Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Evening Stars (Open)

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Evening Stars (Open) Empty Evening Stars (Open)

Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:14 pm

Ipolani was roused from her lazy dozing by her little filly, with her black coat and creamy tail. Her upper half was dressed in a tunic woven from the leaves and various bits of vine. An annoyed huff escaped the sleepy woman’s lips and she looked up at Faia with a frown. The girl looked far to excited, her blonde hair that she inherited from her father twirling around her face as her blue eyes - also her fathers - twinkled with mischief. Ipolani pushed herself up from the ground and sighed at Faia.

"What mischief have you caused now, child?" She asked with a gentle sigh. After Faia had explained her adventure with the human toddler, Ipolani stomped her hoof as her tail swished away a fly.

"Faia! I have told you not to go wandering off, you are a child and if a human had chosen to hurt you then you would have none to protect you!" Ipolani proclaimed, her arms crossed underneath her chest as she frowned at her now sheepish daughter.

The girls hooves moved in small circles on the ground as she looked down with a pink flush on her cheeks. She apologised in a quiet voice, and with a sigh Ipolani pulled her into a tight embrace, burying her head in her daughters hair. "Don’t apologize, my darling, I just would never wish any harm to come to you." Ipolani looked up at the evening sky, and smiled at the stars. Their positions read happiness, but one of the stars was a warning of a battle. Ipolani did not worry herself over that one, for she presumed it was concerning the humans.

"How nice of the stars to warn us. It is a pity humans do not seek their advice."

Ipolani started into action as she heard the cracking of a twig behind them, and quickly she had stepped in front of Faia. She peered into the forest, fear welling up inside of her as she edged Faia further back whilst making an attempt to protect her from whomever it was.

"Whose there?"

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Evening Stars (Open) Empty Re: Evening Stars (Open)

Post by Cain Valerian Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:49 pm

Cain had heard that there had been a sighting of a young centaur and wondered who it might have been, then, one clear thought read across the stars and he couldn't help but chuckle lightly to himself, of course it would be Ipolani's daughter that would have been spotted.

Sighing lightly he moved away from the herd to try and find her himself, and see if she had gotten back to her mother without much of a problem, following the tracks of the young centaur, Cain quickly found both of the creatures he was looking for.

"It is just I, Cain, have no fear."

Stepping forward into the light, Cain didn't know if Ipolani would actually remember him, they had been together at the meeting and had sometimes seen each other in the herd, but he never really spent much time in the company of other centaurs.

"I heard that a little one over here had some trouble earlier this evening, I only wished to make sure that she was alright in herself and was not harmed." Cain smiled, his lopsided smile.
Cain Valerian
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:37 pm

Faia seemed to recognise Cain a moment before she did, as he spoke from within the darkness before taking his step into the light. The filly squealed happily and cantered over to her Uncle-like figure whom she had not spoken to in several months. Lani had become hesitant to go near Cain ever since the herd had been particularly cold towards her for being his friend. It annoyed her greatly that they did not like him for being different, but she did not want to be an outcast. That was not good for Faia.

"Faia, let go of Cain, you're smothering him." Ipolani called out to her daughter, who obediently stepped back but grinned wickedly at Cain's comment of trouble with a little one. Ipolani rolled her eyes and huffed before she trotted over to Cain and bowed before giving him a hug. It seemed that her daughter had not inherited any manners, which was a shame but one could always be taught that.

"Indeed, my little one has been causing some trouble among the humans. I fear she shall be hurt by one of the older ones one day, and I will not be there to protect her." Ipolani's voice was full of dread and fear for that day, and she quickly looked up at the stars to see if they held any warning for Faia's future. There were none, and she was relieved to see that. But, the stars could always change their minds. They did so often.

"Have you seen the stars? They hold warnings for the battle of the humans. I do not wish to get involved in this war, but I also do not wish it to persist. I want to resolve things peacefully, without any bloodshed. Humans, however, are a foolish race sometimes." Ipolani sighed, but she remembered seeing Cain occasionally with a few humans. Female, of course.

"But you, you seem to have no problem with them. Especially those of the opposite sex, hmm?" Ipolani raised an eyebrow as Faia giggled and proclaimed that 'Uncle Cain has a girlyfriend!'. Ipolani hushed Faia and sighed.

