Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:21 pm

Freya ran her fingers through her hair as she entered The Three Broomsticks. The warmth and familiar smell of the place hit her in an instant. How she missed the familiar place. Being back at Hogwarts and Hogsmeade was surely like being home. It gave her chills just thinking about how wonderful it was.

"Madam Rosmerta!" Freya's voice pervaded the slightly quiet place.

"Freya Littlefield, is that you?"

"Yeah!" A hand found its way on the back of Freya's neck as she smiled at the landlady. It was a habit of hers when she was smiling.

"What on earth are you doing back in Hogsmeade? Last time I heard from you, you were doing some Muggle work."

"I came back! I'm teaching at Hogwarts now, Care of Magical Creatures. I'm also the Head of House for Ravenclaw!" Freya was overly excited about everything that was happening lately, she had the urge to tell everyone that would listen.

"A round of firewhiskey on the house for the new position. I always knew you'd do well."

When Rosmerta handed her the newly filled mug, Freya gave her a toothy grin, not even knowing what to say. "Cheers!" When she turned around to see where to sit , she noticed some random students conversing quietly when her green hues landed on the very attractive ex-professor of her's. Freya wasn't good at starting conversation, but it was either sit with students, by herself of him. She chose the latter.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked when she reached him, pointing to the seat across from the small table he was currently sitting at.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:36 pm

Jake was sighing to himself as he downed his glass of firewhisky, and then refilled it again, before taking a sip from his tankard with mead. The school year had just started, and Jake was already regretting choosing to stay another year. This had become a bit of a habit of his. He'd come to the Three Broomsticks and brood over staying another year. He knew he could never quit. He loved Hogwarts too much for that.

Under the table lay Greg, chewing on a toy that Jake had conjured for him. Jake was about to down his firewhisky when he heard a voice. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Looking up, he saw his ex-student (He could hardly believe he almost didn't recognize her on the train), Freya, standing there, a mug of firewhisky in her hand.

“Freya!” he greeted happily and gestured for the seat. “Go ahead, sit down,” he said and chugged down the remaining mead in his tankard, raising it into the air. “Hey, Rosy, give me another, will ya?” he asked, and from the bar, Rosmerta nodded and started filling another tankard with mead.

“So, what brings you here?” Jake asked Freya with a smile.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:47 pm

"Freya! Go ahead, sit down," she heard Jake say as he gestured to the seat she was hoping to sit in. She flashed him a small smile before sitting in the chair. When she sat down, she noticed the German Shepherd under the table. Freya's face instantly lit up. She whispered hi to him and let him sniff her hand before she started to scratch his head for a couple of seconds. It was a shame she didn't bring Oliver along for the walk. But it was his fault he was cuddling with the cat on her bed.

"Hey, Rosy, give me another, will ya?" She straightened up when she heard Jake talk, resting an arm on the table while she took a sip of her firewhiskey. "So what brings you here?"

She placed the mug down on the table gently, leaving her hand on the mug. "I just finished magicking Hagrid's old hut inside. It's much bigger and more.. girly in side now. Definitely somewhere I can live now. I'm a bit knackered naturally, so I figured why not come for a drink?" Freya couldn't help but to smile still at her ex professor. She remembered that she had found him quite attractive in her Hogwarts years, but she made a mental note that the years had really done him good. The tall blond didn't remember him being this attractive.

Was it weird she was sitting there, debating how attractive her old teacher was? She couldn't figure out what was weirder, now working with him or the internal debate. Her free hand subconsciously tucked some hair behind her hair. How she wished she had done something nice with it instead of leaving it in its natural waves. "What about you?"


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:00 pm

Jake smiled when Freya started petting Greg, who wagged his tail happily at her ministrations. "I just finished magicking Hagrid's old hut inside. It's much bigger and more.. girly in side now. Definitely somewhere I can live now. I'm a bit knackered naturally, so I figured why not come for a drink?"

