Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Bumps In The Night (OPEN)

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Bumps In The Night (OPEN) Empty Bumps In The Night (OPEN)

Post by Maria Arceneau Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:37 pm

Maria, although she lived in Germany with Leon had decided that she was going to visit England, where her sire was currently living, after all it had been a while since they had met and they needed to be able to catch up with each other every decade or so.

With a light smile on her lips she wandered into a club nearby and hoped that it would be for creatures as well, not that anyone would be able to tell she was a vampire, she was very adept at hiding it, and with her hair pinned up in it's loose style and her make up, Maria looked almost human, only far more unearthly beautiful than a human.

She was jostled into some women sitting near the bar and she gasped lightly, trying to stop herself from spilling the other ladies drink;

"Oh I am so sorry!" she squeaked out, her French accent coming through "Are you alright?"
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

Posts : 98
Join date : 2012-05-14

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