Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson One- Basic Defense

Tess McCartney
Corinne Girard
Charlotte Smith
Alice Carroll Lane
Cillian Eccleston
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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:23 pm

(OOC: I don't mean to step on the Admin's toes but since schedules are a bit all over the place, the first lesson will run from 1/9 to 1/16 ending at 11:59 PM).

Cillian Eccleston was gathering his lesson material and anxiously arranging the plans on his desk. He couldn't believe he was about to start instructing on the Dark Arts and Defense Against Them but the fact that he had also been promoted to Head of Hufflepuff as well was also something that thrilled him.

He had worn is favorite Hufflepuff sweater, his white shirt underneath tucked into the gray material. He proudly wore the yellow and black striped tie, tucked into the v necked sweater. His white collar was tucked into the sweater as well. He wore black trousers and black shoes. He had trimmed his beard, shaping it into a goatee (a manageable one at that) and attempted to brush back his unruly black hair.

He was more than ready to start the class and meet the various students that were about to enter. He had already color coded the desks. The Gryffindors were to sit in the front, right side of the classroom. Here he could keep an eye on them and make sure their work was getting done. Slytherins were across the aisle in the front left. This was to keep the Houses separate. He remembered what it was like when he was in school. A bit rough, especially between Potter and Malfoy.

His house, the Hufflepuffs, would sit behind the Slytherins in the back left corner. He knew that he had their loyalty and that they'd cause little, if any, trouble. And finally the Ravenclaws would sit behind the Gryffindors in the back right corner. He knew the studious House students would be perturbed at being put in the back but he could rely on them to do their lesson and keep out of trouble. It was the Lion and the Snake that brought the most conflict anyways. And he merely didn't have enough time for that in class.

Cillian finished arranging his desk and went to sit on the end. His left leg outstretched and touching the floor, his right leg crooked, his hands resting on his knees.

He was prepared. Now it was time for the students to arrive. Though they still had about a half an hour's time to arrive.

First day nerves, he realized, weren't just for the pupils.

Last edited by Cillian Eccleston on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:42 pm

Alice hurried from her Duelling Lesson to get back to the third floor for her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She was eager for this one, especially since it seemed they had a lot to learn.

Quickly she made her way into the room and found to her surprise that it was split up by house. She saw the Gryffindor crest floating in the air above desks that were marked red in the front right of the classroom. The Slytherin crest floated above the front right, the Hufflepuff the back right and the Ravenclaw the back left.

She noticed that the Professor was also at the head of the class, patiently sitting on the edge of his desk. He was rather good looking and was the first male teacher that Alice had as of yet. He wore the color of the House of Hufflepuff, she assumed he must be the Head of that house.

She bravely went to the front of the classroom (Two front rows in one day!) and sat down. She pulled out new parchment and her quill and patiently awaited the arrival of her classmates.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:57 pm

Charlotte entered the classroom, glad to have finally started learning properly in this class, her first teacher hadn't really done anything and when she had come the next time it wasn't even covered so she just had this as a free period.

Smiling lightly at the Professor and Alice, the girl that she had met at the lake, Charlotte took her normal seat and waited for the class to begin after taking out all of her equipment.

(Hi, uhm, I am the admin and the lesson is running from the 9th January, to the 16th, a week from today, thank you Smile)

Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:22 pm

Pxyis ran to her DADA lesson, sliding around a corner and she slowed to a calm walk as she reached the door to her lesson, pushing them open lightly and stepping inside, her breaths coming out short and sharp from the running. She looked around to see that for once, she wasn't late to her lesson. She nodded at the teacher, before smiling at Alice and grinning at Charlotte. She took a seat at the desk next to Charlotte and dropped her bag by her feet.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:35 pm

Salina pushed open the doors to her DADA classroom, relieved that she was on time. Early, even. Upon looking at the classroom, she discovered only 3 students were already there- 2 Slytherin's and a Gryffindor. She took her seat at the back where the Ravenclaw's had been allocated, not at all in the slightest bothered- for she did not care much for school.
The only reason she took the lessons she did was because they were compulsory and if she didn't her Maman would murder her. Not that her Maman wouldn't once she found out that she was in Ravenclaw and not her Maman's house, Slytherin. Salina shuddered at the thought, placing her back on the floor and digging through her memories, un-able to remember if Leshia took this lesson or not.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Corinne Girard Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:39 pm

Corinne rounded the corner just in time to see her sister's familiar head of hair vanish behind a set of doors. She checked her watch and smirked at the fact that she was early to her lesson. She made her way over to the doors and pushed them open, sending a smile the teacher's way, a smile Alice's way and a dirty look at Pxyis who sat next to Charlotte. She ignored her sister and the two Slytherin girls as she moved to the seat farthest away from them within the Slytherin's allocated area.

