Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:06 am

Candy had just walked into the club. She really was glad that nobody was allowed to touch her. It would be something different. But she was kind of glad that the gentlemen club shut down. And she thought that she would walk away and have Kasper for a job. But Shadow opened another club. And Candy felt like she owed Shadow for taking her in. And she gave her the same job as being a dancer in the new club.

She walked in and was wearing her normal shorts and t-shirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun. Candy knew that she would go to the back and actually get dressed. She then remembered those outfits and hated them. And then she started to think about her night with Amber. Candy knew that she would be making a lot of money tonight. And that is what she missed.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:52 pm

Chase had gotten the address from Shadow as to where the club was going to be at. Chase had placed on a little glamour and was wearing black jeans and a blue polo shirt. Chase did not care about the inside of the club it was walking up to the club that he knew there could be problems.

Walking into the club he felt his glamour disappear, good she had special charms in place.

Walking farther in the club he noticed that there was a lady standing so he walked over to her and smile.

"Excuse me Ma'am, is the manager around?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:58 pm

Candy was in her own little world. She knew that she would have to go back into the dressing room and change. But she was enjoying her little bit of freedom in her own clothes. At least this club was different from the gentlemen club that she was working at. Candy knew that she would have to tell Shadow about what Kasper was doing, but later.

She then seen someone new walking in. Candy wished that she got here sooner.

Candy then seen that they was walking over towards her. But she remembered to smile and give her best charm.

“ My mother was ma'am. Just call me Candy, and I haven't seen Shadow yet.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:07 pm

Chase had to smile at her comment. "I am truly sorry, did not wish to offend"

Chase walked up to the lady and held his hand out, "Chase, Chase Dourse, Candy, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Chase was looking around at all the details of the club and smile, it looked like his money was put to good use.

"So how long have you know Shadow?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:16 pm

Candy laughed a little bit and then started to smiled. “ I know you didn't want to offend me. You didn't know my name. I am sure that you was only trying to be polite.”

She then shook his head. “ It is very nice to meet you Chase. I am Candy Roberts. But mostly customers call me just Candy. I have heard every pick up line for the name.”

While he was looking around, Candy felt like she could be herself. And not the Candy that guys would drool over.

“ Not that very long. She took me and gave me a job after my parents decided to cut me off from their money. So she also gave me a place to stay.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:30 pm

Chase had to smile at Candy, "Yes it is one of the downfalls to being raised the way I was, it is in my nature to be polite."

Chase started to walk around the club to get a better view of everything that was in there. It looked like everything had just been done fresh, and he knew that it had actually been completely weeks ago. He was wondering what had happened.

"That was very generous of her to give you a job, and a place to stay." Chase continued to smile as he walked around.

"So have you thought of other things to do besides the club?" Chase thought the woman was very beautiful and could not understand why she needed to work in a place like this.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:37 pm

Candy smiled. “ There is nothing wrong with polite guys. I would rather deal with a guy being polite than someone who is rude and has wondering hands.”

She then watched as he walked around. Candy loved it that she could be herself and hold a conversion. He was making her feel like she was special and not some as her mother said whore. And she couldn't help but smile around him.

“ Yeah it was really nice of her to do that. I know it something that I would never picture myself doing. But it is money.”

Candy sighed just a little bit. “ Yes but I am not sure what will come over it. Someone told me that he might be able to help me became a dancer. But I am scared that he is just another guy who will tell me anything that I want to hear.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:00 am

Chase smiled as he looked around the club and listened to her talk.

"Well I can tell you one thing about a club like this, there does not have to be any extra services if you do not want them" Chase smiled hoping to make the girls day.

"Dancing and singing is all that is actually required in a club like this." Chase went over to stand closer to Candy. "The outfit of course some of them are similar, but most of them are different."

Chases was a little concerned when she was talking about some guy that could help her change her life. Many guys when they found out what a woman did especially like this they expected them to be easy. Chase learned a long time ago that just because someone was a stripper did not mean that.

