Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:12 pm

Sofia had a long week and was ready to sit down and have a few glasses of wine. She had been glad to see that she had a few students in her Astronomy class, but she wished that some students were in the Divination class.

She knew that not many students had enjoy the class but maybe if they would tell her what they would like to learn about maybe she would be able to teach some students. So with no students at the moment she had a free period and wondered what she could be doing.

The waitress walked over and filled up her glass and she began to sip it again.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:36 pm

Briony had decided that she would try to do the mounds of paperwork in a more sociable setting rather than her office, after all she didn't want to be considered a hermit, yet many people would think that's what she preferred they'd be wrong.

Peering from up over her paperwork at the entrance of a new patron to the bar she saw none other than Sofia Slytherin, one of the new professors she had hired.

With that Briony decided that self assessment units could wait and she shrunk them into her bag with a small wave of her wand, turning to Sofia she smiled her usual quick smile and ordered another drink, flicking the ash off the end of her cigarette.

"Greetings Sofia, what brings you here?" she drawled
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:11 am

Sofia caught something out of the corner of her eye and when she turned and looked she noticed the Headmistress sitting there, so she got up and walked over.

"Greetings Sofia, what brings you here?" she drawled

Sofia took another drink of her wine. "Well Head Mistress it has been a long day and I thought I would have a drink to calm things down. Its a nice mediation relaxer." Sofia smiled

"Plus I was trying to decide how to go about getting students interested in Divination, I know its takes a certain type of person to enjoy the art, but you do not neccessarily have to have the gift to want to understand how it works." Sofia smiled as she thought about how she loves being a seer for the most part and would love to share her thoughts.

"So how about you headmistress what brings you out on this lovely evening." Sofia asked running her finger around the rim of her glass.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:32 pm

Briony was no surprised when Sofia told her the reason why she was here, after all teaching was a stressful job and copius amounts of alcohol was the only way to relieve said stress in a reasonable way. Or the way that briony found relaxing...

By smoking. Or by killing lots of German spies with her husband, real bonding activities that they enjoyed.

"Hmmm, now that is a tricky one, I myself was never one for Divination, perhaps if you offer it as a club or something the students will gain more interest in it, perhaps put a message up on the student noticeboard?"

Shrugging her shoulders slightly Briony took another large drag from her cigarette and blew her smoke away from Sofia in case she didn't like the fact that she was smoking, many people didn't after all.

"Me? I'm here for the same reason, only I brought paperwork, I thought I might be more social doing it in a pub as opposed to doing it in my office."
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:36 pm

Lucia walked into the Three Broomsticks for her first time. What hit her first was how cozy and full the room was. She liked it and made her way over to the bar. An elder woman, around her fifties, were standing behind the bar.

"Well, hello, darling, what can I do for you?" the woman asked.

Lucia smiled to her. "I would really love a butterbeer," she said.

The woman behind the desk smiled and made her a hot beverage looking super delicious. The woman charged her with two sickles. Then she frowned.

"I haven't seen you around," she said calmly.

Lucia smiled. "No, I just got a couple of jobs up at Hogwarts. My name is Lucia Henley," she explained.

"Aha, then I understand. Well, people around here just call me madam Rosmerta," the woman said.

"I will try to remember that," Lucia said and gave a small wave.

She looked around, trying to find a place to sit down. She then spotted two of the staff at Hogwarts, chatting. One of them happened to be the headmistress. Lucia smiled and made her way over to them.

"Hello! Mind if I join in on the paperwork assignment?" Lucia asked them with a big grin, pointing to the bag she had where a stack of paper could be spotted, but not read. Lucia wasn't that careless.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:30 pm

Briony smirked as she saw another woman coming over to join them, it seemed as if her new Deputy also had her fair share of paperwork that she had to do, too bad she couldn't try and give her some of hers.

Gesturing to the empty seat next to her with a languid hand Briony took another drag from her cigarette as she drew it back to her mouth.

