Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:59 am

Cain was not sure about what he was doing any longer, the meeting with Richard Romain had shaken his belief in humanity to an indescribable level, he scuffed his hooves on the floor and looked up to the stars hoping that they would give him some sort of answer but alas there was none and he sighed frustratedly and moved into the deeper part of the forest.

There were some people however, that made his heart ache when he thought of turning against the humans, people like Ophelia, like Lucia and like Jaqui and Juliet, wherever they had gone.

Leaning against the boughs of one of the nearby trees he looked up at the castle and wondered once more about what he should do, he wondered about the herd and how they had been deeply annoyed, more so than he, about the way Cain had been treated, and there was always something that stayed within Cain that reminded him of this too.

Sighing frustratedly Cain closed his eyes to think.
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:25 pm

Tessa had wondered into the forbidden forest. She had a lot of her mind and Yas was leading her. Tessa thought maybe Yas was taking her to a place where she could be by herself. Everything that was happening it was bothering her. Her adoptive father death, finding her real father, the fighting with Damien. It was taking it toll on her. She wasn't sure how much she could take.

When she was walking she started to cry to herself. This is something that she been doing a lot of. She was now more confused and it wasn't getting any easier. Tessa knew that she would get through it one day. But for now it was looking very dim. She couldn't believe that Yas brought her here. And she wasn't alone.

She had no idea who it was, but it was starting to scare her. “ Hello? Is anybody out there?” She was using everything that she learned in her infiltration class. That is how she knew that she wasn't alone. And also her years of practice.


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:19 pm

Cain heard someone call out and he raised his eyebrow, it sounded like a student and he couldn't help but think why they would be out here when they know that it is dangerous and they know that there are all sorts of creatures in this forest that would do them harm.

Walking towards the sound of the voice, Cain decided that he had best call out to reassure the girl that he did not mean her any harm, he didn't want to startle her more than she waa already, when he spotted her he couldn't believe that she was here, it was even more dangerous for someone who couldn't see properly in here, espeically in the pitch black.

"It is only I, Cain, a centaur. I will do you no harm have no fear, although you should not be wandering in the forest at night little one." he said in a kind, drawling voice "What is your name?"
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:00 pm

Tessa has known that it was night, and that she shouldn't be out here. She had heard stories about the forest. And all the creatures in it, but she knew that Yas would protect her. Or she thought that her dog could. But she was so upset that she didn't even think about it.

She knew that someone was walking towards her. But the voice was more soothing, telling her that everything was going to be alright. Even thought Tessa knew that she would never be alright. She was feeling very calm. Next time she would tell Yas that she had to watch where she was wondering around. That way they wouldn't end up in the forest at night.

Tessa smiled a little bit, she knew what a centaur was. And nothing was going to happen to her, so that made her rest easy. She knew that she shouldn't have wondered out here, but she wasn't thinking about it. Her last name changed so many times, she thought that she had changed it back. “ My name is Tessa Grey.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:57 pm

Cain couldn't help but think that the girl in front of him was a little bit shy, for she didn't say much and he wondered if it was because she was scared, or unsure about him, and he recalled that he hadn't seen her at the Battle of Hogwarts so perhaps she was a first year.

"Nice to meet you Miss. Grey, and what do you do out here in the forest at night, you know there was a leithfold attack not a few months back, you must be careful where you are led in the future." he said in a knowing tone.

Casting his eyes back up to the stars, Cain then glanced down at the girl and asked in an interested way;

"What is your star sign?"
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:19 pm

Tessa could feel that Cain thought that she was shy. And Tessa knew that she wasn't shy, well a little bit around new people. But right now she wasn’t' even sure about herself. With everything that has happened so far.

“ Nice to meet you too Cain. And I was just not thinking where I was going. I have had so much on my mind since my world went upside down.” She then blinked. Tessa had never heard of an attack on Hogwarts. But it must have happened before she got here.

She was still a little bit nervous. “ Leo.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:04 am

Cain made a small noise, which could have been a laugh, at the back of his throat, he remembered plenty of times where his hooves had taken him places where he should not have strayed and he had to find his way back from completely new palces before the herd moved on.

"It's a dangerous business stepping out of your doorstep, you never know where your feet might take you, but yes...one moment."

Gazing up at the stars, Cain frowned slightly, so much pain and trauma for one so young! He could scarce believe it, and he tilted his head to look at Tessa with a sad smile playing on his lips.

"I can see that you are very troubled at this time, your star shows it to me, what is it that ails you?" he asked.
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:15 am

Tessa knew that she would have to pay attention to where she was going. But she looked at being lost like a new adventure. It always made her feel better when she knew that she was completely lost. And sometimes she would get to meet new people and that made her feel better.

“ True but that footstep may lead to a greater adventure.” She smiled a little bit. Tessa knew that she got that from a book that she read a long time ago.

