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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:29 am

"No, but it's just easier that way. No other vampire could touch you, but if you really wanted to, you could keep that boyfriend of yours," Casey says. "Now, i'm not saying we won't have a special bond, because we will. There is a lot of magic at play, and a lot of things can happen that aren't expected."

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:47 am

"It would be easier for it to be just me and you, then how could you stop after one taste? Wouldn't you want more?"

Missy was a little confused about the fact that she could keep her boyfriend. "I mean won't that bother you, I mean with this connection won't you feel what I feel when I am with Myles?"

Missy didn't think she could do that part. She would feel like she was cheating on one or the other.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:52 am

"One taste wouldn't make you a donor. The magic behind it makes it so it takes 3-4 drinks before you can count as a donor. I think it's in place for the people who don't like being drank from. So no, one drink wouldn't do that to me. Any other questions?" Casey replies

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:59 am

"Ok, I get that. After I become your donor and those feelings start, explain to me how I can have a boyfriend too, I mean why would you want to share me that way?"

Missy probably should stop asking questions, because either she is going to confuse herself or not want to wait two years to do it.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:01 pm

"I don't want it, but i believe that is something that should be left up to the other person. I'm not about to take something away that you like just because I'm tethered to you," Casey explains.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:17 pm

Missy thought about what she said and could never imagine putting her threw that.

"I don't think I could do that, I believe that if I agree to be your donor then I would have to sever ties with Myles.

Missy had plenty of times to talk things over with Myles, something was going on with Casey and never in her wildest drives she thought was possible. She had always like guys before.

"Well what shall we do now?" She asked still leaning her head at Casey shoulder


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:25 pm

"If you're sure about this," Casey says, before turning Melissa's face towards her's.

"How about we start with this," Casey says, kissing Melissa. "Your too tense, it'll hurt if I do it when you're this tense."

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:43 pm

Missy agreed in her mind and her body, but never imagined it would start now. The next thing she knew was Casey was attempting to kiss her but she was still real tense, it had just taken her by surprise that is all. She had never kissed another girl before so of course she was tense.

But after the initial kiss and she told her to relax Missy almost felt like putty in Casey's hands..she never felt anything like this before. She was totally relaxed, almost as if she was in another world.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:49 pm

"Good, now we can start," Casey says, moving to head to nuzzle Melissa's neck. After kissing it a couple time, Casey sinks her teeth into Melissa's body, letting the blood flow into her mouth.

It was like nothing Casey had ever tasted, except for maybe Ashley, her first and strongest linked donor. Even with that, she couldn't remember what Ashley tasted like all that well, so to Casey, it was the best.

Soon enough, Casey pulls away, and licks the wound. "How was that?"

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:21 pm

Missy was so relaxed she sighed as Casey started to kiss her neck. When Casey sunk her teeth into Missy's neck, Missy let out a moan.

The feeling of euphoria was all she felt, how could she even think of stopping after the first time. It was a hard feeling to describe to anyone that asked.

If this is what it felt like on her end she wondered what it felt like for Casey.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:07 pm

"I guess the bet is off now," Casey teased. "I got my reward, and thanks for it." Casey kisses the top of Melissa's head. "Tomorrow, we won't train, we'll just sit down and talk. I imagine we need to do some of that. Now go, you look like you need to think or something."

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:15 pm

Missy smiled as Casey teased her. "Well I hope it was worth it. it was for me."

Melissa just sat content leaning on Casey, then she leaned over and kissed Casey before she stood up.

"Yes lots of things to think about."

Melissa stood up and grabbed her things and pulled on her jacket.

"See ya around" with that Missy was out the door.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:36 pm

Page Break...lol


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 pm

Melissa could not believe that Casey carried her all the way up to the towers and then all she wanted was a third bite.

"Thank you for the lift" Missy said as Casey set her down in their training room.

"You know you never have to ask me, you more than welcome anytime you need too." Missy smiled. She imagined that she tasted a lot better than bag blood.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:55 pm

"Thanks," Casey says before she bites into Melissa. When this happens, Casey gets thrown back from the rush of emotions and memories coming form Melissa though the newly formed bond.

