Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 1:56 pm

Chase was a little in shock that he was falling for this girl, she was completely off the mainstream from the girl he was used to dating. He had a lot of responsibilities as Lord and he was not sure if this girl liked him for him, or if it was because he was being polite and giving him attention.

Chase smiled at her and kissed her lightly again, "I might be able to accommodate you."

There were many things that Candy could do being a dancer and he could help her a lot with those dreams, but it was always up to her.

"But do you want to dance in this club?"


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 2:03 pm

Candy couldn't believe that she was falling in love. She was shocked she didn't want him to think that he was falling for him because he was giving her attention. Deep down Candy was falling for him. And it was the first time for her.

She then kissed him back. “ Oh what do I tell Shadow when she walks in and sees me with you.”

Candy knew that growing up she let herself get influenced in different type of dances. There was so many options that she had.

“ I don't know, this club is different from the gentlemen club. I mean all I would have to do is dance and that is it.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 3:19 am

Chase could not believe what was happening, he was trying to tell himself this was not suppose to be happening to him.

"I am sure Shadow wouldn't say anything." Chase smiled as he moved her hair out of the way.

Chase listened to her talk and he could tell she really loved dancing and wondered what else she liked to do.

"So besides dancing what other things do you like to do?" Chase smiled as he continued to hold her.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 5:42 am

Candy knew that this was supposed to be happening to her. Shadow told her that men don't stay in relationships very long with a girl like her.

" Well I hope that she wouldn't say anything." When he moved her hair away it was like her heart was melting. This was something that never happened before.

She knew that with dance she had to eat, breathe, sleep and dream of dancing. It was something that she was passionate about.

" Well I love to read. I watch muggle television. I do anything thing to not think about what I do."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 11:11 am

Chase wondered about this girl, what her past was like, her family. What would make a girl like this think she had no way out but to do this type of work.

Chase knew that if he brought this woman home his parents would not approve, so he would have to think about this if he planned on being in more serious with her.

"Well I have to say I have not had much time for muggle television, my work keeps me pretty busy."

Chase could not remember a time when he last sat down and read a book or anything other than a stock page.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 11:32 am

Candy didn't want to think about her past or her parents. But she was smiling, well hopefully I won't be doing this work much longer.”

She knew that if they would ever date his parents wouldn't approve. That is what happened when she got cut off her money, Shadow offered her a job to work at her gentlemen club. And that is when her parents decided to turn there backs on her.

“ Well I know when I was in New York I got to watch my first movie. It was about princess and the frog, it is a fairytale.” She then giggled as she done her best New Orleans accent. “ Why I kiss a thousand frog just for the chance of being a princess.”

Candy knew that she was reading all the time. It would get her mind off of her job.

Last edited by Candy Roberts on Fri May 04, 2012 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 11:49 am

Chase got up and went and made a couple more drinks then went back to the table they were sitting at.

"Well I can't promise you the title of princess, but the lifestyle I live is that in a palace."

Chase was always amazed at the thoughts and ideas that people had of the royal life and it really is not all it is cracked up to be.

"Living as royalty is really not that amazing, and its not fun."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 12:13 pm

Candy then watched as Chase went and made a couple of more drinks. She couldn't believe that she was actually drinking again.

She then started to blink. “ Wow I wasn't expecting that.” But she was smiling. “ I bet it must be nice living that kind of life. I know working here I made a lot of money.”

She then started to blink. “ This reminds me of the prince and the pauper. You have the good lifestyle and well I am like the pauper.”

“ Ah I will have to remember that.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 12:54 pm

Chase had to smile, he forget he did not tell her his proper title, "I would be Lord Chase Dourse."

Chase took a couple of sips of his drink, "I just never use the title, it cane be for of a hassle than anything."

Chase sat and listened to her story, and as usual people have the wrong idea about what the life style is all about.

"Living the rich lifestyle can make people to mean and under-minding things."

Chase thought about the many things he had done in his life, if she knew half of what he had done she wouldn't want him anyway.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 12:59 pm

Candy was shocked when he said his tittle of being a lord. “ Oh wow what do I have the honor of being with a Lord?”

She then took a sip of her drink. “ But I am sure that it has come in handy. I am sure that you help people who are in need.”

“ I know muggle royals talk about how they use there money to help people. And mostly that is what I do with a lot of my money. I mean I have enough to live on. But why have money when you don't have anybody to spend it with.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 1:22 pm

Chase took a drink and tried to laugh a little, "I suppose you could say that, but what difference does that make in your mind."

Chase knew this is where things were going to get a little different they always did, that was why he never told random woman about it. The only ones who knew of his title were the ones who already knew.

"Money does not always go where you think it does, people spend money to make themselves happy."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 1:30 pm

Candy laughed. “ True it not like I care if your a Lord or not.” She sighed a little bit. “ I don't want you to think that I am spending time with you. Using you because who you are. But I really like you for you.”

She smiled. “ I am glad that you told me about your tittle. Not that it really matters. A person is a person, no matter what is in front of their name.” Candy laughed because that was close to what she would read in a muggle children book.