"I don't mind if you do Lucia, I see that you've gotten your fair share of paperwork also, sorry about that but it's a pre-requisite of the job I'm afraid."

Briefly Briony looked between the two of the women before tilting her head to one side and then deciding she would make some introductions:

"Sofia this is Lucia Henley, she is the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts as well as the school nurse, Lucia, this is Sofia Slytherin, she is Astronomy and Divination Professor at Hogwarts."
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:52 am

"Nice to meet you Lucia" Sofia smiled and offered her hand. "At least I do not have classes that will be sending students your way" she laughed

Sofia flagged down the waitress for a refill on her wine, then looked over at the ladies and all their paperwork.

"Glad thats not me yet, but then with a small class I won't have many to grade." Sofia took another sip of the wine as soon as the waitress came and filled her glass.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Lucia Henley Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:03 pm

"I don't mind if you do Lucia, I see that you've gotten your fair share of paperwork also, sorry about that but it's a pre-requisite of the job I'm afraid."

So Lucia took the spot next to Briony with a smile. "Yes, but I rather enjoy doing some paperwork every day. I don't think it's so bad if you're sitting out like this, or in front of the fireplace," she said with a smile.

Briony then introduced Lucia to Sofia.

"Nice to meet you Lucia" Sofia smiled and offered her hand. "At least I do not have classes that will be sending students your way" she laughed

Lucia grinned and took her hand. "It's nice to meet you too! And that is true. Unless a meteorite hits the classroom, right?" she said with a chuckle.

Sofia then commented on the paperwork Lucia and Briony had. Lucia grinned. "Well, maybe you won't be so lucky later in the years," she said with a wink.

Lucia then took a zip from the butterbeer.

"Is it fun teaching Astronomy and Divination? I've always been fascinated by it, but I've never been that good at reading the stars and tealeaves," Lucia said, looking curiously at Sofia.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:20 pm

Briony grinned, she however did have a class that would be sending a lot of people Lucia's way if the students got the spells wrong or didn't listen to her instructions when she told them to stop doing a certain spell.

"Alas, you will probably get most of your patients from my class, sad to say, not many people have the aptitude for duelling these days."

Looking into her glass, a small amount of alcohol ledt at the bottom, Briony swiftly drank it and ordered another, a firewhiskey this time, it was probably what she needed, something stronger than a butterbeer.

"If you really do want some you can have some of mine, plenty to spare, you can fill in your own assessment form if you'd like."

With a small smirk Briony sipped at her firewhiskey, these papers could wait a few more hours to be completed, and if she really needed to she could cheat a little bit and use quick quotes quills.

"Ah me neither, I understand the concepts, it just doesn't come to me."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:04 pm

Sofia was enjoying the good conversation, she had not had a lot of it since she got here. The only good conversation she had was on the train ride with Cillian but he kind of disappeared once they left the train.

Lucia made a comment about a meteorite hitting the classroom. "Well so far Lucia I do not forsee that happened as of yet." Sofia had to laugh with her.

The Headmistress had offer to share her paper work with her. "Thats ok Headmistress, you may keep your paperwork, I believe that my class load will start to get bigger, giving me more work."

Sofia got a little excited when they started to talk about astronomy and divination.

"Astronomy was one of those subjects I picked up on a few years ago, but with divination I was born with that. Tealeaves are ok, but I am more of a tarot card reader. I have always believed you can get more from the cards than the tea." Sofia smiled at the thought of talking about her gift.

Sofia had been into divination since she found out she was a seer. Even though she had never made a big prophecies she has still had a few.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:48 pm

Briony couldn't help but chuckle as she saw the joke in what Sofia said, obviuosly she would know if that was going to happen because she was a Seer, taking another sip of her drink briony shrugged off her black army jacket and sighed softly.

"Oh well, you can't blame a girl for trying now can you? I'll just offload them on my husband, he'll help me out later."

