Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:03 pm

Jake sighed to himself as he stretched in his compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Most teachers preferred to just Apparate to Hogsmeade and then head to the castle from there, but Jake preferred a relaxing train ride over Apparating. After all, he thought as he whipped out his hip flask and took a sip, you can't drink while Apparating.

In fact, was it even safe to drink and Apparate? You could risk Splinching, and that was not a pleasant sensation. He missed Greg. Sadly, the dog wasn't allowed in the compartment, so he had to leave him in the luggage carriage, leaving Jake all alone...

Suddenly, though, the door was opened, and there stood his old classmate and now colleague, Michael McBride! “Michael!” Jake greeted, saluting him with his flask. “Come in, come in!”


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:53 am

Michael sighed as he walked down the tight corridors of the Hogwarts Express. Many fond memories here, many of them either fights with Jake or snogging with Sam. Ah, snogging with Sam. Now those were good days. Then there were the fights he and Jake got into. Oh, how they kicked much ass back then. They beat many a Slytherin in those days, too. Once it was some blonde pureblood, who insulted his mother.

Needless to say, the kid spent many a day in the Medical Wing.

He opened the door of a compartment he was standing next to, and almost forgot when he was met by the boisterous introduction of his school mate and colleague, Jake.

"Michael!" He said, and Michael smiled. Jake saluted him with his flask, saying, "Come in, come in!” Michael came in, setting up his suitcases and sitting down.

"Jake, old friend, how are you?" Michael asked, a smile still plastered to his face. "Any more fights won or lost lately?"


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:04 am

Jake laughed as he took a sip from his flask, watching his friend putting up the suitcases. “Fights won, fights lost,” he answered with a simple shrug. “I've done both. How about you? You seemed a bit rowdier at the end of last year. Something bothering you, or is it just the kids driving you insane?”

Jake couldn't fathom how Michael could have kids. Dealing with kids every year, he had come to develop a sort of hatred toward them, so he... he just couldn't understand how Michael could surround himself with them every day of every week of every month of every year...

Jake shuddered and held out his flask to his friend. “A drink before the feast?”


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:42 am

“Fights won, fights lost, I've done both. How about you? You seemed a bit rowdier at the end of last year. Something bothering you, or is it just the kids driving you insane?” Michael chuckled. "No, no, the kids are perfectly fine." He said. He knew of Jake's hatred of kids - other than Michael's, of course. He was Uncle Jake to them.

"It was just anxiety, I guess. Students in my class were slipping, and that makes me want to blow out the contents of their cauldrons," Michael said. He could really use a drink right now.

“A drink before the feast?” Michael stared at the flask, then at Jake, then at the flask again. Did he just... Nah. Jake wasn't much of a mind reader. He took the offered flask. "Thanks," he said, taking a swig. He sighed as he felt the familiar burning sensation of firewhiskey in his throat as he handed back the flask.

"It's been a while since I've had Firewhiskey," Michael admitted. He was actually surprised at that fact. Sure, he had cut down around the kids to keep them from getting ideas, but did he really cut back that much?

Michael sighed, looking out the window. "Shane and Jane start this year," Michael said offhandedly. He looked at Jake, and grinned. "Oh, they're going to drive you mad!" Michael laughed. Oh, they were Jake's favorites, but they were also his curse.


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:03 pm

Freya hadn't been to Hogwarts in years, not since she graduated almost six years ago. She had the option of Apparating to Hogsmeade. But what was the fun in that? She had missed the final train ride she had after graduating.

When she had finally reached the Professor's carriages, she looked into one of the compartments, finding two men inside. She knocked not too hard on the door before sliding it open a little bit. A shy smile appeared on her face from nervousness. This would be her first time talking to other co-workers besides the Headmistress and the Head of Gryffindor.

"Excuse me?" Her voice was soft at first, but she told herself to be louder so she could actually be heard. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if I sit with you two? I'm Freya Littlefield, the new Head of Ravenclaw and the Care of Magical Creatures professor."


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:35 pm

"It was just anxiety, I guess. Students in my class were slipping, and that makes me want to blow out the contents of their cauldrons," Michael said, and Jake snorted. That was why Jake hated Potions. Those things could explode, and spatter the neighbors with their contents. Jake had gotten hit in the back during his fifth year, and got a bunch of boils that... No, best not to be thinking about it...

"It's been a while since I've had Firewhiskey." Jake chuckled at that.

“The wife's got you cutting down on the drinking, eh?” he asked teasingly. He had always seen a wife and kids as a ball and chain, something to keep your freedom away. He- Wait, what did Michael just say? Shane and Jane were starting this year? “Oh, no...” Jake muttered, and was about to say something else when there was a knock on the door, and a very beautiful woman poked her head inside.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if I sit with you two? I'm Freya Littlefield, the new Head of Ravenclaw and the Care of Magical Creatures professor."

