Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:58 am

Anne walked into her dorm. She was rather angry. Tessa had no right, she was friend with Damien. She could talk to him all she wanted. It wasn't her fault she was 11, she needed her friends now more than ever. She was bloody tortured and now she had to deal with a jelouse room mate.

She changed into a tank top and plushy short-shorts. She fell onto her bed and Crystal jumped on her lap. She petted her muttering about how life was unfair. She had enough proplems without Tessa's as well. She knew Eva was dying as well. She had seen her telling Leshia in one of her visions. She had way to much on her shoulders.

She looked up as Tessa walked in. She said nothing but Crystal hissed at her. She sighed and sat up stroking her cat to make her quiet.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:08 pm

Tessa walked back to the dorm. She then started to shove her things into her trunk. Tessa knew that she was going back, with her father gone she had no reason. Damien was mad at her. After about an hour, she sat down on her bed and had to wait.

She wanted to cry again, but she knew that it was a sign of weakness. Or that is what they told her growing up. Tessa felt sorry what Anne was going through. But hers was a lot worse, she didn't' want to think about that she would be adopted and would have to move away from Damien.

Leaving Hogwarts was tough on her. She wondered if she would have to give up Yas. Tessa knew that she couldn't take her back. But who would she give her to? She then looked at Yas who was sitting beside of her.

" Yas I can't take you with me. I know they are going to make me go back.And I will never see Damien again. But I love you Yas."


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:26 pm

Anne stood up and started unpacking Tessa's things silently. She wasn't leaving, not if she had anything to sat about it. After unpacking her things she sat down next to her. She pulled her into a hug not caring that it hurt her. Tessa needed to know that she needed to stay here. She rubbed her back still saying nothing.

She wanted to yell but she couldn't knowing that she was hurt. She cared too much. That's why she didn't want revenge. She couldn't wish ill upon other, except prehaps Voldemort.

"Tessa, you don't have to leave. I wont let you. You think I don't understand, but I do." she siad firmly she didn't believe that she had no other choise "You aren't weak if you cry. It shows that you are human." She said, if crying made you weak she would be weak and she knew that wasn't true.

"I know its hard loseing someone you love. But it could always be worse." She said thinking what could be worse than her situation. I could be dead, She reminded herself.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Eva Jordon Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:35 pm

Eva walked into her dorm, wondering what to do. She could beat it. She saw both Anne and Tessa, sitting on Tessa's bed, she walked up to them. quickly glanced at Anne, who looked if she was being honest horrible. The poor thing. She knelled in front of Tessa and asked in a kind voice "Whats wrong?" Had something happened to her too.

She glanced over at Anne again, pulling at her gold scarf, that was hiding her thinning hair. She hatted the cancer.

Eva Jordon

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:34 pm

Tessa then got back up and started to repack her trunk. She knew that she was still hurting and just wanted to yell at Anne. She hated this girl and nothing was going to change it. If crying wasn't showing weakens, she would start crying. But she used to called a crybaby before she came to Hogwarts.

“ I am leaving, because it seems like someone wants to adopt me. And I don't know if I am coming back and I can't take Yas with me.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:58 pm

Anne scowled when Tessa started repacking, she was pissed. Tessa was so full of herself sometimes.

"Go ahead Tessa, be mad. I'm sorry, that I need someone else. I'm sorry that I can't handle everything on my own. Tessa you think you have it bad. You don't have a descusting word carved into your arm forever. You don't have to see all the horrors that happen before they do. You have plety of people that care for you. So your dad is gone. So you lived in an ophanage. So you're blind. You can change all of that. I told you a way to give you sight. You turned it down. I did that to help you. yet you still hate me. For what, talking to Damien, Being tortured, Why do you hate me." She screamed at her, now sobbing Tessa hated her her life was so hard.

"Maybe I'll jump off the tower, would that make your life better?" she shouted.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:44 am

Tessa was glaring at Anne. “ Don't even tell me that you had a worse life than me. You don't even know the half of what happened.” She was so anger at both of them right now. “ I lost the one thing that I wanted the most in my life. A family, and that is gone.” Tessa then broke down and started to cry. “ You don't even know that half of it. Ever heard the phrase the cat is out of the bag? It was known as the cat of nine tails. I still have the marks where my headmistress decided to make one of her own. And that was used to beat me. And you wanted me to steal someone else sight. The eyes are a gateway to someone soul.”

“ I am not going to sit here and try and talk you out of it. Seeing how I have to go back and see this person who wants to adopt me.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:00 am

Anne was beyond angry, she was livid. Tessa didn't want to listen to reason fine with her. She didn't need her. She would leave her alone.

"Tessa don't talk about things you don't understand. You don't know what pain is. So you have a mark on you. You don't have your blood stasis branded on your arm by some monster." She shouted making every word clear as she could in her rage.

"Fine then maybe I will. Nice to know that you care about others. I tried to help you Tessa. I'm sorry if i failed." She told her calmly despite her anger

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:15 am

Tessa then dropped in front of her trunk and started to cry. Her world no longer made sense to her. Her adoptive father left her, and now something worse. And she had no idea what she was going to do.