She knew that he could tell how much she was in pain. And Tessa knew that if she talked about it. It might get better. Tessa could only hope, she could tell that Cain was smiling.

“ You can tell all that from a star? I haven’t' learned anything like that from Professor Slytherin. Well I am also in my first year, and it is the first time I ever got to see a star. She has a special book for me.” Tessa then sighed. “ I have gone thought a lot, my adoptive father is dead. And my real father just reappears after so many years.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:07 am

Cain chuckled lightly and could agree with the girl there, after all there was nothing ventured, nothing gained, as the phrase often went, and it could be used against many people of course, as they often ventured into dangerous and stupid situations.

"You're very wise, but you must know what adventures are good, and which will lead only to folly and destruction." he said with a faint whisper.

Nodding his head Cain laughed quietly of course no witch or wizard could tell what a centaur could from the stars, not even after years of practice, it had just never been done.

"There is very little to be seen in stars by humans, wizard or not, it takes a centaur to unravel them completely." frowning lightly at the news of what had happened to Tessa, Cain added "The joy of the new found life does not remove the pain of the one you lost, correct?"
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:17 am

Tessa smiled a little bit. “I had to always think like that when I got lost. This grows up, happed a lot, since I am blind. I had to look at it was good always getting lost.” She knew that bad things could happen, but she didn’t’ want to think like that. Bad things could happen when she knew where she was going. She would take her chances.

She couldn’t believe that Cain had said that she was wise. This was something that she has never heard before. She has been told that she acts older than her actual age. “Anything can lead to something bad. It is something that is waiting to happen.”

“But from taking Astronomy and Divination, I think that I like both of the subjects. I think after Hogwarts it is something that I would like to continue.”

She sighed as she thought about her life. “No it doesn’t, I still fill the pain no matter what. It is like I am all alone.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Lolly Hart Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:59 pm

Lolly sighed, leg swinging over the side of the tree branch she had been lying on. She'd been there since Tessa had arrived - in fact, she'd followed her from the Entrance Hall. Lolly had been polishing Trophies when Tessa's troubled conscience pattered past her, leaving a burn in her wake. It wasn't up to Lolly, but if one of the students had ventured to the forest and Cain had not run into them, terrible things could happen, and since she knew of it, she would shift all the blame onto her own shoulders. Lolly didn't want to have to do that.

She fought back tears. Once again, these folk had so much emotion and they did not care to control themselves. Lolly didn't mind though; she knew that Cain had seen the effects once and didn't want to burden him again with her lack of protection on her mind. She slowly started building up barricades, taking her time to mentally prepare herself to jump down and talk to Cain and the Gryffindor girl.

Breathing deeply, but raggedly, Lolly swung down from the low branch and made her way around the trunk of the old tree. "It's funny," she began once the centaur and the student were in sight, "how so much emotion can be found inside the one head. Wouldn't you just ... explode?" Lolly realised a little late that this meant she could be referring to herself... but she wasn't.

Lolly had been talking about the frustration and hurt tumbling off Cain, the poor thing didn't deserve it, and the stress and fear of the future rolling off Tessa. She had no idea how a first year could harbour such terrible things in such amounts, but Lolly respected her for not giving up. That was the main thing.

She walked further over, the chill of the night getting to her as she tugged at the cuffs of her dress. "Hello Cain," she said warmly, with a small smile.

Lolly Hart

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:36 pm

Tessa could tell that she wasn't alone with Cain. And she was using everything that she was learning from Professor Cobalt. She had no idea that someone was following her. Maybe Tessa still had some things to learn. She knew that wondering into the forest, wasn't the best thing. Next time she would now better. But she was learning about how the stars can tell if you feel pain. So she was glad that she did it. Maybe she could learn something from Cain, that she didn’t' know.

She then heard that someone else was there. But she had no idea, she then decided to listen closely. She knew that she couldn't see them, so she had to relay on her other senses to help her. Tessa knew that she shouldn't be so scared. Because she was there with Cain. So she felt a little bit safe, even if she had just meet Cain.

Tessa then let a small scream. As if she was scared all of the sudden. But it seemed like this new person knew Cain. So she was smiling just a little bit, trying to calm herself down. She then blinked a little bit, after the new person. “ It wouldn't explode, I never heard of that before. I know you have to find ways to channel emotions.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Lolly Hart Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:28 pm

A brief flash of fear burned brightly for a second, then faded just as fast as it had come. "I'm not that scary, am I?" Lolly joked. "Don't worry. I work at Hogwarts. As long as you stay with either myself or Cain in the forest, you're perfectly safe."