Jake's smile widened and he nodded. Redecorating was a good reason to drink. So was decorating. And moving in. And moving out. The list of reasons for Jake to drink was long, very long. In fact, it was a bit too long... Shaking his head, he looked Freya over. She was almost taller than she had been in school, and just as attractive. Jake wasn't the type of guy who'd be ashamed of admitting to finding his seventh years attractive, and Freya had definitely been one of the more attractive ones.

"What about you?"

Jake shrugged. “Well, it's a new year, so like every year I'm regretting not quitting last year, but I already know that I could never leave this place. It's too close to my heart for that. But a man can dream, right?” he said with a laugh as Rosmerta came over and set down a new tankard of mead in front of him. “Thanks, love.”

Jake sipped his mead, then looked Freya over once more, tilting his head to the side. “You look good.”


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:13 pm

"Well, it's a new year, so like every year I'm regretting not quitting last year, but I already know that I could never leave this place. It's too close to my heart for that. But a man can dream, right?” Jake explained to her previous question and she couldn't help but to nod in agreement. She didn't know anyone who could really walk away from this place and not regret it. She could live here forever and have absolutely no regrets. She's done the whole moving away bit. She's done the whole rebellion thing and seeing what the Muggle world was like. Freya found out through her travels that she was happiest here, at Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. “Thanks, love.” She heard Jake say to Rosmerta.

The new professor was well aware everytime her co-worker decided to examine her and she surely was enjoying it. She remembered flirting for fun in class during her seventh year. She could remember how all of her friends would talk about how cute he was and how they wanted to kiss him. None of them had the courage to flirt with him, but Freya did.

“You look good.”

Freya bit her lip playfully before looking at Jake up and down. "Not so bad yourself," she teased, biting her lip once more. With another sip of her firewhiskey, she smirked from the burn and the thoughts running through her head. "You know, I don't remember you being this attractive when I was in school." She leaned forward slightly, "are you taking a potion to become more fit?" Freya teased once more before leaning back and winking at him. When she heard him laugh, she couldn't help but do the same. "Well, Professor O'Shay?"

Did the thought that Freya was having too much fun with this run through her mind? Yes. Did she care? No.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:52 pm

"Not so bad yourself," Freya teased after looking Jake over. "You know, I don't remember you being this attractive when I was in school. Are you taking a potion to become more fit?" Jake laughed again. "Well, Professor O'Shay?"

“It's been a while since you called me that,” he said nostalgically. “As for the fitness, it's all through Muggle means. What about you, then, Professor Littlefield?” he asked teasingly. “How do you remain so slim and attractive? Magic? Potions?”


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:07 pm

"It's been a while since you called me that."

"Indeed it has been," Freya giggled out.

"As for the fitness, it's all through Muggle means. What about you, then, Professor Littlefield? How do you remain so slim and attractive? Magic? Potions?" Jake teased. It was weird—hearing him call her Professor Littlefield. Well, I have to get used to it, she thought to herself. It was funny, Freya actually never thought she'd ever become a professor. But here she was, Professor of her favourite subject and head of her old house. It just showed her that you don't know what to expect in life, it could throw you something completely random that you didn't expect. Especially in a time like this, with a war going on, you had to appreciate what you had.

"Through Muggle means. I did some Muggle modeling after Hogwarts," she informed him. "They put you on these weird diets of what you can and can't eat. You're not allowed to eat much, really. Just kidding, it didn't really matter for me, I eat quite a lot, really. I just got blessed with an extremely high metabolism," she shrugged. Most people didn't believe that Freya could eat a lot, most thought she would be lying about it. Surely, they were all very surprised when seeing how much she could indeed eat and keep down. "I can't gain weight even if I try." Whilst saying her last sentence, she unzipped her jacket, placing it on the back of her chair. Freya never had much of a bosom, but she had no shame in low cut shirts such as the one she was wearing. Why not flaunt what you have even if they're small?


