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First Date with Candy

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First Date with Candy Empty First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 10:05 am

Chase had made some preparations for his date with Katrina. He found a very private and secluded club in a small town south of Berlin that he thought would be perfect for the first date at least.

He went over to Katrina's house and was waiting for her to get ready. He was wearing a very dark blue suit with black shoes.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 12:07 pm

Candy was excited about today. It was her first official date with Chase. He said that he would take her out to lunch. The fact that they was finally dating made her smile. Today she would forget Candy and just look to spending time as Katrina.

She found her a simple black dress with a pair of black high heels. Candy then walked out of her room and seen Chase. “ You look nice.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 10:01 pm

Chase smiled as Katrina walked out of the bedroom in her elegant black dress. Chase could not help it as he pulled a beautiful blue corsage from behind his back and he carefully pinned it to her.

"I believe you are the one who will take everyones breathe away.". Chase smiled she really was beautiful.

"Shall we m'lady?" Chase asked then offered Katrina his arm


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 1:15 am

Katrina smiled as she saw Chase. She was feeling beautiful about herself. She then watched as he pinned the blue corsage on. It was beautiful. Everything that he did was beautiful. She loved Chase a lot.

She then started to blush just a little bit. “ I am glad that you think that.” Katrina then kissed Chase. “ I love you.”

“ Yes let's go.” She then grabbed Chase arm.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 11:54 am

Chase smiled as he took Katrina's hand and apparated them to the restaurant. Chase opened the door and allowed Katrina to walk in first. The placed was very romantically lit with mood lighting everywhere.

Walking up to the desk they were greeted and taking to their table. Chase was glad they got the memo about not using his proper title he did not want Katrina to feel any more out of place than she probably already did.

The waitress came to take their drink orders and Chase order a bottle of the best wine. He might catch hell for ordering from Katrina but that was how things were done. She is lucky she would order her own food.

Chase was looking over the menu that had no prices on it, he told her it was a very prestigious restaurant.

"I was thinking about the lobster, how about you dear?"


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 11:21 pm

Katrina smiled as she looked around the restaurant. She was feeling out of place. Like this was where she didn't fit in. But this is where Chase wanted to take her. It was just a little to fancy for her. But she did like how the lights set the perfect mood. She smiled when she heard his name. Katrina was glad that they didn't use his tittle. She didn't want everybody to be looking and staring at her.

She then sat down at the table. Katrina was still looking around. She then noticed that he had order some wine. It was something that she didn't drink a lot of. But she didn't have much of a choice since he was order for them.

Katrina then look at her menu. There where no prices on it. She knew that she didn't have to worry about how much everything was going to cost. Because she knew that Chase could buy her anything that she wanted. “ I think that I will start off with a small salad. And have a steak.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 11:41 pm

Chase knew he was going to have to explain many things to her and he supposed this could be her first training in Lady lessons. Chase made sure to place his own silencing spells around them so no one could hear what they were talking about, along with a charm that let him know that someone was coming up to them.

"I figured that this was the best place to start our lessons in being Lady Dourse, if you are still up for it of course?" Chase smiled as he asked. He was giving her all chances to change her mind.

He was raised in this way of life so it was nothing for him, but she was not used to it and he really didn't want to bombard her all at once either.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 7:57 am

Katrina smiled. “ I had no idea that today was going to be a lesson. I thought it would be a simple date.” She knew that she would have to get used to everything being about lesson about becoming a Lady. “ Of course I would still love to do it. I still want to be with you.”

This was a life that was new to her. And it looked like she was going to have to get used to it if she wanted to be with Chase. She would have to get used to more lesson. But she hoped that she would have more casual dates.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 8:17 am

Chase sighed, "It is a simple date, with a simple lesson. As the man it is my job to order for the woman, but I will let you decide what you want and then I will tell the waitress."

Chase was not going to be like his father in that regards. His father always ordered for his mother and never gave her a choice on what to eat. In their circles it was the proper things to do.

"I want to be able to make these things as enjoyable as I can. I want you to be happy."

