Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:52 pm

Kaspar had nothing to do and he had just been staking out the Roman Ampitheatre for his concert venue, it had it's merits but the crumbling ruins were quite uncomfortable for people to sit on and there was no real standing section for him to use.

Sighing he had wandered into the maze and gotten blissfully lost, there was no way that he wanted to be mobbed in here, he wouldn't know which way to turn to get out, the downside of this place he supposed.

With a small noise of contentment, Kaspar took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with a muggle lighter, there were just some things that you couldn't do with a wand, plus it looked cooler. Beginning to hum some of the lyrics to his latest cover song:

"Du...du hast...du hast mich."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:56 am

Tamara heard someone sing. She liked it, thought it was obvious that it was a human. She walked around the corner of a hedge and saw a goodlooking guy standing there. Her first thought was that he'd probably taste nice. Then she rolled her eyes. She was human now. Not a mermaid.

"You have a nice voice. German, am I right?" Tamara asked the man.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:28 am

Kaspar turned and clapped his eyes on another lady, who yet again seemed to have no idea who he was, he was beginning to worry his manager when he told him about these events, but Kaspar himself didn't mind in the slightest.

Inclining his head to her, Kaspar smirked lightly:

"Yes, I am German, you aren't going to shoot me or something are you?" he asked in a jokey tone, one eyebrow raised.

Kaspar took another drag from his cigarette and turned to face the woman properly, his smirk turning into a slight smile as he held his hand out to introduce himself:

"Kaspar Kaiser."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:31 am

Tamara shook her head. "Not at all. I live in Germany myself," she said calmly.

When he reached out his hand and introduced himself, Tamara frowned slightly. She didn't quite know what to do. Truth was, she had never really introduced herself to other humans, nor them to her. Not in this lifetime. When it was the bow and nod of ones head, she had performed that perfectly. But during the last 300 years, she had stayed away from all earth breathing creatures and stayed under the water. This hand was nothing to her.

She felt extremely dumb while doing so, but she reached out her own hand, still standing seven feet away from him. "I am Tamara Aquaila," Tamara said, hoping that would be the right way to do it.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:45 pm

Kaspar was a little bit surprised when the woman in front of him said that she lived in Germany herself, it wasn't safe for anyone to be in Britain when they are from Germany, even he had to have body guards most of the time...

Well...more body guards than usual.

Watching the woman size up his hand like it might be diseased, Kaspar raised an eyebrow and saw her stick her hand out from where she stood.

"You're an odd one aren't you? You have to actually touch the person's hand, like this."

Kaspar said with a small smirk, and crossing the distance, gently clasped his hand to Tamara's and shook it.

"Pleased to meet you Tamara, what brings you away from Germany then?"
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:03 pm

Tamara raised an eyebrow, and felt like stumbling backwards when Kaspar came closer to her, but she stood her ground. She was very surprised when he took her hand and shook it. Weird way of introducing oneself. But it was better than what she thought it would be like.

"I don't hang with people so often. Polite ones, that is," Tamara said softly.

Tamara thought about his question. What did bring her from Germany? She had just been swimming wherever and she practically stumbled upon this place.

"Oh, the labyrinth is just a perfect place. I like it very much," she lied, not having been there even once.

"And why are you here in Britain?" she asked him kindly.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:57 am

Kaspar was himself a little surprised when she did confirm that she had never had a handshake before and was a little concerned about her for a moment before letting it slip, it was none of his business.

"Well I am glad to be the one to break that cycle, maybe you should come and hang out with my crowd, we all do handshakes, not all of us are polite though."

Nodding to himself Kaspar looked around the maze and thought about it for a moment, it was beautiful, even if the light got too much sometimes, but that was easily countered by some sunglasses.

"It's okay, it's nice if you want to get away from people, because they can't find you." he chuckled "I'm here on tour with my band Viktikus. Let me guess you've not heard of them?"
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:20 am

Tamara smiled slightly. "Yes, well, you should be glad it's you too. You seem like a very decent person," she said calmly.

Of course, she didn't add that if he wasn't, she would probably have enchanted him in some way and made him come to a lake with her where she would've dragged him to the bottom of the lake and eaten him.

Tamara raised her eyebrow. A band? Interesting. Maybe she would have to find out more.

"Do not feel bad about that. I know no bands. Someone told me how ridiculously locked up I was and that she found it hilarious that I don't even know who Led Zeppelin or something is," Tamara said with a shrug.

She knew she would have to do some research on bands and politics and other things part of the daily human life, but she had no interest in stressing with that.

"Are you having a nice tour then?" she then casually asked.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:34 am

Kaspar couldn't help but let a smile creep onto his lips, he was very glad that people thought of him as a good person, but then again, this woman, Tamara hardly knew him which might have something to do with that. Shrugging this thought off he smiled again.

