Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 2:10 am

Candy then walked into the club. She was ready to work that night. You could tell that she was losing a lot of weight because she had stopped eating. You could tell under her eyes she wasn't getting any sleep. This was right after her and Chase's fight. She really didn't even wanted to come to work. But she knew that she wouldn't get paid and she need the money. And this would help her get her mind off of Chase. She couldn't believe that she had actually believe that he loved her for her. He called her a hungry money whore. And that hurt her more, because she knew that wasn't true.

She then sighed as she sat down at a table by herself. Nobody was there, so she had a lot of alone time to herself.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 12:24 am

Shadow had been busy this week doing many things she didn't want to be doing, but what choice did she have. Currently she was sporting a nice little black eye, but she would get it taken care of later. Of course she would have to explain to Vince how she got it but it would be ok.

Walking farther into the club came the reason she had gotten the black eye to begin with. Shadow had been watching Candy for awhile over the last week and had been noticing she was not taking very god care of herself, in fact she had lost a little weight and kept having to adjust her clothing.

Walking over to her she placed the box of glasses she was carrying over to the table Candy was at and set it down.

"Ok, Candy, I have had enough. I have left you alone for a week thinking you would come to me and you haven't so you need to spill right now. What is going on."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 12:32 am

Candy looked up and saw Shadow. She didn't know how to explain this one to her. Candy was putting off telling her what happened between her and Chase. She thought that it would go away if she didn't tell anybody. But this was affect her health in general. Candy then noticed that Shadow had a black eyes. And she already knew that it had to be because of her.

She then seen where she placed what she was carrying on the table. And she knew that she would going to have to tell Shadow everything. “ Chase and I got into a fight. And it ended up where I was pinned to the wall and he called me a hungry money whore.” That is when she started to cry again.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 12:55 am

Shadow sighed and sat in a chair. She always knew there was two sides to every story so she knew she had to listen to hers.

"So would you like to explain to me your side of the story, since his side of the story gave me this black eye." Shadow sighed

"Don't worry about the eye, I deserved it."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 1:04 am

Candy then looked at Shadow, she really didn't know where to begin. But she knew that she would going to have to tell her sometime. “ Well we had sex and afterward I didn't want to take the potion. I was always taught if you actually have sex you take the chance getting pregnant. That is why I put off having it for so long.”

She like she was about ready to cry. “ He called me a whore and now I feel like it because I feel stupid that I actually gave in to him.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 1:20 am

Shadow had to sigh at Candy, "You know he doesn't actually think of you as a whore don't you?" Shadow knew all too well the feeling that Chase had for Candy because she had the same feeling for Vincent.

Shadow had to laugh a little when she talked about getting pregnant when you have sex.

"Yes honey you can get pregnant, but that is why there are spells and potions so you don't get pregnant. There are charms all over my place of business to prevent that. Most people do not want to get pregnant until they are married."

Shadow wonder what exactly Candy had said to make him so mad about the potion.

"Why would you not take the potion?"


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 1:39 am

Candy sighed a little bit. “ I don't know what to believe anymore.” She didn't know if Chase didn't think she was a whore, but he called her one. She then watched as Shadow laugh at her when she talked about get pregnant when having sex.

She then listened as Shadow was talking to her. Candy was doing her best at listening. She knew what she was saying was true.

“ I was taught after you had sex, don't take anything. My parents told me if I did then I would be killing a baby.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 2:38 am

Shadow was trying to figure out the best way to explain what she was meaning.

"I have no idea where your parents get that idea, the potion prevents the baby from being made, so there is no baby being killed. If you took a potion once you were pregnant it would be different."

Shadow had taking many a potions in her time, she used to be a whore.

"Trust me Candy you are no whore, the only whore in this room is me."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 6:39 am

Candy just sat there listening to Shadow explain the use of the potions. She didn't know much about them, since this was her first time. But she knew that she would get used to them if her and Chase would continue. " Oh I see."

She then looked at Shadow. " You aren't a whore, I owe everything to you. For taking me and giving me a job and a place to leave."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 9:15 am

Shadow had to sigh, "Candy sometimes you can be so naive when it comes to things. I am a whore any way you slice it, I got paid to have sex with guys and many of them."

Shadow was thinking in her head, "You could make a list of all the people you know and I have probably slept with them. I know I have slept with have of the Parliament."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 9:23 am

Candy sighed. She knew that Shadow was a good person. “ Your not a whore, ok so you had guys to pay for sex. But I know that you basically took me in where I have no where to go. You are a good person.”

She at least believe that Shadow wasn't a whore. But she had no idea how to convince her. It was like she was labeling herself.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 11:01 am

Shadow had to smile, "Fine I am not a whore, so I am a slut." Shadow had to laugh.

"Accio Firewhiskey" Shadow said as the bottle flew towards them so she caught it and grabbed a couple of glasses out of the box and set them on the table pouring into both of them.

"Actually I haven't slept with anyone in weeks" Shadow said with a smile.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 11:07 am

Candy blinked as Shadow called herself a slut. She didn't think of Shadow like that. She knew that she was a good person.

She then watched as she accio some firewhiskey. Candy then seen her grab a couple of glasses. “ Shadow I don't drink remember?”