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:20 pm

"Through Muggle means. I did some Muggle modeling after Hogwarts," Freya said, and Jake raised an eyebrow in surprise. Well, she certainly looked good enough for it, that was for sure. "They put you on these weird diets of what you can and can't eat. You're not allowed to eat much, really. Just kidding, it didn't really matter for me, I eat quite a lot, really. I just got blessed with an extremely high metabolism, I can't gain weight even if I try."

“Well, you should consider yourself lucky,” Jake said as he looked her over when she took her jacket off. Deciding that it was suddenly too hot in the pub, he did the same, taking off his leather jacket and putting it on the seat next to him. He could hardly believe that he was sitting there, flirting with a girl who had been a sixteen-year old when he first started teaching.

“I have to put this tub of lard on a diet every six months,” Jake said, gesturing for the dog on the floor, who growled at the insult. “He gets fat much too easily, then he can hardly move, and I have to carry him around. Lazy dog.” Greg barked as the two exchanged glares. Even though they were glaring at each other, Jake loved that dog more than anything, and he was sure the feeling was mutual.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:30 pm

"I have to put this tub of lard on a diet every six months. He gets fat much too easily, then he can hardly move, and I have to carry him around. Lazy dog." Freya couldn't help but to laugh at Jake for talking about his dog like that. She pictured him actually carrying the dog around, which, she admitted, was quite a cute picture.

"I think Oliver, my Australian Shepherd, would be a fat arse if he didn't try to herd every damn thing he put his eyes on. Maybe.." she started, putting on her flirtacious face, "sometime you two could come down to my office and your dog and Ollie could play together? I'm sure Ollie would have him in shape in no time."

Oh how Freya missed flirting with this man, she thought as she drank more firewhiskey At first, in her seventh year, she only flirted with him to get a rise out of her friends, but then she realized that Jake O'Shay was quite the fun man to flirt with. She remembered making him red in the face during lessons whilst saying innuendos when he would walk around the room, helping students grasp the spells. She bit her lip flirtatiously once more, tilting her head ever so slightly.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:42 pm

"I think Oliver, my Australian Shepherd, would be a fat arse if he didn't try to herd every damn thing he put his eyes on. Maybe.." Freya started as she put on that look she had always worn in class, "sometime you two could come down to my office and your dog and Ollie could play together? I'm sure Ollie would have him in shape in no time."

Jake felt a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I would like that very much,” he said, nodding. Greg barked in agreement with the idea. Or he disagreed... Jake couldn't really tell Greg's barks apart. “Greg would as well, I think,” he added at seeing the dog's reaction.

Jake picked up his tankard and chugged it all down, then followed up with a glass of Firewhisky. “So,” he said, feeling the pleasant buzz of the alcohol hitting him. “Modeling, eh? How did that work out for you?”


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:56 pm

"Good," she smirked in response to Jake agreeing to her proposal. "Ollie's been wanting another dog friend for a while, so I'm sure he'll just adore Greg." She smiled at the German Shepherd below her, petting him softly on the head quickly.

"So. Modeling, eh? How did that work out for you?" Jake questioned as soon as he chugged his drinks.

She figured she'd do the same. She wanted to feel a buzz already. More than the one she felt, that is. She was very light, it didn't wake her much to get pissed. It took her a few seconds longer than she had thought. A cough escaped her lips from the intense burning sensation from the firewhiskey. They called it firewhiskey for a reason. "Oh, it went quite well. I did a lot of fashion shows, you know, walking down the runway in very expensive clothing, Muggle magazine covers. Photo shoots up the arse. They said that there was something magical about me. It always gave me a laugh."

Freya paused for a moment, looking down at her now empty glass. A frown quickly appeared on her lips, the alcohol was taking its effect quickly with her. If only she wasn't such a light weight. "But when you get a lot of gigs, you soon have no time to sleep, you're always somewhere, either at a party, travelling, photo shoots, fashion shows.. And when you tell your agency you just need to cut back a little, you know, enough for sleep? Then they give you Muggle pills, to stay up. They tell you not to worry about them, they're only 'natural' to keep you up. They lie. Then you turn to hard Muggle drugs to stay up. You can't give up now, you're finally big, you know?" Freya sighed, looking up. In the back of her mind, she couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. She hadn't told anyone besides Oliver or Rupert, her cat. "I gave up modeling because I didn't like who I was turning into. I missed the wizarding world. I guess with how vulnerable it made me, I felt like a child again. I think that's another reason why I turned to Hogwarts. It just has the way of making you feel safe, yeah?"

