Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:42 pm

Well, today was the day, and the time was fairly soon so Lolita grabbed her bag and made sure that it had everything that she might need inside it, after all, she didn't know what it was going to be like there, Frank might not come and then she might need a book to keep her occupied.

Sighing she straightened out her dress that she had chosen and slipped into her heels, why was she wearing a dress and heels? She honestly had no idea. Lolita knew for a fact that Frank wouldn't be dressing up, but she still found the need to make an effort, maybe it was part of her pure blood upbringing?

Lolita surveyed herself in her office mirror a few times, tucking a rebellious strand of her behind her ear that had escaped it's hair style and she moved to leave Hogwarts, leaving the apparation boundaries she promptly appeared in front of the restaurant that they were meeting at, it was nothing too fancy, a little Italian that she had seen.

Now, the wait begins. Lolita thought, nerves settling in, after all, she had never really had a proper date before, just sitting in a room talking to suitors she didn't really care about.

(OOC: Lolita's dress: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Brown-Wedding-Dresses-6)


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:00 am

Frank sighed to himself as he stretched. Today was the day, wasn't it? Today was Saturday, right? A quick look at his watch, which had twelve hands and many moons and planets on it instead of numbers, told him that yes, today was Saturday.

He rose from his chair and looked over the few students still in the Hospital Wing. None of them needed his immediate attention, so he may as well get going. He was almost late, after all. But Lolita had said 7 o'clock, and Frank would show up 7 o'clock sharp.

Once he had passed the Hogwarts wards, he Apparated away to the restaurant Lolita had chosen, finding her already there waiting for him. Hm, she dressed up nicely. Frank, though, was still dressed the same. The only difference was that he wasn't wearing his lab coat.

"Hello," he said pleasantly to Lolita. "You're early."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

Posts : 67
Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:09 am

Lolita was jolted from her worried thoughts of 'Oh my God he's not going to come!' when to her relief Frank appeared and she smiled warmly at him, she knew that he wouldn't make much of an effort, but at least he had gotten rid of the labcoat.

"Hey Frank. I'm always early, a habit of mine."

She said shyly and pecked his cheek, moving away she gestured to the restuarant, and it looked pretty quiet so she was glad of that, a busy restaurant was not good for talking, too many noises.

"It's nice to see you again."

Moving towards the restaurant Lolita smiled and waited for Frank to follow her, grasping her clutch bag tightly she pushed open the door to the restaurant and couldn't help but smile a bit wider as the waiter happily seated them, with a bit of an odd look between them which Lolita flushed at.

"So, let the small talk commence," she said jokingly "How are you doing?"


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:22 am

"Hey Frank. I'm always early, a habit of mine."

"Well, better early than late," Frank reasoned, more to himself than to her as she pecked him on the cheek, thoroughly shocking him. No one had done that for about seventy years!

"It's nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too," he said, and was completely serious. It was all a bit strange for him, meeting Lolita, getting kissed on the cheek, being led to a table by a waiter like a normal person... It was almost all too much for him to handle...

"So, let the small talk commence," Lolita said with a smile, looking a bit flushed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good," Frank said. "A thunderstorm is rolling in from the west, so Junior will be awakened soon, without a doubt, so I'm good. And you?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:31 am

Lolita didn't know how to take the serious way in which Frank said that it was nice to see her again, she smiled shyly and blushed a little before ignoring her almost childlike reaction in favour of a rather more mature stance.

"Thats wonderful! I can't wait to see that it's going to be..." Lolita searched for the right word and then added "Breathtaking."

As the waiter came over and handed them the menus, Lolita held out her hand patiently for the Wine list and eventually it came, her eyes flashed slightly as the waiter spent a little too long oogling at her and Frank to be polite.

"I'm doing okay, nothing big happening in the world of books to regale you with."

Biting her lip she opened the menu and looked down the list of wines, finding one of her favourite before passing it to Frank:

"Would you like to look?"

Lolita smiled shyly again and folded her arms on her lap, thinking about how best to phrase what she was going to say next, and she decided it was best to just say it.

"Thank you, for um, doing what you did with that man...you know the one I sent to you..."


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:42 am

"Thats wonderful! I can't wait to see that it's going to be... Breathtaking."

The waiter came over and handed them their menus. Frank didn't really need it. He had no idea what to eat. After all, he hadn't eaten for years... not since he started working on Junior. Lolita, however, decided to open her menu right away.

"I'm doing okay, nothing big happening in the world of books to regale you with," she said, before passing him the list of wines. "Would you like to look?"

"No, I don't think that's necessary," Frank said with a smile, shaking his head. "When I said I hadn't eaten in years, I didn't mean eating out. I meant that I literally haven't eaten in years, and all I've drunk is water, enough to keep me hydrated, so I think it's best if I take whatever you're having, and you decide on the wine."

