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Lesson One- Basic Defense

Tess McCartney
Corinne Girard
Charlotte Smith
Alice Carroll Lane
Cillian Eccleston
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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:27 am

"I'm sorry! Am I late!?" Darren hurtled into class, red-faced and panting, and he looked around and thought, maybe not. He moved to the back of the class to sit down and he flipped the textbook to the required page.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:36 pm

Parker quietly took a seat, glancing back at another boy which had come running in late, thankful he wasn't the only one.

He wondered what the class had started on already, and opened his book up to see, beginning to read, head buried in his book as others spoke. He blocked them out as he became engrossed in what he was reading.

Parker Emery

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:53 pm

Cillian looked at the Ravenclaw with a slight frown. Not only was the student late but he had interrupted the class with his obvious question.

"You are, sir. Please take your respective seat with your house." He gestured to the Ravenclaw crest floating above their tables. "And since the Slytherins seem to be a bit tongue tied today, may I ask your name, happiest moment, and prospective patronus?" He asked respectfully. "In fact, anyone who would like to go, please just speak up."

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:02 pm

When the teacher spoke, Parker looked up from the book and at him. He was never one to speak in class, even when called on, but for some reason he felt impelled to speak out this time. His voice was soft, but loud enough to be heard. "Isn't our happiest memory a bit...private, sir?"

Parker Emery

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:55 pm

Tabi watched as the new kid took his seat but when Professor Eccleston said, "And since the Slytherins seem to be a bit tongue tied today" Tabi was a little offend and had to look back at Pxyis to see if she noticed what the teacher said.

"I don't real being tounge tied I answered the question" she could help but say it out loud.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:19 pm

Charlotte glared a little as the note was taken from her and she looked at the teacher with distain, how else was she supposed to give the note to Professor Romain and get this issue resolved? Nevermind. He would believe her anyway, he always did.

Hearing that people were giving their happiest memory Charlotte blinked a little, of course, she was not going to be saying that in front of all these people she didn't know.

Raising her hand she said:

"Hello. My name is Charlotte Smith. I am the daughter of Cobalt Smith the Interrogation Professor, Professor Romain is my Uncle. My happiest memory is when Professor Smith adopted me. My patronus will be a cat."
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:41 am

(OOC: I just wanted to clarify two things. First, Parker, sorry if it seemed like Cillian was referring to you. He actually was referring to Darren. I thought I had made it clear but I probably could have done better. And Charlotte, Cillian never ceased your note. He merely took note that you had it, I did mention that it was in your bag still. Sorry guys, I just wanted to point it out)

Cillian was a little perturbed by some of the student's bluntness. He wouldn't be as rude as some of them were being.

"Isn't our happiest memory a bit...private, sir?"

"On the contrary, young man. I should believe that the memory that will conjure this patronus is one that you would shout from the rooftops. It is something that makes you so joyous that you want to spread it and share the emotion with everyone."

Next he turned to the Slytherin who spoke out of turn.

"I don't real being tounge tied I answered the question"

"I didn't realize you were Slytherin as a whole," He answered a bit bluntly. "I thank you for speaking but you are one of the few of your house that has shared. And considering there is an overwhelming amount of you," He gestured to the filled tables. "I was hoping for some more participation, instead of hesitancy." He replied. "And I would prefer it if you didn't mince my words. I am afraid I shall have to deduct 10 points from Slytherin- 5 for talking out of turn and 5 for disrespect." He frowned apologetically.

He didn't want to take the points away but if he let one student break the rules as well as show disrespect, they would soon all.

"Thank you, Charlotte," He smiled at the girl kindly. "For sharing. That is a wonderful memory, the feeling of acceptance and belonging. We still have a couple more people to get through and then we shall carry on with the lesson."

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:05 am

It was not until the Professor pointed out.."I didn't realize you were Slytherin as a whole," that Tabi had said her thought out loud, she really had meant to keep that to herself and then when the teacher has taken 10 points away from Slytherin she couldn't belive. She was about to agrue but sat back and refrained from doing so.

"Sorry Professor" was all Tabi could get out.


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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Parker Emery Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:28 am

(OOC: Whoops, sorry, I see that now. Let's just say he was over hearing and spoke out of turn then? haha sorry!)

"It is something that makes you so joyous that you want to spread it and share the emotion with everyone." Upon the teacher saying that, Parker looked back down to his desk, thinking. Everyone always did seem so reserved, as if their emotions were something embarrassing, or not wanting to bother others with how they were feeling. It was interesting and he got to thinking of his happiest memory.

His head snapped back up though upon hearing the points being deducted from his house and sighed. That girl really needed to learn to shut her mouth and be quiet. If any emotions or thoughts were to be kept to oneself it should most readily be negative ones.

Parker Emery

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:56 pm

Airen decided to speak up. He'd kept quiet for most of the lesson, and he was getting a bit annoyed that some Slytherins seemed hesitant. He reminded himself that some happy memories may be embarrassing to some people. He slowly raised his hand.

"Salve (Hello), I'm Airen Auditoren. My happiest memory was when I first found a place where I belonged." He decided to keep his answer vague. Some people didn't need to know that part yet. He was glad that there was some one who did sending a glance at Charlotte. Continuing, he said, "I think my patronus form will be a phoenix."
Airen Auditoren
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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:13 pm

Alice realized that it was probably her turn to speak when Airen finished.

"Hello, I am Alice Carroll Lane, my happiest moment was when my Dad wasn't able to work for a month so I saw him every day, and I think my Patronus will be a lion." She said with a smile.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:25 pm

Haley, sitting calmly and silently in the back behind the Slytherins at her spot with the Hufflepuffs, was starting to feel nervous when she realized it was soon her turn. She had many happy memories, but she honestly couldn't think of anything, considering the resent events that had happened to her family. She couldn't see through the thick mist of darkness that kept her down.

Then Haley remembered something. A huge, massive shadow transforming into a massive, green creature. She couldn't help but smile satisfied. Then she frowned; was it her turn? She really didn't want to speak out of turn. She didn't like to embarrass herself... but should she take the chance?

Haley cleared her throat, and when no one said anything, she looked up at professor Eccleston.

"Hello, my name is Haley Vilde Smith, and my happiest moment was when I saw my first dragon, and because of that, I wouldn't be surprised if my patronus was a dragon. I love them," she said with a grin, not able to help herself.
Haley Vilde Smith
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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Cillian Eccleston Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:45 pm

Cillian smiled to see that the demeanor of the class was at least turning.

"Thank you all for sharing. I think we've learned a lot today about Patronums and the strength we have inside that will fight the Dark Arts. Something that I fear we are about to meet soon enough." He said looking over the students.

"Please read the chapter on Dementors and other Dark Creatures tonight to be prepared for next class. Class dismissed." Cillian said with a smile and with a flick of his wand the house signals disappeared.

Cillian Eccleston

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Lesson One- Basic Defense - Page 2 Empty Re: Lesson One- Basic Defense

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:20 am

Lesson Point: Patronus' and Introductions

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Briony Romain
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