Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Drinks (Open) - Page 3 Empty Wow

Post by Horst Sollmann Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:41 pm

Wow, that is quite a story. I can't help wondering if you were the person who spilled the fire juice though. You just said someone, was it you?" he asked her. He laughed heartily at the uniqueness of the story. He had never heard one quite like that.
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Post by Briony Romain Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:37 pm

Briony chuckled softly, that indeed was something funny to predict and even funner because it actually came true, the man must have been so freaked out when he thought back on it, she knew she would be if someone predicted something about her life and it came true.

"Wow, that poor guy, the embarrassment, I hope someone took some photo's of that, it should be documented somewhere."

With a small smirk Briony shook her head: "Nah I dont think that Sofia would do that to anyone, would you?"

Then she realised that it was Sofia's turn and she smiled waiting for her to ask someone a question, who would she pick to go next she wondered hopefully not herself.
Briony Romain
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Post by Horst Sollmann Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:34 pm

"I'm not so sure Headmistress, she did break a boy's nose once for snogging her. And she told me that herself so she can't even deny it." Horst said.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:34 pm

Sofia was on her fifth or six firewhiskey, not to count the few she had had before.

"Actually I was not the one who spilt the juice, I was not even in the room." Sofia stated matterafactly.

"And that kid deserved his nose broken, you don't go around kissing people without permission". She slurred out the word.

Sofia had to think who would she pick on next.

"Alright Lucia your turn..truth or dare?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:24 pm

Briony grinned, she didn't know that Sofia was such a rebel, if that indeed was the proper word for it, punching men in the nose, and she agreed with her, all men who did something untoward to a woman, be it a kiss or otherwise should then pay for it.

Even if it was only with a punch to the nose.

"Good on you Sofia! Good on you. He should have gotten much worse than that, I see that you let him off lightly."

Ordering another shot of firewhiskey Briony felt more than a little lightheaded but kept drinking anyway, she loved feeling like this.

"Go on Lucia, pick one." she said with a smirk.
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:22 pm

Lucia laughed as Sofia told the story, and was even more shocked to hear that the woman had broken someone's nose. She had to laugh at that as well.

Then her smile was wiped off her face when Sofia picked her.

"Well," she said, and a wicked grin spread on her face anyways, "I think I'll be the previous Gryffindor I once was and say: Dare."

She really hoped it wasn't going to be anything embarrassing, but she figured she just had to go along with it, no matter what. She wouldn't back down on her word. No way was she doing that.

So she waited silently and with the same mischievous grin on her face, waiting for Sofia's verdict.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:39 pm

Sofia looked at her and smiled. Interesting how she went house when she said she was a Gryffindor.

"Well Gryffindor, this Slytherin must think of something that would cause extreme embarrassment, but what to do."

Sofia sat there with a wicked grin on her face trying to think of the perfect thing.

"I Sofia Slytherin dare you Lucia Henley to grab that old man over there" pointing to an older gentlemen sitting at the bar. He looked like he hadn't had a bath in a month or so. " and plant a kiss on his cheek" Sofia smiled and she down another shot.

Sofia had really thought to dare her to dance on the table, but she wanted to be nice this time.
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Post by Lucia Henley Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:29 pm

Lucia almost exclaimed 'yuck' but managed to whisper it instead. Then, with an angry hiss at Sofia, Lucia rose. That was when she realized how much alcohol she had actually been drinking. She widened her eyes at the table she was sitting at, and then smirked. Liquid courage and all that, she told herself.

Then she made her way over to the old man. When she got close enough she could smell the horrible odor of the man. She clenched her teeth and sent a death glare to Sofia. Then she took a deep breath, through the mouth of course, and kept it while walking over to the man. She took his shoulders and he looked up at her with a curious glance. Lucia smiled, but still kept her breath, and planted a kiss on the man's cheek.

Then she turned away from him and walked quickly back to the table she had been at. Halfway, she dared to let go of her breath and sucked in a new one of fresh air.

"Sofia ... you're going down," Lucia said menacingly.

Then she sighed and chills went up and down her spine. She was in no way going to turn to the man and see if he was or wasn't watching her. She felt utterly repelled, and didn't want the man to think he could come up here and chat. If that happened, she wouldn't be friendly.