“Welcome!” Jake greeted happily, glad for the distraction. He didn't want to think of those little demons right now... “Please, sit, drink, do whatever you want,” he said and snatched his flask back from Michael, taking a sip. “I'm Jake O'Shay, Defense teacher, and that's Michael McBride, Potions.”


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:47 pm

“The wife's got you cutting down on the drinking, eh?” Michael shook his head. "No, I think it's more my choice. At least there's still poker down at MacTavish's place on Saturdays." MacTavish was an old squad buddy from the SAS who, along with Michael, their former Captain Westbrook, and their sniper Riley, always had poker on Saturdays to catch up and tell old stories. Michael was distracted by the knocking on the door and a young woman poking her head in.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if I sit with you two? I'm Freya Littlefield, the new Head of Ravenclaw and the Care of Magical Creatures professor." Michael was about to respond when Jake beat him to the punch, no doubt happy for the distraction.

“Welcome! Please, sit, drink, do whatever you want,” Jake snatched his flask back from Michael, taking a sip, to which Michael chuckled. “I'm Jake O'Shay, Defense teacher, and that's Michael McBride, Potions.” Michael stood up and bowed theatrically, before he took the young Professor's bags. "As he said, I'm Michael McBride, Potions Professor, and most recently Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts," He said, a grin on his face as he stowed her luggage up on top. He sat back down and grinned, waving his arm around the compartment.

"Please, sit. It's always good to see a fresh face on staff," Michael said. He sighed, going back to his corner. He looked out the window, and saw the telltale clouds that would reveal Hogwarts' existence to the train. He turned back to Freya.

"Now, I officially re-welcome you back, to Hogwarts." The clouds whipped past, showing the legendary castle behind him in the window. He grinned as he looked at Jake. "Looks like this year will be a bit more interesting than last, eh?" And it wasn't because of Freya's appearance, but perhaps these new students would have at least some potential that wasn't placed there by their parents.

... Nah.


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:59 pm

Freya couldn't help but to smile when the man she found extremely attractive welcomed her. "Please, sit, drink, do whatever you want. I'm Jake O'Shay, Defense teacher, and that's Michael McBride, Potions."

"Thank you, don't mind if I do." She said, pointing to the flask. When Jake handed it to her, she took a sip before handing it back to him, closing the door with her free hand. Luckily she had remembered to duck her head slightly when she entered the train. Being 5'11" and wearing high heels wasn't perhaps her brightest idea when forgetting just how low the doors were.

"As he said, I'm Michael McBride, Potions Professor, and most recently Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts," she widened her eyes slightly when Michael took her luggage for her.

"Oh, thank you so much! You didn't have to do that, it's very kind of you. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

"Please, sit. It's always good to see a fresh face on staff," said Michael.

She sat next to Jake and smiled at Michael, "congradulations! Deputy Headmaster, that's big, innit?" A piece of blond hair has escaped from behind her ear. Her left hand reached up to retuck it behind her ear while looking out the window. It was so nice to be back on the Hogwarts Express, the twenty-four-year-old really did miss this train.

"Now, I officially re-welcome you back, to Hogwarts. Looks like this year will be a bit more interesting than last, eh?"

"I've forgotten how beautiful the castle is. After a few years of working in the Muggle world, I've really forgotten how beautiful magic is, even during this war." She turned to Jake, "so tell me, how long have you two been working at Hogwarts?" In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but to wonder about how different Hogwarts would be. Surely there were plenty of different teachers. But how would it feel being in Hagrid's hut? Surely she knew she was going to magic the inside differently to suit her needs. The one thing that freaked her out slightly was living right outside the Forbidden Forrest, Freya wasn't stupid enough to forget the stories about what was in there during her Hogwarts years.


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:24 pm

Jake almost couldn't suppress a grin when the girl sat down next to him, while Michael helped her with her luggage. "congradulations! Deputy Headmaster, that's big, innit?" she asked as Michael had introduced himself with his new title... Jake felt a bit mad about that. Jake was his senior, after all... But like any good friend, he settled for being happy for his friend.

"Now, I officially re-welcome you back, to Hogwarts. Looks like this year will be a bit more interesting than last, eh?"

Jake took a look out the window and smiled at the sight of the castle. It was the only reason why he hadn't quit being a teacher. He loved that place. It was the most beautiful sight in the world. "I've forgotten how beautiful the castle is. After a few years of working in the Muggle world, I've really forgotten how beautiful magic is, even during this war." Freya said and turned to Jake, finally. "so tell me, how long have you two been working at Hogwarts?"

Jake grinned. “Going on eight years now,” he answered happily. “I never could leave this place, no matter how much the brays get on my nerves,” he muttered and took a swig from his Firewhisky. “So, Freya, as Care of Magical Creatures Professor, you must like animals.”