“I don’t know what pain is Anne?” She then started to laugh. “I found out growing up I was living a lie; I was always told that my parents left me because I was blind. The person who wants to adopt me is my real father. My parents were taken when I was three or four and the orphanage had to make up a lie. My real mother is dead. I have no idea what is the truth or a lie.”

“Anne who does you really thinks I am, because I am confused about my life right now. My world is turn upside down.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:09 am

Anne was calming down slightly, she looked at Tessa. She knew that this girl was confused. She walked over to her bed and grabbed Crystal. and shut her curtans with a snap. TEssa's life sucked but so did hers it wasn't fair.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:15 am

Tessa was still crying, Yas was trying to calm her down. " I don't know what to believe Anne, my father just showed up." She was crying harder. " Both him and my mother was captured and my mother was killed. For the first time in my life, I know my blood status. I am a pureblood."

She would have to tell Damien but didn't know how.


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:21 am

Anne looked out from behinde her curtins. She was still livid. She wanted to have someone to talk to. She sighed and opened her curtans again.

"I'm sorry about your mother." She siad knowing what it's like to lose her mother.

"I don't care about your blood statis, as long as you don't call me mudblood." She said if anyone called her that she would punch the hard in the face.

Anne looked at Tessa and spoke as though she didn't want to say the wrong thing, "Go tell Damien, he'd want to know."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:25 am

Tessa was still crying. Yas was doing her best calm her down.

" I never knew my mother. I was so young when they were capture. I was only three or four." Tessa wished that she could have her mother again. Just to know what she was like. " She was the Gryffindor, my father was a Slytherin."

She then blinked. " That word is like in the muggle world when someone is judging by muggle skin color or where they came from."

" I don't know how to tell me. Hey my real father just showed up into my life. And I am a pureblood. My whole life was a lie."


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:20 am

Anne looked at Tessa, she would be ok she was strong. She had to be. She knew she had to clarify something. She didn't want to but she had to.

"Tessa you need to understand that I see Damien as a brother no more. Trust me honey he loves you so much. How could crazy old me compeat with you. Lovely you." She said smiling slightly. "as for me I aint to crazy about people who parents would be fine with someone carving mudblood on my arm." She said, now a bit sadder. She didn't like Damien but never the less having the horarid word on her arm forever sucked big time.

"Just Tell him that you love him and go from there. It will work out." she said no believeing herself.

Anne Jones

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Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:36 am

Tessa was a mess right now. With her father walking back into her life. This was something that she was going to have to deal with. But she didn’t' want to do it alone.

“ Anne, you are probably more prettier than me. You are most like a supermodel.” Tessa only got to see herself one. And she remembered what she looked like. Tessa would describe herself as a delicate rose. She knew that she was fragile, because of how she grew up. “ What is a mudblood.” That was a word she never heard before. It was new to her.

“ He may just up and leave me. I know he didn't care that my adoptive father was missing.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:53 am

Anne looked at Tessa then walked over to her. She sat down on her bed and, took the crting girl into her arms. she rubbed her back trying to calm her down. She looked at Tessa and told her the thing she needed to hear.

"You are not alone, I'm here for you if you want." Anne said holding her, comforting her like a sister. She would always take care of people. She hated her 'gift' but she knew what people really ment.

Anne lughed lightly at her coment about being a supermodel. "I'm not that much of a looker, not now anyway." she sighed she would never be beautiful again. "I'm black and blue from head to toe, so not a supermodel."

When she asked what a mudblood is she scowled. She told her anyway. "I mudblood is a great insult for someone muggle born. It means dirty blood. It's saying that if you are muggle born you are lower class than half and pure bloods. It's foul." She told her. She qickly glanced at the word etchedi n her skin but looked back up not wanting to see it anymore.

"As for Damien he had other things on his mind. I was tortured and was in a real state, so it was hard for him to choose. He loves you Tessa with all of his heart. But I am like his sister, and needed him so he helped me." She said. "He will never leave you, you are too good for him." She said, to Tessa hoping they could get along, not because they shared a room but because, Damien was in her life and Tessa's as well.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:18 pm

Tessa knew that Anne took her into her arms. She was holding her like a friend used to do when she was growing up. Tessa then remembered later that she would cuddle with the teddy bear that they told her they found her holding. It was something from her past. She knew that she was trying to make her feel better, telling her that she wasn't alone. Tessa knew that she wasn’t' alone like Anne, but she had a new family now.

“ I had bruises from head to toe. Most of them were from my beatings, some from when I would fall. They go away after a while.” She had no idea what she could say that would make Anne feel better about herself. “ They won't scar, it is like a flower. Don't ask me how.” Tessa knew that everything was going to be fine. She was sure that her father would keep her at Hogwarts. That was how her parents meet.

