Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina) Empty Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:14 am

Leshia woke up earlier so she could write the letter to her mother. She had remembered writing to her at the lake but she never got the chance to mail it. So Leshia decided to write a new one all together.

"Dear Mother,

As you probably know by now that I am not in Slytherin, in fact I have been surprised that I have not received a howler from father telling me how disappointed he is in me. I know I am the first with the last name of Prewett not to be in Slytherin since Molly Weasley, and for that I am sorry. Maybe the hat placed me in this house for a reason, maybe Tabi and I are suppose to learn to live without each other. I do know its weird not seeing her every morning when I wake up, but maybe it is for the best. She has been mean to me since I got here, not that its new.

I have made a few friends and one of them her name is Salina Girard, yes I am sure you know the last name. I have heard father mention it quite a lot. Anyway she also has a twin sister and that sister got placed into Slytherin house too. The one difference at the moment is her family has disowned her, while I am still waiting for the verdict of mine. I hope you can be more understand than that. I had no choice in where I was placed.

If I am not disowned I would like to invite Salina to come home with me for holidays and possible the summer. Even though between us I really hope her parents see the error of their ways. Salina and I are just not ruthless enough to be in Slytherin.

Well until I hear from you, I will close for now.

Hoping I am not disowned, love you with all my heart...Leshia

Leshia pulled on her robe over her pajamas and slipped on her shoes and headed up to the owlrey.

Leshia thought it best not to use her own owl, because her parents might notice it and refuse the letter so Leshia choose a school owl. Her Owl Rosa looked at her and hooted. "Sorry Rosa, I thought it best to have a strange owl for this letter, nothing against you. But my parents know you."

Leshia gave the school owl and Rosa a treat and then the owl flew off with the letter. Leshia kisses Rosa and went back to her dorm. She was glad to see Salina was still asleep, she had hoped she not not waken her.

Last edited by Leshia Prewett on Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total


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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina) Empty Re: Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:03 am

Leshia had waited for what seemed like forever for a reply to come back from her mother. She had been sitting on her bed going over her notes for her finals when an owl appeared at the window tapping on it. She opened the window to see her family's owl waiting there with a letter. Leshia grabbed the letter and then conjured a treat for the poor thing and thank it and went back to her bed.

Leshia was very nervous about reading the letter but she went ahead a drew her courage and read what it had to say.

My Dearest Aleshia,

I know you hate it when I used your whole name, but I love it. Anyway I received your letter and I wonder why you would think so little of your parents. Your father and I always knew that it was a possibility that you would not be in Slytherin house, there was always something about you that just did not fit in.

I will not say that your father is not disappointed, because he is. He has always dreamed about his girls being raised in the same house as us, but things happen and we cannot control what the hat does.

You say that your roommate has been disowned by her family for the same reason as you have thought, I would like to say that we would be honored to have your friend stay with us whenever she would like or need to. We would be glad to consider her family..

We cannot wait to see you in just a few short weeks, I cannot believe the school year is over, we have missed you much. Also I am sorry that your sister and you have not been getting along, and we will be talking to her when you get home.

Love you my dearest...Love Mother"

Leshia was so excited over the letter she had to go over and wake up Salina. Leshia went over to Salina's bed and started to bounce on it.

"Salina..wake up..wake up..I have news."


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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina) Empty Re: Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:15 pm

Salina had been dreaming peacefully of her and Salina back home, with Leshia over as her friend. It had been such a nice dream, were Maman and Papa had not been so cruel and nasty, and had loved her. They did not care for blood status anymore, finding everyone equal. She was so happy in that dream, and she had thought it was real - until Leshia woke her up.

"Im up, im up!" Salina cried, throwing the covers off of her and sitting up. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked at Leshia with half-lidded eyes. With a yawn, she fell back against her pillows and moaned. "Eet ees dawn, why 'ave you awoken me at zis un-godly 'our?" Salina yawned again.

She saw the letter in Leshia's hand, and looked at her with a small smile. "Ees zat from you Maman? I am assuming by zat expression," she pointed at Leshia's excited smile. "Zat you 'ave not been disowned, oui?"


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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina) Empty Re: Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:20 pm

Leshia could not be any more ecited with her news.

"No, I haven't been disowned and my mother says you can come too..you are welcome at anytime."

Leshia was so excited but she could tell there was a hint of sadness in her face.

"I am sorry..did I wake you from a special dream?"


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Writing Home (Leshia and Salina) Empty Re: Writing Home (Leshia and Salina)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:28 pm

Salina smiled widely when Leshia said that her mother said she was welcome anytime. "'ow wonderful! Zis will improve mine English, and per'aps I can develop ze English accent now!" Salina gushed.

"Oui, you did, but eet does not matter. Zis is such wonderful news!" Salina jumped out of bed and did a little dance of happiness. "Now we are sœur's!" She exclaimed, lunging at Leshia and enveloping her in a bear hug.

"We are seesters now, zis is so wonderful!" Salina felt as if this was the best day of her life.


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