Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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First Date with Candy

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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 2:09 pm

Katrina then started to laugh. “ Oh I can see you already going mad from me. I am shocked that your not in a mental hospital right now.”

She then smiled as she seen the salad. Katrina then put ranch dressing on her salad and started to eat. She was enjoying it and her time with Chase. She was hoping that she was doing everything right. She then placed the napkin on her lap. “ Oh I think that I can do it. And I know that I would try to make it rise.”

“ Well keep thinking what you want to do when we get back to my house. But the tease is you have to sit through dinner.”

Katrina laughed. “ You don't have to eat the turkey burger.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 4:21 am

Chase had to smile, "You know I really enjoy being with you, you really make me laugh."

Chase thought she had the quirkiest sense of humor a person could have, "I believe that if anyone would drive someone crazy I would get the prize."

Chase continued to think about Katrina more and more and wanted to make love to her badly. So badly he was getting pains in regions where pain should not be.

"Well I am glad, I might be feeding those to the dogs when you are not looking."


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 7:43 am

Katrina smiled as she looked at him. “ I am glad that you like being with me. And I try my best to make you laugh.” She then poked at her salad.

She then started to smirk. “ Oh really because I can tell that I am driving you crazy right now. I know what you want and you have to wait till we get home. And I know you would go even more crazy if we got home and I told you to wait. And I can imagine what all you would do to me.”

“ Oh but you would be wasting good food. Turkey burger doesn't have a lot of grease on it.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 4:23 pm

Chase took a sip of his wine and smiled at Katrina, "How do I make you feel my dear?" Chase hoped that he treated her good.

Chase had to smirk, "Dear I have wanted you badly ever night I sleep in the same bed with you."

Chase could not believe how bad he wanted this woman, "I am a wizard, I could take you right here and no one would question it." Chase had to laugh, it would not have been the first time he had done it.

"Yes dear, whatever you say." Chase smiled and took another drink.

Chase felt the wards going off meaning the waitress was coming back with the food.

Chase thanked the waitress and then she left.


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 4:33 pm

Katrina took a sip of her water. “ With the way you are treating me, I would swear I was a princess or something. Like something out of a fairy tale.”

“ Yes I know this, and you will keep waiting for me till I am ready. Which is what I love about you.”

She couldn't help but smirk. “ But I know that your not going to do that. Because I am sure that it wouldn't be good for you image. Or you would have already done it.”

She then laughed. “ Yes and remember that for when and if we ever get married.”

Katrina then seen the waitress come back with her food. That is when she got an idea. “ Well if you want it so badly we could always take the food and go back to my place. And I promise not to tease you anymore.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 4:47 am

Chase loved it when a woman raised his ego, but then he was never taught to treat a woman like trash,

"Well I am just doing what I have been raised to do." Chase could be a jerk in private but in public there was always an image to up hold.

Chase enjoyed listening to Katrina talk about them, "Well it will be a change of pace for me to do the yes dears, I am the one who is suppose to be the head of the house hold."

Chase took a couple of bites of his lobster, "So are you sure you would even want to marry me?"

Chase smiled at Katrina when she talked about taking the food to go, "This is not the type of place to ask for a doggie bag."


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 5:11 am

Katrina smiled as she looked at Chase. “ Well you are the first guy who treated me like this. But coming from my line of work. Some guys don't treat girls like me right.”She was still smiling. “ Well it looks like you was raised up good then.”

She then laughed. “ Oh I can't wait till hear all of the yes dears from you. You may be the head of the house. But I am going to wear the pants of this house hold.”

She then took a bite of her steak. “ Yes I would want to marry you. Unless you don't want me anymore and I will just leave.”

Katrina smirked. “ Well it looks like you are going to wait and I am just going to keep teasing you. I have a feeling you already have things planned when we get home.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 5:34 am

Chase took a couple more bites of his food and had to smile, "Well it should not matter what a lady does for a living they should be treat with respect. I mean would it be better and treat you like a whore just because of what you do?"

Chase knew that was not correct or he would have already slept with her, and as much as a tease she was she was lucky he had not. Many other girls would have regretted acting the way she did. He was trying to make an impression with her, and that wouldn't happen if he forced himself on her like he wanted too.

"Now why would you think I would not want you any more, I believe I have shown you enough times that I wanted you, or I would have left a long time ago." Chase took a drink.

"Only if you want to." Chase sighed, he was getting really tired of her teasing, but he was biting his tongue daily.


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 8:22 am

Katrina then started to eat her steak. “ Well I would hope that you would treat people on the way that you want to be treated. That is what my mother and father taught me growing up.” She was smiling a little bit. “ I know not everyone was raised up like I was.”

She smiled a little bit. “ Oh no reason. It is something hard to believe that someone wants to be with me just for me. Not for what I do for a living.” Katrina then started to think a little bit. “ So if we were to get married would I still be able to work?” She knew that she wouldn't have to if she didn't want to.

“ I will be a good girl and stop teasing you.” But she was grinning like the chesire cat. “ But I do think I want to do what you are planing when we get back to my house.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 8:43 am

Chase had finished up his food while she was talking being respectful to woman was always important and he would always stick to that.

"I suppose when it comes to work, it would be your decision, but if we were to be married then you would have to find another job." Chase sighed, he knew that she liked what she did, its the place that is did it at.

Chased sighed a little relief when she said she would stop teasing him. Chase did not like it at all, but because he was in love with her he dealt with it.


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 8:55 am

Katrina then took her last bite of her steak. “ You have to earn respect before getting it.” She smiled as she looked at Chase. She consider herself lucky that she was with Chase.

“ I am sure that I could find another job. It wouldn't be that hard, I could always open my own dance studio. I would have to help Shadow find another girl to replace me.”

Katrina then looked at Chase. “ I am ready to leave when you are.”


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 8:15 pm

Chase watched Katrina finish the rest of her steak and then listened when she commented about what she wanted to do.

"Wow, your own dance studio, now I am sure that could be arranged." Chase was glad he had found a woman that dreams that didn't revolve around him.

Chase pushed the button to signal the waitress and when she appeared he told her they would like the check so she pulled it out of her pocket and handed it too her.

Chase signed off of it with his vault number and then the waitress left.

"I am ready lets go." Chase stood up and then offered a hand to Katrina so she could stand up and then they headed out front and apparated to her home.


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First Date with Candy - Page 2 Empty Re: First Date with Candy

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