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Post by Cain Valerian Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:04 am

Cain smiled his lopsided smile and wrapped his arms around Faia as she charged towards him, he truly had missed his little one and almost joined the herd again so that he would be able to see both of his friends once more.

A little sad when Faia was told to let go of him, Cain looked to Ipolani herself, it had been a while since he had seen her and it seemed as if age had not soured her beauty. Bowing to her in return he smiled lightly and returned the hug.

"It has been a while Faia, Ipolani, hopefully it will not be this long until we meet again now that I am working on taking my fathers place, the stars prophesise it's time for change, and I am the one to bring it I think."

Looking down at Faia, Cain smiled and ruffled her hair: "Nobody will be harmed while the stars continue to favour us, I will make sure to look for Faia's safety as long as I can."

Cain too tilted his head up and looked at the stars, he knew of this battle from speaking with the women that he had, it affected some but not all and he couldn't help but think that one day they will have to become involved in it themselves.

"I know of this war, it will spread and spread if something is not done to stop it, and the herd needs to realise this, Centaurs will not remain untouched by these people, for many are unstable and know not foe from neutral."

Blushing slightly, Cain chuckled bashfully: "And how do you know of such meeting Ipolani? There have only been a few, and one has fast become a best friend."
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:09 pm

Ipolani could sense her daughter’s sheer and outright excitement at seeing Cain. Ever since he had left the herd, he had been missed dearly by Ipolani and her daugter. They had never judged him for his beliefs, always encouraged him. Mind you, Ipolani would pretty much always agree with Cain, for he was her role model.

She rested her hand on Faia’s shoulder and squeezed it lightly as she pawed at the earth in an annoyed manner. Faia looked up at her with pleading eyes, but she shook her head in a ‘no’ way and the girl slumped her shoulders.

It was not Faia’s place to ask where Cain had been.

“I think that would be a most wise move, Cain. You know that you will have Faia and I’s full support in your beliefs, we are the more... understanding side of the herd. The others, they will be slightly hostile but I will not allow them to act on it.” Ipolani spoke with rare bravery that she normally never held.

Ipolani bowed her head in thanks and watched as Faia swatted at Cain’s hand with a giggle. “Thank you, at least there will be two of us watching. Just in case I miss something, which I often do.” Her eyes turned upwards to the sky again, but she still saw nothing of Faia’s future yet.

Ipolani sighed and moved her hoof in a small circle. She hated the war, the bloody battles, the cries of hatred for one another. She was timid unless it came to protecting someone she cared dearly about, and she feared she would easily be overcome in the war. The image of Faia being carried away to her death as she watched helplessly made Ipolani stomp her hoof and look up at Cain.

“Then we shall take charge! We ought to stop this war, Cain! Those vampires, they won’t help! Perhaps that nicer one... Charlie I think, will, but the Charmin one will not. If anything, she seems the type to further the war.” Ipolani huffed and wrapped her arms protectively around Faia.

Ipolani laughed softly at him and winked slyly. “You know I don’t care much for crowds, I often wander.” Ipolani said in way of explanation. “Which one?”

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Post by Cain Valerian Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:04 am

Cain was extremely moved by the way in which Ipolani acted so bravely, normally there was always an air of shyness about her which made her seem like a little sister that he needed to protect, but this new outburst was very much welcome, he needed support.

"Thank you very much Ipolani, but don't do anything that would put you or Faia into danger, that is the very last thing that I want to happen, after all you are my friends, my only centaur friends."

With a small chuckle, Cain ruffled Faia's hair again and lifted his hands far away from her so that she couldn't hit it as he drew away, feeling at home with his friends he had missed so.

"Ah but you know the benefits of missing things pertaining to your own future after all, what one can see can make you lose your wits, unless you have already lost them." Cain laughed.

Seeing the tender protection that a mother and child enjoys, made Cain feel a little sad that he himself had not had the blessing of a child yet, which could have something to do with his unpopularity...even though Ophelia had said:

"We will in time Ipolani, trust me, when I personally can trust Holmes, I will allow the herd to begin to work with him, I too want to lessen the destruction that threatens my friends, the innocent lives that are being distorted is painful."

