Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:07 am

Leshia had enjoyed her trip on the train even with Damien being a jerk and her sister practically making out with Ivano in the compartment. She got to spend time with her new friend Tessa.

She started to wonder how Tessa was handling all of her new classes and she had hoped that Tessa didn't get mad that she send an owl to the headmistress explaining to her about Tessa. She hoped there was a way that the teachers could help her out. If not she would do it herself.

She had hoped that Tessa didn't think she was trying to control things for her, that was not her intention she just thought everyone should have the same opportunities as everyone else and it made her mad.

Leshia started unpacking her clothes and books when she heard the door opened so she turned around to see who it was.

Last edited by Leshia Prewett on Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:44 am

Somehow Tessa manged to find a way into the Ravenclaw girls dorms. She enjoyed the train ride for the most part, Tessa thought it could have been better. But she remembered that she came up here to look for Leshia.

Tessa knew that she had to thank Leshia for doing what she did. It really did help her out a lot. And she wanted to tell her everything. Because she was so excited, it was like watching a kid in a candy store. And she hoped that it would stay that way.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:54 am

When Leshia discovered who had entered her dorm room she could not believe it.

"Tessa, how on earth did you get in here? What did you do tell someone to let you in to see me."

Leshia knew that this girl could accomplish anything she set her mind too and this just proved her point.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:59 am

Tessa just stood there smiling.

" Yeah I told someone that I need to talk to you and that it was very important."

She knew that she could charm anybody, who would say no to a blind person.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:13 am

Leshia just laughed at Tessa. "Are you sure you are in the right house?"

Leshia always thought that Slytherins were the ones that used things to their advantage.

"So what was so important you had to risk coming into the dorm?"

Leshia walked over to Tessa. "Here is my arm and I will lead you to my bed so we can sit."

They go over and sit on Leshia's bed, " So Spill, you crazy lady."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:18 am

Tessa smiled. " I know I am in the right house."

She was grinning. " I came up here so I could thank you." Tessa then grabbed her arm so she could sit on the bed to talk.

She then started to blink a little bit. " What do you mean spill?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:30 am

Leshia didn't mean to laugh at Tessa but she was beginning to wonder if her parents ever let her out of the house.

"Didn't your parents ever let you talk to other people besides them? Spill you know as in tell me what you are doing up here to see me?"

As she was getting that out Tessa told her thank you.

"Your welcome, even though I haven't done anything to be thanked for." Leshia thought about it and she hadn't done anything she needed to be thanked about.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:34 am

Tessa smiled. " Yes I used to get out of the house, but it was to my aunt's farm."

She laughed. " Professor Slytherin told me what you did, I just came from her office."

" I got to talk to my cousins friends, but they were usually helping me taking care of the horse. Or there favortite thing to do was sit me up on my horse and just led it around. Cause they knew that I enjoyed horseback ridding."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:44 am

Leshia could not believe that Professor Slytherin told Tessa what she had done, she had hoped it was going to be a secret because she didn't want Tessa to be mad at her.

"So your not mad at me for doing it?" Leshia really hoped so

"So was Professor Slytherin able to help you at all?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:47 am

Tessa grinned. " Why would I be mad, nobody ever gone out of there way to help me like that." She then paused for a couple of seconds. " And this will make my classes a lot easier."

She was still grinning. " Yes she was."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:56 am

Leshia was very excited that Professor Slytherin was able to help her.

"So what kind of ideas did Professor Slytherin have for you?" Leshia was practically bouncing on the bed.

"So what do you think of Hoggy so far?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:00 am

Tessa smiled. " Yeah she gave me two spells. One was to get around much easier and the other was to be able to see the stars in my head."

" I like Hogwarts so far, I extremely hate Daimen. He doesn't know when to shut up."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:08 am

Leshia was in shock when Tessa mentioned Damien's name.

"Oh gosh, what is he doing to you..Do I need to kick his butt?"

Leshia had known Damien her whole life and she should probably tell Tessa the story behind him if she had the time.

"Do you have time to listen to a story?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:13 am

Tessa sighed. " He is in almost all of my classes and just loves to point out I am blind."

But she smiled. " Sure I can always listen to a story."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:20 pm

Leshia could not believe that Damien was interested at all in Tessa, why on earth would he be bugging her.

"He is totally relentless I can tell you that, he must think he can gain something from you."

Tessa said she wanted a story and Leshia thought she might as well tell her everything that she could possible tell.

Leshia was wondering where she should start.

"Well I might as well start in the beginning." Leshia went over to her desk where she had a glass of water sitting and took a drink because she knew this story would parch her.

"Anyway there are many pureblood families out there and those families either stick with true pureblood traditions or their own. My family is very strong with traditions and because I am in Ravenclaw I had to spend my whole summer listening to my father complain at me that I wasn't in Slytherin because I was not true to the pureblood life inside of me."

At this point Leshia was pacing around the room while Tessa was sitting on her bed.

