Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:36 pm

Missy could not believe she had broken up with Myles, he was so sweet and shy and she had just torn his heart in two. But she was really happy with Casey, she couldn't explain why she felt this draw to Casey, but it was there.

She had also learned from her time with Casey that maybe she was not interested in boys at all, that she actually liked girls. What a mess she had gotten herself in this year. What was she going to do?

She knows she does not regret what she has done with Casey, but that doesn't mean she feels any better about what she did with Myles and when she tells Terry he will probably string her alive.

Missy threw herself on the bed crying and that is how Vi found here when she came in.

Last edited by Melissa Daufner on Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:52 pm

Violeta walked into the dorm room which she had not been in for several days since she was just released from the hospital wing. She wanted to grab her skates and head to the lake but seeing Missy on her bed sobbing she quickly threw the plan of going for a skate out of the window and headed over to her roommate and began to rub her back.

"What is wrong Missy?" She asked as she sat on the side of her roomies bed. She was sure that what ever it was would not be happy but her friend looked like she needed someone to talk with at the moment so she was not going to just leave her be.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:59 pm

Missy felt Vi rubbing her back and Missy relaxed to the touch because she knew that it was from a friend.

"Whats wrong you ask, anything and everything." Missy sobbed into her pillow.

"I broke up with Myles today, because it was the right thing to do."

Missy knew she could trust Vi, but she was not sure how much she would be able to hide. She had discovered that she had the mark on her neck. She had been in such dreamland or whatever you want to call it that she never noticed. It was a good think her hair was long it could hide them.

Missy was laid on her bed on her back and her hair was spread out over the pillow. Not even thinking that the bite mark was exposed.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:12 pm

Eying a mark on Missy's neck Violeta said nothing however just listened to her friend talk and wondered what exactly happened while she was healing from her fall.

"Dear I am sorry that you have had a tough day but I don't think that everything is wrong you could be in the hospital or even worse dead. I myself have had a near death experience a couple of days ago. As for Myles I am sure that if he really loved you then he will understand eventually. Now do you want to tell me what I have missed over the past few days that I have been down in the hospital wing?"

She was at a loss as to why Missy would of broken up with Myles unless she met someone else.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:19 pm

Missy felt really bad about not thinking about being in the hospital ward. She had not heard anything probably because she had been so wrapped up with Casey she was in a different world.

"I feel terrible now, you shouldn't have to listen to my problems, here you got hurt and could have died in the hospital and I have been worried about me." Missy started crying again

"I am such a horrible friend, your problems are worse than mine." Missy sat up in the bed.

"So what happened? I hadn't heard anything." Missy just hadn't been around really.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:29 pm

"Umm from what I remember I was skating preforming a trick and I fell hitting my head on the ice and then everything was black don't even remember who was there helping me." Reaching up she felt where she had hit her head everything was better. But it still hurt thinking about that day.

She was frustated with herself for not preforming the trick that she had preformed perfectly time after time before. This mistake could mess up her whole career as a figure skater.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:38 pm

"Ouch, maybe you shouldn't be doing tricks unless you have someone out with you, you have been skating long enough to know that." MIssy smiled. "Next time let me know and I will go with you."

Missy thought she would go ahead and tell Vi about what happened.

"While you were in the hospital I made a new friend in the library and we have been hanging out for that last few days. They are helping me train to be a better fighter." Missy decided to leave out some details.

"Well one thing lead to another and we just connected."


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:53 am

I believe it should be a new day..


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:37 am

Missy could not believe that she let Casey talk her into not only spending the night in their room, but skipping school the next day. She made it back to her dorm to take a shower and change her clothes. She just threw he back pack on the bed and went rummaging through her clothes trying to figure out what to where.

She thought when she got back to the room that her roommates would be gone but that was not the luck.

She turned around when she heard someone clear their throat,

"Hmm..Hi." Missy said with a smile.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:42 am

Mishka had all of her classes finished for the day, and decided to go back up to her dorm and relax. But then she realized that she wasn't walking in her, but to someone elses. She was nervous when she had be caught. " Hello?"

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:32 am

Violeta layed on her bed and watched as Missy entered the room and she wondered where she had been last night.

"Hello Missy where did you spend your night?" She asked curiously.

Seeing a strange girl enter the room she turned her head towards her. "Hello there is there anything I can help you with?"


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Alice Faith Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:40 am

"Hey, Mishka, wait up. I tripped back there and you didn't stop, I had to catch up to you. Oh, did we accidentally walk in on something. If we did, sorry. I'm Alice by the way," Alice rambled.