“ You are right. But I know that I have a little guy who I took it. I spend a lot of money on him. Pampering him and getting him his shots. I found him on the streets outside the club.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 2:05 pm

Chase smiled at Candy, "But how do you know to like me if you don't know me. This could just be a outside facade."

Chase knew all to well the type of man he could be, that was not a pleasant man. He like to have things his way, he can be a gentleman when he wants.

Chase was sipping his drink think about his life and what it could be like with her in it, granted the sex would be interesting but he would not think about that one.

"Word of advise never just give your money away, that's a waste."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 2:14 pm

Candy smiled. “ Because I learned how to pick the good ones. I know how to spot a bad horse out of the bunch.” She couldn't help but laugh at what she had just said.

She sighed. “ Please tell me you are not one of those people who it is my way or the highway.”

She hoped that he would be a part of her life. It would give her something to look forward to. And it would give her a reason to go home every night.

“ Well most of my money goes to Duke. He is a dog that I found wondering around. And I took him in and gave him a home. And he is a something to cuddle with.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 9:46 am

Chase could not help but laugh at her horse comment, "Reminds me good nut, bad nut". Chase was thinking about a muggle movie he had seen once. Not that he would tell his family.

Chase wanted to be honest with Candy, "I am going to be honest with you. I am very used to getting what I want. I can also have quite a temper." Chase sighed as he took a drink.

"I have a few dogs myself" Chase thought about his 3 collies he had at home.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 9:53 am

Candy then started to laugh. “ I have never heard that before.” She loved anybody that could keep her laughing. And she loved it when she didn't have to play Candy. But she could be herself. She could be Katrina.

She then blinked, she knew that everybody that she meet could have a temper. “ Used to getting what you want? Candy then started to smiled. “ So what do you want right now?” She couldn't help but try and wiggle her eyebrows.

“ I know Duke is a lab I think. And then I have my kitten Duchess. I know that I take some of my money that I earn and donate to a local animal shelter.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 12:06 pm

"Its just from some old movie I saw a long time ago. Just don't tell my parents, muggle items are strictly forbidden." Chase had to laugh as he pulled a cellphone out of his pocket.

"When you are a Lord you get used to everything being handed to you, including woman." Chase was not sure what he wanted at the moment.

"I guess I want a woman who can deal with me, and all of my issues." Chase sighed, he knew he lived a very stressful life and wanted a woman who could deal with his moods.

"I have 3 collies myself, Sari, Lari, Mari." Chase had to laugh at the names.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 12:19 pm

Candy laughed. “ Maybe you will have to come over some time. Just watch muggle movies with me. I would love to make you dinner. Just to say thanks for looking at the real me.” She then blinked as she looked at Chase. “ I don't even know your parents, so why would I say anything. And anyways I would never want to get you in trouble. Then who would I have to look forward to when I come to work. I was glad that I came to, I was so close to calling off and playing hooky.”

She then blinked. “ Wow ummm my parents made sure that I earned everything. Nothing came easy, they told me that this was to build character. And so I would know that you have to work hard in life for everything that you want. And nothing is ever easy.” When he said that woman where handed to him she became silent. Candy knew that she wasn't the first girl that he ever meet. That is when she wondered why he was talking to her. There had to be other girls who his parents would approve of. Instead he was talking to a girl who was a stripper at a gentlemen club.

She then faked a smile. “ Yeah and I hope that you find a girl like that.” Who was she trying to fool. A guy like Chase would never fall for a girl like Candy. And she knew that this was never going to happen, but she could feel that she was starting to get depressed again. Candy knew that she would always be alone.

Candy was faking her happiness. “ Cute names.” She really didn't know what else to do. They came from two different worlds. “ I think Shadow will want me to be getting to work.” She smiled as she went back to the dressing room.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 12:43 pm

Chase smiled at Candy, "I would love to come over and watch movies with you, although I might be too busy watching you,"

Chase love the idea of her cooking him dinner, he had never had a woman cook him dinner before, heck he never saw any one but the help cook dinner.

"Well if you like seeing me I might have to make sure that I am here every night, as long as you don't mind me watching you dance." Chase really didn't mind that she was up there dancing. This type of club on the stage was very tactful, and he could help keep the unwanted attention away from her.

Chase really like this girl, he had never been with this type of girl before and he was not sure how to handle it and he was getting scared. He could tell she had gotten said and when she said she had to get to work and when she got up to leave he could not help but get up to stop her.

Chase reached for her hand to stop her, "Hay, I wanted to tell you, I really like you Katrina, I just don't know how to have a normal relationship. I am used to having girls throw themselves at me, not chasing them."

Chase lowered his head to look at the floor.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 1:04 pm

Candy blush a little bit. “ I never had anybody say that to me before. You would actually be the first person that I invited. Besides Shadow, she wanted to make sure that it as livable and up to the standards. She told me that her dancers only deserve the best. So she wanted to make sure that the house I bought was only the best.”

She smiled a little bit. “ Maybe I could teach you how to cook. It really isn't that hard. All you have to do is follow directions. I know I didn't know how to cook till I was living on my own.” Candy laughed. “ From that look you never seen a women cook before.”