"The Prewett family and the Greene families have been friends since before Tabi and I were born and when my parents found out they were having girls they had gotten excited because the first girl of the Prewett family was to be promised to the first boy of the Greene."

Leshia took another drink of the glass of water she decided to carry.

"As you can figure out Damien is the boy and because out of the two of us Tabi was born first. So Tabi is betrothed to Damien and they are expected to be married when they graduate, and as you can tell she hates him."

Leshia sat down in a chair that she was near by.

"But what would a person expect when your forced to be with someone all the time. I guess they thought they would be happy together."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:48 pm

Tessa blinked a little bit. " What could he gain from me? I am not that special."

She then sat there carefully listening to this story. Tessa knew that Leshia thougth she must no about it. " I really don't understand pureblood families. I mean my father is a pureblood, but he had saw my mother and decided that he loved her.

"But you can't force anybody to love someone they don't."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:45 am

Leshia thought about what she said about not forcing someone to love you but Tessa did not understand how Slytherins truly work.

"Slytherins operate in the strangest ways, by the time they are done with you, you will not feel forced at all." Leshia had seen too many of them in action, it happens to her mom quite often.

"Damien is a very good manipulator, and trust me you will be in his grasp before you know it."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:51 am

One thing Tessa knew, she could never how a Slytherin.

She then rolled her eyes. " Damien can think that way, but that don't impress me much." Tessa wanted to laugh cause that was the name of a muggle song.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:02 am

Leshia had to laugh when she said Damien could think the way he wanted.

"Oh trust me, he will think and assume anything and everything he wants. If he annoys you too much just tell him to hit the road."

Leshia was getting a little tired of talking about Damien, he always seemed to rule around the house and now it will be at school too.

"So tell me what classes you decided to take and how has your first few days going?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:06 am

Tessa smirked. " Well he isn't getting everything that he wants. I am not stupid to fall for his charms. All it does is make me want to slap him."

" There are so many classes that I am taking, that I can't remember all of them. But it is going alright."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:49 am

Leshia could not help but laugh when Tessa said she was going to slap Damien. Leshia would love to be there if that ever happens.

"Well whenever that happens I would like a copy of that memory." Leshia laughed

"I know the feelings about classes, there are a lot. I am beginning to wonder if I am going to keep up with all of them." Leshia yawned

"Wow, its getting late, and I am getting tired. I was hoping you were going to meet my other best friend Salina, but she hasn't made it to the dorm yet."

Leshia was really tired but was enjoying her time with Tessa and didn't want it to end. She was used to having someone in the dorm with her, but she had only seen Salina in classes.


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Keiba Namid Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:20 pm

The door swung open and in burst a meowing black-and-tortoiseshell cat, followed closely by Keiba. Keiba's arms were filled with two big, thick library books and she didn't notice the room was occupied until she turned around from closing the dorm door.

"Oh, hello there," Keiba smiled in surprise. "Tessa, right? What are you doing up here? How did you get in? No wait, don't tell me, someone let you in. I bet it was Mace." She walked in further and set down the books on her bed, across the room from Leshia's. She plonked herself down and fell backwards, making the bed bounce and creak with her weight. The heavy books slid into side, sharp ends first.

"Owwww!" Keiba groaned as they did so. "I knew that would happen." She cradled her ribs for a second before sitting up. "I should not have lain backwards. True story." She said, a lopsided grin gracing her face not for the first time that day.

Milly jumped up onto the dresser and stared at Keiba like she was a loony. The intelligent kitty probably thought she was, anyway.
Keiba Namid
Keiba Namid

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Age : 26
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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:45 am

Tessa smiled. " Yes that is my name, but how did you know it." She knew that she had never meet this girl before.

" I really don't know who let me in, I said I really needed to talk to Leshia. That it was important."


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:17 am

Leshia was sitting there talking to Tessa when Keiba walked into the room.

"Hay Keiba and little Milly." Leshia said to her roommate and her cat. "Hey Milly , sissy is around here somewhere if you want someone to play with." Sissy was her white kitty that she had brought with her. She was sick last year so she could not bring her.

Watching Keiba fall over on the bed with the books she kinds grinned a little. "Maybe you should of set the books on the table instead. Are you ok?"


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Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina) Empty Re: Ravenclaw Queens Suite..(Keiba, Leshia, Salina)

Post by Keiba Namid Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:26 am

Keiba smiled at Tessa. "It's the first time Hogwarts has had a blind student. Your name got around pretty fast. Say, do you have any books in braille? I have a couple old muggle ones from my great-aunt's house - her late husband was blind, you see - and they're braille versions of a lot of interesting stuff. I can ask her to send you some, if you like?"

Milly looked sharply at Leshia before deciding that she wouldn't mind a new friend, and so the cat leapt down and scampered over to the door. Keiba got up and opened it for her, then leaned against the post of her bed.

"You're right, I probably should have. But I'm fine," Keiba chuckled, her grin spreading wider. "Just insane."

Last edited by Keiba Namid on Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Keiba Namid
Keiba Namid

Posts : 280
Join date : 2012-01-18
Age : 26
Location : Ireland

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