Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:03 pm

She was running towards the opposing direction of the common room. Looking back at Victoria she was hoping she was following because if they were in danger she would want some back up.

"Get your wand out" she whispered towards Victoria.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:32 pm

Salina sobbed softly as she pulled Corinne's head onto her lap. "Je promets ma soeur, je vous sauverai." Salina whispered to the un-moving girl, tears sliding down her cheeks. She raked her fingers through Corinne's hair, combing out the tangles. She wiped the dirt off of Corinne's cheeks, and ripped off a piece of her dress before dabbing it at the blood smeared across her forehead.

Salina got out her wand and pointed it at the piece of fabric she had ripped from her dress. "Aguamenti." She whispered, water splashing all over the fabric and wetting it. Salina set to work wiping away the dirt, mud and cleaning the blood off of Corinne's face. Having effectively cleaned Corinne's face, she sighed at the scratches across her cheeks and her forehead.

Looking up as she heard footsteps, Salina drew Corinne tighter in her arms and held her sister's frame tightly to her. She wished Corinne would wake up, for the girl had always been stronger than Salina and known what to do in any situation.


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:29 am

Victoria's muscles were screaming from the exertion. She hadn't been this active since she had played soccer. Wow. I need to get back in shape! She heard Tess and took her want out and kept running.

As they came closer to the corridor leading to the common room, she grabbed Tess's arm to slow them down. If it was an enemy they didn't want to go barreling into an attack. Of course, their running was bound to give them away, they could at least be prepared. Victoria put her back to the wall, trying to slow her heart rate to be able to think straight. She looked over to Tess.

"Ready?" She mouthed.

Victoria Rossmund

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:22 pm

She looked back towards Victoria as she was being held.

"Thanks" she murmured seeing that she was being too impulsive.

Her bare feet made no real noise on the cemented cold floors, but Victoria's did. There was no real point in taking them off now for they were discovered.

She took a deep breath and jumped out wand waving and ready for an attack if it came her way.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:34 pm

Salina pulled Corinne's body behind her and stood up, standing protectively in front of her sister. If only they had learnt the disillusionment charm at Ureslic, but sadly that was a fairly complex spell. Instead, she settled for hiding Corinne in the shadows.

She was very grateful for Corinne's dark dress, skin and hair in that moment, for you could barely make her out in the dark. Salina knew she had to protect Corinne and all costs, even if it was her life. Best case scenario to her was that they would mistake Corinne for a dead body and leave her be. She heard the murmur of voices and felt herself cower slightly, but she straightened up and thought of her twin.

Salina slowly pulled her wand out, pointing it in the direction of the voices and almost screaming when another figure jumped forwards with their wand drawn. Salina could not help the squeak of terror that escaped her lips as she could barely make out the figure in the light. She stepped backwards, closer to Corinne and her voice rang out as a challenge.

"Fight me you cowards! Fight a first year because you are to weak to fight some zat ees your own age!" Salina had never felt so confident, but it was probably the need to protect her sister making her this confident. Her lip curled as she waited for the mystery person to step into the light cast from the torch near Salina.


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:02 pm

A squeak of fear?

This is what Tess heard, but she felt that she should not back down. She played the defensive type she decided and she waved her wand counterclockwise and called out.


She knew it would confuse whoever this person was, and by that allow her to see who it was.

"Victoria back me up!" she hissed in case she would get hurt.

Perhaps getting out of the common room was never a bright idea.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:08 pm

Victoria wished they had come up with a plan. Probably wouldn't have worked anyways. She thought the idea was just to take a peak and report back. But if she was honest with herself, she was having as much fun as a first year possibly facing her death in a corridor could be having.

She saw Tess jump out of their hiding spot so fast Victoria didn't have a chance to catch her. In a split second she made the decision to go with her. No way she was going to talk Tess into this crazy idea and not back her up. She had her wand at the ready and when Tess said "Lumos!" she was ready.

"Expelliarmus!" She yelled. She had been studying this spell in a book, hearing students mention learning it. She had practice on her own, but hadn't had a chance to put it into practice. Victoria just prayed to whatever wizards prayed to that this would work...

Victoria Rossmund

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:02 pm

To say Salina was frightened was an understatement, especially when the person cried 'Lumos!' and momentarily blinded her. She still couldn't see who it was, just black shadows in the figures of people. She shielded her eyes and lifted her wand, ready to defend herself.

She saw another person step out, and just as they flicked their wand Salina was ready with what she had learnt at Uresla. "Protego!" She cried desperately flicking her wand upwards and the spell rebounded and hit the wall. She was lucky, for a moment she had thought the spell was going to hit her.

Outrage quickly curled in her stomach and she pointed her wand at them both, ready to attack. Spells she had learnt falshed through her mind, and few she could actually perform stuck. Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Protego, Tarantallegra, ran through her mind. She could do others, but they were weak and barely worked. These were the only ones she had mastered at Uresla.

"'oo are you? Cowards! Show yourselves!" Salina's voice was meant to sound confident, but instead it shook as she took a step back again, her foot bumping against Corinne.