"Thank you, for um, doing what you did with that man...you know the one I sent to you..."

Frank raised an eyebrow, and, obviously acting, said, "What man? I don't know what you're talking about. You must have dreamed it, dear."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

Posts : 67
Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:50 am

Lolita blinked at Frank, she must not have heard him right, he hadn't eaten in...in three years? Three whole years? Never mind thinking about how that was possible Lolita became instantly a little bit worried and she looked for something that wouldn't make him sick by eating it.

"Wow...Frank, maybe no wine for you then, I don't want you getting drunk and passing out on me now do I?"

Grinning a little she folded the menu's up and bit her lip, she wondered what she should pick so that both of them might like it, but, eventually she decided on something that was an old favourite of hers.

"Well, how about spaghetti and meatballs? Would that be okay?"

Lolita clocked onto the fact that Frank was acting and she bit her lip again, she had felt the need to say it even if she didn't talk about it much beyond what she had said then, it was just a weight off her shoulders to have him gone...even if there were others...

"I must have, I do have very convincing dreams sometimes, so, would you like to play a game? I always try to do this with people that I meet at some point, it's called questions, basically you just ask each other questions to help get to know each other better."


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:01 am

"Wow...Frank, maybe no wine for you then, I don't want you getting drunk and passing out on me now do I?" Frank laughed at that. In all honesty, he wasn't even sure if he was capable of getting drunk, what with all the changes he had made to his body. "Well, how about spaghetti and meatballs? Would that be okay?"

Frank hummed. "It's been a long time since I had that," he admitted, then nodded. "Sure, let's go for that." It was a simple old classic. Nothing could go wrong with that. Hopefully, suddenly eating after three years wouldn't upset his stomach...

"I must have, I do have very convincing dreams sometimes, so, would you like to play a game? I always try to do this with people that I meet at some point, it's called questions, basically you just ask each other questions to help get to know each other better."

"Sure, go ahead," Frank said with a smile as he leaned back. "Ask away."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

Posts : 67
Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:08 am

Lolita smiled, the fact that Frank was laughing was a good sign, and things were totally not awkward which was an even better sign, she hailed the waiter over and she smiled softly at him as he took out his pad:

"May I have a glass of you finest Rose, a glass of water, and two plates of spaghetti and meatballs right away."

As the waiter trolled away with their order Lolita turned back to Frank and smiled slightly wider, well, lets see. Out of the mass of questions she had wanted to ask Frank which would she ask first she wondered?

"Very well then."

Lolita smiled and asked, a thoughtful look on her face.

"What's your favourite book?" before chuckling softly at the question she had chosen, almost subconciously to ask first "Figures I'd ask that."


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:08 pm

"Very well then." Lolita was many things, and predictable was one of them. She would no doubt ask a question related to books. "What's your favourite book?" Predictable, Frank thought as Lolita chuckled. "Figures I'd ask that."

Frank crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "My favorite book... It has to be..." Frank had to think about that one for a second. Then, it came to him. "The Human Body and Mind by Erica Bradley. She has almost enough experience with the human body and brain as I do, so I can relate."

Now, if Frank understood this correctly, it was his turn to ask a question. "Alright, my turn," he said and thought about it. "Which part of the human body do you like best, be it male or female?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:22 pm

Lolita smiled, she had never heard of this book but maybe now she would make a note to try and read it, that way she and Frank might have more things to talk about, she wondered for a moment about what he would ask her.

Figures it would be something about medicine. Lolita almost giggled, they were very precidtacble people after all.

"Hmmm, I think I like the eyes, they're essential and they kind of let me know things about the person, they're very expressive."

Taking a moment to think up a new question Lolita smiled broadly when she had thought of one, and she looked almost triumphant as she leant forward to ask it.

"What first got you interested in medicine?"


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:25 am

"Hmmm, I think I like the eyes, they're essential and they kind of let me know things about the person, they're very expressive." Frank nodded. He had to agree with that. Too bad he had lost his original ones, though... "What first got you interested in medicine?"

Frank shrugged. "I grew up with it. My parents were scientists and Healers, always experimenting and having fun. It killed them, but that didn't deter me," he said with a grin. Most people thought it was weird for him to talk about his parents' death so easily, but that was over seventy years ago. He was already over it.

"Now, what made you decide to take up the librarian position at Hogwarts?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:54 am

Lolita was interested, she was getting to learn things about Frank that she would normally never have known, the fact that it was his parents who got him interested in medicine didn't surprise her, it was often the way after all.

"I see, I only wish my parents had been so motivational, maybe then I would have gone into something other than books."

About to answer his question Lolita paused as she saw the waiter setting her and Franks drinks down and she took a sip of the wine, sighing happily, this was excellent stuff, a good vintage.

