Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:41 pm

Ella traced her fingers on the rough stone of the wall as she sauntered past, other hand in her jeans pocket. The weather was starting to get colder now and she still hadn't really made any new friends. No one knew her secret yet though, so that was good.

Ella wasn't really looking forward to half-term where she was to go back home to spend time with her family and do some publicity stuff. Her brother was going to be as annoying as always and her parents just as caught up with things. The only people she could spend time with would be her cousin, but she was a stupid, blonde-haired squib who was, quite literally, the world's biggest moron.

She sighed. Life wasn't looking too great at the moment. She wished she had someone to talk with, laugh things over with, share her secret to...

Ella-May Schneider

Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:16 am

Lucian had decided that since he was stuck in this body, he might as well train it up a little bit to make it as good as it could be. So he had been scaling the wall that ran around Durmstrang, it was a work out Because it was quite tall and there were little footholds.

While he sat on the top, Lucian looked down at the school below him and smiled lightly, it was pretty magnificent when he thought about it, but he didn't want to admit that to anyone. Durmstrang was growing on him.

Hearing movement below, Lucian cast his eyes down and saw that there was a girl there, from Geschick house and he smirked lightly, calling down to her:

"Hello there! A bit nippy out here today isn't it?"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:57 pm

Ella looked up quickly to see a guy slightly older-looking than her perched on top of the wall. She grinned. "Just a bit," she said, personally not feeling the cold so much. It wasn't really as bad as it was in Sweden, but it still got really cold here.

"I'm Ella, and you are?" she asked, remembering seeing him briefly at breakfasts some mornings.

Ella-May Schneider

Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:34 pm

Lucian smirked lightly and began to scale down the wall, it would have normally taken some time since he was having to find the footfalls but now he remembered them it was much easier.

Jumping down the last few inches he smiled and held out his hand to the girl:

"Nice to meet you Ella, I'm Lucian, Geschick huh? How's that house treating you lately?" he asked "I don't see many of them around the school I have to say."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:38 pm

Ella shook Lucian's hand. "Nice to meet you to, Lucian," she smiled kindly. "You'd be about right. There aren't too many of us at the moment!" She laughed a little hollowly. She'd never actually talked to anyone in her small house. It was quite depressing, really.

Shrugging that off, Ella shoved both hands in the pockets of her jeans. She glanced up to the top of the huge stone wall. "What were you doing up there?" she asked, a bit curious as to how he got to the top in the first place.

Ella-May Schneider

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Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:05 pm

Lucian never really talked to that many people in his house either, the only people that he had talked to from his house had been Violeta and now she had gone back to Russia so there was one less person, the rest of them seemed to keep themselves to themselves.

"Same here to be honest, although, gotta say there's mostly girls in my house and they tend to flock together to do their girly stuff so I'd rather not be a part of that."

Smirking lightly he cast his gaze up to the wall and shrugged his shoulders; "Working out, you'd be amazed how much rock climbing builds muscles. What are you doing out here all alone?"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:33 pm

Ella nodded in understanding. She was never the kind of girl to flock to others, although she'd fancied herself the type that would, it hadn't really happened. Ella had watched others do it and then exclude her, and she always wondered why.

"Of course you wouldn't; you're a boy!" She grinned. A disturbing mental image of Lucian getting a makeover graced her mind and she could barely stifle the giggle that threatened to escape.

Ella figured that Lucian was probably right. Scaling walls would certainly build up some buff. She grimaced a bit when he asked what she was doing here. "I was feeling lonely. Don't ask me why walking next to a wall makes me feel less lonely. I guess it's better than talking to some of the people here. Even though no one talks to me anyway... it's no different." Ella drew in a deep breath and made a straight-lipped smile with exaggerated eyebrows, then went back to neutral and shrugged her shoulders.

"It doesn't bother me, though. I haven't had many friends in my childhood before... wasn't the kind that got out to play much."

Ella-May Schneider

Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:50 pm

Lucian smirked slightly, he had to admit, if he did enjoy such occassions it would worry him slightly and he might have to question how he was going to get his power from now on when he didn't like girls any more, deciding to push that horrific image away from his thoughts Lucian chuckled.

"Yes, I would never let anyone braid my hair or come within 3 feet of me with the intent to put make up on my face, you know that they have mens cosmetic make up now?" he said in a disgusted manner.

When Ella said that she was feeling lonely, Lucian felt a little bad for her, of course he had Aquila and Keaira to talk to, but there was that issue with there being no other guys, and sometimes you needed a guy to talk to.

"Well, some people are like talking to a brick wall you're right, but at least now you have me, what a lovely surprise for you I'm sure." he said sarcastically "Same here, I never used to really talk to people either, but I made some good friends here."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:12 pm

Ella laughed out loud. "Why not? Your hair is just the right length to be braided!" She joked. Then Ella scoffed. "I don't see why they'd bother. They may as well use the same as women, it's exactly the same product anyway."

Ella nodded. "They sure are. I guess you could say I get easily bored. Maybe that's what's turning people off?" Ella had never seen herself as a particularly inviting character, save when she had all the media's cameras on her and her expensive style. That's probably when she felt most comfortable - all eyes on her. It must make her seem pathetic and attention-seeking.

She shrugged, then grinned. "Yeah, surprise. Haha." She smiled softly. "I hope I make some worthwhile friendships here. That would be nice."

Ella-May Schneider

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Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:18 pm

Lucian chuckled slightly and shook his head, there was no way that anyone was getting near him with bobbles and hair straighteners, he would tell them where to shove it if they did.

"I guess they would be more embarrassed buying a concealer that has pictures of women on, eh I don't know I've never bought it and never will." he shrugged slightly.

Thinking on this for a moment, Lucian was sure that nothing was wrong with being easily bored, after all, it was the people who you were talking to that must be the ones that are boring for you to become that way in the first place.

"I'm sure that's not it, after all they must be boring themselves in order to make you bored of them, you just need someone interesting and enigmatic, like moi." he joked, waggling his eyebrows.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Ella-May Schneider Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:10 pm

Ella nodded thoughtfully. "That must be it. Too girly." She smirked.

Ella rolled her eyes. "Sure sure," she said. "Actually, you might be right. This is the longest conversation I've had since I arrived at Durmstrang. Congratulations." She grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

Ella-May Schneider

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Location : Neuschwansteing Castle, Germany

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Post by Lucian Ciero Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:12 am

Lucian chuckled lightly and gave himself a round of applause, bowing to an imaginary audience before ending with a bow to Ella, after all it was his duty to be there for women when they needed him, but now that was in a friendly was as well as a more flirty manner.

"Well I think that that's a pretty good occasion, let's go out for drinks to celebrate." he joked "Point, have you actually been to anywhere around Durmstrang like the hidden village, I haven't."

Looking up at the sky, Lucian heard a few Ravens cawing, and they reminded him of that teacher, and of Kearia...

"What classes are you taking I've not seen you around the classrooms?"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Location : Dusseldorf

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