Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A new beginning

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A new beginning Empty A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:52 pm

Airen was excited was like saying water is damp. He couldn't wait to begin his new life. He wondered if he'd finally make lasting friends, but he quickly dismissed the idea. After all, if they knew his past, they'd laugh or think he was some kind of freak. He got into the first empty compartment he saw. He sat by the window while his Barn owl gazed out the window with him.

Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
Gryffindor Seventh Year

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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:01 pm

Charlotte wandered, slowly, down the train, she looked in all the cabins and was sorely tempted to take one of the empty ones and to just sit and paint but she knew that she would never make any friends that way so she decided that she might as well bite the bullet and go to speak to someone.

Seeing there was one lone boy, about her age, sitting in the carriage she bit her lip, gulped softly, and knocked on the door, before opening it slightly to pop her head around.

Charlotte wondered, quietly, if her appearance, what with her red eyes and white hair would put the boy off, but she hoped that it wouldn't after all, she did want to make some friends here this year and she smiled softly at him.

"Would you mind if I sat here with you?"
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:06 am

Airen looked up. He hadn't expected some one to join him. The girl was, in all honesty, kinda cute. He realized he was staring, and quickly corrected himself.

"Salve(Hello), of course I don't mind," he replied. He knew that his Italian descent had slipped out, but he thought no one would mind. He moved his owl to the seat next to his, and let the girl pick a seat.

"What is your name?" he asked.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:01 am

Charlotte flushed pink when the boy began to stare at her and she smiled shyly at him, when he spoke she tilted her head to one side, what language was that? But she didn't want to pry so she sat down opposite the boy and smiled wider.

"Thank you, what a lovely owl."

On her shoulder was her own pet, her large vulture Hannibal, shed had to get permission from the Headmistress to bring him, after all they weren't on the allowed pets list but he wouldn't leave her be!

"I'm Charlotte, Charlotte Smith, who are you?" she asked in a soft voice

Charlotte almost groaned when she looked at what she was wearing, her denim shorts were paint splattered and so was her black strap top, she must have looked really stupid, she thought to herself.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:30 am

"Gracie(Thank you). Sorry if I slip into the Italian once in awhile. Meet Altaïr," he replied. Gesturing to the Barn owl that was currently gazing at Charlotte with his black eyes.

Altaïr hooted impatiently. Airen chuckled and opened the cage. The owl perched on his shoulder and nuzzled the side of his head thankfully.

"Piacere(a pleasure), Charlotte. I'm Airen Auditoren, but you can call me whatever you want." He nodded his head slowly. "You are an artist?" he asked noticing the smears of paint on her shorts.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:38 am

Charlotte smiled softly and she shook her head, holding up her hands as if to say that it's okay by her, she loved accents and Italian especially, but she tried not to think of it in the way she normally did, after all, that would be embarrassing.

"It's no problem, I think its a lovely accent!"

A small smile broke out on Charlottes face and she reached a finger out to gingerly stroke the owls feathers, before sitting back when Hannibal cawed jealous of the attention.

"This is Hannibal."

Charlotte blushed a little and nodded her head, she smiled up at Airen,

"Would you mind if I called you Air?"

Blushing again Charlotte nodded mutely and wondered if she could have looked any worse than she did now, but she fiddled with her ear piercing and swiftly the blush dissapeared. Rummaging in her bag Charlotte clasped her sketch book to her chest:

"Yes I am, would you like to see?"
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:13 pm

Airen smiled. He was just glad that she didn't mind his accent. Though, he did blush when she said he had a
lovely accent.

"He does seem loyal," he commented. Hannibal was an amazing bird.

"Air would be fine with me," he replied noting how cute she was when she blushed, but she didn't need to know that.

He was tempted to look, but felt that since she was offering, that he should too. He removed a book from his knapsack at his feet. He offered it to her.

"I'd like to see, but not if you don't want me to. A trade?"
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:04 pm

Charlotte saw Air blush and she smiled softly, wondering why, and she looked out the window for a moment as the train stood in the station, she turned back to Air after a while and she grinned glancing from Hannibal to him.

"He is. He just won't leave me be will you? Im worried that I'll end up taking him to lessons."

As Charlotte watched Air rummaging in his bag she slowly let her sketchbook fall onto her lap and she smiled softly when he asked if she wanted to look at his work.

"Of course! I'll love to see your work!"

With that Charlotte handed him the sketch pad and waited patently for him to give her his own, the first few sketches were of trees, then there were a few of people, families, lovers, and a few of the places she had been with Cobalt.