Even though she didn't know all that much about Divination or Astronomy Briony was not adverse to picking up a few things from her staff, and especially when Sofia said that she liked doing Tarot readings the best.

Briony had always been interested in what the cards had meant.

"I see, I have always been interested in Tarot cards, yet, I have never really had the time to figure them out, maybe you could explain them to me if you wish."
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:58 am

When Headmistress Romain talked about offloading some of the paperwork off on her husband it kind of made Sofia a little sad so she had to have some more wine.

"Sometimes I wish I HAD a husband to offload things too. It will never matter how long I have been a seer I will never understand the workings of men." Sofia decided that she would flag down the waitress and our some firewhiskey. "Need something a little stronger" smiled Sofia

When the Headmistress had asked about Tarot cards Sofia got a little excited because she loved her cards.

"The one main thing about Tarot Cards is they all have two different meanings that go in together with other cards, and the specific thing that you wish to know about." Sofia said

"Let us take the death card for an example. It does not always mean death as we know it, it can mean a major change in your life, or mental, physical or emotional exhaustion that you will be facing. It is all about perspective."
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Lucia Henley Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:35 am

Lucia was paying close attention to what Sofia was telling about Tarot cards. She really loved mysterious things that she couldn't understand.

"Let us take the death card for an example. It does not always mean death as we know it, it can mean a major change in your life, or mental, physical or emotional exhaustion that you will be facing. It is all about perspective."

Lucia nodded slowly. "So, say you pick a love card, it doesn't have to be the love for another person, or by another person? That is awesome, you know that, right?" she asked with overly important and urged eyes.

Then Lucia sat up straight. "Hey, do you mind... I mean, do you think you could predict something for me sometime? I really think that would've been amazing," she said with a big grin.

Then she looked around herself. "Hell, if ya'll are going wild with the firewhiskey, then so am I," she said with small eyes.

She called over a waiter and ordered one, then she drank the rest of the butterbeer in one zip.

"So, when do you think we'll be done with our stack of paperwork today, Briony?" Lucia asked with a huge grin.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Briony Romain Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:14 am

Briony noted an air of sadness around Sofia and wondered why that was, then it all became clear to her, she was lonely and in need of a man, Briony could understand that she was herself like that a few years ago, until she had met Richard.

Yet she didn't want to seem patronising by telling a woman older than herself that she was going to find love soon.

"I dont understand him still, I don't think I ever will, just leave him to his alchemy and he's happy as a lark."

The cards were something that she had never looked much into but she had never known they have two meanings, it was quite a surprise to her and Briony nodded, her attention grabbed by the subject.

"I see, that's very interesting, it must take real skill to interpret what each card means to the individual person, it's very abstract, it's a really good skill."

Briony nodded her head it would seem as if it would be a good idea to get the tarot cards out but didn't want to ask. After all she didn't want to impose. Chuckling softly Briony shrugged her shoulders:

"I'm putting mine off for a while, it's really daunting, I'll set the Quick Quotes on it tomorrow."
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:40 am

Lucia laughed at Briony's comment. But she did agree, definitely. She would probably have to use the Quick Quotes Quill herself tomorrow. Lucia then grinned to herself. 'QQQ'.

"I completely see your point. I have already done a stack of them already, and honestly, it does take its time, but it's also pretty interesting to see what the students have been up to, and who got injured by what or even whom and stuff like that. It gives Intel, and Intel makes you feel like you're on top of things. I guess that's the whole idea with paperwork," Lucia said, making a face.

She sighed and took a mouthful of firewhiskey from the already half-drained glass. She looked around. The pub was still filled with chattery and laughing people, and it had been a long time since Lucia had seen ruckus like this that was still so peaceful.

"I think I'm going to like it here on Hogwarts," Lucia said, "It has this aura of calm and trust, and I really like that."

Then she realized she was being way to serene. So she took another mouthful. Then she looked at the stack of paperwork. It was going to be a long night. Lucia then groaned.

