Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Dinner (Open)

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Dinner (Open) Empty Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:42 pm

Tabi walked down to dinner with her new friends and that all found seats at the Slytherin table. Tabi glanced across the hall and caught sight of Leshia and her friend. So was still so mad about earlier in Charms class. She had never felt so insulted before, and this coming from a Ravenclaw. Tabi had to think of something to do about this situation.

Just as she began to think the food appeared on the table.

"This looks pretty good' Tabi mumbled as she began to pile food on her plate.

"So how was everyone's day, hope it was better than mine?"


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:56 pm

Pxyis trailed after Tabi, walking alongside Charlotte as they moved from the Slytherin Girls Dorms to the Great Hall for dinner. Her stomach let out a small rumble and she clutched it in an over-dramatic way. "Oh my poor tummy, I simply must fill it with food, for if not I shall surely die," said Pxyis dramatically, splaying a hand over her forehead before rolling her eyes and continuing to walk normally.

They entered the Great Hall. Pxyis and her friends immediately moved to the Slytherin table and took their seat. Pxyis let her eyes roam the table for Parker, but she couldn't see him yet. Shrugging it off, she followed Tabi's gaze to see her looking at Leshia- except... was it Leshia? She looked far more beautiful than she had before.

{OOC: Read Leshia & Salina's conversation in the Ravenclaw Girls Dorms}

"What's up with Leshia? She looks stunning," Pxyis asked Tabi, hastily adding, "Not that she wasn't pretty before," in case Tabi became defensive of her twin.

Pxyis attention was caught when food suddenly appeared on the table before her, and she eagerly reached out for it. She piled different meats and other foods onto her plate, nodding in agreement with Tabi's comment that it looked good.

"So how was everyone's day, hope it was better than mine?" Tabi asked them.

"Meh," Pxyis said nonchalantly as she shovelled food into her mouth. Swallowing it all, she turned to answer Tabi's question. "Pretty boring. Lessons, the usual. What about you, Charlotte?" Pxyis asked, continuing to shove food into her mouth like a woman who hadn't eaten for months. Pxyis had always had a huge appetite.

"Mm." Pxyis said once she had swallowed. "This is amazing," she continued to eat.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:57 pm

Leshia could not get over her new look. She was just going to have to have Salina teach her how to do these spells. She was ready to out do her sister. It had been a long week and she was ready to start anew.

Leshia walked into the great hall with her arm linked with her new best friend. As the walked over to the Ravenclaw table Leshia could feel the eyes just on her as Salina and her took their seats.

Leshia had seen her sister come in with her friends but she did not think that her sister had noticed her yet, and maybe that was a good thing. But after the crap Tabi put her through today she decided she was not going to be in her shadow any longer.

"This looks really good" Leshia said as the food appeared on the table. "I hope they have cheesecake, its my favorite."


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:34 am

Tabi had not even noticed that Leshia was in the Great hall until Pxyis said something.

"What's up with Leshia? She looks stunning," Pxyis asked Tabi, hastily adding, "Not that she wasn't pretty before,"

Tabi was not sure what the heck Pxyis was talking about until she looked up and then looked over at Leshia. She really could not see very well so she stood up on the bench and looked again.

"Bloody Hell, how on earth did she do that. I didn't even think she knew spells like those." Tabi sat back down before she got in trouble.

"What the heck is she trying to pull." Tabi wondered while she placed a couple of bites in her mouth.

"Well I am sure in the heck gona find out." Tabi sat eating some more. She knew as soon as dinner was over she would be seeing to her sister and ask her.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:39 pm

Charlotte had followed just a while after the other two girls from the dorm, she had needed to make sure that she had put her sketchbook away properly and that she wouldn't damage it the way she had put it in.

Quickly hurrying after the two girls, anxious not to be left too far behind Charlotte appeared in the door to the Great Hall, the smell from the feast was marvelous and she couldn't wait to eat some of the food that was littered all over the great tables.

After a while she spotted her two friends and made a move to join them, sitting down next to Pyxis she smiled happily and placed some food on her plate, sausages and mash with lots of gravy, it was one of her favourite foods and she had been told the Hogwarts mash was sublime.

"Sorry about that guys, I'm a little OCD about making sure my art supplies are okay."

Shrugging her shoulders Charlotte thought about her day, it had been alright, nothing too special however.

"I guess you could say it was pretty normal actually, there was nothing really that great about it, this has been the best part of it by far."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

Posts : 1290
Join date : 2011-11-25
Location : Silent Close

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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:21 pm

"Cheesecake? Im not a big fan," Salina wrinkled her nose and laughed. "La galette des Rois is my favourite dessert, but I do not expect zis school to serve French," Salina's lips turned downwards in a frown. "Oh, 'ow I miss servante's French cooking!" Salina wailed as the British food appeared before her.