"Thank you, you seem to be the same, if not a little out of touch, but that's a good thing, makes you intriguing."

Raising an eyebrow Kaspar couldn't believe she didn't know who Led Zepplin was, she truly was out of touch:

"Well don't worry, I'm sure that I can educate you a little bit, even if you have never gotten the Led out, what kind of stuff are you in to?"

Kaspar thought about his tour, it was different from the others, in good ways and bad: "It's going okay, it's ups and downs like any tour."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:42 am

Tamara smiled to him. He seemed kinda ... cool.

"Well, that may be," she said with a small toss of her head.

"Gotten the Led out? I'll remember that," Tamara said, feeling like chuckling a bit, but kept it back.

She then tilted her head to the side as she let the sentence form in her head completely.

"Educate me? You know, I don't think that would be a bad idea. I honestly don't know anything about music," Tamara said with a small frown.

"As for what I do like ..." Human flesh? a small voice whispered in her head, but she pushed it away. She wasn't even hungry. "I like to listen to loud music that I have no idea what is. And I also love swimming," she added, not quite able to conceal the irony of what she said from her voice. Of course she loved swimming...

"Well, ups and downs... Tours sounds like life," Tamara remarked and then smiled, "Other than music then? What do you like?"
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:07 pm

Kaspar smirked a little, and he hoped that by the end of this conversation he would be remembered for something other than his embarrassing phrases on rock music.

"Yeah you should bring it up in all your conversations, sure way to get embarrassed in front of an attractive member of the opposite sex." he said with a grin.

Raising an eyebrow when she said she didn't know anything about music, Kaspar didn't know where to start, so decided that the beginning might be a good idea.

"Well you've got your classical, which is your high end posh music which includes your orchestras, personally I think it's a load of tosh but that's up to you to decide."

With a larger grin Kaspar was glad she would like his music; "Well my music is a bit like that, so you'll like metal probably...heavy metal definately."

Kaspar had to think for a moment, and then he gestured to his cigarette; "Smoking and drinking. That's what I like. And being away from people."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:43 pm

Tamara smiled. "Oh, do not be embarrassed. I find it very amusing, and amusing is a good thing after all. No one would want to be with a man who does not have humor," she stated.

Tamara nodded. Classical she knew. She liked it too, somewhat, but not too much of it. It was simply a way to be soothed under the water.

Then her smile widened. "Then maybe I should find some of your music," she said calmly, "I might just like it."

Tamara tilted her head. "Well, I don't smoke myself, it's rather useless for someone like me. But alcohol. That's a different matter entirely," she said. Alcohol could be found in her home under the ice, but if one tried to light a cigarette under the water, one would seriously try in vain.

"Staying away from people? And yet, here you are, talking to me. Would you like me to leave?" Tamara asked curiously, looking at the guy.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:41 pm

Kaspar smirked and nodded his head, indeed humour was important but it wasn't something that he was renouned for, most women who wanted to date him based this on his body, the way he looked, not what was inside.

"That's true, but it depends what type of humor you like, slapstick, sarcastic, dirty, all of that good stuff. I'm more sarcastic to be honest. As you can probably tell."

Gesturing behind him, Kaspar said in a kindly way; "You could come and see the show tonight if you want to, I could get you in back stage."

Unable to stop his mind from wondering about what she meant when she said 'someone like me', could it be that she was different in some way like the other woman he had met.

"I'm glad that we share some common interests, I don't mind the odd swim but I'm more a shower guy than a bath if you know what I mean."

Shaking his head Kaspar chuckled:

"No no, I mean I don't like large crowds of people being too close, or being around a lot of people for too long, as you can imagine, I don't like the tour bus very much."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:40 am

Tamara nodded. "Well, I do not quite know what humor I have, but I do like to laugh," she said with a smile.

Humor was important to her, but she liked so much different, really. Besides, being gone from the earth so long made it more difficult to remember which type one liked. Especially when the only one to talk to was Aquale, who practically never talked at all, let alone joked.

Tamara thought about the proposal, and wondered how much her body longed for the water. She shrugged.

"I would very much like to see your show," she said honestly, "As for back stage, that sounds very interesting."

Truth was she had no idea what backstage was, but she figured that since it was a good offer, it had to be something better than just being an audience.

"Ah, the shower type? Well, I do love the rain, if that counts," Tamara said with a playful grin.

Tamara then nodded. She didn't like big crowds either.

"Oh, indeed. Much people around me make me feel like I am suffocating. I think I am claustrophobic when it comes to crowds," Tamara said seriously.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:35 pm

Kaspar wondered for a moment if the woman in front of him really understood what he was saying, then a much larger part of him told himself that nobody could be that out of touch, she must know what he was talking about.