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:12 pm

She held the light on clear and stood firm. Her body language masked her real emotions perfectly. Her back was straight, feet apart, taking advantage of the slit in her dress, and a cold mask. This cold mask hid her fear, her anxiety and the need to run away.

The light dimmed and in all the ruckus she hadn't heard the accent. Something triggered inside her and she remembered that accent. It wasn't German, oh no it wasn't even English, it was French....more than that it was a girl.

"Hold your ground!" she told both girls.

Her wand was currently emitting the Protego spell, protecting her and Victoria in case there was an attack.

"Corinne?" she called out.

Her tone changed to one of worry.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:15 pm

When she was told to hold her ground, something struck her about the voice. It sounded young... and feminine. When the voice called out for Corinne, Salina let out a wail of despair and collapsed, turning onto her knees and hugging her sister tight.

The limp body laid in her arms, un-responsive and pale. If it wasn't for the very slight rise and fall of Corinne's chest, it would look as if she was dead. Turning back with Corinne still in her arms, Salina stared at the two girls and hugged Corinne tightly to her, tears falling from her cheeks and into Corinne's hair.

"N-n-no." Salina gasped in response, sobs wracking her entire body as her heart-broken wails echoed through the dungeons. She managed to quiet herself for a moment, but her sniffles could still be heard and the tears still fell.


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:47 pm

Why are they crying? An enemy wouldn't cry... Victoria felt a surge of victory that her spell had worked. Even if it had been deflected.

She could feel Tess's protection spell, and it gave her courage. She stepped forward a little, trying to see now that the Lumos spell was gone. She could see a girl huddled over something in a corner. She couldn't tell if it was a student, but she had to find out.

"Help to those who need it, eh?" She hoped it was enough to get through to a Hogwarts student, but vague enough that an enemy wouldn't know they were mere first years.

Victoria Rossmund

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:06 am

She heard someone cry in response to her comment and she felt that they were not enemies. She felt her heart clench as she realized that it was a student, more than that someone was hurt.

Tess threw her wand to the ground and immediately fell to her knees to see just who this person was. Since it was not Corinne, she wanted to know why the girl was crying.

"Victoria, light up the room" she asked her.

She leaned forward and in the darkness touched the sobbing girl's hand tentatively. It couldn't be a trap, that is what she told herself.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:20 pm

Victoria saw Tess drop her wand and run for the girl. She bent to grab it in case they had to move quickly. Her heart was slowing, but only slightly.

She knew they could still be in danger. They were exposed here. She thought she had felt another bubble of protection when they had gotten closer to the girls. It was probably Healer Henley from the other side. Silver lining...

When Tess asked for light, she gave it. "Lumos." She held the wand above the kneeling girls' heads so Tess could see, but she kept her eye at their backs.

"If it's them we need to get to the common room. We're not safe here."

Victoria hoped they could be moved easily. And that they could go through the portrait. It would be a long trek back the way they came if the girls were really injured.

Victoria Rossmund

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:22 pm

Salina latched onto this girl's hand, and when the other one who was 'Victoria' lit up the room, she saw it was a girl named Tess, that Corinne had spoken most highly of. Which was a rarity, Corinne rarely liked anyone but she seemed to like Tess.

A wave of despair crashed on Salina as she held out Corinne's limp body, which made her look even more dead than before. "P-p-please, Tess. Mine sœur, mine twin. She cannot die, I cannot live without 'er." Salina gasped, more tears falling down her cheeks as she drew Corinne back to her chest.

Looking at the portrait next to her, she pointed at it and rested Corinne's head in her lap. "I do not- I do not know ze password." Salina whispered. "Is zere anyone in zere? Can zey 'elp 'er?" More tears fell as Salina buried her head in her hands and sobbed silently, her body shaking violently.

{OOC: By the way, she's not dead. Just in a coma.}


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:12 pm

Now that they know who they were talking to, Victoria let the Lumos spell dwindle as she stuffed her wand in a safe place. She moved over to Corinne, hoping Salina would let her help.

"Tess, get that portrait open. I'll help Salina."

She knelt down and maneuvered one of Corinne's limp arms around her shoulder. "You get one side, I'll get the other. That way we can share the weight." She hoped the girl still had enough energy to carry half of her twin. I'll carry her by myself if I have to.

"Ready Tess?!"

Victoria Rossmund

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:53 pm

Salina allowed Victoria to pull one of Corinne's arms around her shoulder. When she was told to get the other side, Salina nodded straight away and stood up, grabbing Corinne's legs she hoisted Corinne up and got her in a comfortable position.

"Open ze door." Salina whispered, for fear that if she spoke to loudly her voice would crack - or the German's would find them. She shifted Corinne's legs in her arms carefully as she held her and waited for Tess to open the portrait so she could get Corinne inside.


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:59 pm

She nodded and was glad that they weer working together. Seeing that they were fine and could manage to carry Corinne, she picked up her wand and stood up.

"Purity" she murmured.

The portrait opened up and she wrapped her arms around Corinne's waist to distribute the weight equally and to make the movement quick, so they could close the portrait and take her to Healer Henley.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:05 pm

{OOC: Let's move this back to: Sanctuary}


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Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina) Empty Re: Taking Chances (Tess,Victoria, Corinne, Salina)

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