The few moments of silence made Freya regret everything she had said, "and I just made a complete tosser of myself in front of a well attractive guy. That was certainly not on my to-do list for today."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:46 pm

Jake sat quietly and listened to Freya's tale, and quite a tale it was. He pitied her, having people telling her what to eat, what to wear, when to sleep, when not to sleep... It had to be bad... "and I just made a complete tosser of myself in front of a well attractive guy. That was certainly not on my to-do list for today."

Jake laughed and waved her off. "Don't worry about it," he said, not wanting her to feel embarrassed about what she had just said. "You didn't really make a tosser out of yourself. You just told me a story from your life, nothing wrong with that at all."

He smiled and grabbed his bottle of firewhisky, pouring some into Freya's mug, and then filling his shot glass. He raised it to Freya. "To life, and all its ups and downs," he said, before downing it. With the new school year, and hundreds of brats to teach, he was sure there were going to be many downs...


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:13 pm

Freya laughed when Jake poured her some more. Everything was starting to spin slightly, yet not at the same time. She could feel warmth consume her.

"To life and all its ups and downs." Jake proposed as he raised it up.

A small laugh escaped her pink lips, "cheers!" She downed what the other professor had poured her. After she put down her mug, she couldn't help but to look over Jake one more time when he looked down at Greg. Thoughts that would normally only fill her head when she was either drunk or high off of Muggle drugs. Once she recognized what was going through her head, she threw them out just as quickly as they appeared. She was not going to think about shagging her old professor who happens to be her new co-worker. This was not like modeling. She wanted to get to know the people she worked with, establish healthy relationships.

"You know, if I was anymore drunk, I would probably tell you that I fancied you in my seventh year." She let her head fall onto the table before picking it up and laughing, covering her mouth, a drunk habbit of hers. "Okay, now I'm making a tosser of me self in front of you!" Luckily, whenever Freya was drunk, her words never slurred. That would be just embarrassing. She was quite the same, really. Just a lot more relaxed and open.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:25 pm

"You know, if I was anymore drunk, I would probably tell you that I fancied you in my seventh year." Jake was laughing along with her. It wasn't because of what she said, but mostly because of what a lightweight she was. "Okay, now I'm making a tosser of me self in front of you!"

"Hey, like I said, don't worry about it, love," Jake said, waving her off. "Getting drunk is all about making a fool out of yourself. I already knew that, if it makes you feel any better. Tell you what, I'll give you an embarrassing story in return."

Jake cleared his throat and downed another shot of firewhisky. He was gonna need it. "Once, back when I was in school, I had this crush on the Astronomy teacher, Sinistra. Well, I was head over heels for her, so I wrote her a pretend love letter, just so that I could get it out of my head. Only problem was, I forgot it on my desk when the lesson was over."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:38 pm

"Once, back when I was in school, I had this crush on the Astronomy teacher, Sinistra. Well, I was head over heels for her, so I wrote her a pretend love letter, just so that I could get it out of my head. Only problem was, I forgot it on my desk when the lesson was over." Jake told his story after taking a shot.

Freya couldn't help but to laugh. "You didn't.." She sat there, looking at the man before her, picturing him in his youth, writing the letter and leaving it on a desk. Thinking that she wasn't actually that drunk, she got up, whispered to Jake to hold that thought, and walked over to Madam Rosmerta, asking for a bit more firewhiskey.

"Love, I think you've had enough. Your cheeks are all red."

"Did I or did I not just walk to the bar perfectly with four inch heels?"

"Alright, alright."