"Well I'll look forward to seeing you there, what kind of show do you want to come to, we're looping back to Germany at the end of the tour if you're interested."

Chuckling a little Kaspar thought that Tamara wasn't too bad despite not knowing much about music, it might be nice to educate someone about something that he loved so much himself.

"Very witty, but I meant I enjoy quicker things as opposed to drawing them out, and luke warm water is the worse thing in the world to me." he shivered

Kaspar nodded, he was much the same and was glad to have something in common with the woman in front of him:

"Me too, we can both try to avoid crowds together then." he smirked.
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:29 am

"Hm, I don't know. An entertaining one," Tamara said with a wink, "And the end in Germany would probably be the best for me. I will be leaving back to Germany tonight."

Tamara's smile widened. "Quicker things?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Then she shrugged. "But I agree with you. Hot water really isn't my thing," she said softly, "But how do you feel about swimming in a lake?" she asked him then.

Tamara agreed very much to what Kaspar was saying. Crowds really wasn't her thing, it made her uneasy with so much people around her. She looked at him with a slight nod.

"Yes, we shall do so," she said honestly, "Though I have a feeling that if I venture with you, I will find myself in even bigger crowds than usual.

She did like this guy. He was interesting to talk to. But maybe he was pretty dull, though, just she didn't have much thoughts about what a funny guy was anymore. He was interesting to her now at least, that wouldn't change so quickly.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:50 pm

Kaspar smirked lightly and he wondered what show she would turn up for and he hoped that it would be the finale because it was going to be the best show so far, of course the first and last ones must be the best.

"You are? Well just make sure that you're careful when you're going back okay? As for the show, I would reccommed the final date in Berlin, it's going to be pretty special."

Chuckling slightly Kaspar shook his head and gazed at his shoes: "Not in that way no. But generally I don't have a lot of time."

Thinking about what it might be like to swim in a lake with Tamara were some thought that weren't unpleasant to him, and he shrugged his shoulders:

"If you come to my show, I promise that I will come and swim in a lake with you, providing it's all clean and there are no shopping trolleys in it or something"

Kaspar smiled lightly and chuckled again "Yeah, although I do try to keep myself away from them as much as possible."
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:01 am

Tamara nodded. "I shall make sure of that, as long as you save me a spot out of the enormous crowd," she said softly.

She then felt a smirk on her lips as he looked down at his shoes and said that it wasn't quite what he had meant. Of course not, but she was pretty sure he wouldn't mind that either.

"I guess the life as a rock star would be rather hectic, yes," she said calmly, thinking how very stressful and at the same time joyous the life must be.

She didn't envy him, she had her lake. But to live another life, completely out of normality. Not that it was normal to live under the ice of a school...

Tamara laughed. "Oh, no. No shopping! I can't stand it," she said truthfully.

Now, that, was stress. She hadn't shopped since the nineteenth century, but she only remembered it as boring and frustrating.

"But then, that is a promise," she said playfully.

Oh, lord she couldn't wait to see his face when she stepped fully into the water. She was already planning how she would surprise him.

"Well, then. We'll have to avoid them together," she said.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:00 am

Kaspar nodded his head with a happy smirk on his lips, he would definately make sure that Tamara would get a spot away from the crowd, it seemed that she was like him in more than that respect however.

"It's a deal, no large crowds, no shopping trolleys." he chuckled, it seemed as if they were going to have a good time together.

Thinking back to what she had said about the life of a rock star being hectic, Kaspar nodded, thinking that indeed it was pretty hectic, but there was a sort of magic to it, that made him come back for more.

"It is quite busy, but the end result makes it all worth it, and then you have the relaxing part where you 'work on your new material'." he sniggered, using quote marks over the last few words.

The playful way that Tamara talked made him raise an eyebrow, it wasn't unwelcome but it was something that he wasn't very accustomed to, and he thought that he might in fact grow to like it.

"I'll have to actually break out the speedo's then, and hope I don't get snapped while I'm wearing them." he smirked.
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:22 pm

Tamara smirked. "Sounds splendid," she said in a fake, thick, British accent.

Tamara grinned widely, and shook her head slightly. "Yes, well, I do believe you deserve that break. Seriously, one can't stress their favorite band to death either," she said jokingly.

She laughed when he said so, but she did know of a place that was pretty secluded from the public. Especially the human public. Problem was; would she risk bringing him there? No one would hurt him in her presence, there was no doubt, but she really didn't want any trouble from Benedict about bringing a human to the creatures last meeting-place.