"I can hear your thoughts, Melissa, can you hear mine," Casey asks.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:00 pm

Melissa had moved her head to the side to allow Casey her drink but then something happen and Casey pulled away.

"Casey, whats wrong?" Melissa stated a little worried, this was their third time and nothing like this had happened before

The next thing Melissa new was she was hearing Casey, but she wasn't talking.

"Wow, does that sort of thing normally happen?" Missy was a little shocked to hear someone in her head.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:06 pm

"Only with very strong bonds. This means we are very compatable with eachother, which is a very good thing, now, back to where we were," Casey says before going back to drinking from Melissa.

"Wow, a true miricel," Casey marvels. "In the strongest bonds, the humans get basically infinite blood so that the vampire can drink as much as he or she likes. This has happened to us," Casey states, she was extreamely excited.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:17 pm

Melissa was thrilled when Casey explained about their bond, Melissa laughed a little as Casey was eager to get back to drinking.

"I have never been one to believe in divination before but I believe now there must have been something behind it. I was too trusting with someone I didn't know." Missy smiled at the fact of this bond. That meant she would probably not get thrown aside for something better.

"So you are basically tell me that you will never be able to drink too much from me?"

The one thing that bothered Missy though even though she was excited about this bond she wouldn't live forever. Thinking about that kind of made her sad.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:26 pm

"You are bound to me love, so you live as long as i live. Unforchantly that means, if i die, you die. Also, sadly, if you die, i live on, it's a vampire thing, and I hate it, but you will never have to worry about us being appart," Casey says, picking up on Melissa's thoughts.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:34 pm

Melissa was relived to know that she would be with Casey forever and that was an ok thing for her. She would just have to get use to this thought reading thing, but then it will probably be a good thing.

"Well then I best be careful and not end up dead."

Missy had a long and trying night, not to mention she was really worn out.

"Can we just stay here tonight, I just want you to hold me." Missy sighed as she leaned into Casey.

Missy wondered how old Casey really was...


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:37 pm

"Yes we can stay here tonight," Casey says, grabbing Melissa and snuggling into her. "and FYI i'm 11," Casey states before drifting off to sleep with Melissa in her arms.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:57 am

Melissa was slowly waking up and for a moment she had forgotten where she was until she felt a pair of arms holding her tight she just sighed in contentment being where she was. She knew that they needed to get up for classes, heck she didn't even know what time it was.

Melissa was still really tired for the long night but she knew it was time to get up.

"Casey, Casey." Missy said pushing on her a little "We have class"

Missy looked at Casey curious anyway because she didn't think vampires even slept. Then Missy barely remembered something Casey said to her before she was completely asleep

"What do you mean your 11." Missy was very confused


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:48 pm

"Do i have to go to them?" Casey asks, wanting to get some more sleep.

"You were wondering how old I was earlier, I'm 11." Casey says getting off the ground.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:52 pm

Missy couldn't help but laugh.."Yes dear we have to attend."

Missy didn't think she would ever get used to this mind reading thing.

"Ok so if your 11, then how does this being a vampire thing work." Missy was so confused.

"I know you kind of stay the same age as you were when you turned, but you never age do you?" Missy was going to give herself a headache just thinking about it.

Missy could see it now, Casey looking young and beautiful and Missy getting old and ugly.


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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

Post by Casey Lucia Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:58 am

"I will stop aging at 21, and so will you, because of the bond. That's the wonderful thing about the bond, it makes it so that there isn't noticable difference between eachother. I mean, how weird would it be if I looked 21 and you looked 60 and i was drinking from you. Yuck, not a mental imagine I want. Not that you won't look great at 60 if this wasn't in palce, it's the age difference that gets me," Casey explains quickly.

Casey Lucia

Posts : 62
Join date : 2012-02-28

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Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey) - Page 2 Empty Re: Private Pratice (Melissa and Casey)

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