"Hopefully you like them..."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:19 am

"Well, when we get to transfiguring animals, he may change his mind," Airen joked. Chuckling at the image of Hannibal flying as fast as he could out the Transfiguration room.

"Well, here you go," Airen said as he offered the book to her. It had pictures of the Colosseum, Mt. Everest, Tower Bridge, and the Parthenon as well as drawings of dragons and people. One drawing toward the back was of a solitary figure in white robes in the middle of a battlefield with the sun setting in the background.

He gently took her sketchbook and flipped through it. The pictures of the people were stunning.

"Incrdible(Incredible). I like how you captured there emotions," he complimented as he reverently traced the lines of the pictures.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:48 pm

Charlotte looked at Hannibal as Air made that suggestion, she couldn't help but laugh softly, it would be a funny sight to see him half transfigured into a water goblet or something, clicking her fingers and pointing to the armrest Hannibal flew there and perched.

"That really would be hilarious, but, I dont think I could subject him to my awful skills..."

Taking the book gingerly Charlotte opened the pages carefully, her eyes widened, these drawings were beautiful. The landscapes so realistic, the dragons and mythical pictures so detailed and the particular picture she noticed was so lonely it made her heart ache.

"These are so beautiful, you have a great skill, maybe you should start trying to get commissions for your work."

Charlotte blushed lightly, and she closed Air's sketch book, it looked like he really liked them.

"If you want one, you can take it..."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:46 am

"I'm sure you'll be fine. We're not even sorted, you have plenty of time to improve," he said. He noticed her eyes as she looked at his pictures. He blushed at her praise. Ducking his head down slightly, he worked up the courage to reply.

"I am proud of them, but I like it more as a hobby than a job. Besides, you may as well say the same about yourself. I think you may be as good as if not better than me," he finished. Being eleven years old and not having such an easy time making friends made this experience exciting and also embarrassing. He'd never really had a girl as a friend. Heck, he never had friends in general.

"No. I couldn't do that. These are your works, but if we were to trade one of our pictures for the other's, then it'll be fair," he finished.

He reached over and reopened his sketchbook.

"Take your pick."
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:15 pm

Charlotte nodded and laughed slightly at the way that she was worrying already about her skills, they're all in the same boat, they all haven't done these things before so there's no way that anyone could be really good at these things already.

"That's very true, I guess I'm just a worrier."

With that Charlotte blushed and she nodded her head, as a matter of fact she had in fact had some of her work comissioned by some small places and it wasn't bad pay. Not like she needed it but just in case.

"I already have, some small restaurants have paid me to do some pictures for them."

Charlotte took back the sketchbook and bit her lip as she looked at the pictures, the one she wanted to take was obviously done with such care and passion that she couldn't bring herself to tear it away from Air, so she looked at the image of a large dragon and pointed:

"Would this one be okay? And...was this a fantasy peice or were you really sketching a live dragon?" she asked in wonder.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:13 am

Airen was glad that her work was appreciated. He'd had a few offers, but he turned them down because most of them were to promote a business or company. She seemed to radiate creativity he thought idly.

He looked at the picture she was pointing at. Ah, The Raptorix. he thought. It was of a maroon, bipedal dragon flying in the clouds. It's wings were spread out and the sun was behind it making the wings seem like they were on fire. The head looked out at the viewer. It had emerald green eyes that shone with power.

"This was my family's familiar. We called him Epos. One day, I was watching him fly, and the sun and clouds made him look sent from God," he reminisced. Getting a far away look in his eyes. "Of course you can have it. I couldn't think of a better owner," he responded.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:13 pm

Charlotte felt herself lean forward as Air told her the story of the dragon and she felt herself imagining it as if she was actually there and she could see both from the picture and from her own thoughts that it would have been so very beautiful to witness. So very majestic.

"It sounds like a wondrous experiance...dragons truly are magnificent beings, but I haven't had a chance to see one yet..."

Biting her lip Charlotte realised how much she had leant forward and retracted herself with a small smile of embarrassment on her lips, wondering if she should tell Air something she had heard from her father Charlotte sucked on the stud of her lip piercing.

"Do you want to hear something cool? Well...I think it is. Im so excited to see it!"

Charlotte whispered animately. She just hoped that Air wouldn't get mad about it, since he seemed to love dragons...

"Oh! And which one of mine do you want?"
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:49 pm

"You'll see them before you're time on this world is up. I'm sure of it," he replied.

He saw the look of concentration on her face. She seemed to be struggling to tell him something. When she sucked on her lip piercing, he was slightly surprised she had one. She seemed too nice for that, but who was he to judge. After all, his past life would shock any one who'd seen him acting his normal self. All noble and kind and such.