She really didn't know what she was talking about. But it must be like hating. And she knew muggles acted like that. If a person was different, they would always point it out. But Tessa knew that she wasn't like that. It didn’t' matter what type of person you are. She could never understand why witches and wizards would do such a thing. They were just muggle with magic.

Tessa was still crying. She was scared that Damien would leave her for Anne. Because Anne could at least see. And she knew that there was a way. But she wanted to find another, so that she wouldn't have to take someone else sight. She knew that Damien loved her, but she didn’t' know what to do anymore. Tessa then repeated over and over. “I'm sorry.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:36 pm

Anne held Tessa closer, and contined to rub her back. She knew that it was helping her. No one should have to be alone.

"I know they will heal, It's the cuts I'm worried about." She said still rubbing her back. She was speaking softly. Tessa was very brave for doing all of this.
"You are really brave you know." She told her what she was thinking.

"Damien would never leave you for me, for one I wouldn't take him and another, he loves you. " She said reading both her expresstion and aura.

"Stop appolgizeing, I will never ley some one be alone. I know what its like. We'll find another way to get you sight I promise, it was just the first thing i found." She said hoping to tell her the right thing to calm her down.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:52 pm

Tessa was still crying, it wasn't just as hard. She knew that everything had to turn out alright. But this wasn’t' her muggle fairytale. This was her life that she was talking about. She knew that she was going to have to deal with it somehow.

Why would anybody be worried about her. She was Tessa, and she got over everything. Well maybe not understanding why her father had to leave her. It wasn't their choice. She knew that both of her parents loved her, even thought that she could never see her mother. With this she wondered what she looked like. “ How am I brave?”

“ Damien is a guy who likes to flirt. He would go for any other girl. But there is something about me that he loves.” And Tessa had no idea what it was. When she talked about finding another way for her sight. She started to cry, because she remembered the last time she was with her adoptive father. He had given her sight for a day. “ There is a potion that I found.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:54 pm

Anne laughed when Tessa asked how she was brave. She was brave for dealing with her past. She was brave for being strong. She was more brave than she would ever be.

"Tessa you don't run from your problems, you love everyone, and you make the best out of some things. You are brave." She said, "You aren't a Gryffindor for nothing you know." She joked with her.

"He's changeing Tessa, he's really a great guy. would the Damien you fist met have helped me, the slightly crazy muggleborn?" Anne said smileing at Tessa.

Anne looked up at the mention of the potion. " I'll help you make it if you like. I'm rather good at potions." Anne kept to herself that she knew she would get her sight back.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:00 am

Tessa knew that she wasn't brave. She was more confused about who she was. Tessa wasn't as strong as Anne thought. All she wanted to do was cry.

“ Anne but I do want to run away, but that won't fix them. And not everybody loves me. I am not that great as you think I am.” She then sighed. “ I am a Gryffindor cause my mother was one.”

She tried to smile. “ People do and can change. Sometimes for the good, and some bad. But he wanted to change for me.” Tessa had another question. “ What is a muggleborn?”

Tessa was still smiling a little bit when Anne said she would make the potion. She wasn't the best in potions and hated the class. But she took it for Damien.


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:55 am

Anne smiled back at Tessa. She was glad they were on the right track. She wanted to be friends with her.

"The hat doesn't choose house baced on family, it's all in our head. We are ment to be Gryffindors." She said smiling

"A Muggle born is someone whoes parents don't have magic." She told her it was much more polite than mudblood.

She squezzed Tessa's shoulders than stood up. "It will all be ok, life may not be a fairy tale but happy endings do happen." She said crossing the room to her bed.

Anne Jones

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Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:48 am

Tessa felt broken with her life, and didn't know how to put the pieces back. Her adoptive father was dead, but she had a real father. But she no longer had a family, her real mother was dead along with her brother.

“ I don't feel like I belong anywhere. I am not even sure if I am a pureblood either.”

She then nodded because she understood that part. It was much easier when someone explained. Tessa didn't grow up with words like this. So they was new to her.

She then started to cry again. “ I had a mother and an older brother who were killed.”


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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:01 am

Anne looked at Tessa no longer knowing what to say, She was tired she was aching and not sleep. Every night she ended up in shack again. She knew Tessa needed someone. She needed a friend that understood.

"I know what it's like to loose someone you loved but never knew, my mom was pregenet when she was killed." She told her. She hoped she would be ok.

Anne walked over to Tessa forgeting that she was tired. "You do belong, here, at Hogwarts. You belong in our world."

She smiled at her =, and wondered what she could do to help her calm down.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa) Empty Re: Arguments (Anne Eva Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:35 am

Tessa was to the point, she had no idea what was real or not. And she knew that she was getting tired from where she was crying. And would most likely fall asleep soon. This would help her sleep sound, cause it was something that she needed.

She sighed. “ I never knew them, I never got the chance. She was so young when she was taken away from them. But she was glad that she was still alive. For a second, she believe that everything was going to be alright.

“ Are you sure that I belong here? For all I know, I belong being a muggle. Or I am even supposed to be at Durmstrang.”


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