Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:03 am

Iris was sitting at the bar, sipping on a very fruity drink. She was enjoying herself. She had made the decision not to get involved in the war. She had been in two already. This was not a war between good and evil, it was between countries. They both had faults.

She sighed and shook her head. She really disliked war. She smiled and made the choice to sing to cheer herself up. She hummed a tune from her friend she had met here. She liked it. She didn't notice all the men starring at her. She always forgot what effect her voice had.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:24 am

Chase has just finished up some business and thought that maybe he would stop and have a couple of drinks before he headed home.

Walking into a local pub he notices a very lovely woman sitting by herself at the bar, humming to herself he glanced around the room and noticed all the men staring at her, in his business and his life style he had placed a spell on his hearing a long time ago certain sounds did not have any effect on him.

Being is his high demand he could easily be swayed by this kind of thing so he had to take special precautions.

Walking up to the bar and the lovely lady sitting there he ordered a Ale and sat down next to her.

"You might want to quit that humming before every man in the place is breathing down you neck." Chase said with a smile while pointing her around the room.

"Hi, I am Chase, Chase Dourse." Chases said as he stuck out his hand


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:33 am

Iris looked over as a man started talking to her. She smiled at him and looked around. She blushed slightly. She had indeed attracted every male eye in the pub. She stopped humming and looked over at the man there.

"Oops, I always forget that my voice can do that. You seem unaffected." She noted, in her song like voice. She smiled at him and took his hand. "Iris, Iris Flos. Nice to meet you Chase." She said with her lovely smile. "Where are you from, I don't recognize your accent." She asked. She had yet to meet a Dourse in all her years of life. She was wondering what they were like. She knew many people from all over the world but not him nor his fathers.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:45 am

Chase had to smile at Iris, "Beautiful name for a beautiful flower." Chase conjured a small Iris and hands it too her.

"I discovered a long time ago how important it was to block my hearing from things that can change my perception on reality." Chase sighed and took a drink.

Chase looked around the room and wondered what a beautiful woman like this was all alone.

"So what are you doing out all alone in here, it is such a beautiful night for a walk?" Chase said as he continued to drink his drink.


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:58 am

Iris smiled and took the flower putting it in her hair. She smiled at him and laughed. "Well it's an ironic name. Seeing as my last name means flower." She said chuckling.

"Well that is good. You wouldn't want a siren to lead you to your doom." She joked with a small smile. She thought it was funny see as that was what she was a siren.

"Well I thought I could spend some time in here." She said with a small shrug. She had nothing to do so she went to see if she could meet new people. One night was nothing on her scale. She didn't die by age. "Well if it is such a nice night would you like to walk with me?" She asked.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:21 pm

Chase had to smile, "Well your parents knew a true beauty when they saw one." giving a curt little laugh.

Chases chocked a little on his drink when she commented about a siren leading him to his doom.

"Not to my doom, but too my pocketbook." Chase thought about the times where someone was always trying to convince him to take them away and be theirs just so they could have their money

"I would be glad to escort you for a little walk, m'lady" Chase laid some money on the bar for drinks and a tip and then stepped down off the stool and offered his hand to the lady to help her down.

"Shall we?"


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:29 pm

Iris smiled at the young man. "Why thank you." She said thinking about all the comments she had gotten on her name, none were as lovely as the one she had just received.

Iris laughed a bit when he choked not unkindly. She wondered what he was thinking. "Well I doubt you have met a siren, most are very old and have no need for money, seeing as they have lived a long life." She said with a raised eyebrow.

Iris smiled and took his hand allowing him to help her down. She smiled, and paid for er own drink. "we shall." She said smiling. "So you never answered my question where are you from?" She asked again.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:45 pm

Chase lead the young lady out the door and into the street, "No not many Siren's in fact I have only met one other one besides you. But you never know I have other things that people want."

Chase had placed his hand on top of the hand she had placed threw his arm.

"Well I am originally from Berlin, but with my job I travel all over the world." Chase smiled.

"Being a siren you must have travel all over?"


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:15 pm

Iris had to smile. "Smart, handsome, polite, and rich. How on earth are you here tonight alone?" She asked in a light joking manner.