Chuckling, Cain shrugged his shoulders: "Ophelia , she thinks that I am 'hot' do you think that little Faia?" he asked jokingly.
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:54 pm

Ipolani sighed softly, her hand coming to rest in a protective manner on Faia’s shoulder. She thought it typical of Cain that he did not want to put her in danger, he had always been like a big brother to her. But, she was an adult now and she felt that it was her duty to do what she felt was right. She moved her hoof in a circle, not wanting to stand up to Cain. It wasn’t something she’d done often.

“D-don’t be ridiculous. I will do as I please, and I wish to be by your side. Of course, no harm would ever befall my Faia.” Ipolani’s voice wavered in places. She bowed her head and stepped forwards, Faia moving with her. Swiftly, Ipolani hugged Cain again. “You are not my friend, Cain. You are my brother, and in my mind family should always stick together, should they not?” Ipolani stepped back and glanced at the skies, a smile on her face as one star shone with happiness in the midst of sadness and war.

Ipolani sighed and nodded her head.

“It is true. I have come across many a centaur in my wanderings who have gone mad with what they have seen, not only in their own future, but sometimes in the futures of those they love.” Ipolani murmured, her eyes now searching the skies for bits of Cain’s future. A small smile formed on her features as she saw love, and she stopped looking then. She did not want to see if anything bad would happen to him.

“I do not trust him, nor will I until you have deemed him worthy. There is something about him that I do not like.” Ipolani mused, her hand reaching over to ruffle Faia’s hair as she began to protest that she thought he was interesting. “Ah, but sweetie, you have a crush on him so your argument is invalid.” Ipolani pointed out, and Faia began to blush and splutter.

Ipolani repeated her name. An interesting name for a human.

“It’s a nice name, a little unique though, is it not?” Ipolani laughed as Faia gagged at Cain’s question and poked him in the chest, informing him that he was her uncle and that was gross. “What is her star sign?”

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Post by Cain Valerian Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:42 pm

Cain raised his eyebrow slightly as Ipolani began to reassure him of her desire to help, he couldn't think of another centaur that he would like to have next to him as he hopefully reshaped their beliefs than her and her daughter, his heart just ached for their safety.

"No, no harm will every befall my neice, I will make sure of that, and since you are so insistant Ipolani, I will love to have you by my side as we try to change the herd, for the better."

When he was hugged, Cain returned the embrace and tucked Ipolani's head under his chin for a moment; "And you are my sister, that is why I care so much for you, but yes we shall stick together, I respect your decision now you are of such a mature age." he teased lightly.

Nodding slightly, Cain cast his thoughts back to his old mate that he had once loved, and how she had left him, the thought of which still made his heart ache and he was glad he had not seen it in the stars before hand.

"You are right, sometimes the greatest torment is what is done to those you love, not to you yourself."

Cain couldn't help but smile his lopsided smile as he learnt that his neice had a little crush on Benedict, and made a note to tell him so the next time that he saw him.

"Is this so? Well I'm afraid your Uncle doesn't approve of this union, so you will have to find somebody else to claim your heart. Ophelia's star sign is a cancer."
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:25 pm

Ipolani couldn’t help but giggle excitedly, before her hand covered her mouth. It was very un-characteristic for a centaur, but she’d never deemed herself ‘normal’ as a centaur. She was shy, quiet, believed different things, solitary and she didn’t find humans a nuisance. She merely thought of them as fools on occasion.

“I am glad that she will have at least two looking out for her. Heaven knows I wish her father was alive sometimes to care for her as well, but then I also do not wish this. He was a horrible centaur.” She almost growled as she spoke, but managed to remain calm.

Faia looked up at the mention of her father, opening her mouth to speak but she was silenced with a look from her mother.

Ipolani smiled as he tucked her head under his chin, before she released her arms from around him and laughed softly. It was times like these she had missed, Cain being around and being fun with her. None of the others were interested in her, they barely noticed when she left.

Ipolani wondered what caused the flicker of pain within Cain’s eyes, and she lifted her hand to rest it on his forearm. She tilted her head as he spoke, too curious as to what had briefly troubled him.

“What is it, Cain?” She asked softly.

Faia huffed indignantly at Cain in a very Ipolani like manner as she folded her arms over her chest and frowned. She protested that she didn’t like Benedict, though the blush remained on her cheeks and her voice wavered. Ipolani shook her head with a smile, for her daughter had always been a terrible liar.”