“ I don't mind if you come every night and watching me dance. That is if you want to. I wouldn't want to force you.” The thought that Chase being there made her smile. “ That mean you will take care of any guy who tries to touch me and can't take the word no.”

Candy really liked Chase. But she didn't know how this would work out. She knew that they would never get serious. And she didn't want to embarrass him just because she was a stripper. And she didn't want to think about if they would ever have sex and she would get pregnant.

She stopped as he grabbed her hand. Candy was shocked when he used her real name. She couldn't help but smiled. “ It really isn't that hard to have a normal relationship. But for you it would because you are used to having handed to you.” Candy smiled. “ I am not one of those girls who throws themselves at guys.”

Candy then seen that he was looking at the ground. “ I better get to work before Shadow says something.”


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 9:38 am

Shadow could not believe the last couple of days she had. To start off the week she was opening a new club and she was excited. It was not going to be a gentleman's club any more. Granted sex could be involved in private but there was no striping on the stage, it was all dancing. Provocative dancing sometimes but that was it.

The next things that had happened was right after she lost the other club and the opening day of this club she had been out in her private spot to do some soul searching and had run into a nice guy. Vincent Rain, she loved that name. He seemed like the perfect guy, but why did he like her, she was just a whore. But he made her feel special.

But she was happy that morning, the opening weekend of the club had been a success and everyone was coming from miles around to pay money and see the dancers. Everyone was commenting how funny some of the acts were and all of them were very tasteful. But this morning it had not gone too well, but who should show up Raven and totally wrecked her club.

Apparently Carmin had taking a job that was suppose to have been hers, of course we had already known this and that was why we had to sell and get rid of the other club. Not many people knew that Shadow and Carmin were the same person. Shadow was the cover story for Carmin so people didn't know what else she did and so her family could not find her.

But Raven ruined all of that this morning, so she had to make a deal with the woman to save her club and now Carmin was going to be doing work for Raven, not that she wanted too, she wanted out. Anyway she had spent all morning getting the club ready to open that night, everything had to be repaired it was terrible. Thank god for magic.

Shadow had left her office to go and double check the place out and make sure it was ready to go, plus Chase was suppose to meet her this afternoon. Chase and Carmin had a sexual relationship way back when, that was all they did. When a need was needed for Chase he always called Carmin. Walking out from her office heading out onto the floor she noticed that Chase was already talking to Candy and it look really interesting.

Walking up to them she had to smile, "Well Candy, doing a little preshift discussion. You know all extra duties are suppose to be ok'd by me."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 9:53 am

Candy didn't even hear Shadow walk over. It was like she was in her own little world with Chase. And she loved it when he would say her real name. It made her feel special, and she wasn't just another whore. She smiled as she thought that she would like this place a lot better. And if she would get another job, she would try and make it work out.

He had just admitted to her that he liked her. Chase also promised her that he would keep unwanted guys away from her. And the thought of Chase doing that for her, made her happy. And she was going to get to see him every night. So she knew that it was worth it that she decided to keep dancing at Shadow's club. And this was a women that she owed everything to.

She then started to blush when Shadow asked if Candy was doing a little pre shift discussion. “ Oh nothing like that. Chase was just talking to me, getting to know me better.” Candy was the type of girl that she would never do anything extra. That is why when a guy would ask her, Amber would always come over and help Candy out.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 8:09 pm

Shadow had to smile at the two of them, Shadow knew that Chase could be a good guy, but she also knew he could have a temper. But that is what she liked the best about him, besides Dawn, Chase had been the best Dom she had.

"Are you trying to steal one of my best girls out from under me Chase dear." Shadow knew that the best thing for her girls is to do what is best for them.

"Candy if you would like, I would be glad to give you the night off. We have enough girls to run the show."

Shadow hoped that maybe Chase would be good to her.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 11:40 pm

Candy smiled as she started to talk to Shadow. She wasn't mad that she was talking to him. But she could tell that she was joking with Chase. Candy knew that she was one of the best dancers. She never let her ego get in her way and say that she was the best.

“ Thank you a night off would sounds good. I know that I could relax a little bit.” She was glad they had enough girls or she wouldn't have said that she would go home.


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 12:45 am

Chase smiled as Shadow walked up to them talking with Candy, he did not want to disturb their little meeting. Chase had always enjoyed Shadow a little on the side for fun, she always gave a man the best ride. Chase was remember the last time they were together was when he gave her the money for her new club, after the show she put on he gladly gave her the money she required with a few stipulations. Like he was a silent partner in the club and could come and go as he pleased.

He greeted Shadow by kissing her on the cheek and smiling, "Now I would never take anything away from you my dear, you should know that."

Chase listened to Shadow allow Candy to have the night off and he was excited that Shadow was allowing her the night off. Chase had to laugh a little as he looked at Shadow cause he knew what she was thinking.

"No worries my dear, I will treat her like a princess." Chase said giving Shadow one of those looks that said shh and don't worry about it.

"So Candy I guess that means I am all yours for the evening, or you are all mine."


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Starting over ( Chase and Candy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Starting over ( Chase and Candy)

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