Corinne Girard

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:39 pm

Entering class he could not help but have that fear rise in her, that was soon replaced by excitement. She knew that this was something that truly separated who was a powerful wizard or witch, and who was not. She didn't care about how others did, rather she cared, no feared being the weaker of sorts.

Seeing the classroom separated by house se shyl waved at Alice before walking towards her side. Seeing Charlotte there she let out a wider smile and it soon widened seeing Pyxis.

"Mind if I sit here?" she whispered meaning the seat to their left.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:19 pm

Charlotte quailed a little at the glare that wasn't even directed at her and she fumbled with her parchment while she tried to get it out of her system, she didn't want to get all het up in lesson that wouldn't do any good at all.

Glancing up at the voice she smiled when she saw Tess and grinned happily, without hesistation nodding when she asked if she could sit here.

"Please, please do!"
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:28 pm

Pxyis rolled her eyes at Corinne's glare, poking her tongue out at her in return. She noticed Charlotte seem to wither and the glare that was directed at Pxyis, and nudged her gently, sending her a warm smile. Her head rose when she heard Tess' voice, and she beamed.

"Of course you can Tess. We're all friends here," said Pxyis, letting out a laugh.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:06 am

Cillian was pleased to see that the students were arriving and for the most part they looked eager to begin class. Except for the Ravenclaw in the back, which was quite strange.

His anticipation was dampened, however, when he noticed the white blonde Slytherin shoot a nasty look at one of her fellow house mates. I can't say I've ever seen much interhouse hate. He said with a frown. There were still another fifteen minutes before class would begin but he figured he could at least assign some reading to keep the students busy. It'd help him focus the students on the lesson as well.

Standing up he went before the class.

"We aren't officially beginning yet," He said with a smile. "But for the ones who are here, I'll make an early introduction. You'll have to act just as fascinated by my story if I have to tell it later, deal?"

He stood at the front of the aisle, his hands crossed together before his body as he looked over the students. "I'm Cillian Eccleston. I'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor this year, if you haven't figure this out. I trust you all read the rules."

He pointed to the sign above the his desk. (https://hogwartsvsdurmstrang.rpg-board.net/t129-introductions-and-rules)

"I request that talking be kept at a minimum. When we are working on spells I will permit a little bit of talking, but I prefer the conversation to be about the topic. I encourage you to help one another, after all we're all on the same team when it comes to the Dark Arts." Cillian explained.

He walked back to his desk and picked up the required reading book. "I trust you all brought your textbook to class. If you didn't today, I have a couple extra to borrow but I must request you bring them next time. Not doing so will result in Point Deductions." He explained. "Since we do have some time before class I would like to utilize this time. If you could all turn to page 121," He opened his own book. "Let me preface this by saying I don't expect all of you this master this practice this year, but it is a pillar in the fight against the Dark Arts, and a fun way to start class. I want to work on this Charm the entire year, hopefully some of you will master it. Now, if you could all read and take notes so that we can begin discussion during class."

He opened the book to page 121.

The Patronus Charm

The Patronus Charm has become a staple in the Defense Against the Dark Arts. It has been described as "A Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a shield, with the Dementor feeding on it, rather than him." (Remus Lupin).

The Patronus Charm is an advanced spell and requires patience and dedication to master. When summoned properly, the Charm will cause light to erupt from the end of the Wizard or Witch's Wand. The Master can then control the Patronus, sending it wherever they please.

There are two types of Patronus. There are non-corporeal and corporeal.

Non corporeal appear as smoke from the Conjurer's wand and are less powerful than a full fledged patronus. They will not actually add in destroying the enemy but can ward them off as well as provide light in the darkest of places.

Corporeal Charms are full fledged and quite powerful. A translucent animal shape emerges from the wand and acts as shield for the bearer and can aid the Witch or Wizard greatly.

