Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:25 am

Silas had been fighting at the edge of the British occupied Hamburg because of the attacks by the British Rebels. The German soldiers who had been stationed around Hamburg had taken the attacks to be the actions of British soldiers and Aurors and had tried to attack the perimeter.

He himself had been holding the line all day until the higher ups in the German Ministry got the word out that it was a rebel faction responsible for the destruction. Groaning a little bit as he noticed that his cuts and burns were bleeding again, Silas wandered down the road on auto pilot. It was only when he was at the end of the road that he noticed the burnt out shell of a building that had once been Jessamine's cafe.

Immediately forgetting his own wounds, Silas sprinted down the battle-worn street to the ruins. He began to dig through the rubble desperately,

"Jessamine! Jessamine where are you?!" he called out as he tried to search for her, "Come on... where are you? Speak to me!"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:31 am

Jessamine had been down the street trying to help the other shop owners fix their shops, she couldn't bare to look at her own because it was just aburnt out shell of a building that she wasn't even sure how to go about fixing in the first place.

Frowning when she walked down the street and a man seemed to be digging through the rubble, Jessamine jogged up to him and she thought that he was looting what little remained of her cafe! What a jerk!!

"Was zum Teufel machst du da?!" she shouted in German, before as she stepped closer, she saw that it was Silas and her face dropped into a rather unamused expression.

He was not the person she most wanted to see at that moment in time.

"Oh, its you."

Jessamine Blakely

Posts : 67
Join date : 2012-07-14

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:36 am

Silas knew about as much German as most British soldiers stationed there knew and that was variations on how to swear. So when a woman asked him what the fuck he was doing he knew exactly what she said. But what he also noticed was that he recognised her voice. When he turned round he immediately smiled happily,

"Jessamine!" he cried out happily, "You're alive! Oh thank god you're alive!"

He went to hug her when he noticed the expression on her face and stopped short. She wasn't exactly happy to see him that was sure. Silas continued anyway,

"Yeah I just got back from the front..." he told her before glancing at the cafe, "The rebels attacked here?"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:41 am

Jessamine frowned at Silas and she didn't think that he was going to think he was welcome back at her...well her area that used to be her house. He had promised her something and now he had failed, to her that was something that was unforgivable.

"Of course I'm alive. No thanks to you." she said with a bitter tone to her voice and she flipped her ponytail from laying on her shoulder to behind her back.

When he looked at the cafe and then back at her, asking her the single most stupid question she had ever heard in her life, the stress of the day caused Jessamine to snap.

"OH OF COURSE NOT!" she yelled "I just woke up this morning and decided I'd BLOW UP my own cafe!! Because that's what I want to do isn't it, WASTE my money!"

Picking up a piece of rubble Jessamine threw it at the burnt out cafe and she huffed in frustration.

Jessamine Blakely

Posts : 67
Join date : 2012-07-14

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:46 am

Silas noted the bitterness in Jessamine's voice easily. It was hard to miss seeing as every word she spoke seemed to be dripping with the stuff. He turned to her and blinked a little bit in confusion,

"What do you mean no thanks to me?" he asked her, confused now, with just a tint of annoyance, "What was I supposed to do Jessamine? Stop the German army advancing and killing all my men over the rebel attack while stopping all the rebel attacks at the same time?"

He could tell she was now angry at him and a large part of him realised that there was likely nothing he could say to make her less angry with him. Silas was still going to try though,

"I asked out of disbelief Jessamine." he clarified quietly as he looked at the rubble, "I can't believe they'd go after your cafe... it's hardly a military target..."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:51 am

Jessamine's eyes flashed and when she heard that Silas was daring to come back with a counter argument to her own she almost wanted to reach out and slap the man in front of her that was supposed to be her boyfriend, her protector.

"You promised me they wouldn't attack here again! You said you would keep me safe!" she said, rather loudly, but her pitch was getting higher and higher with each sentence she spoke.

Pulling up her sleeves she showed Silas the scratches and large slices that she had recieved from all the attacks on herself, and the rubble that had fallen on her had bruised her all over, including a very nasty one on her eye.

"I almost DIED." she said gesturing to the cafe "They blew this up with me inside and then they came after me with KNIVES Silas, YOUR British people!"

Getting quite upset now Jessamine looked back at her shop, seeing her bed hanging halfway through the ceiling she put her hands on her face and tried to stop herself from bursting into tears, but there were now a few locals listening into their conversation.

Jessamine Blakely

Posts : 67
Join date : 2012-07-14

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:01 am

When Jessamine's anger reached new heights he blinked once at her in surprise. Did she believe that what had happened here today was his fault? How could it be hist fault? How could it be anyone's fault other than the people who had done it? He frowned,

"My people didn't attack you Jessamine, a group of rebels attacked you." he told her, getting more and more upset, "Do you honestly think I would let anything like this happen to you if I had even the slightest clue that it was going to happen?"