"Well as you have correctly deduced I am a siren. And I was born a long time ago in Grease. Well what is your mother's name, I may have met her before." She asked thinking of all her time in Germany.

"Well I travel a lot as well. I've seen the world. I can swim across the ocean. I've seen many things in my years." She said smiling thinking of everything.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:47 pm

Chase continued to lead the lady down the walk, "When you are someone like me it is hard to find a woman who wants you for you. Most of them want the title that goes along with being with me."

Chase hated that fact about him, and that was why he always wanted to date woman who didn't know him.

"My mother is Lady Marie Delong Dourse, she is the true lady of the house. She is the ones who does all the big society parties." Chase really loved his mother she was always so beautiful

" How about any of your family?" Chase knew about sirens but he also knew they could have true blood families.


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:03 pm

Iris smiled and shook her head. "Mortals." She said. "Money and Power may be important, but what really matters are friendships and love. Knowledge and wisdom. They matter in real life. In a hundred years people wont remember who had the most money they will remember what they did with the money and power." She said thinking back.

"Well I have met a few of your ancestors." She said thinking of the people. "Not anyone you would have met though." She said knowing them all to be dead.

"Well I never knew my mother. She died in birth. My father was with me for a while up till I was an adult but he was killed in War. My mother was very unlucky she shouldn't have died but the people of the time killed her to get to me." She said sadly. "It was a very long time ago. It doesn't matter now." She said.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:47 pm

"I know, you just don't know what to do with us mortals." Chase had to laugh

Chase was listening to her talk about his family and it was interesting to know, "Do you find it hard to get to know people only to know that you will out live them?"

Chase could not imagine how hard it would be to watch other people die in front of you all the time and not be able to do anything about it.


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:59 pm

Iris smiled. He was amusing as well. He really would make some woman very happy one day.

Iris sighed it was the only thing she hated about being immortal. "I ave had many friends over the years but, I never get to close." She said sighing. She had watched many people die and many times it broke her heart. She often travelled to keep from growing too close.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:39 pm

Chase sighed at her or for her he just wasn't sure, "How about friends with other Sirens?" Chase thought it sounded lonely not getting close to anyone.

Chase knew what it was like not to have many friends, patting her hand.

"I will be glad to be your friend, I see myself living a while anyway." It was true wizards lived into their hundreds, it would be nice to have friends that long.


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:39 am

Iris sighed she had not met many sirens. She had never even been to her colony. Her parents told her she should see the world and meet mortals as well. "I've only met a few. I'm not very close to any of them." She said with a small sigh.

Iris smiled. She could see being a friend to him, she often offered her help and advice to all people. Being friends with this man would not be to bad, it would be nice really. She looked at him with happiness showing in her blue eyes.

"I would be honoured if you would be my friend." She said smiling and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:07 am

Chase had to smile, he was friends with one siren, "I have met one siren in my travels and her name was Alianna, she is in need of friends to. You should look her up."

Chase was remember when he had run into her one night while he was taking a stroll by the river at his home and found her crying along the side.

Chase continued to walk with her down the street, "Yes, and you shall call upon me whenever you need something."

Chases hated the fact that she was alone but he was already seeing another woman, and she said she hated to get her heartbroken.

"I shall be like a brother." Chase smiled


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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Iris Flos Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:29 am

Iris smiled at the mention of Alianna. They had met once before. She didn't know how she felt about the much younger siren. She was nice and kind but she had only met her a few times.

"I have met Alianna, she is very kind." She said smiling, she must seek her, and speak to her once more.

Iris smiled glad to have a friend, she always valued people who were kind, she valued all people. "I truly appreciate it." She said smiling.

"well αδελφός" She said saying his new title in her native tongue. "I am very pleased to call you my brother." She said smiling at him.

Iris Flos

Posts : 60
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase) Empty Re: Drinks to pass the time (Iris and Chase)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:12 am

Chase walked with Iris a little more and then noticed what time it was.

"Well my dear beautiful lady I must part ways with you here." Chases smiled and then kissed her hand.

"If you shall need me I am sure you will be able to find me." Chase smiled

"Bye, my dear." With that Chase walked away, Iris would make someone very happy if she would just let herself be happy.


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