The animal that is released varies with the conjurer. The infamous Harry Potter's patronus was a stag. Though, any animal can appear. The animal is said to reflect the Summoner, and can change if the Witch or Wizard has a large emotional upheaval. With positive or negative.

The Charm has two parts to its summoning. To begin, the Castor must think of a powerful memory, one that conjures the happiest moment of that Witch or Wizard's life. Next the Conjurer must cast the spell. For the Patronus Charm, it is "Expecto Patronum."

The Patronus Charm is extremely difficult and takes year to master fully. A young Wizard or Witch should not become discouraged by their inability to cast the spell on the first attempt. However, do not let it stop the learner from attempting. The more this spell is practiced, the faster the Castor will master it.

Cillian went back to back to leaning upon his desk, patiently waiting for the time to wind down to starting class.

Last edited by Cillian Eccleston on Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:24 am; edited 1 time in total

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:16 am

She immediately sat down with a smile seeing that they were sitting together, but her smile had dimmed because of Corinne. Her dislike for Pyxis and Charlotte did make her frown all the more, but she was glad that she didn't get a glare herself.

She shook her head and looked at the professor. He seemed very composed and the way that he spoke was very eloquent and he indeed loved the lesson, which made her want to learn all the more. She lowered her head and began to reread what she had read the night prior. She always found the idea of a Patronus as something pure, nothing but sheer happiness could create a full fledged one, and she feared that she'd fail.

Nonetheless she promised to master it, and so as she finished reading she lifted her gaze towards the Professor.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:33 am

Alice waved back at Tess with a big smile. She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't sit with her friend, but nonetheless, they were still able to see each other outside of class.

Plus Alice really wanted to focus on the lesson. She pulled out her book and immediately began to devour page 121, her mind wheeling with the thought of a Patronus.

This is the spell I have to learn how to use! She thought to herself. I wonder what kind of animal I would emit? Alice wondered.

There were so many fantastic images that bounced through her head, she barely noticed that the spell was a difficult one to master. She stuck her tongue out in dislike. She wanted to become the greatest Witch ever, though she supposed that it would take time.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:14 am

Airen walked into the classroom. He was just thankful that he wasn't late and cost his house some points. He sat the front of the classroom a bit annoyed that the teachers seemed to be segregating the houses. He took out his quill and notepad. He just managed to catch the last instructions of the professor before he entered.

With a small greeting to the professor, he opened the book to the page and read about the Patronus Charm. As he did, he thought that the charm was similar in purpose to a swordmage spell used to combat dementors.

Last edited by Airen Auditoren on Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:23 pm

Tabi was already headed to her next class. Now that everything was pretty well in swing she could easily make it too class.

When she walked into the class she noticed the teacher was talking, thinking she was late she glanced at the clock, no she wasn't late he must be giving them something to read over while they were waiting for the class to begin.

As she looked around to pick a seat she discovered that the teacher had arranged the seats in order of houses. As she looked over to her section she noticed that Corinne had picked a seat away from the other girls and noticed that the only seat open was next to her, she hoped she didn't mind.

"Corinne, hope you don't mind if I sit here. Not many choices left." Tabi then pulled out her potions text and turned to the The Patronus Charm

and then pulled out her parchment and quills and began to take notes.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:38 pm

Salina's gaze was outside the window as the teacher began talking. She really had never had much patience for learning, the only class she had found interesting so far being her sister's Care of Magical Creatures, but that was because she could be doing something she had never thought she'd loved- being with Magical Creatures.

She began thinking about the adorable little Crup they had studied in the lesson, and how he'd loved sitting on her lap and having his tummy and behind his ears tickled. His cute little eyes would droop as he fell asleep in her lap. She wasn't very excited about her assignment on Lethifold's, but when she looked up at the teacher she heard him mention page 121. She pulled her textbook out of her bag and flipped it open to the designated page, her eyes widening as she held back a laugh.

This was perfect- the only known spell to repel the Lethifold was the Patronus Charm, and now she was learning about it. She could add extra information about the Patronus Charm in her assignment on Lethifold's, she decided, and get some extra points for CoMC.