"Okay, I don't like paperwork after all," she said with a big grin.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:00 am

Sofia had the glass on firewhiskey in her hands twirlling the glass around.

"Yes it does take a lot of understanding and concentration on the cards but I have been doing it so long its a old hat." Sofia said as she took a sip

"Of course Lucia I would be glad to give you a reading anytime, just come to my office. The door is always open."

Sofia smiled at the two ladies in front of her and then looked around. She always enjoyed this place when she was a student. She was just glad she got to move up from butterbeer.

" And you know what I have always considered Hogwarts to be my home. I have always felt comfortable here." Sofia took another sip.

The other ladies were talking about grading with a Quick Quotes Quill and made Sofia think. "You know I never thought about it, I should look into one of those."

"So have you guys seen the new Defence teacher around, haven't seen him since my day on the train.?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:22 pm

Briony knew of course all of the things that happened in the school wihout having to fill in the annoying paperwork, but it was something that others might find beneficial, but some of the tasks she just didn't see the point in, like doing a risk assessment on the library.

Which was pointless because nobody ever goes into the library.

"Yes it would seem as if that's the idea, yet to me it fails massively, I'd rather just go spying to figure things out."

Glad that both of the staff seem to like the atmosphere around Hogwarts, and hopefully in Hogwarts that she had created Briony finished her firewhiskey and sighed, signalling the waitress for two more shots.

"Hopefully you both will continue to like it, I plan to make sure it is not effected much by the war going on outside of its walls."

For a moment Briony wracked her thoughts, attempting to think of whether she had or not seen the new Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor around, she knew that he had completed his lessons, but she didn't know about his social circle.

"I'm sorry I'm afraid I haven't really seen him or have had much, socially, to do with the man. Why?"
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:48 pm

"Well Headmistress I do not plan on leaving anytime soon." Sofia thought about the idea as long as she could remember.

Sofia began to think about the war that was looming outside of the walls. "One day I would love it not to have to think about war, but it seems its always there.'

Sofia drink down her drink. "As for Cillian I was just wondering because he walked me to my door after we arrived and I have seen from him since. Thats what I mean..men..." Sofia just stared off to the side.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:49 am

Lucia smiled to Briony. "I understand what you mean," she said, "Spying on people is a lot more fun than to write down what they're doing."

She sighed. Suddenly, she really hated paperwork. "Tell me something, Briony, do you have the impact on people to make them not like paperwork?" she asked with joking-like tone.

Lucia looked at Sofia when she said that she wouldn't leave Hogwarts in a rush.

Lucia nodded. "I completely agree with you, Sofia. I'm not leaving Hogwarts anytime soon either," she said with a big smile.

Then her smile vanished. She'd really like the war to disappear. She couldn't stand violence. She couldn't stand seeing others hurt. She nodded softly in agreement to Sofia's statement, and then looked up at Briony.

"I think you're doing a great job in protecting the students from harm," Lucia said with a smile, "I, for one, feel pretty safe at Hogwarts."

Lucia then turned back to Sofia with a resigned look. "I don't like it when guys mislead women like that, and then not talking to them later. But maybe you should try talking to him in his office? I mean, he can't really ignore you there," she said with a smile.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:18 am

Apparently Sofia had missed the part about them talking about spying on people, she had been kind of in her only little world every now and then

"Spying on people can be a lot of fun, my crystals can be lots of help., especially the one I invented." Sofia pulled the special crystal out of her pocket.

"This crystal can be charmed to see anyone whom you wish to see, the only problem is you have to have some of their blood to activate the charm, but of course they will know if you take it" Sofia was showing the ladies her crystal.

"I have to agree with the Lucia, Headmistress, we have a very safe school and I assume that after the last war the protections have even gotten better." Sofia went to take a drink and noticed her glass was empty, so she flagged for another one.

After taking a drink, "You know Lucia I have never been the type of woman to chase after a man. He was the one who showed interest at first so I will just let him to come to me."

Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:57 am

Lucia looked interested at the crystal. "That is pretty cool," she said solemnly.

After Sofia said the part with the blood, Lucia shrugged. "I don't know. You could always get your way into a hospital in some way by using a confunduscharm of something. Then you could call that person in and have him take a bloodsample to make sure his health is at it's utmost or something. There are so many ways of taking blood from a person without them knowing it. And you could always do it the easy way by using the confunduscharm directly, or just erase their mind of the incident. But that's breakable. If you go for a high up doctor, it would be easier to slip away without being noticed," Lucia said with a smile.

Then she frowned. Once upon a time, Lucia's parents had been spies for Britain, not on Germany though, but the countries around. Because of this, Lucia knew a lot about how to sneak up and spy at people, but she also knew that her parents had paid the honor of protecting the country with their lives, like so many others. Lucia clenched her teeth and blinked rapidly. She then took a long drink from her glass, recollecting herself.

Sofia told Lucia that she wasn't the type who chased after a guy, and Lucia nodded. "I understand. But you are the smithy of your happiness, or however that saying goes. I learned that the hard way. But then again, it is such bother to go after guys, because so many of them gets so 'oh, she wants me' and stuff like that. When I find a guy who won't go like that, that is when I'll chase him, even to the end of the world," Lucia said with a big smile.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:21 pm

Sofia was starting to feel some of the effects of the firewhiskey, but she was at the point of not caring anymore. She was enjoying having time out with fellow peers for a change. Usually she was locked up in her tower or room with just herself and her panther.

Sofia had to laugh a little when Lucia commented about oblivating the people she took the blood from, or using the confudus charm on them.

"Now come on Lucia where is the fun in that. Look at what I do, when I take their blood they get to worry what I am going to use it for." Sofia still laughing as she thought about the look on one guys face once.

"I had this guy once who was cheating on his wife, and at that point I was playing investagater, he thought I was going to use it for some spell against him. Although it would have served him right." Sofia smiled at the thought of that man.

"And about Cillian I suppose I could just knock on his door, what would it hurt."
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:29 pm

Briony watched and observed the two women while they talked about men and things like that, of course she had some stories of men herself but she didn't think that she was going to be up for sharing with these two women...

After all they often ended in a grusome manner and with certain body parts being removed, thankfully her husband had turned out to be a much better choice.

"Men are often some sort of irrational creatures, however when you find the right one you'll learn to put up with his silly little quirks."

Shrugging her shoulders Briony chucked back another shot and felt the lovely burning sensation at the back of her throat, it was slowly having an effect on her and she decided 'what the heck' and she would share a story.

"I have to say however, that he seems to be rather moderate in comparision to my first boyfriend, honestly, that did not end well."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:52 pm

Lucia immediately perked up at Briony's statement. The alcohol was having a small effect on Lucia, and she always got so very tired after the first two glasses, but she had a feeling that it would end quicker now.

"Do tell," she said with a grin, "I love to hear stories that put the men down."

She sat up straighter, taking another drink, waiting for Briony to tell her story.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Briony Romain Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:27 pm

Briony raised her eyebrows a little and she shrugged her shoulders, chucking down her last shot of firewhiskey which now made four in total, or five, she was beginning to lose count but she ordered another just in case.

"Well then since you're so eager."

Lifting her glas to her lips Briony sipped it before beginning.

"Once upon a time when I was alone and more naive than I am now, I met a guy, Marcus, and you know how the story goes, we dated and then we became an item then he moved in with me when I was 20."

Briony smirked broadly at the memory.

"He was living with his parents with a dead end job, he was such a loser upon remembering him, but one day I come home from a contract and see him breaking into my family's vault and walking out with a good four bags of galleons."

Chuckling slightly Briony shrugged and chucked the last shot:

"So of course I had to kill him for such a thing. Very messy ending, but his parents thanked me, apparently he'd been doing it to them for a good few years."
Briony Romain
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