Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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My Sister The Jerk ( open )

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My Sister The Jerk ( open ) Empty My Sister The Jerk ( open )

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:56 am

Salina had written an owl to Pxyis Wilson, and she hoped she had received it and decided to meet her, but Salina wouldn't know unless she showed up, for she had never received a response.

She wanted to speak to Pxyis about her sister, the jerk. Corinne had become exceedingly cold towards everyone lately, even herself. She'd attempted to talk to her, but Corinne had turned and walked the other way, but Salina wasn't going to let that keep happening. She'd stop her sister in her tracks and tell her that her behaviour is ridiculous and she needs to get over herself.

Salina wasn't sure if Corinne would listen, the only time she ever had was for fashion advice- but she'd try her best. Now, she sat with her back against a tree staring out at the lake with a saddened expression. She didn't know what to do with Corinne, and she didn't know how to help her sister. Corinne wasn't one to let people in easily, but if she'd just show who she was around her closest friends a little more then people would want to be friends with her.

Salina toyed with the edge of her cashmere skirt as she thought about it. Perhaps, if Corinne made a friend that could challenge her intellectually and in every way, then she could change and become a better person- like Salina had with Leshia. A smile appeared on her face at the thought of her only friend, Leshia. She was so glad she had someone like Leshia, otherwise she'd still be a jerk.

An idea suddenly hit Salina, and it was so brilliant she wasn't sure why she hadn't realised it before.


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My Sister The Jerk ( open ) Empty Re: My Sister The Jerk ( open )

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:04 pm

Pxyis had of course been befuddled by Salina's short and sharp message. Meet me by the Black Lake after our last lesson on Wednesday, and of course Pxyis hadn't responded for it had slipped her mind, but now she was walking down the hill to the Black Lake, where she could see the tree that Corinne had drawn her sitting by, before she spotted a head of dark brown hair with caramel highlights.

"Salina?" She called as she neared the tree and strode over to the tree, sitting down next to Salina. She could tell the girl had been deep in thought from her confused expression as she approached her. Pxyis made herself comfortable against the tree and placed her bag down next to her, curling her legs up next to her and facing the girl.

"Salina? What did you need me for? Your message was a little... short? And," Pxyis tone turned harsh. "If your here to pick on me like your sister, then you can forget it," Pxyis hissed. "Im not taking any nonsense from either of you anymore, im sick of it. Just because your the famous Girard's," Pxyis snarled, clenching her hands together as fists by her side. "Doesn't mean that you can go and bully everyone else! You're not the boss of me, or anyone else! No one cares that your oh-so-famous in France, here you're just two ordinary girls with ridiculous points of view, and I won't have it!" Pxyis was breathing heavily after her passionate rant.


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My Sister The Jerk ( open ) Empty Re: My Sister The Jerk ( open )

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:10 pm

Salina was so deep in her thoughts that she was startled when Pxyis called out to her, but relieved when she came. She waited for Pxyis to get comfortable, before she opened her mouth to talk but Pxyis was already asking questions.

Salina went to respond, but Pxyis eye's darkened and she began to yell at her, assuming she was like her sister which hurt Salina. Normally, she would've yelled back, but she was upset. How could people think she was anything like Corinne? She'd never done anything to anyone. Though, Pxyis did have a reason to be upset it did not mean that she had a right to yell at Salina.

"You listen here, Pxyis! I am here to apologise for my sister's behaviour!" Salina snapped, before sighing. "My sister, the jerk," she shook her head shamefully. "Pxyis, im sorry about how she's been treating you. It's not right of her, but she's always been a tough cookie. She's a really good person on the inside Pxyis, you just have to gain her trust to get there," Salina said, instantly at her twin's defence.

Her twin may be annoying, but she was still family and Girard's always stuck by their family. "Which is why, I need your help," Salina wasn't to sure if Pxyis would go for this idea, but it was worth a shot. "I need someone whose the opposite of Corinne. Someone who won't let her boss them around, and will challenge her beliefs and views. Someone who knows how to have fun, someone who is strong and passionate about what she believes in, someone who can change Corinne's horrible ways. I need someone just like that to be Corinne's friend, someone who can make her a better person not just to them, but to everyone. I think, Pxyis, that you fit my order perfectly," Salina said shyly, looking down.

"Will you do it?"


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My Sister The Jerk ( open ) Empty Re: My Sister The Jerk ( open )

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:22 pm

"Will you do it?" Salina asked. Pxyis was frozen and torn. She'd thought that her answer would be straight away 'NO!', but she'd always enjoyed a challenge.

On one hand, being Corinne's friend would be a challenge. She was a jerk, rude, up herself, snobbish, despised Pxyis and stood for everything Pxyis didn't believe in. She was horrible, and nasty. Her cruelty had no bounds, and she was positive that Corinne loathed muggle's. Which was offensive to Pxyis, because her best friends were muggle's and she believed that muggle's were just as good as witches or wizards.

On the other hand, Corinne was a challenge. And everyone who knew Pxyis well, knew she adored a challenge. The harder it was- the more she wanted it. Pxyis found the idea that she could be the one to change Corinne, to make her good and justified, to make her kind and gentle, to make her the best she could be was an enticing and wonderful thought. To be the one to change Corinne would make her feel as if she'd accomplished something quite great.

"Um," Pxyis mumbled, weighing out her options. She frowned, deep in thought. With a sigh, Pxyis felt as if she must do it, for the Wilson family motto was: Though the challenge may be great, the feeling of achievement is greater.

"Fine." Pxyis said. "I'll do it."


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My Sister The Jerk ( open ) Empty Re: My Sister The Jerk ( open )

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:30 pm

Salina had of course braced herself for the straight up, outright exclamation of 'NO!' that came from Pxyis, but she didn't expect her to look quite so torn. She seemed to be weighing up the pro's and con's, and she continuously made noises of frustration and she thought.

Salina said in an anxious silence, waiting for the moment Pxyis gave her verdict, fully prepared to plead and beg, even bribe her to do it. Salina couldn't see anyone else being more perfect to change Corinne, Pxyis had to do it and Salina wasn't going down without a fight. With a final sigh, Pxyis looked up at Salina with a determined expression.

"Fine." Pxyis said. "I'll do it." There was a note of finality in her voice, like she was also telling herself that she had to do it, and not just Salina. Salina smiled widely as she looked at Pxyis. "Good. I was worried there for a moment, if you didn't do it then I can't see anyone else being able too," said Salina in the most relieved tone she had ever spoken in.

"Pxyis? Thank you so much," Salina's eyes began to water as she placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "You're very brave for doing this, you know? I don't think I know anyone else that would be able to muster up the courage to take my sister head on. You could never understand how much it means to me that you're willing to change her. I love my sister, and I hate the monster that she is right now, so thank you so much," a few traitor tears had fallen down her cheeks as she spoke to Pxyis. "Thank you," she whispered again, wiping the tears away.

"You can go now." Salina dropped her hand and turned her head back to the Black Lake to continue staring at it and wonder about the world.


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