"Cheers, Rosy!" She made her way perfectly back to her seat. Although, when she sat down, she could feel the alcohol in her system more. Should she perhaps lay off on the firewhiskey? .. Naw. She only had Muggle alcohol for a few years, so she was enjoying firewhiskey as much as she could. "So what did she say to you the next lesson?"


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:50 pm

"You didn't.." Jake just nodded in the affirmative. He had never forgotten that moment, and no amount of firewhisky could erase it, sadly. He nodded again as he watched Freya walking over to the bar after whispering to him.

Soon enough, she came back, and Jake was surprised at how straight she could walk, considering how much she had been drinking. "So what did she say to you the next lesson?" she asked, and Jake suppressed the urge to hide his face in his hands.

"She didn't say anything," Jake muttered. "The letter was gone, and she didn't talk about it, but she looked at me much differently after that. I'm positive she read the letter, and saw that squiggly little drawing I made in the corner of the parchment..."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:31 pm

"She didn't say anything, the letter was gone, and she didn't talk about it, but she looked at me much differently after that. I'm positive she read the letter, and saw that squiggly little drawing I made in the corner of the parchment..."

Drawing? Freya wondered what it could be. Her mind wandered to a lot of things that could have been the drawing. Mostly dirty things. She shook her head slightly, throwing all dirty things out of her head. "So what did you doodle?"

She laughed slightly before placing a hand on the one he had resting on the table to comfort him. "I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad, love."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:15 am

"So what did you doodle?"

Jake laughed at the memory of the crude doodle of him and Sinistra in a very erotic position. "That, my dear, is between me and Professor Sinistra," he said as he downed another shot of firewhisky. He had drunk significantly more than Freya, so when he downed his firewhisky and looked at his bottle, he found his vision slightly blurred.

"I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad, love."

Jake looked down at the hand on his and raised an eyebrow. "I think I've had a bit too much to drink. I'm gonna be stuck here for hours drinking myself into a stupor and then waiting to sober up enough so that I can walk back to the castle," he muttered, then downed another shot of firewhisky. "Can't let this bottle go to waste, after all."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:12 am

She couldn't help but to laugh at Jake when he said he was going to be stuck in the pub all day. She agreed with him, if she continued to drink, she would also be stuck here all day. Then she remembered that Jake had agreed that Greg and Oliver should play together. It also popped in her head that her hut was a lot closer.

She stood up, grabbing her coat, taking out money from her pocket and leaving it on the table. Freya smiled at Jake and held out a hand. "Come on, we'll let the dogs play together at mine and we'll sober up, yeah? I don't think you'll be allowed back in the castle this drunk.."

When Jake grabbed her hand, she had a feeling he wasn't going to be able to walk exactly straight. "Keep a hold on my hand, you muppet, I don't want you falling." She giggled, pulling him closer to herself, looking down at the quite large German Shepherd beneath the table still. "Come on Greg, help me to he doesn't fall. I think you probably weigh more than me," she spoke to the dog, and it was probably true. Freya might have been 5'11" but she really didn't weigh much at all. A laugh escaped her lips when she heard Greg bark—she took that as an agreement.

When the three of them left The Three Broomsticks, she was very happy that she was drunk, otherwise she would have been freezing. She clutched her expensive leather jacket in one hand and then Jake's hand in the other, making sure he didn't tip over because she had a very good reason to believe she wouldn't be able to pick him back up.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:33 pm

"Come on, we'll let the dogs play together at mine and we'll sober up, yeah? I don't think you'll be allowed back in the castle this drunk.."

Jake actually wanted to keep drinking, but he was never one to deny a woman, so he grabbed his jacket and put it on, before rising from his seat, stretching and grabbing the almost empty bottle of firewhisky, noticing how Freya had paid for it all. Well, free booze always tasted better.

"Keep a hold on my hand, you muppet, I don't want you falling," Freya said, holding his hand as they made their way toward the exit. "Come on Greg, help me to he doesn't fall. I think you probably weigh more than me," she told Greg who barked happily as he walked next to Jake, who shook his head.

