Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:37 am

Jack was here in the creature area doing what his brother jokingly described as 'vampire harassment'. It was one of his favourite sports. What he would do was draw a vampire in by cutting open a fresh blood bag and wait.

When a vampire came to chow down he would them bombard them with questions about the Twilight series until they were either so distracted he killed them or, in one rare case, they went insane and killed themselves.

The power of twilight.
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:05 am

Charlie hummed, this man truly was an idiot wasn't he, she thought as she approached the bag of blood on the floor, she waited by it and hoped that he would come out so she could see what exactly he was attempting to do here.

It looked like some sort fo trap, and Charlie was definately not in the mood for some strange man to be trying to trap creatures when they were already very strained in their relationship between creatures and humans.

With a small sigh she picked up the bag of blood, and focused, burning it up so that no other vampires would fall prey to the trap this idiot was attempting to set up.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:21 am

Jack was reading a book out of boredom when he looked up to check on the blood bag. Seeing a very pale looking person standing beside the bag of blood he grinned and threw his book away. Maybe it was a vampire? Oh he would be able to question them so well! Bounding over to the vampire with a large grin, he pouted at little bit when she burnt up the blood bag,

"Awwww com' on fillie!" he pouted before smirking, "De ye hav' any idea how hard it is te fin' a blood ban' willin' te give fer cash?"

He chuckled a little bit before pointing at Charlie,

"Ye! Yer a vampire righ'?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:29 am

Charlie almost sighed when the man started to speak and her mind was already churning out sarcastic comments, but her manners bid her bite her tongue and she just stood there in her long riding coat, black of course and shaped to fit her, while he made a fool out of himself.

Blinking Charlie did sigh this time and she pointed to the glowing lights of the town about ten minutes away from them;

"Vampires pay for pints of blood in the town, you're in the Faerie Glade, and Faeries I'm afraid don't drink blood Sir." she said politely.

When he very rudely pointed at her, Charlie looked affronted before she nodded with a slight frown gracing her features; "Yes, I am."
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:32 am

Jack was buzzing from excitement. Excitement and a heck of a lot of caffeine. Seriously, he was almost overdosing of caffeine over here! He grinned widely as his mind raced. Although looking like a fool he was actually making an inventory of all of the items he'd need to fight her should she prove unwilling to talk,

"Oh I kno' tha'." he told her with a grin, "Bu' ters always at leas' one who's stupid or brave enough te come an' see wha' te fuss is abou'. An' I can't take ye all on withou' me flamethrower."

He grinned wider still,

"Perfec'! Ten yer can answer some o' me questions! Firs'!" he paused before scowling, "De ye sparkle?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:41 am

Charlie sighed again and thought that this was going to be one heck of a long night now that she had wound herself in this situation, she just wanted to go home, and she probably would tire of this man and leave before long.

"I'm sure." she said simply, not wanting to make the conversation continue longer than it really had to, it was going to be one of those baiting childish conversations she could tell.

Having to supress a small groan when he began to ask her questions from that book series in the muggle world, Charlie placed a hand on her forehead and took a deep steadying breath, even though she did not techinically need to breathe.

"No I do not sparkle." Charlie sighed "You're that idiot I've heard about aren't you, who keeps asking questions about that inane book series?"
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:48 am

Jack could tell that he was annoying this vampire already which was pretty damn funny to him because he hadn't even really started to annoy her yet. It was going to be fun to tease her. Her deadpan made him smirk though. It was exactly that level of overconfidence that meant that Jack had been able to do as he boasted on more than one occassion. He had done it twice now; walk into a vampire bar and tell them you'd kill them, they laughed, you used the flamethrower while they were laughing and they died. Simple really.

Apparently he'd made a name for himself with his actions so far and that made him grin wider. It was always nice to be appreciated for your work and hunting vampires for sport was no exception,

"Goo'! Means tha ye pass te firs' test!" he grinned and nodded, "Ye bet yer ass I'm tha' guy! Now... de ye date gothic men wit a blea' outloo' on life who happen te write depressin poetry by any chance?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:52 am

Charlie sighed and she waited for the next question to roll out, it was very strange just standing in the middle of a glade being talked to by an irrtating human, it would make an interesting story to tell Marcus when she got back home to him.

At the next question Charlie hummed, Marcus did not dress Gothically, nor did he have a bleak outlook on life, he was very positive now that they were back together, although he did write quite depressing poetry sometimes, but it was movingly beautiful when he showed it to her once it was finished.

"No I do not date a Gothic man, no the man that I date does not have a bleak outlook on life, but yes the man that I date does in fact write some depressing poetry. But really are we going to be at this all night?" she asked, sitting down on a tree stump nearby.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:56 am

Jack had always found that he liked to talk to people while and before he killed them. He'd tried talking to someone after he'd killed them but the conversation had been a bit of a dead end. He chuckled lightly at his own mental pun.

Seeing that she was actually hesitating about this, Jack geared himself up for actually being able to fight. If she answered any question like a member of Twilight would then he was allowed to attack. That was the rulle of the game that he'd made up. He snapped his fingers in mild annoyance,

"Damn! Yer had te tink abou' it tow so maybe yer close!" he joked before grinning and nodding, "Yup! I like it, lo's o' fun! De yer hate werewolves fer any reason?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:00 am

Charlie waited for the next question and she hoped that he would run out of questions soon, after all there could only be so many things that a grown man could ask about a book series unless they had actually read it, and she highly doubted that this man could actually read anything.

When the next question came, Charlie sighed and she shook her head, she had half been expecting a question about werewolves to crop up in this little Q and A.