"So tell me about this guy who has made you all of these promises, I know many people, maybe I know him."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:59 am

Candy smiled. “ That is good to know. I know I made a lot of guy mad because I wouldn't do a lot of extra services. I know one time I had Amber come over and help me out.” This was making her day. She wouldn't have to do anything that she didn't want to do.

“ That is good it is all about dancing and singing. I might have to see if Shadow will let me sing one night.” She then started to think about the outfits. Candy was glad to hear that some of them was different.

She then stated to blink . “ I don't know much about him. I meet him when I was in a bar, his name is Kasper. He told me he worked with dancers in his music videos.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:34 am

Chase walked behind the bar and helped himself to a drink and then smiled, "Can I get you something?" Chased wondered

Chase went ahead and poured two drinks and then came back around the bar and found a a seat and waved Candy over to set down with him.

Taking a sip of his vodka on the rocks he had to ask Candy, "So, tell me a little bit more about yourself, like where are you from originally?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:42 am

Candy smiled as she seen him go behind the bar. “ No thanks really. I try not to drink. And I know I will be working later. But thank you for asking.”

She then sat down beside of him. It was nice when she got the chance to sit down and just talk. Candy didn't get to do that a whole lot.

“ Well I was born in London, England. Went to Hogwarts. After I was finished with their I did a lot of traveling. And that is why I cut off from my parents money. Shadow took me in and gave me a job. And it looks like I will be working here till as I would say my prince charming comes along. Which I don't see that happening.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:34 pm

Chase smiled "Well I guess I will have both of them then." Chases continued to sip his drink while she talked about her travels.

"I went to Durmstrang myself." Chase stated, but continued to listen to Candy's tale.

"I believe Shadow is a very nice girl, and has had lots of troubles in her life and wants to help people out because no one was there to help her."

Chase finished off the one drink and began on the second.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:52 pm

Candy smiled when he said that he would take both drinks. “ Good you can drink both, I would rather not have a hangover tomorrow. And don't want to do something that I would regret.” She was smiling. “ Ah Durmstrang is a good school.”

“ Shadow is really nice. I was so glad when she took me in and gave me a job. Even if I would have never thought of doing what I did.” Candy then watched as he finished his first drink. “ So what don't you tell me a little bit about yourself Chase.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:23 pm

Chase had to laugh a little "My dear I do not believe you would have a a hangover with just one drink."

Chase was thinking about his time in school and he really did enjoy it for the most part, the only thing that sucked was everyone knew about who he was and everyone wanted to be his friend.

"Well to be honest my life might sound exciting but it can be really boring. If you want to know the real me I am Lord Chase Dourse, I was born in Berlin and my family is very well known. They believe that having a title gives you the right to do whatever you want."

Chase had seen his father do many underhanded things in his time and thought it was wrong.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:43 pm

Candy laugh. “ I am what they call a light weight. I remember when some girls would sneak firewhiskey into the school.” She smiled a little bit. “ I guess I could drink with you.”

She sighed. “ School was alright. I want to be the girl that every guy wanted. But nobody ever looked my way. There was some good friends.”

“ I know my life is quite boring and then everything changed after Shadow gave me a job. I don't feel like I am an outcast anymore.” She then started to sigh just a little bit. “ Interesting that you have a title. I no longer go by my real name since I moved.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 2:16 pm

Chase had to laugh a little and got back up and headed over to the bar to make her a drink, "Yes I remember those nights all too well. I think I had a few girls on those nights too."

Chase used to hate it when he was like that, but then he was young and trying to empress everyone. Walking back over to Candy.

"Here you go, I made it a little weak for you." Chase said handing her the glass.

Chase sat down and listened to her talk some more, "Well I do not believe that you should have to sell your body for a man to pay attention too you. You are beautiful." Chase knew if he was not already interest in Anya he might make a play for her. He would have to see how it goes.