"I'd like to, si (yes). I'm sure it'll be cool," he said. If he didn't agree that it was cool, he'd just keep silent. No need to waste a friendship on just one tiny belief.

"Would you mind if I... had this one," he tried to use the right word because taking sounded like he was being greedy or something. The picture was one of the earlier ones. It was of a forest path bordered by trees.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:35 pm

Charlotte smiled softly and she nodded, she was indeed going to see one, she was going to see one when she got to Hogwarts and that was the cool thing that she wanted to tell him about, maybe she could try and catch a glimpse to sketch it.

"Okay then."

Leaning forward she grinned softly and whispered:

"The care of magical creatures teacher...is getting a Welsh Green for her lessons! A little baby dragon! I'll finally get to see one."

Charlotte smiled wide and leant back against the seat, lost in thoughts of her with this dragon, she giggled a little bit in her excitement but soon quashed that, it was something that embarrassed her, her laugh...it sounded weird to her.

Peering at the picture that Air was going to take Charlotte nodded happily and agreed that he could have that one:

"Yes of course you can! Just rip it out of there and it's yours."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:18 pm

"Awesome. I can't wait. Just be careful. Even babies are dangerous," he warned. But just the same, he was smiling. He'd always found something cool about dragons.

"Gracie. (Thank you)" He gently ripped out the picture leaving a very faint unevenness to the edge. He gently folded the picture and set it in his pocket.

"It is a molto bene (very good) picture. You should be proud," he commented.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:29 pm

Charlotte was glad that Air shared her enthusiasm and she grinned happily, yet, when he warned her she nodded slowly to show that she was taking all of the information in.

"Yes, I'll be careful, but if you come with me then well both be safer hmm?"

She asked cheerfully and she watched as Air ripped out the picture from the sketchbook, Charlotte rummaged around in her bag before finally taking out the steel ruler she kept and she used that to tear the picture from his book.

"Thank you," Charlotte whispered, blushing badly "The same goes for your picture, I'm glad I've been allowed to see your work."

Passing the book back to Air Charlotte grinned happily.

"There you go, so, what class are you looking forward to the most?"
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:33 pm

"Perhaps we will," Airen replied. He hoped Charlotte didn't notice him blushing like an inferno. Wasn't he supposed to be tough having gone through what he had. Oh no, bad memory.

"Your welcome," he said while blushing at her comment. He looked out the window. The trees were rushing by, and this caused things to seem almost dream like.

"I'm not really sure, but I think that Defense and Dueling may prove interesting. I'm not sure what I want to be though," he sighed. He wanted to be dealing out justice, but after that day, he wasn't so sure.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:35 pm

Charlotte noted, that Air was either blushing or he was getting rather warm and she went to the radiator by the window and tapped it gently, it was warm, but it wasn't that hot so she wondered why he was that red.

"It'll be cool, a bit like being a spy isn't it?"

Once again Charlotte noticed his blush and leant forward, pressing her cool hand to his forehead, frowning softly.

"Are you okay Air? Want me to open a window?"

Charlotte nodded her head and she noted that she was most probably not the duelling type, she didn't think she could hurt a fly even if she wanted to, but, then again, maybe in another form she could.

"That's okay though isn't it? We're only 11! But I know what I want to be..."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:23 am

"Si (yes), it would. I can't wait," he replied. He noticed that she was checking the radiator. Must be because his face was read as a tomato. He realized that she'd asked him what was wrong and decided to fess up.

"I've never really been good with talking to girls, and I'm also not used to so much praise and good comments," he replied honestly. He hung his head down in shame. He expected her to do one of two things: laugh at him and think he was weird or think he was just faking and trying to get attention.

If he turned out to be wrong, then he should continue the conversation.

"And what would that be?" he asked.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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A new beginning Empty Re: A new beginning

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 pm

Charlotte blinked a little bit when Air told her that he wasn't really used to talking to girls and that he wasn't really used to compliments, why would that be? I mean not talking to girls could be easy if he didn't grow up around them. But the compliments?

"Hey, don't hang your head, I didn't mean to embarrass you Air, I'm sorry."

Moving over to kneel in front of Air so that she could see his face as he hung his head, smiling softly she decided that she was going to change both of those things.

"Well, I understand that, and to be honest it makes you look really cute, so you shouldn't mind it at all, and I'll warn you that girls will probably be all over you at school."

With a slightly wider smile Charlotte hugged her new friend and sat beside him, playing with the ends of her shorts.

"I want to be an artist! A magical painter, photographer, sculptor you name it I'll be it!" she said happily
Charlotte Smith
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