She faced the girl, a contemplating expression on her face. "You'd be surprised at how many people are driven insane by what goes on up there," she said, tapping her head. Lolly smiled, a little bit dryly. The number of times she had verged on insanity were too many to count. She knew she had to keep her barriers up, or else she would end up mad. She'd learnt her lesson, but obviously not enough, for she still found herself overwhelmed at times.

"Sometimes, the amount of emotion gets too strong, too much like a tidal wave. You get swept up in the torrents and feel as if you are drowning... trapped under the surface... unable to breathe..." she trailed off. Lolly knew what that was like, and wished it upon no one else. "Emotions are like water. Beautiful... but deadly, and scary."

Lolly Hart

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:22 pm

Tessa smiled. At least she knew that she was safe, and she started to calm down. She then laughed a little bit when Lolly asked if she was scary. That was the first time that she laughed for a while. She was smiling, just trying to be herself. Tessa was glad that she was safe in the forest.

She then started to blink a little bit. “ Yes there are many who go insane because of it.” Tessa then tried to think about hearing about muggle criminals and murders. But she didn’t' want to think about that right now. She wanted to be just a little bit happy, even if it was for a short while. Tessa knew that she would have to tell Damien what was making her upset. But she knew that would just led into another fight.

Tessa knew that everything that Lolly was saying about emotions was true. “ But you have to learn how to control them, how to channel them.” She knew what it was like when her emotions would get the better of her. Tessa knew that Damien hated it when she would cry in front of him.


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Lolly Hart Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:45 pm

"But it's just so incredibly hard to channel emotions. What are you going to let all that energy out on? Screaming? Shouting? Talking? Crying? our bodies' natural responses to overloads of emotions are extreme... but there are a few people who can control them well," Lolly said, agreeing with Tessa. "Usually only the most skilled Occlumens can do it, though. Are you studying Occlumency this year, Tessa?"

Lolly was curious, as Tessa seemed to will herself to calm down, and she did, marginally. She could tell that she felt safe in the forest with herself and Cain, but that may have to change. Coming to the forest was not to become a regular arrangement. "Just so you know, Tessa, I'm going to make sure you don't come down to the forest on your own again. I don't want you to get hurt, you hear me?" She would die if something happened to a student while she was at Hogwarts. Briony would be fairly upset too.

"Don't get hurt, too much paperwork for poor old Briony," she grinned, allowing the smile into her voice. She turned to her centaur friend. "So, Cain. Anything promising in the stars? You seem fairly frustrated with them tonight, though. Is anything the matter?"

Lolly Hart

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:13 am

“ Yes but it can be done, if you truly want to. Some people channel there emotions into painting. And you can tell if something is happy or upset. But sometimes it is best to just cry, and letting it all out. And then you feel better afterwords, you should do what you feel comes natural.” Tessa could tell that Lolly was agreeing with her. “ Yes I am studying Oclumency this year. It is one of my classes that I really like. And the professor that is teaching it is the head of my house.”

Tess was now calm, she amazed herself that she could do it so fast. Was it because she felt safe being in the forest? She really didn't have the answer for herself. Tessa then started to blink when Lolly told her that she couldn’t' come alone by herself again. That she could understand. “ But can I come back if someone comes with me?” She had hoped that she would say yes, because there was so much that she could learn from Cain about the stars.


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:10 am

Cain listened half heartedly to the conversation the two women were having. After giving Lolly a brief hug he had let the two girls talk between themselves, wandering off slightly to examine a lovely cluster of stars and began to work out the future from them.

Sighing lightly he thought once again about the encounter with Richard Romain and felt a soft bubbling of anger within him and he sighed frustratedly for a moment before realising that Lolly was speaking to him and turned his head to the young nymph.

"The stars are frustrating indeed, many a thing is frustrating, and I know not what to do any longer."

With a sigh he rested his head against a tree trunk;

"Do I stay loyal to what I have always believed? Or do I change? I recently had a threatening encounter with Richard Romain, that has shaken my belief in humanity Lolly. It confused even I as to the right path."
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:13 am

Tessa knew that there was something that she could learn from Cain about the stars. She had hoped that Lolly would let her come back. But she knew that she couldn't come alone anymore. And she didn’t want to tell Damien about her coming into the forest.

She really was trying not to listen. But she found it very hard, she didn't want it to look like she was ease dropping. “ Professor Romain? I have a class with him. I really don't like him, so I usually skip his class.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Lolly Hart Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:24 pm

Lolly nodded and smiled softly. "Of course. Just come find me in the kitchens whenever you want to come out here. I'll take you down, but only when I'm not busy. I can see you understand why you can't come back alone, for not even your dog could protect you from the beasts in here."

Cain was a bubble of confusion. He didn't know where to turn. Lolly had no idea what had happened between him and Richard Romain, but it must have been serious. Lolly choked up. Once again, she was stuck. Richard was one of the kind souls who had taken her in. Lolly bit her lip. She'd have to know what had happened before she made any decisions.