"My servante, she used to cook ze most wunderful foods! Oh 'ow 'er Escargot dishes were so delicious. She is truly an amazing woman, my servante," Salina realised that Leshia didn't know what 'Escargot' meant. "Escargot ees snails, just so you know," Salina licked her lips just thinking about it.

"Well, lets eet zis... food..." Salina looked at it all with a frown. She missed her magnifique French foods already, the Brit's just could not cook like the French. She scooped some potato mash onto her plate and roast beef. She wasn't sure what else to take, there was so much of it, and spying some chicken she also put that on her plate.

She adored chicken. Salina began to eat, wolfing down the food as quickly as she could. It was not that it was un-pleasant, it was just... there was so much more flavour in the French food. Salina looked up to see Tabi staring at them, so she flicked her hair over her shoulder and sneered at Tabi. She enjoyed teasing the girl who was so rude to her newfound best friend.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:45 pm

Leshia was enjoying learning more about Salina but when she mentioned Escargot, Leshia had heard that word but never really knew what it meant.

"Escargot ees snails, just so you know,"

"Snails, yuck. How can anyone eat a bug." Leshia said as she stuck her finger in her mouth pretending to throw up.

While they were talking she heard a voice get a little loud, and she was sure it was Tabi but had to look up to confirm.

"Bloody Hell, how on earth did she do that. I didn't even think she knew spells like those." said Tabi

Leshia just glared at her as Tabi glared at her then something happened that had surprised both the girls.

"I swear that girl is so childish" Leshia thought in her head. Just as Leshia thought that thought she heard another voice in her head.

"What the heck is she trying to pull." Leshia knew that voice was Tabi's but how did it get in her head. That had never happened before.

Leshia give Salina this werid looked as the thought has surprised her.

"Salina have you ever experienced anything weird between Corrine and you, you know like a twin thing?" Leshia was very confused


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:58 pm

While Tabi was glaring at Leshia she could not believewhat had happened it had completly caught her off guard. She had just thought to herself about what was Leshia up too and then at the same time she a thought come through to her.

"I swear that girl is so childish"Tabi knows it was Leshia's voice but how did that happen. They had never been able to talk threw their minds before so why the change.

With this new development Tabi had not even noticed that Charlotte had sat down and started talking about her day.

"I guess you could say it was pretty normal actually, there was nothing really that great about it, this has been the best part of it by far."

"Well my day just got a lot more interesting." Tabi said as she thought about what had just happened.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:40 pm

Leshia asked her if anything weird had ever happened between her and Corinne, as in twin weird. Corinne looked up from her roast beef and swallowed it, her nose wrinkling in disgust. The meat just wasn't cooked right. She shrugged at the food, before turning to look at Leshia as she licked her lips, for they were becoming quite dry and crackly.

"Of course. All magical twins 'ave some sort of magical connection," said Salina as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. In France, it was a common known fact that a majority of twins held a special bond that was often not realised by the twins. For her and Corinne, it was.

"I can feel Corinne's emotions, et she can feel mine emotions. I can also read 'er memories, until she feels my presence in 'er 'ead, which is usually very quickly. But I always 'ave full access to 'er emotions, she ees not very good at 'iding zem," Salina informed Leshia, eyes narrowing in her concentration. She focused on Corinne's face, and then imagined herself morphing inside of Corinne. It was a weird thing, but it was what Salina had to do to access Corinne's emotions when she wasn't feeling incredibly strongly about something.

"For instance, right now... Corinne ees feeling... frustrated," Salina searched Corinne's memories, already feeling Corinne's annoyance for she had probably recognised Salina's presence in her mind. A memory rose straight to Corinne's mind, and she heard someone taunting Corinne. She searched for the images that matched the memory so she could see who this person was, but suddenly an ice wall was barricading her and the memory slipped away. She prodded at the wall, before withdrawing from Corinne's mind.

"Strange. She 'as blocked me from 'er memories, but eet seems someone was being mean to 'er. Wouldn't surprise moi," Salina rolled her eyes. Corinne really brought trouble on herself, but it still didn't stop Salina worrying about her twin. She pushed thoughts of Corinne out of her mind as she took another bite of her meal.

"So, why do you ask?" Salina asked.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:23 am

"Well Just a minute ago Tabi and I were glaring at each other and I heard what she thought and she heard what I thought." Leshia whispered really low.

"That's never happened before, at least that I have noticed." Leshia glanced over to Tabi again.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:22 am

Tabi had decided that after dinner she would go and wait for Leshia by the library because she would have to have the answers.

Tabi went back to her food listening to all of the conversations going on around her.

This was going to be a long year.


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Dinner (Open) Empty Re: Dinner (Open)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:54 am

Leshia was finishing up her dinner thinking about what had taken place. Granted this new gift of their could be useful. Although Leshia knew that Tabi would try to use it to cheat, but Leshia would not let that happen.

Leshia finished off her plate and turned to Salina "I am going up to the library to look up something for Astronomy and then I will meet you in the common room."

Leshia hugged Salina and took off.


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