"Bri ... ony. Truth or dare?" Lucia asked with an evil grin.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:03 am

Sofia watched with interest as Lucia walked over to the old man at the bar. Everyone once in awhile she could just feel the evil glares staring her down. Sofia could not help but start to laugh, The when Lucia kiss the guys cheek the look on the mans face was priceless.

As Lucia walked away Sofia could not help and stare at the man as he watched Lucia arse sway back and forth licking his lips. Sofia was laugh so hard she fell out of the seat she was sitting in. That right there would tell you she had one too many but she didn't care. She was having a blast.

Lucia sat down and then told Sofia she was so going down. Sofia laughed some more.

"Bring on baby..."Sofia grined her evil grin.

Next it was Briony turn what or what was she gona do.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:46 pm

Briony raised her eyebrow and grinned as Lucia was dared to go over and kiss some old man on the lips, it was quite a good dare even if she did say so herself, but she realised that next it was probably her turn.

Not wanting to make a fool out of herself for the press to have a field day, Briony grinned and said:

"I'll have your best truth please, don't hold back, make it good Lucia, your only chance to ask whatever you want of me."

Briony promised herself that next time she would choose dare, but reclined on the bar seat with a grin, awaiting her question.
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:07 pm

A question popped to Lucia's mind instantly, but she pushed it away just as quickly. Lucia had no interest in asking Briony about the death of her family in a game of truth or dare. That would be a flaw in Lucia's personality. She wanted to know, but she wanted Briony to tell her. Not to absolutely have to. So, Lucia thought of another question and smiled.

"Did you ever have an infatuation of love with the Doctor?" Lucia asked cruelly.

She wasn't sure what to expect, so she just waited with a wicked grin for Briony's reply.
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:29 pm

Briony raised an eyebrow at the question and she wondered about where Lucia had thought it up, and upon thinking about it, Briony quickly reached the answer that would be dissappointing but it was the truth.

"No, actually I haven't thought about the Doctor in such a way, but I have thought of those lovely twins, I bet they'd be fun."

Chuckling a little Briony turned to Sofia, it seemed to be going in a bit of a circle but that didn't much matter to her, so Briony asked with a small smile on her lips:

"Truth or dare Sofia?"
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:26 am

Sofia was listening to Briony given her answer and when she comment about the twin Sofia had to take a quick drink of what was left of her firewhiskey.

"Oh yes I imagine they would be great, they just love to play with there toys" Sofia tired to whisper that comment, but it came out rather loud.

Flagging the waitress down she asked for 3 more shots. She needed for of the liquor for what she was going to do.

"Aww what the hell, lets do a dare." Sofia could just imagine what she is going to have to do.
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Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:12 am

Briony raised an eyebrow at what Sofia said, she didn't understand it and she didn't think it would be wise or fair to ask her about it when she was getting blind drunk so she didn't know what she was doing.

An evil grin spread on Briony's face and pointed a little way away at a part of the bar that was supported by a large stone under it.

"Right, I decide that you have to..."

Pausing for dramatic effect, Briony chuckled and then finished:

"You have to get up on that part of the bar over there and sing the Hogwarts song, loudly, so that we can hear it over here, you might need to arm yourself with more drink."
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:41 am

Sofia could not believe she was going to do this. She hasn't done anything this embarrassing in a long time. She was not sure if this was better or worse than what she had Lucia do. Slamming down two of the three shots she had and then walked or should I say staggered over to the stone area that Briony was talking about grabbed a chair to stand on..Maybe that was not such a good idea but she did it.

"Exsuae me..May I havvve yours attechion:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something, please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot. "

Of course the song was just as slurred as her speech.

"Snank you bery mucch." She went to jump off the chair and practically fell into some guys lap.

"Excusse me"

Sofia moved towards the table they we at and slammed herself down.
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Post by Lucia Henley Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:44 am

Lucia was laughing. Hard. She couldn't stop laughing. She pointed and laughed as Sofia took off and started singing the Hogwarts song. When Sofia came back, she was still laughing.

"Oh, you two crack me up!" she yelled happily, noticing how the entire bar was paying attention to Sofia at the moment. This, of course, only made her laugh harder.
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Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:23 pm

Briony couldn't help but chuckle and almost full force laugh again as Sofia got up on the stone and began to sing the Hogwarts song, she had been taught it upon entering the school as a Professor and it was one of the most mortifying things she'd ever had to do.

She was not looking forward to repeating the experiance next year at the start of year feast.