At the knowledge that Ophelia was cancer, Ipolani turned her head up to the stars and quickly found Ophelia’s star sign. With a surprised look, Ipolani turned to Cain.

“Suffering, pain and torment. Do you know what has happened, Cain?” Ipolani’s voice was full of sympathy for the poor girl. Faia also looked up at the stars and examined them, though she only just managed to find cancer. She was not skilled in the arts of examining the skies just yet.

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Evening Stars (Open) Empty Re: Evening Stars (Open)

Post by Cain Valerian Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:36 pm

Cain placed a comforting hand on Ipolani's shoulder, he was truly sorry for her being alone without a male centaur to comfort her however, it was better than being with her old partner, he was a despicable excuse for a centaur and he was glad he was gone.

"Let's not dwell on the past, especially not that part of the past, he is long gone and he is never coming back, the stars were against him, and so were we."

Wondering if the rest of the herd would accept both of them back fully, Cain decided that he would make them, that he would make them accept their changes, with harsh punishments for anyone who disobeyed.

When Ipolani picked up on the hurt in his eyes Cain chuckled softly;

"Nothing just thinking of my old mate, and how she left me all those years ago when I refused to take control of the herd like my father wanted me to, it still pains me. I am just glad I did not see that in the stars."

The stars were always correct when they were interpreted by a centaur, and it was true that Ophelia was going through times of pain, and torment but he was bound to change that.

"Yes I know what happened, her love died, and she moved to England so she is alone, although I am trying to help her as much as I can."
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:13 pm

Ipolani sighed as she thought about her loneliness as of late, and she worried for the mental health of Faia. Sure, it seemed as if she were fine now, but would she truly be alright without a fatherly figure to guide her? She hoped that perhaps Cain could step into that role, not in that way of course, but as her Uncle perhaps he could be the male figure in her life.

His hand rested on her shoulder, and she looked up at him with a soft smile. She felt so lucky to have him as her brother, he was truly the most wonderful brother anyone could ask for.

"I am glad he is gone, but I fear that..." Ipolani trailed off and smiled gently at Faia. "Why don't you go frolic just over there, sweetie. Please don't wander." Ipolani motioned to a small clearing within the trees, and Faia dashed off quickly. Once she was away, Ipolani picked up where she had left off. "I fear that without a male figure in her life she shan't grow properly."

Ipolani sighed as he mentioned her, and also frowned. It had seemed like true love for a long time, and Ipolani had wondered if the centaur would stay around, but alas she didn't and she knew how much it had hurt Cain. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently.

"She was not worthy of you, Cain." Ipolani murmured.

Ipolani gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in surprise. So much heart-break had taken over the world as of late, and she had seen this Ophelia as a sweet-looking girl. It made her proud that Cain was trying to help her.

"You have always been kind, Cain. Do not let her be foolish and do something drastic, always watch the stars with her, so that you may prevent what is to happen." Ipolani warned, though he most likely was already doing so she wished to ensure it.

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Post by Cain Valerian Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:13 pm

Cain could tell that there was something wrong with Ipolani that she wanted to tell him, and his theory was proved correct when she sent Faia off to play in the feild, having come from that way Cain knew that it was safe and didn't worry.

Listening intently to what she said, he nodded his head once, he knew what he had to do.

"Now that I am taking charge of the herd I will be around much more so I can be that guide if you wish it Ipolani, as her Uncle I will always be there for her when she needs me, and I will always be there for you as your brother."

His gaze now fixed on the ground, Cain smiled lightly; "Things are looking up for us Ipolani."

When she grasped his hand and told him what she did, Cain couldn't help but chuckle because he knew it to be false, she was too good for him and that is why he didn't blame her for leaving.

"If you say so, if you say so." he smiled wearily, her memory weighing heavy on his heart.

Nodding his head, Cain felt his heart grip with fear at what she might have at one point done, and he had vowed that he would always be there when she needed him, so ensure that she would not.

"I have memorised her star by heart so that I might know at any time how she fares."
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:52 am

Ipolani felt great relief and happiness at what Cain said. She was so happy that she had him, she didn't know what she would do without him. And there was gratitude, for always being there for her. She made a note to pay him back one day. She watched as Faia stumbled over a rock, but got herself back up and continued chasing a butterfly. Ipolani rolled her eyes at Faia but returned her gaze to Cain.