"I wanted to leave France, my parents, the position was open so I thought it might be an adventure to move to England, it was a good choice, otherwise who knows where I'd be right now."

With that Lolita bit her lip, placing her wine glass back on the table she thought for a moment and she grinned, this question was a horrible one, but she knew the answer would be funny, they always were after all.

"Okay, what was the most embarrassing moment of your life."


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:05 pm

"I see, I only wish my parents had been so motivational, maybe then I would have gone into something other than books."

"There's nothing wrong with being interested in books," Frank said as the waiter arrived, setting down a glass of water for Frank, which he slowly sipped. "It could be worse, after all. You could be interested in collecting bugs," he reasoned with a shrug.

"I wanted to leave France, my parents, the position was open so I thought it might be an adventure to move to England, it was a good choice, otherwise who knows where I'd be right now." Lolita bit her lip, apparently pondering whether or not to ask the next question. "Okay, what was the most embarrassing moment of your life."

"Most embarrassing?" Frank asked as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair again. "I think that has to be the Humping Franky episode back when I went to Hogwarts, in my seventh year," he said, chuckling at the memory. "I had had a bit too much to drink and thought it'd be a good idea to ride a centaur, but I couldn't quite get up on him, so it apparently looked like I was humping him, something that earned me the nickname The Humping Franky."

He laughed, remembering that incident as he reached up, turning the bolt through his head. "What about you? What was your most embarrassing moment?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

Posts : 67
Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:20 pm

Lolita grinned and couldn't help but laugh, she had always thought the cases of butterflies at her home were horrid if not a little creepy so she was safe in that respect, but it was true, there are worse things out there...

"Or something like stamp collecting, I've never understood that, who gets excited over a stamp? I mean really."

Rolling her eyes a tad Lolita took another sip of her wine, setting it back down on the table silently when she had done, glad that she had swallowed the liquid before Frank told her his story Lolita knew that if she hadn't it would have gone everywhere as she chuckled.

"My oh my! What a funny story...oh that must have been a pretty picture." Lolita sniggered softly

With a childish pout Lolita crossed her arms at Frank:

"You're not supposed to ask the same thing! But okay, let me think, okay! I have one! Well picture this, it's a stormy night, im 12 years old, I hear some odd noises and wonder what they are so, I get up out of bed, grab my wand and creep around trying to find what it is. A few moments later I find it's coming from my parents room, it sounds like Someones being attacked so I burst in wand raised..."

Lolita grimaced at the memory.

"I couldn't look at my parents for weeks without imagining them...Ew...even now the image is scarring!"

Pausing she tried to think of another question and she did so quite quickly:

"Who is the one person you most want to dissect and why?"


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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:39 pm

"You're not supposed to ask the same thing! But okay, let me think, okay! I have one! Well picture this, it's a stormy night, im 12 years old, I hear some odd noises and wonder what they are so, I get up out of bed, grab my wand and creep around trying to find what it is. A few moments later I find it's coming from my parents room, it sounds like Someones being attacked so I burst in wand raised..."

Frank snorted. Then, he laughed, giving off a laugh that scared the people sitting at the table behind him. He could imagine what her parents had been doing, as he had done something similar when he was a kid. "I couldn't look at my parents for weeks without imagining them...Ew...even now the image is scarring!"

Frank just kept laughing as she asked a new question. "Who is the one person you most want to dissect and why?"

Now that question, Frank had to think about. Who did he want to dissect the most? "I honestly can't answer that question, because frankly, I have no idea," he confessed, shaking his head. "There are so many people with so many different abilities. I can't pick one over the other."

Sipping his water, Frank tried to think of a question. "Alright, hm... What do you like most about Hogwarts, save for the library?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

Posts : 67
Join date : 2011-12-01

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Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank) Empty Re: Dinner Together (Lolita and Frank)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:29 pm

Lolita looked at Frank, he eyes widened a little bit, she hadn't known that he could laugh that hard and she couldn't help but laugh as a result of this, after all, laughter is infectious, nodding her head as she laughed Lolita took a deep breath and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

At the serious look that Frank adopted when she asked him the question of who he would most like to dissect Lolita was a little let down by her answer. Although it did make sense.

"Well that makes sense, there are so many abilities that we don't fully understand yet out there, it must be hard indeed to pick between them all."

As Frank asked her what part of Hogwarts she liked the best save the library Lolita was flummoxed, she had never been anywhere but the library, the great hall, and the hospital wing, and so far her favourite had been the hospital wing.

"Well, I've not really been that many places, but, I would have to say I did pass a very nice portrait or two down one of the corridors, that's not really a place though...I guess I like the Astronomy Tower, the view is lovely."

Lolita paused for a moment, thinking of something to ask, and then it struck her, so she took another sip of her wine, then grinned:

"So, tell me, what is the most annoying trait you can find in a person? Like if they breathe through their mouth, or they talk too much."


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