She then shook the thought away and figured that they could find a place elsewhere, and they didn't have to stress with it either. First, it was the concert. Then they could discuss the different lakes.

She smirked at him. "Oh, I wouldn't bet on it. How much would I get for selling a picture of you in a speedo?" she asked wickedly.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:51 am

Kaspar raised an eyebrow and snorted at the accent that Tamara put on, it really was too funny and he couldn't believe she had managed to pull it off so well!

"Excellent accent, have you lived in Britain before because that really is spot on." he complimented with a small round of applause.

Nodding his head Kaspar thought about how he was longing for that break right now actually, it was something that kept him going, writing new material, it was his favourite part.

"Exactly I mean I'm not looking forward to having a heart attack at the age of 35 or something with these stress levels." he smirked.

With a fake gasp of hurt Kaspar sniffled:

"Probably not much I look awful in speedo's." he grinned cheekily.
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Tamara Aquaila Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:21 am

Tamara grinned and did a mock bow at his applause. "Actually, I stayed in Britain for a while, a long time ago, so yeah, I had some practice," she said thoughtfully.

Tamara nodded. The truth was, if one did overdo it, one could get a heart-attack from exhaustion. That was one of the not so good thing about humans. They were so fragile.

"Then I'll be looking forward to the last concert, not only because it will be awesome, but because when it is finished, you can relax and regain your strength," she said with a soft smile.

She didn't know why, but she knew that she didn't want Kaspar to overexhaust himself. She didn't like the thought at all. Wow, she really had started to hang more around the society of humans lately. Their soft emotions really impacted her.

Then she grinned. "Well, that's the deal, isn't it? Bad photos equals more money," she said playfully. Then she shook her head. "Nah, I wouldn't do that to you. Not even after you said it was a deal," she said with a smirk.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Beautifully Lost (OPEN) Empty Re: Beautifully Lost (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:19 am

Kaspar smirked slightly he could see Tamara in Britain for some reason, she reminded him of one of those girls from the Victorian era or something the way that she used to talk and such.

Humming lightly he said: "Britain is an okay place, or was before all these insane German rules came in."

With a roll of his eyes Kaspar couldn't help but smile when he heard Tamara say that she was looking forward to the last show because he would be able to relax after it. In a way, so was he.

"You and me both! I might take off on a holiday, who knows where I will end up. You got any nice places you want to suggest?" he asked with a grin.

Pouting lightly Kaspar hoped that he didn't look as bad as he thought he did in his trunks, but, he was reassured when Tamara told him that no pictures would be taken, if she had a camera that is.

"Why thank you I appreciate that, and I'll not take pictures of you either and then we will both be happy and not perved at over the Internet."
Kaspar Kaiser
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Post by Tamara Aquaila Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:37 pm

Tamara smiled. She didn't really know how it was before. She hadn't been around for a while after all. But she ignored that. She would tell him eventually who she was. After all, she was gonna take a dip in a lake with him. It brought a slightly wider smile to her face, thinking about how she would surprise him. For now, she merely nodded in understanding.

Tamara frowned. Was there? She had been in lots of places. After all, she had left Das Eis sometimes, and taken a swim in the Atlantic and stuff like that, but did she know a nice place? Caribbean was nice, but far away. Spain was probably her favorite place. But maybe he was thinking of something a bit closer to Germany?

"Well, I'd suggest the Caribbean or Spain or something. It's very nice, both of the places. Or maybe Maldives. It's a small island. I think it takes an hour to walk around it or something. I liked it very much down there, though it can get a bit hot," Tamara said, remembering when she had gone there with that girl she met three decades ago.

Tamara then laughed at Kaspar's expression before it softened. She then nodded, still with her smile.

"Deal," she said, "I would rather not find myself on internet while bathing."

She grinned at herself. Seriously, it would be bad if some normal person saw a mermaid on the internet.
Tamara Aquaila
Tamara Aquaila

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Post by Kaspar Kaiser Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:59 pm

Kaspar saw that Tamara seemed to be thinking about something quite seriously, and wondered if it was in response to his question or something else, then, he thought that it would be really remarkable for Tamara to have travelled to any places he didn't know, being younger than he.

Or so she appeared anyway, deciding that he might actually like to take a trip to the Maldives, Kaspar smirked lightly and tapped his chin in thought.

"I think that sounds like the perfect place for me, quiet, small, not too many people, and isolated because it's an island, the perfect environment for me to write songs in."

Grinning lightly, Kaspar thought that he would never actually have put the pictures on the internet even if she had done the same to him, he was a gentleman and wouldn't want to expose her to the horrors found on the internet.

"Well then, no pictures are to be taken on this trip then, or videos before you get any ideas." he smirked "So when do you want to go?"
Kaspar Kaiser
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