Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Daciana (sister harpy)

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Daciana (sister harpy) Empty Daciana (sister harpy)

Post by Daciana Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:30 pm

Name: Daciana which means wolf and evil one
Age: 'older than the moon but younger than the sun'
Birthday: unknown
Place of Birth: in a forest clearing in the Ural Mountains, Russia
Current Home: The Black Forest

What Creature Are You?: Harpy

Strength of Being This Creature: The ability to fly thus attacking from the sky, strong claws for feet and talons on hands, which have the strength of a jackals jaw, she has the ability to telepathically cause excruciating pain in her enemies even from a great distance Her talons are sharp as an ice pick and her grip is very strong She can fly great distances without tiring making it hard for enemies to out run her

Weakness of Being This Creature: Most other creatures are afraid of or hate her just for what she is, thus she lives a lonely existence, making her an angry and an easily enraged creature. She has few friends or allies among other creatures. Rain tends to cause difficulty in flying. She has an excitable temper and has been known to attack others who are just trying to help.


Hair Color: Red with auburn undertones
Hair Style: When at rest loose and flowing to the middle of her back. If hunting or attacking she will pull it into a high pony tail (braid if she has time)
Eye Color: Golden with brown flecks
Height: 5' 5”
Body Type: Slender but firm muscles, deceptively strong
Dress Style: Halter tops and shorter skirts in warm weather, long sleeved top and medium length skirts with leggings in the snowy times

Character Information:

Preferred Food/Blood Type: Loves fresh fruits, some vegetables, and fish the most. But will eat most meats and grains also

Background Information:

Daciana's first memory is of laying in her warm nest waiting for mother to bring her something to eat. She was just a young thing not more than 3 and hadn't gotten the hang of totally hunting for herself. Besides mother was always worried about her being hurt, or her father finding her. She had lived a totally isolated life with just her mother and an occasional visitor so even her speaking skills were slow to form. That night mother never made it home for some unknown reason. Daciana quietly paced the floor all night crying from hunger and fear. Finally realizing that she was totally alone she took off to try to find her mother.
Not knowing where to go she just followed the sun west from her home sleeping wherever she could find a soft place and eating berries, fish and small rodents or bird eggs. After many months she stumbled into a beautiful meadow in a deep forest. Realizing how tired of traveling she was she found a secluded place and made a nest of pine boughs, grass and feathers and fell asleep.
When she awoke she heard voices and sneaked up closer to hear what was being said, but was unable to understand the words. There stood an older man and a lad of about 15 with an axe and bow. Out of the forest came a beautiful doe and her fawn shyly looking for food. the man pointed and the lad shot the mother dead as the father cut the neck on the fawn. They laughed and joked (or so she supposed) as they cut up the animals, pulled off the skin and left the reaking carcases in the meadow.
This is when she first realized just how wicked and cruel human beings could be to other living creatures. From that day on in her mind they were responsible for her mothers death and all the evil she had endured through her life.

Mother: died when she was young and so she doesn't remember her well. Her name was Tatyanna and that's about all she can recall
Father: Unknown to her
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None

Posts : 23
Join date : 2012-03-24

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