Salina's motivation to do well in this class was spurred on now, and she dropped her gaze down to her page and began reading, her eyes moving back and forth as she brushed a lock of brown hair behind her ear.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Corinne Girard Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:52 pm

Corinne wasn't interested in anything this teacher had to say, so she completely ignored him as he spoke, playing with her fingers that had silver and green nail polish on them, with green snakes on the silver ones that slithered around on her nail and hissed, whilst on the green ones was the Slytherin logo.

She had always fancied herself as talented in the art of charms, her teacher's had always said so at 'Uresla School For Beginners'. She only wished she could've stayed in France and gone to the far more sophisticated and magnificent school of Beauxbatons. She had seen the palace once before, when Uresla had done an orientation day. It had been the most truly beautiful sight, the tall and grand palace with its hall of sheer beauty and its sophisticated teachers- not this lousy old castle with its shabby armour and its tacky teacher's, or was it the other way around?

When Corinne pulled away from her sour thoughts that she had been thinking of so very often, she noticed that everyone in class was reading. She opened her textbook to a random page, and pretended to read when she was really just daydreaming about that boy she'd seen at the horrible place called 'The Leaky Cauldron'. The place was just so ancient! Corinne shuddered at the thought.

Bored with her fake reading, she instead ripped out a blank page at the back of the textbook and drew a picture of Pxyis sitting by the black lake reading, and herself perched behind a tree, ready to poise. She paid attention to detail, and was very careful to make sure it looked good so that the effect was twice as good. Discreetly, she pulled the parchment under her desk and pulled out her wand, tapping it and muttering a charm to make the pictures move.

Picture Corinne poked her wand out from behind the tree and cast a spell, making picture Pxyis tumble into the Black Lake and picture Corinne laughing at this. She folded up the paper and tossed it onto Pxyis' desk, it landing perfectly.

Corinne Girard

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:56 pm

Pxyis listened attentively to the teacher, excited about her DADA lesson. Pxyis had always thought that DADA would be fascinating, and it was already proving to be right. This teacher was a brilliant speaker, and she could actually understand what he was saying clearly, un-like her CoMC teacher, Prof. Girard. Don't, Pxyis mentally scolded herself. She only felt a slight dislike for Prof. Girard because of Corinne.

Instead, Pxyis returned her attention back to the teacher as he spoke, and did as she was instructed, opening her book and flipping through the pages until she reached page 121. There, she began to read about the Patronus Charm with fascination. Her mother had always been able to do the Patronus Charm, and so could her father but not quite as well as her mother's adorable kitten that danced out.

Mother had always described the Patronus Charm to Pxyis as something made from pure happiness, that comes from deep within and is set free in the animal that most protrays you. It is why the darkest of creatures could not handle the charm, her mother would say, for they are so dark and without happiness, that such happiness in the charm repels them- or in the way of the Dementor's keeps them at bay.

Pxyis had just finished her reading, when a piece of parchment slid onto her desk and she turned to see Corinne looked innocently guilty. Suspicious, Pxyis picked up the little piece of parchment and opened it up to see a drawing of her and Corinne, Corinne casting a spell to make herself fall into the Black Lake with her book. Offended, Pxyis whirled around and sneered at Corinne, ripping the parchment in half and sourly turning back to her book.

"What a loser," she mumbled to herself, letting the ripped parchment drop on the side of her book farthest away from Corinne and closest to Charlotte.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:09 pm

Alice was pleased to see that Airen was in this class with her. At least she wouldn't be the lone Gryffindor this time around.

She waved at him gently, hoping he wasn't avoiding her or annoyed that she was a girl. He seemed to be a pretty quiet guy, however, so she let it go.

Alice watched the Slytherins closely, especially when Corinne entered the room. She watched as the girl drew something on the Parchment, then tapped her wand on it, crumpling it up and tossing it at Pxyis.

Pxyis opened it and a look of hurt and anger crossed her face. She then crumpled it on the ground.

"Only Slytherins would be catty enough to bully in their own house," Alice said with a shake of her head.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:53 pm

Charlotte smiled and quickly got out her textbook, eager to read and to forget what the horrible girl was doing on the other side of the room, especially to her friend. She was about half way down the page when she heard something going on beside her, she looked at Pyxis who looked angry and a little upset and patted her softly on the back.

Glancing at the scrunched up parchment Charlotte quickly unfolded it and glared, this had gone far enough and now she knew what to do.