"Oh dear," she whispered as Cain rested his head against a tree trunk. "That's frightening. I've always known you to know right and wrong, Cain. But I can't imagine that Richard would do such a thing also... if you don't mind me asking, what - what did he say?" Lolly moved forward cautiously, minutely aware that Tessa could still hear them. She didn't mind though, she really just wanted to help Cain out. He'd been through a lot and every one needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

Lolly Hart

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:52 pm

Tessa smiled. She was glad that Lolly told her that she could come back. But she had to come back with Lolly. Which Tessa understood, she didn’t' want to get anybody in trouble. She knew that there must be other things in the forest. Tessa really didn’t' want to think about it, she remembered the huge spider story.

She just stood there listening to both Lolly and Cain. Learning anything that she could. She was the person who was trying to learn something new every day and all the time. Tessa believed that if you stopped learning, that was a wasted day.


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:42 am

Cain smiled gently at Tessa and ruffled her hair with a small chuckle, it was not good to skip schooling, however, it was understandable when the professor was Richard Romain. Even Cain didn't like the man.

"You should always attend your lessons, no matter how horrible the Professor little one. I am sure he is more pleasant to humans."

Sighing he turned to Lolly and looked back up to the stars, a cloud passed over the cluster he was staring at and decided that he would be best telling Lolly minus the information about the group.

"He approached me for information I was not liable to give, I gave him more than I felt comfortable giving yet he pressed for more, and he then insulted my honour, drawing his wand upon me and verbally abusing me."

Shaking his head he growled:

"Humans think they are the only ones with problems."
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:38 am

Tessa smiled as Cain ruffled her hair. She felt like she was happy, even if for a couple of minutes. Tessa knew that she shouldn’t have told him that she skipped class. And she knew that she would have to explain it.

“I don’t skip on purpose. Professor Henley said that I could drop it. Because she felt that I was taking too many classes. And I couldn’t handle it from everything that has happened with me.”

She then blinked a little bit. “Everything living thing has problems. Not just humans, plants and trees, and creatures.”


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Lolly Hart Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:56 pm

Lolly bit her lip. That was a nasty thing of Mr. Romain to do. She suddenly found herself questioning the last time they'd spoken... she couldn't remember, all her interactions with the Romains were with Briony. Maybe she didn't know as much as she'd thought about the Headmistress's husband.

She could feel the pain and frustration simmering in bursts off of Cain. Lolly had the strange feeling that he was holding something back from her, but let it go. It mustn't be terribly important. "That... I... don't know what to say. I'm quite shocked, actually. It was very unkind of Mr. Romain to do that."

She kept her voice low and aimed this next part entirely at Cain, hoping Tessa would not hear it, nor think suspiciously of it.

"Did you give much away about the Creatures?" she whispered, picking up on the previous hint the centaur had dropped. Of course, Lolly knew it was against Cain's code to break a promise. She doubted he'd said much anyway. It just wasn't him.

She turned back to Tessa. "You're entirely right. You'd also be surprised," she chuckled softly. "Each individual leaf has a mild range of emotion, did you know that?"

Lolly Hart

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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:40 pm

Tessa then started to blink. There wasn't much that she could do. But there was something that made her want to help the creatures. Because nobody should be treated like this, even if they was different. “ I want to do something to help.” She knew somewhat was happening, it had to do with Professor Romain. “ I don't know what I can do, but I don't want to stand back thinking that I should have did something more.”

She then smiled a little bit. “ You should never judge a person until you get to know them. I am judged all the time because I am blind. Some people doesn't think that I can do much. But since I lost my scene of sight. The others have grow stronger. You were talking about a code among creatures. Everybody has a code like that.” After the last part she felt that she said something that she shouldn’t have.


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Questioning The Stars (OPEN) Empty Re: Questioning The Stars (OPEN)

Post by Cain Valerian Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:43 pm

Cain smiled gently and was glad that the human child was taking her education seriously, after all she would need to learn all she could in order to attempt to defeat the forces of the war as they grew and grew against her.

Both of the people surrounding him knew as well as he that others have problems but it would seem to humans, if they didn't know that others have problems, that their problems were the most important and all others should fall behind them.

"Of course what you both say is true, although the heirarchy of those feelings appear to be set in Professor Romain's view. His loved ones are worth more than mine and as such I deserve no thanks for putting them in danger to aide his own."

Shaking his head, and looking directly at Lolly, Cain sighed;

"I did not, it was what he was asking me about, and I told him little to nothing, so, have no fear." he whispered.

Looking up at the stars, Cain wondered what he was supposed to do now, and what his conscience would allow him to do.

"Yes, and now I am conflicted, should I allow one humans ingorance to diverge me from the path that I know is correct? When you put it like that, no. But do I wish to aid him? No I do not."
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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