"Oh Sofia you legend. That will always remain in my mind, in fact, I'll preserve the memory in the school pensive, that was too funny."

Briony wiped a few stray tears from her face as she calmed down, and waited for someone to be targeted for a new question or a new dare that someone would concoct.
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:39 am

Sofia knew it was her turn but she thought she would change things up a little. Sofia was still a little flying after she totally embarrassed herself with the song.

"I can't even believe I remembered that song in my condition., I remember a time when I had to sing that song in detention in my 5th year." Sofia took her last shot.

"So who would like to go next, I would be glad to answer any ones questions. No more dares for the moment."

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Post by Briony Romain Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:16 pm

Briony smiled a little and gestured to Lucia, it was her turn after all, and while she waited for someone to ask a question she glanced at the man who had come in a little while ago and had seemingly said nothing since, wondering if he had fallen asleep Briony shrugged.

"Well I just had my turn, so Lucia it might as well be your turn again."

Debating whether or not to have another shot Briony shrugged her shoulders and decided on a butterbeer, something light to end the night on. Or that was the idea.

"Do you reckon they'll actually have any alcohol left by the end of tonight? I hope not or my mission hasn't been fufilled."
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:16 am

Sofia could not help but laugh at the comment about no alcohol being left in the bar.

"The way I am feeling right now, there shouldn't be anything left." Sofia noticed that Briony and gotten a butter beer and she thought maybe that would not be such a bad idea.

Looking over at Lucia she decided she might as well go ahead and ask. She was thinking maybe the dare or question should come from Briony this time it just seemed fair since Sofia gave her the dare last time or maybe she would want a question.

Sofia flagged down the waitress and asked for a butterbeer after the waitress brought it Sofia took a drink

"So Lucia truth or dare. Promise it won't be as bad this time."
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:37 am

Lucia laughed. "Not as bad? Really? Thanks!" she said joyously.

She then noticed how the two others of them were trying to sober themselves up before leaving. She grinned wickedly and simply flicked her fingers. Energy raked through her body and took away the alcohol, one small bit at the time. She was still playing, and she wasn't going to make this embarrassing by being sober.

"Well, I think I'll play it safe; truth," she said with a grin.

But she then, still with the grin, dreaded the question. It could honestly be anything! Oh, well. She would just have to tell the truth. She felt herself getting more and more stable, and stopped the spell. She honestly needed to be a bit drunk for whatever Sofia came up with.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:54 am

Sofia had been thinking about the question and too be honest she didn't want to know everything.

"Well let me think...Have you ever been a spy?"

Sofia thought she would think that was a odd question, but then Sofia was not in her right mind at the moment and was starting to remember things from a long time ago. Maybe that was why she never got drunk any more.
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Post by Briony Romain Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:11 pm

Briony raised her eyebrow at the question and was more than a little interested, it might prove to show something about her collegue that she didn't know, but it could also end up just revealing something that Briony could have lived without knowing.

Hoping that nothing that would put Lucia in bad favour would come up she merely sipped at her butterbeer with a small smile.

"Good one Sofia." she said quietly.
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:03 pm

Lucia smiled at Sofia. It was a good question. And, truth be told, she didn't really know.

"I don't know," she said, and her smile widened at their expression, "I don't remember anything during the period of my thirteenth birthday until my sixteenth. My memories were wiped."

Lucia didn't like to remember that, but she knew it was something she had to live with. For all she knew, she might have betrayed Britain, but that was not likely; she would've been dead by now if that was the case. She didn't believe she had been a spy, but she couldn't say it with surety.

"But whatever happened during that time, I know I would never become a spy now. I'm just not the offensive type. If I fight someone, they have to watch out, but I don't engage fights. But best defense is a good offense, as long as I can see where it leads," Lucia explained.

"Now, truth or dare Briony," she said with a smile.
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:53 pm

Lucia talked about how she had her memory wiped and Sofia knows well first hand how that is not good for a person. She had many times had to wipe someones memory.

"Being a spy is not for everyone. Some people stay in too long and end up getting wrapped up in the job and forget what they are suppose to be doing. "I don't think I could do it again, might not make it out the next time." Sofia said to the window

Sofia was glad when Lucia asked Briony the question for it brought her out of her trance. Sometimes she hated when she got like that. Many times in her trances she had said things she didn't want heard.
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