Nobody. Nobody was going to be mean to her friends.

Slipping the horrible picture into her bag Charlotte vowed that as soon as this lesson was over, she was going to talk to Richard Romain, her Head of House, and also...her Uncle. He would see Corrine right. Sending a reassuring smile at Pyxis Charlotte took up reading again.
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:18 pm

Pxyis heard the un-scrunching of paper and saw Charlotte looking at the drawing, before her eyes clouded with determination as she slipped the paper into her bag. Pxyis could feel it, Charlotte was going to do something and she was curious as to what, but she didn't want to disturb the lesson, so she just looked back down at her page and waited for further instructions from the teacher.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:44 am

Cillian frowned when he saw that there seemed to be some sort of upsetting note being passed around among the Slytherins. He took note that the girl in the front row seemed to have placed it in her bag, he would have to ask her about it later.

"Good afternoon, class." Cillian moved now, standing before the class with arms crossed. "Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I hope that you have found your reading most interesting."

He used a nonverbal spell Accio Chalk and began to write on the board behind him.

"This year in DADA we'll be learning about three different topics." He said. "We'll be learning about Dark Creatures, the Patronus Charm, as well as Unforgivable Curses."

1.) Dark Creatures
2.) Patronus Charm
3.) Unforgivable Curses

Appeared on the board.

"Now, while this class is meant to be somewhat interesting and I will do my best to not make it boring, however there is a level of seriousness to this topic. Many Wizards and Witches have fallen because of the Dark Arts and I want to inform you to better prepare you." He let his hands fall to his side as he crossed to stand behind his desk. "I hope that you all finished your reading. We're going to go around the room and I want you to tell me your name, your happiest moment, and what you think your Patronus will be for the time being."

"I'll start. My name is Cillian Eccleston, my most happy moment was when my house, Hufflepuff, actually won a house cup my fifth year. My patronus is an elephant." He said with a smile. "Friendly but dangerous."

He indicated his head to the row of Slytherins, encouraging one to speak up.

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:23 am

Her attention had been sapped by the interaction between the girls beside her. She wasn't very assertive, but once she noticed that the professor was staring at them, she needed a distraction from them.

She cleared her throat and subconsciously, her cheeks flushed immediately knowing she would be getting attention.

"M-My name is Tess McCartney, my happiest moment...my happiest moment was when, when I was told by Professor Romaine that my wish was possible" she looked at her book not wanting to say what it was. "And if I'm capable of making a patronus, I'd like it to be..to be a fox." she took a deep breath "A fox because they are intelligent and sly, b-but shy."

At the end of her comment her voice ended but a whisper.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:21 pm

The one thing that Tabi had never done was speak up in class unless she had too, now of course she was not going to have a choice. Seeing she was next in line she tried hard to think of something that was happy. Not much in her life made her that happy.

"My name is Tabitha Prewett, but I prefer Tabi, and the happiest memory that I have is why I am flying high on my broom. As for what my patronus I am sure it would be a cat. Cats are the one thing that is important in my life."

Her sister was important in her life too, not that she would ever admit it.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Parker Emery Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:44 pm

Parker rushed down the corridor, cursing himself for always being late to his classes, though he thought that this time for sure he would have been on time. Of course he wouldn't have though, the corridors and dungeons just loved to make him lost.

He made his way to the class, swinging open the door, stopping when seeing all the students and the teacher who seemed to already have started the lesson. He glanced around before trying to quietly make his way to the separated Slytherin tables, keeping his head down.

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Lesson One- Basic Defense Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:38 pm

Pxyis looked up from where she had been glaring at her page as the teacher began to talk again. He was talking about happy memories, and when indicated to the Slytherin's, Pxyis gulped. She didn't want to express her happiest moment at all, it was somewhat embarrassing, and once Tabi had finished speaking she began to speak with a light blush splayed across her cheek.

She summoned her courage and cleared her throat. "I'm Pxyis Wilson. My happiest memory was when-" Pxyis began to blush again as she looked down and decided to make up a random happy memory. "When I got into Slytherin, which has always been my dream house," she said the first thing that came to mind. "Im not sure what my patronus would be, but I think perhaps a horse. Im not sure why, I just have a feeling," Pxyis shrugged indifferently, as if she couldn't really care why.


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