, it was difficult to explain in words.

Though selfish by nature Luke had a generous conscious and his kindness often extended to people who do not deserve it. In times of war such kindness would only get him six feet under which was not an option.


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A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney) Empty Re: A First Detention (Lukas and Sweeney)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:50 pm

Raven looked at Lukas, deep in the eyes and nodded, she believed him, she knew that he was doing this to better himself and if he had enough steel to come and ask her to study under then that was something brave in itself.

In an unsual moment of clarity Raven gestured towards the door.

"Very well, tomorrow, at six o clock you are to be here. We are to begin."
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

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Location : The Roost

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