Jake leaned a little closer, smiling brightly. “How do you feel about dogs?”


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:26 am

"I've forgotten how beautiful the castle is. After a few years of working in the Muggle world, I've really forgotten how beautiful magic is, even during this war." Michael snorted at that. Calling what Voldemort waged a "war" was like calling the Aston Martin an economy class car.

"so tell me, how long have you two been working at Hogwarts?" “Going on eight years now. I never could leave this place, no matter how much the brays get on my nerves,” Michael chuckled at that. It was true, mostly. Jake never really had a life outside Hogwarts. Even during the summers, Jake was reluctant to leave. But Michael never really knew why.

“So, Freya, as Care of Magical Creatures Professor, you must like animals. How do you feel about dogs?” And that was his cue. Getting up, he pulled out a wide brimmed hat out of his suitcase and nestled himself into the corner.

"Wake me up when we reach the castle," He said, pulling the hat down over his eyes. A few seconds later, his head fell and snoring was heard. That was a little superpower of his: the ability to nod off anywhere at any time. But, as always, he was a very, very light sleeper.


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:08 am

"Going on eight years now. I never could leave this place, no matter how much the brats get on my nerves.” When Jack said that, it clicked in her head. He was actually her teacher in her sixth and seventh year at Hogwarts. She didn't recognize him, certainly he had became even more attractive with age. She figured it'd be best probably not to mention that bit.

“So, Freya, as Care of Magical Creatures Professor, you must like animals. How do you feel about dogs?” When Jake leaned closer to her and smiled, she couldn't help but to bite her bottom lip, smiling in return. She had never noticed he was an animal person when she was in school.

"Wake me up when we reach the castle," she heard the other professor say. She nodded before he pulled his hat over his eyes before turning back to Jake.

"Dogs? Was that your German Shepherd with the rest of the animals? My little Oliver was so happy to have another dog to play with. He's an Australian Shepherd. And my cat is.." She took a quick glance out of the compartment door, not seeing any orange. "I don't know where he is, really. So yes, to answer your question, I would say I'm a bit of an animal lover."


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:39 pm

"Wake me up when we reach the castle," Michael said, and Jake smirked. Good, he knew when to be quiet and stay out of the way. Jake remembered many times when Michael would ruin things for him back in school. He'd show up at the most inopportune times and talk about nonsense. Thankfully, he seemed to have grown out of that habit.

"Dogs? Was that your German Shepherd with the rest of the animals? My little Oliver was so happy to have another dog to play with. He's an Australian Shepherd. And my cat is.. I don't know where he is, really. So yes, to answer your question, I would say I'm a bit of an animal lover."

"Well, cats are independent creatures," Jake said. He recognized the girl now. Freya Littlefield, his old student. She was the one who flirted with him the most when she was in school, so how come he hadn't recognized her? "That's why I prefer dogs. They need you just as much as you need them. You create a bond with them that lasts for life. Can't find a better companion anywhere. I-"

Suddenly, a whistle blew, and the train slowly came to a stop. That was too bad. He was looking forward to talking to Freya some more. "Hey!" he barked at Michael, giving him a kick on the shin. "Wake up, we're there."


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:22 pm

Michael heard the whistle, and was awake for the kick Jake sent his way. Michael glared, though it was all good. He hit the left shin, not the right. The right was his bad leg. "Hey! Wake up, we're there." Michael sighed. "I was already up, mate," Michael leaned on the wall as he got himself up. Pulling out a small block of Walnut wood, he took out his wand and transfigured it into a wooden cane. Putting his wand away, he leaned against it as he got his and Freya's suitcases down.

He gestured to the door with his cane. "Well," Michael said. "Onward to Hogwarts. For a Few of us, another year, but for some of us, a brand new world of excitement, danger, and teachers neglecting the rules they uphold," Michael snorted at the last. He and Jake always skirted the rules, both when they were students and teachers.

"So Freya," Michael said, limping up. "What'd you do before you became a teacher here?"


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How about a drink? (Jake & Michael) Empty Re: How about a drink? (Jake & Michael)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:40 pm

"Oh, thank you!" She said to Michael as she took her trunk down for her once he transformed a block into cane. She was quite curious to why he needed one, seeing as he looked quite young, but she didn't ask, feeling like it would be rude if she did.

Freya walked out of the compartment, waiting for the other two to finish up gathering their things.

"So Freya, what'd you do before you became a teacher here?"

"Oh, well, for the past couple of years, I've been working as a model in the Muggle world. Fashion shows, magazine covers.." Her voice trailed before she shrugged. Looking back at her career, perhaps it would have been more impressive if she had made it big as a model in the Wizarding world. Although, now that she was working as a professor, she didn't particularly have to worry about getting recognized and questioned.

"What about you, what did you do prior to your teaching post?"


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