Chase was not sure how to make a normal woman happy, he was used to high breed woman who's only goal in life was to serve him.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 8:35 am

Katrina smiled. “ Ok I can do a simple lesson.” She just sat there listening to everything that he was saying. It was like she was trying to memorize it. This was something that she didn't want to mess up on. “ Well I already told you what I would like.”

“ I know that you want to make me happy. And being with you makes me happy, I don't know how my life would have been if you hadn't meet me that one day.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 8:48 am

Chase smiled at Katrina and then felt the charm single that someone was coming, Chase looked up and saw that it was the waitress coming back with the wine. He placed their order with the waitress and then she left again.

"I have an idea, for this first date why don't we play a round of 20 questions?"

Chase thought this would be the best way to answer any questions that she might have. He knew that they had talked a lot in the beginning, but it does not hurt to refresh one's mind.

"Why don't you start, ask anything you want and I will answer it." Chase knew that if their relationship was ever going to work they would have to be honest with each other.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 9:02 am

Katrina looked up as he ordered their food. She then watched as the waitress left their table. She then smiled when he asked if she wanted to play a round of twenty questions. “ Sure that sounds like a good idea.” She knew they talked a lot when they first met. So she had no idea what she was going to ask him. But she knew that she could ask anything. And the same thing went for Chase. Because Katrina felt that she had nothing to hide. “ Ok I guess that I could start it.'

She then tried to come up with a good question. “ What is your favorite color?”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 9:26 am

Chase could not help but smile at Katrina, she was rather very beautiful. He had to be the luckiest man in the world to have this woman on his arm.

"Well, I am glad you want to start it, I am still trying to think of questions." Chase smiled, there were many things he wanted to learn but where to start.

"My favorite color is Green, I have no idea why, it just is." Chased stated plainly.

"How about you, what is your favorite color?" Chase was not sure if he would be asking duplicate questions, but he didn't care. He would rather be sure of himself than be wrong.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 9:35 am

Katrina smiled as she looked at Chase. She felt that she was lucky just to be with him. Katrina wasn't the type of girl that he would always go for. Or in her case went for, because she would never lose Chase. “ Well I am glad to start this. I am not sure what I want to ask you.”

“ My favorite color? Well I like a lot of bright colors. But I love pinks and purples.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 9:41 am

Chase had to laugh a little when she said what her favorite colors were, "You sound like the typical girl to me. They always seem to like the bright colors."

Chase could not think of a girl he had dated that didn't like roses and the color pink. A guy could easily get sick of pink really fast. The was probably why he didn't like blue, too typical.

"I have another easy one for you, your favorite flower." Chase smiled and took a drink of the wine that he had just poured into the two glasses for them.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 10:01 am

Katrina laughed. “ Because I like the color pink. I love orange to, it is a color that you can look at and start smiling. So do I act like your typical girl to you.” She thought that she was a typical girl cause she like pink. She liked pink, but it was a color that she looked good in.”

He then asked her what her favorite flower was. “ Roses are beautiful but I think I love the iris flower.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 10:21 am

Chase gave he a little laugh at the color orange, "Yuck, orange." Chase never though that was a good color, but yet his mother had a couple of the room at home that color. Like the kitchen.

"Well you seem like the typical girl to me. You dress nice and put on make-up.' Chases said as he shrugged.

"Now this is the prefect woman, picking Iris's over roses. All the woman I have ever been with always want the roses."

Chase knew it was because they were the most expensive flowers out there.

"So, I notice you are not much of a wine drinker, what do you prefer to drink?"


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 12:01 pm

Katrina laughed. “ There is nothing wrong with orange. It is a good color.” She could tell that he didn't like the color. “ There is also bright green.” She laughed at him. “ But I like orange, it is a pretty color. It is bright.”

She then blinked. “ No I do all of that to make sure that I look good when I go out.” Katrina looked at Chase. “ Next time I will remember not to wear a dress and forget to put on my makeup. Then we will see how you act.”

“ So that is why the first time you came over to my house you brought over white roses?” She then smiled. “ They was my grandpa favorite flower and I started to like them. I think they are beautiful, with the different types.”

“ Considering were we are, water. But if we wasn't in a fancy place it would be mountain dew. I love my caffeine.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 9:01 am

Chase about gagged when Katrina mentioned bright green, "I suppose your going to tell me that's the color you want to make our suite, bright green."