"I can walk perfectly fine. You, however, are drunk," Jake told Freya, going into lecture mode. "See, alcohol pushes the blood cells closer to the skin, so you only feel warmer, while in fact your insides are freezing, did you know that?" he asked with a smirk. "Put your jacket on."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:47 pm

"I can walk perfectly fine. You, however, are drunk. See, alcohol pushes the blood cells closer to the skin, so you only feel warmer, while in fact your insides are freezing, did you know that? Put your jacket on."

She frowned at him, letting go of his hand, taking her leather jacket and putting it on. God, she wished she didn't, she felt like she was overheating. She folded her arms over her chest and made sure to pay extra attention to her walking. She broke her ankle once not paying attention on the run way whilst high once, she hadn't had had this problem whilst being drunk before and she planned on staying that way.

"If I break an ankle, I'm blaming it on you," Freya joked, sticking a tongue out at him. "And I'm blaming you for me overheating, which I currently am!" She felt like she was in 90 degree weather with jeans, high heeled boots and a leather jacket on. The thought that kept popping up back in her head was as soon as they got to hers, the jacket was coming off so she didn't have to deal with how hot she was.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:04 pm

"If I break an ankle, I'm blaming it on you," Freya said, sticking her tongue out at Jake, who just laughed at her. "And I'm blaming you for me overheating, which I currently am!"

Jake sighed to himself and took a swig from his bottle of firewhisky, before pocketing it. "You're just full of whining, aren't you?" he joked as he reached over and effortlessly picked her up, bridal style. He wasn't so drunk that he couldn't walk like this, which was a plus.

Smiling at Freya, he asked, "Is this better, then? No chance of you breaking your ankle, that's for sure."


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:18 pm

Freya squeeked slightly as Jake picked her up bridal style. She certainly was not expecting that. She threw her arms around his neck to stay up, smiling up at him as she felt a blush appearing on her already red face. This was the first time she had ever been picked up in such fashion. And, on top of it, it was a man that she used to fancy.

"Is this better, then? No chance of you breaking your ankle, that's for sure."

She pulled herself up slightly and kissed Jake on the cheek for a thank you. "Yes, this is much better."

.. Did she just seriously do that? Yes. Was she quite intoxicated? Yes.

Freya knew in a while, when she was much sobered up, she was going to regret saying half the stuff she did or said. When she was sober, she was much more in control of what her actions were. And a lot more composed as well, perhaps just as ditsy, though. Freya did quite like enjoying a good drink, but when she got to a certain point, she would do anything to get what she wanted and with the way she had been living the last few years, she was used to just that.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:32 pm

The kiss on the cheek greatly surprised Jake, and he nearly stumbled from the surprise as he walked. "Yes, this is much better."

"A bit intoxicated, are we?" he asked shrewdly as he smirked at Freya. Her face was completely red, and she looked a lot happier than she normally did. Classic signs of being drunk. Not to mention that she never would have dared to give him a kiss on the cheek when sober. She was much too shy for that.


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:52 pm

"A bit intoxicated, are we?" Jake had asked her and she smirked right back at him, trying to stifle a giggle, nearly failing.

Merlin, this was pathetic. Her first proper meet up with her old Professor since she had graduated Hogwarts and she was making a fool out of herself, being pissed drunk. Well, she thought, it was going to happen sooner or later. She made a mental note in her head that when she was sobered up she would apologize for her behaviour which was just.. not her. Scaring away a co-worker and potentially a friend was certainly not on her to-do list. Especially not with her only co-worker that she knew. She didn't know any other professors that worked there.

"Me? Of course not, never. I clearly never drink," Freya joked. "So," she mused, "do you still get red in the face when beautiful students of yours flirt with you? Or are you not bothered anymore because you've perhaps have a miss?" She asked with a raise eyebrow, not even noticing she was asking him if he had a girlfriend. The things that firewhiskey did to Freya..


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A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake) Empty Re: A shot of firewhiskey, please. (Freya and Jake)

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