"So do you feel like sharing with me your real name?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 2:42 pm

Candy sighed. “ Yeah I really wasn't the popular in my dorm. And they usually wanted to watch me puck my guts up the next day.”

She knew she would have done anything for anybody to notice her. Some people did like her friends.

She then took the glass. “ Thanks, if I am sick later. I am blaming you.”

“ Well that is how it has been. That was when I was finally getting noticed. Growing up I was always told beauty isn't just skin deep.

“ My real name is Katrina.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 2:26 am

Chase could understand her feelings about the dorm, he was always one of the ones that would talk the younger kids into drinking to get them to throw up. "Yes, time in the dorms were not always pleasant sometimes. People can be cruel, but eventually most of them grow up."

Chase had to smile as she took the drink, "You will be fine, if not I have potions in my jacket pocket."

Chase listened to Candy talk about the way men she her and what she had been talk, "Well Katrina is a beautiful name, well I am sorry men treated you that way.

Chase knew all too well about those type of men, that used to be how he was, only going after the looks and never looking deeper. But now he knew that he wanted a woman with everything.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 2:40 am

Candy tried to smile a little bit. But it started to feel like it was becoming harder for her. And she didn't want to have to put on a show like she was happy. " I hate the dorms, so I tried to stay out of them till I had to go to sleep. Because I would see other girls looking so happy. And well I wasn't one of the pretty, popular ones."

When she took another drink it went back to the memories growing up and drinking. " I don't think I want anymore."

She looked at him when he said her name was beautiful. " I have learn that it is just a name. There really is nothing special in it or me for that matter." Candy then sighed. " It isn't your fault how I been treated."

All she ever wanted out of life is to find that one guy who loved her for who she was. She didn't want to have to pretend or fake who she was.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 3:11 am

Chase felt bad, he had made Candy a little depressed so he moved so he was sitting besides her and placed his arm around her and pulled her close.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Chase just held the girl

"You are very beautiful and there will be a man someday that will want you for the things only Katrina can provide, and Candy will be forgotten."

Chase hated it when woman felt sad, and bad about themselves, but he did remember a time when he wasn't that way. He used to use woman too, and that is how he knew Shadow.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 6:24 am

She was shocked when he placed her arms around her and pulled her close. Candy knew that no guy would have done this.

" It wasn't your fault that I get upset very easily." She was letting Chase hold her.
Candy then looked like she was about ready to cry. ' I don't feel very beautiful. This is why I work for Shadow to have someone notice me."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 11:51 am

Chase felt for this lady and pulled her face towards him.

"You are very beautiful." Chase pulled her face up towards his, pushing her hair back over her ears.

"You do not need to have sex with strangers to be noticed, you need to dance because you love it."

Chase was having a strange feeling and he believe that Anya was not going to fill the void that he had.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 12:39 pm

Candy smiled a little bit when he pulled her face closer to his. But she then smiled a little bit when she said that she was beautiful. She then without thinking leaned in close and gave him a kiss. After she did that she started to blush.

She knew that everything he said was true. “ But I feel like I owe Shadow for everything that she has done for me. She gave me a job, a place to stay and everything that I need.” Candy could tell that she was falling for Chase, but she had no idea what Shadow would say.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 1:31 pm

Chase was a little taken back when Candy kissed him, he was usually the one who kissed the girl first.

"That was very nice, I might have to have another one." Chase leaned in and kissed her again.

Chase thought this woman was just beautiful and wanted to make her feel better.

"Well I am sure Shadow would understand if you wanted to quit the club, but if you didn't have to do the extra stuff, would you still want to dance and sing?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 1:37 pm

Candy was shocked at herself that she kissed Chase. It was something that she would never do. But she was glad that she did.

She then started to grin as he kissed her back. “ I might be able to get used to these.”

When she thought about it, Chase made her feel special. He looked at her in a way that no guy ever looked at her before.

“ I always wanted to become a dancer. That is why I traveled a lot. But I don't think I can sing. Even thought Kasper was trying to get me into musical theater.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

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