Alice Faith

Posts : 84
Join date : 2012-03-02

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:44 am

Mishka could see that she walked into the wrong dorm. But she decided to play it off like she meant to do it. Even if she wasn't the best at remembering. She then started to smile. " I am Mishka."

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:44 pm

Missy went over to Vi bed and sat down.

"Well I had a bad night last night, got into a fight with Terry, tried to kill myself by falling off the wall." Missy thought she should take a breath

"Then Casey carried me back to our training room where we spent the night."

Vi gave her this look.."Oh please nothing like that, but something really interesting happened."

Missy was about to tell her what happened when two girls came into their room.

Vi was telling them hello, and then they introduced themselves.

Missy smiled at them, they looked like a couple of first years, but they had a couple of extra beds in their room.

"Well I am Melissa and this is Violeta, we have a couple of extra beds if you two would like to move in here."


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:46 pm

Mishka smiled. " Hello Melissa and Violta."

She then turned to Alice. " So do you want to move in here?"

She was grinning as she was remember what they did in the room of mirrors.

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Alice Faith Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:49 pm

"Sure, let's get our stuff," Alice says, running back to her now old dorm.

Alice Faith

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Join date : 2012-03-02

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:52 pm

Mishka follows her and goes and grabs her trunk and bring it back over. She then walked over to an empty bed, she then sat down on it. Mishka was telling herself that she could get used to being in this room.

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:53 pm

Missy looked at the new comers Missy had thought they better set down some ground rules among them.

"Vi and I have been in this room for a year already and we are letting you into our fold. You have to make sure that everything that is said in this room stays in this room. There are many secrets that are told."

Missy knew that things might be over heard about her and Casey and they had to stay between them.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:58 pm

Mishka smiled, she expected a couple of rules. And thoses where that hard to follow. " So basicly what is said and happens here, it just stays in her". She the laughed at herself because she used the whatever happens in vegas, stays in vegas.

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Alice Faith Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:00 pm

"I heard what you said about rules. This is our own little Vegas," Alice says, dragging her trunk in. "Oh, and I'm going to mention this ahead of time, I'm a Veela," Alice states, crashing onto her new bed.

Alice Faith

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Join date : 2012-03-02

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:58 pm

After listening to the girls Missy and Violeta talked and came to the decision that since they have excepted the rules they were excepted into the room.

"Well ladies are are officially excepted into Queens of Verstand." Missy moved her arm around the room.

Missy was about to ask everyone about themselves when Alice mentioned she was part Veela. Missy just smiled "Well I believe you will fit in fine in out room.

Missy was sure that a veela would fit in, with Lucian, whatever he was and her vampire girlfriend.


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:15 am

Mishka smiled as she thought that she would enjoy this room. She knew that after a while she would soon fit in. She then remember that her and Alice was going back to the room of mirrors tomorrow. There was something that she loved about Alice.

She smiled as Missy said this was the room of the queens of Verstand. But she was still looking around the room. Just trying to memorize it. Mishka really didn't think that she was that important enough to be consider a queen of anything.

She then sat there and listen to how Alice said that she was part veela. Mishka already knew this, after there first meeting. She just sat there and was listening very carefully.

Mishka was trying to think of some questions that she could ask both of them. But she wasn't really sure what to ask, she then decided that she would ask something off the top of her head. " So what do you like to do for fun?"

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:33 pm

Missy had to think about the things that she did for fun, any more her world seemed to evolve around Casey.

"Well for the most part I like to run around the lake, Spend time with my girlfriend Casey." Melissa smiled as she thought about the time she spent with Casey.

"What about you too, what do you like to do?"


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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Mishka Knopp Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:22 pm

Mishka had to think about it for a couple of seconds. She knew that her and Alice spent time up in the room of mirrors. But she wasn’t' going to tell about that.

“ I know that I love spending time in the library, go to the room of mirrors sometime.”

She then looked at Alice, and wondered if she even thought about the time that they spent together.

Mishka Knopp

Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-03-01

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Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare) Empty Re: Queens Of Verstand (Enter if you Dare)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:41 am

Missy was really beginning to like this girl named Mish she imagined the would be great friends. Now Alice on the other hand seemed a little quiet, not that was a bad thing.

"I do enjoy a good book from the library too, that's where I met Casey." Missy smiled as she remembered back to that day.

"Wow, the room of mirrors, I haven't been there yet. Maybe you could show it too me sometime.


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