Chase did not like the idea but he would let her do what she wanted to make it feel more like home to her.

"Well at Dourse Manor we will have our own wing, and you may do with it what you want." Chase knew he was taking a risk, but it would be worth it.

Chase choked a little on his wine when Katrina talked about not wearing make-up and things, "Well it would depend on where we were going, a place like this where people know us I would not allow you to leave the house."

Chase knew he probably sounded a little rude, but that is what was going to happen, he didn't care about dresses and things, but she would look presentable when she left the house. This was not optional.

Chase shrugged at the flowers comment, "Roses are the norm, but from now on I shall bring you irises."

Chase had finished off his glass of wine and poured another glass, "You just want water they do offer other things to drink."


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 9:28 am

Katrina laughed. “ I would never paint a room that color. And it looks like orange is out, so it looks like pink to me.” She knew that he hated this color but she loved to pick on him. “ Awww I promise I won't mess up I watch my home and garden tv.” She smiled. “ I will make sure that you like it or you will make me change it back.

“ I was only joking. I never leave my house without any makeup. Even if it is just a little bit. I have to look good.” She felt bad that she made him choke on his wine. “ You don't have to worry about me. I will make sure that I look good anywhere I go.”

Katrina smiled at the thought of Irises. “ Thank you I would like to be different from every other girl you have dated.” She was glad that she was with Chase. “ Water will be fine.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 5:34 am

Chase took a moment to ring for the waitress. This restaurant was very nice and provided a bell on the table to ring if you needed something. When the waitress came over to them chase order a couple of glasses of water for them.

"Well, my dear, the place will be yours too. The lady of the house always gets to choose how she wants it." Chase takes a sip of his wine

Chase let out an audible sigh of relief when she said she wouldn't leave the house without looking nice.

"Well once in awhile we might have to sneak away to McDonald's in frumpy clothes." Chase smiled, he did own shorts and t-shirts

Chase had to smirk at her comment, "You are most diffendtly different from the other girls


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 6:44 am

Katrina smiled as Chase ordered a glasses of water. She wasn't big on drinking wine. But she knew that this restaurant. It was something that she could get used to. And since she was going to become a Lady then she had no choice but to get used to it.

“ Well since that is the case I shall paint it lime green with purple polka dots.” She then laughed and was watching to see how Chase would react to that.

She could tell that he was relived that she said that she would never go out without looking good. Katrina always made sure that she looked good before even leaving her room. She had always cared about her looks.

“ You know McDonald's is bad for you right. But I love the fries! I know I exercise more when after eating there. I still got to look good.”

Katrina laughed. “ Well I am glad I am totally different than your other girlfriends.”


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 9:51 am

Chase was taking another drink of his wine when she started talking about the colors she was going to paint it now.

"Now you are just trying to get a rise out of me and it is not going to happen." Chase smiled as he thought about the look on his mothers face if she was to paint it like that.

"I don't care if Mickey's is bad for you, it is the best things to eat." Chase had to laugh.


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 10:19 am

Katrina was watching him as he drank his wine. She took a sip of her water. “ I will make sure that it is a nice bright ugly color.”

“ Awww but it is so fun and I am thinking that it might continue when we get back to my house.” She knew the colors that she wanted but wasn't going to tell him. “ I will make sure that it will be pretty.”

“ Mickey's is a heart attack waiting to happen.” Katrina then had to laugh. “Salads and turkey burger is good for you.'


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First Date with Candy Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 1:51 pm

Chase could not help but smirk, "I can so see you doing that just to drive me crazy the first time you get mad at me."

Chase was about to say something else when he got a signal that their first course was here of the salads. The waitress came by and placed the correct salads in front of each of them and walked away.

Chase took his napkin and placed it in his lap, "I can imagine you can get a rise out of me right here at the table." Chase could not help but smirk as he took a bit of his salad.

Chase had to smile as she talked about being back at her house, "I can think of many things I would like to do back at your house."

Chase took a couple more bites, "If you think your going to feed me turkey burgers, you have a serious mental issue."


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