Seeing the injuries that she had sustained during the battle his eyes widened. Silas reached out to touch them, so that he might be able to heal the worst ones with his magic, but Jessamine once again launched into an argument about how this was his fault. Silas had had enough for being blamed for the actions of others,

"They are not my people!" he told her in a single shout before continuing at normal volume, "Is every german person under your control Jessamine? Are the ones who tried to kill me today YOUR people? I didn't want this to happen, I'm sorry that this has happened, but it's not my fault that it did so would you please stop acting as if the actions of some deranged English people is my fault!"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:06 am

Jessmine found herself getting more and more angry and she didn't want to hear what it was that Silas was going to have to say to her, it was something that she thought that he would at least be able to understand her position on.

But apparently he couldn't even do that.

"What is your f*cking presence in this city for if not to help protect it's f*cking civillians Silas! Couldn't you have sent SOMEONE to help us, to help me?" she asked, now getting very frustrated.

When Silas shouted at her Jessamine felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes, her boyfriend was never supposed to shout at her...at least the one that she had wanted anyway. Steeling her gaze Jessamine wiped her tears away and walked into her shop, waving her wand to start moving the peices of plaster back.

"Just, go away Silas." she said simply.

Jessamine Blakely

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Join date : 2012-07-14

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:20 am

Silas could tell that Jessamine was getting angrier and angrier with him but Silas was not going to just back down and take the blame for the actions of a few nutjob rebels from England. It wasn't his fault they attacked. He had no way of knowing they'd attack or where after all. He stiffened a little bit before closing his eyes,

"Our presense is to keep the German army from marching back in. To act as political leverage. To defend the citizens within from the violence of war." he told her, feeling more than a little bit hurt right now, "I couldn't send anyone to you Jessamine because I didn't know your area had been hit until it was over. Until I walked down the street."

He could see the tears forming in her eyes and he felt bad for what he'd said but he couldn't find it in himself to regret saying it completely. Was he just supposed to stand there and have her tear into him and just accept it? He shook his head,

"No." he told her simply before turning to the burnt out cafe and making his way inside, "I have work to do here to get your property to it's former glory. I need to do this because I failed in my promise to protect it... even if it was destroyed by people I didn't promise to protect it from because I had no reason to suspect they'd attack."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:05 am

Jessamines felt herself getting more and more angry with each passing second and she just wanted the man to leave her alone, the first time they had met they had been discussing someone hurting her shop, and now this time they had met because of the same thing.

"Well doesn't that show how crap your army is at telling you whats going on if you didn't know that an area you were occupying anyway was being attacked." she said bitterly.

When he said that he needed to work on making her property back to the way it was, and she couldn't help but turn around and gesture at him with her wand, her eyes flashing again;

"No you don't Silas, you know why? Because there is nothing between us! Nothing. I am not going to get myself killed because some people think it's a good idea to target me as your bloody girlfriend!" she shouted "I'll claim damages through the British Government and that will be the last time I see you now go away." she said once more.

Jessamine Blakely

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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Silas Gray Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:44 am

Silas flinched a little bit at Jessamine's tone. She was cutting deeper than she knew here. Or perhaps she was cutting as deep as she wanted to and just didn't care? He hoped that it was the former but the bitterness and acidity of her words seemed to suggest the later,

"Yes, yes it does." he agreed without any hint of the emotional storm going on inside his mind. He couldn't break down. Not here, not in front of Jessamine and not in front of all of these people. He was supposed to be strong god damn it. He wasn't allowed to cry. Silas closed his eyes for a second, "It will be revised."

He turned to see her brandishing her wand at him and his instincts told him that he had to take her down. Crushing his battle instincts, Silas merely ignored her wand,

"Even if you say that I don't feel that Jessamine. I love you Jessamine so I will do what I can to help bring you back up, regardless of what you think of me." he closed his eyes, hoping to hold the tears back, "I will either repair this cafe with my own hands or I can have the engineers do it if... if you would prefer not to see me."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine) Empty Re: In the ashes (Silas and Jessamine)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:57 am

Jessamine snorted and she hopped down from the mound of rubble, gesturing her arms at the broken shell of the cafe, and she decided that if Silas wanted to fix it then he could do but she wasn't about to stay here while he did so.

"Fix it yourself, get the engineers to do it, I don't care." she said with a glare in her eyes, it was so strange that someone she thought that she felt so much for, had managed to let her down so much, and she didnt even want to look at him any more.

So much for her being his angel, he couldn't even ask her to change her mind, he didn't seem to want to ask her to stay, to kiss her and hug her and to calm her down.

Wiping away tears as she stormed off, Jessamine knew that she would need to stay at her parents, now wouldn't that be fun?

Jessamine Blakely

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Join date : 2012-07-14

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