"Thank you, Cain. It means so much to me. You... you can't understand how grateful I am to have you, you're truly the best brother, and dare I say, centaur i've ever met. You'll make someone very happy, I know it." Ipolani smiled softly at him, and her words were not a lie.

Ipolani nodded in agreement. Now that Cain was taking over the herd, she could finally stop being so lonely all the time. Though she did not care for crowds - even those that consist only of her herd - she would feel much better being with them if Cain were there. She did not want to be forced to reproduce again.

"They are, aren't they?"

Ipolani wasn't convinced that he believed her, and it made her sad and feel dislike towards his previous mate. In her eyes, Cain was perfect and she did not believe any who would abandon him for his beliefs were worthy of his love.

"I do say so. Cain you must believe me," her tone was slightly desperate, she didn't like him being sad. "You are a very special being, Cain."

Ipolani smiled at what Cain said, and felt a tiny bud of hope. Perhaps, he could help Ophelia as much as she could help him. She knew Cain needed a friend at the moment, and Ipolani scolded herself for not being around much. But, what she had seen between Ophelia and Cain was special. She only hoped Cain was not as oblivious as most male's when it came to matters of the heart, because a girl already broken is easily shattered like glass.

"Good, now both of us will be watching." And indeed, Ipolani would be.

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Evening Stars (Open) Empty Re: Evening Stars (Open)

Post by Cain Valerian Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:02 am

Cain couldn't help but feel his chest well with pride as Ipolani complimented him so, he felt that if she did so any more he might get a swelled ego, and that would not suit him well he thought. Hoping that her words were true and that he would make someone happy in the future Cain smiled sadly:

"Yes, that is the one thing that I want for my future is to have a child and a partner, a child as beautiful as Faia perhaps, although I know that will be hard."

Nodding his head, Cain cast his gaze up at the beautiful stars and let their messages float down to him on his earthly level, it was a beautiful calm feeling, to be in charge and to know that you were safe.

"Ipolani, hush now don't look so sad...perhaps this change will be good for me too, I shall be able to look at the world with a lesser burden, and Ophelia might help me, as much as I help her."

A little bit cautious now of watching out for Ipolani, Cain smiled happily and looked up at Ophelia's star again.

"I think she'll be just fine."
Cain Valerian
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Post by Ipolani Arcamanel Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:05 pm

Ipolani beamed as Cain seemed to brighten up at her words of praise. She knew that she shouldn’t do so so much, but she felt he deserved to hear the truth once in a while. If he heard it too much, however, he may just end up rude, snobbish and annoying.

“Oh Cain, you are too kind. Indeed, she is beautiful though. It is a worry as well, and I hope to guard her against any particularly disgusting centaur’s, even some wizards would seek to kill her for her beauty. It is strange that they do that, is it not? But, I know that one day you will get all of this that you want Cain.”

She looked up at the stars and saw something looming in Cain’s future, though she couldn’t make out what it was. The stars seemed to be keeping some things to themselves as of late, and it was quite frustrating for she was worried that whatever it was would not be good.

“Yes, I had hoped that in my thoughts. It seems that you have become a mind reader.” She said with a small laugh, referring to her helping him as much as he helped her.

Ipolani also looked at Ophelia’s star sign and smiled.

“So do I, but it never hurts to be cautious.”

Ipolani Arcamanel

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Evening Stars (Open) Empty Re: Evening Stars (Open)

Post by Cain Valerian Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:55 am

Cain smiled lightly, but then a feeling of protectiveness welled up inside of him, nothing would happen to Faia, not like what had happened to Ipolani, which still made him well up with guilt when he thought of what he was not there to stop, it made him angry every time that he thought of it.

Deciding that it was best to leave those thoughts alone, Cain smiled again, a slightly strained smile, the idea still playing on his mind.

"That will not happen under my watch, I assure you, nothing will happen to Faia, I will not make the same mistake twice, I know I have said it before, but I am sorry that you had to..." he trailed off and gritted his teeth slightly, letting the statement hang.

With a soft chuckle Cain shook his head and looked down at his hooves, he was excited to meet Ophelia again, although he was not sure when it might happen, he had a hope, but he was not sure whether his hope would come true as of yet.

"Hopefully things will be able to stay positive between us, perhaps one day you would care to speak with her yourself? You could bring Faia with you?"

Cain Valerian
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