"No I do not have an irrational dislike of werewolves, as long as they don't bother me they're quite a nice species really." she said honestly as she flipped through the book she was reading, thinking she would need some extra entertainment.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:07 am

Jack had to admit that this vampire was not his favourite one. All she'd done so far was answer his questions as if talking to a five year old and then give him that condesending look that told him it was best she didn't know what she was thinking about him. If she kept this up he'd just cut her head off and be done with her,

"So ye like werewolves on te individual basis." he mused before shrugging a little bit, "Not concrete enough fer me te gut yer fer it. Ye know tha's jus' rude."

He pointed to her book,

"We're in te middle o' a conversation here."
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:12 am

Charlie looked up from her book and merely turned a page as he lectured her, he was not in any place to and she would just up and leave if it was going to turn out that some twenty something year old punk was trying to make her life difficult for her.

Raising an eyebrow she responded; "This is not a conversation, a conversation is something that both parties wish to take part in, and they are allowed to talk equally, what you are doing is asking inane questions like it's the Spanish Inquisition."

Snapping her book shut, Charlie placed it back in her bag and placed her head on her hands, waiting for him to continue;

"So if I want to read my book, which is far more interesting than yourself, I shall do." she said matter of factly "Now are you going to ask another question or can I leave now?"
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:19 am

Jack was itching his hand closer to one of his pockets. Oh he had any number of things to take out this posh dead bitch. But where was the fun in that? He was here for fun and he would be damned if he was going to let some posh English stiff stop him from having any,

"Well perhaps if ye'd give me te common cortesy te bother yer ass te listen it wouln't hav te be like tha." he shot back with a frown, "So far all ye've done is sit down an' act like a royal english bitch."

Jack sighed a little bit and merely shook his head. When he pulled his hand out of his pocket to gesture at Charlie he had a large hunting knife in his hand, which he was using like a pointer,

"Ye are abou' as much fun as a bucke' o' half-dead frogs. Abou' as friendly te." he replied with a wave of his knife, "I swear te go' ye'd be more interestin as a full stiff. Bu' let's try it. De ye drink animal blood?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:24 am

Charlie blinked when this man started to cuss at her in his strong Irish accent, she smirked deviously and she could not wait to be let upon him with her full...viciousness, she had not let it out in a while, having been so formal all the time while she was away from Marcus...

But now that he was back...she was going to let it all back out again, especially on people she did not like, like this guy.

"You know, perhaps you should get elecution lessons, I can't understand a word your saying with that horrible Irish accent you have, no wonder your talking to vampires at night, nobody else would have the patience to listen to you." she smirked.

Leaning forwards slightly, Charlie shrugged; "I might be as fun as a bucket of dead frogs, but at least I don't smell and look like one, have you ever heard of male grooming...it would appear not." she laughed "And no, I don't drink animal blood, so you're safe don't worry."
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:33 am

Jack growled a little bit in the back of his throat. He was spinning his knife around in his fingers now. He wanted to cut her into pieces right now. At least then he'd see Evangeline and this night would have something of a positive from it. Unless of course he could reconcile killing her properly since the first guy obviously fucked it up. He rolled his eyes,

"O' now ain' tis a new sigh'? Some uppity english bitch tinks tha her waya speakin is te only fecking way te speak." he shot back before chuckling, "Oh ye'd know all abou' loneliness wouldn't ye stiff? Hard te make mates when tey all up an' die on ye righ'?"

Jack frowned a little bit deeper and pointed the knife at Charlie,

"Ye keep up te attitude stiff. See which organ yer lose firs'." he told her in a conversational tone, "No yer go te tha boyfrien' o' yers. Tied up some emo in te basemen' fer a snack have yer fillie?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:38 am

Charlie blinked a little bit and she felt that this man was more than a match for her in terms of verbal jousting, however, he had been more than a little bit harsh and she was definately not in the mood to be around him any more.

"I suggest that we both shut our mouths before we say anything else stupid." she said with a frown "Normally men tend to behave with a little more decorum around a lady, instead of twirling knives around and threatening them."

Standing up from the tree trunk, Charlie could see some of the Faeries creeping out to see if she was okay, and she smiled softly and nodded at them, to let them know she could handle herself.

"I suppose I was a little harsh and I...apologise, but what else do you expect me to do when accosted in a field by a random Irishman asking me questions about an annoying human vampire novel?" she frowned.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Jack Irvine Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:48 am

Jack could tell that the vampire had been hit hard by his words. He had been harsher than she was after all. But when it came to hurting someone who was faster than you, stronger than you and had a shit load of bull-shitty powers you hit hard and fast with words and actions,

"If I were in te presence o' a lady I'd have act'd like it." he fired back casually before shrugging, "But fair does. Le's stop here before I actually thro' tis knife."

He looked around for a little bit before shaking his head,

"We were both harsh." he replied before giving her a hard look, his old childishness now gone, "Ye were supposed te take it like any reasonable person woul' hav. As te joke it was. Not act like ye te centre o' te world an' all knowledge come from ye. God it'd be easier jus' te put a bulle' in yer brain tan te listen te yer go on like yer above everyting..."
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:55 am

Charlie chuckled lightly, she looked up from her lap and her eyes were glowing bright red in the dark, she clasped her hands in front of her body and waited until the man had finished what he was saying, when he was done, she smiled gently, cocking her head to one side.

"I think that you'll realise just what you've done soon enough, Irvine." she smiled sweetly "And when you do, I'll make sure that you regret every last insult you sent my way this night."

Clicking her fingers, the shadows began to consume her and she faded away in drips and drabs, the shadows seemingly tearing her apart as she dissappeared;

"I'll see you soon." she smirked, as she disappeared completely.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie) Empty Re: To sparkle or not to sparkle... that is the question! (Jack and Charlie)

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