Candy smiled she was glad she hadn't been sleeping around. But she wondered who this person was that was keeping her from doing it.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 11:28 am

Shadow shrugged and downed both drinks herself, "I saw you drinking with Chase awhile back. Its good for you."

Shadow filled another glass, "So what are you going to do about Chase, he really is a good guy deep down if he controls his temper."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 11:51 am

Candy smiled a little bit. “ I only had one glass and I told him that I didn't drink. And he said that he didn't want to drink alone.”

She then watched as Shadow got her another glass. “ I really don't know what I am going to do. I mean I really do like him, love him. But then I am scared of getting hurt.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 7:01 am

Shadow smiled a little at Candy, she knew she didn't drink but always tried to get her to try. "Oh well, a drink once in awhile is not bad for you. Sometimes I swear you are too much of a goodie two shoes." Shadow said with a smile.

Shadow quirked and eyebrow at her, "Hurt as in your heart, or hurt as in this?" Shadow pointed to her black eye.

She was honestly surprised that Candy had not asked her about it.

"By the way thanks for watching over the club the other night, I was really tired and I had company." Shadow smiled and took a drink.


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 7:18 am

Candy smiled a little bit. “ Yes I hear a drink once in a while doesn't hurt you. But I have seen how people act when they drink. And that is something that I don't want. I want to know what I am doing.” She knew that Shadow tried every time to get her to drink. But she wouldn't do it.

She then sighed a little bit. “ I think really both. I am scared that I might get my heart broken. But also physical.”

Candy smiled. “ Really it wasn't a problem. I know that you were tired and you was with someone here so I thought that you took a client back to the manor.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 7:57 am

Shadow had to agree with Candy about the drinking, "But it is fun to get loose and be silly once in awhile, besides that why they make sober-up potion."

Shadow swore one day she was going to get Candy plastered and she was going to like it.

"This is the way I look at Chase, you have to decide are you willing to risk it and take the chance. A leopard can't change its spots over night." Shadow said and she took a drink.

Shadow got a small smirk on her face, "Oh, that guy was not a client."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 8:17 am

Candy blink. “ Believe me I would rather not make a fool out of myself. I can do that without drinking.” She knew that there was a sober potion. But she really didn't want to start drinking now.

She then told her decisions that she would have to make with Chase. “ Yes I know that a leopard can't change over night. But I know it also can't change his spots. I might just give him another chance.”

Candy gasp. “ I am so sorry that I assumed that.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 9:11 am

Shadow down another shot and filled up the glass. She had lost track on how many she had but she was feeling good for the moment.

"Ok then, you just don't know what you are missing." Shadow smiled and down the glass.

Shadow smiled, "I think he will be perfect for you, you two just need to give each other a chance to be happy with each other." Shadow almost laughed, "The things he can do to a woman in bed."

Shadow laughed again, "Thats all your going to ask, aren't you at all curious who the man is?"


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 9:38 am

Candy then just was watching Shadow drink away. She was glad that she didn't drink after the many glasses Shadow had. “ Oh I think I do know that I am missing and I am fine without it.”

She then sat there and listened to how perfect Chase would be for her. “ We come from two different worlds. He is a Lord and well I am just me.” She then started to blink, she had no idea that Shadow had been in bed with Chase before. “ How do you know this?”

“ Well who was the man you was with?”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 10:44 am

Shadow just shook her had at Candy and the thought of her drinking it would be so much fun.

"I know all about Chase's lifestyle and he knows all about mine. We have been around each's others block." Because of who Shadow was she is well known in those circles and knows how to act. Chase used her a lot so it was easy for him to cover things up.

Shadow had to smile when she asked about the guy she was with.

"Well his name is Vincent Rain, and I believe he is my knight in shinning armor."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 11:45 am

Candy didn't find drinking all that fun. You got bad hangover the next day and vomited your guts up. And you have no idea what you are doing.

She knew what she was talking about. Candy knew that she had to be in Chase's past and she wouldn't have to worry about other women now. She was hoping that she would keep his attention so he wouldn't have to use Shadow anymore.

Candy then blink when she heard that name.

“ I meet him once, he is a healer."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 1:31 pm

Shadow looked down and noticed she had about downed the whole bottle, oops she had not meant to do that, "Good thing I pay for the booze around here." She laughed at herself.

"There is a reason I make my own potions around here, at least I know they are safe to drink." Shadow got up from the table a stumbled her way over to the bar to grab a potion she kept behind the bar, Pulling it out she downed it. feeling much better.

"See, I just drank a whole bottle of firewhiskey, then a potion and I am none the worse for the wear." Shadow smiled.

"Yes, Vincent is the head healer. I am going to visit him as soon as I get done here so he can fix my eye. Of course then I get to explain to him what happened."


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 2:16 pm

Candy seen that Shadow drank the whole bottle. “ Yeah I am sure that booze isn't good for your live either.”

She sighed. “ I am never going to drink. I don't care that there is a potion that would help after wards. I don't care how much fun you would have.” Candy knew that Shadow would be fine from all of the drinking that she was doing. But it was something that Candy wouldn't do.

“ Oh I talked to him once and he seemed nice.”


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The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow) Empty Re: The Aftermath ( Candy and Shadow)

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