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A New Beginning (OPEN)

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:55 am

Visperia frowed as she looked into the bottom of her empty wine glass, she did not know many bars around Germany as of yet, preferring to spend most of her time in France, where the wine was a little better than here.

So it was not surprising that she had misjudged the bar that she had stepped into, the wine was crude and made her want to gag, of course she politely choked it down while she smiled, a rather strained smile, at the barkeep while he encouraged her to take another glass.

Cradling her first glass still, she looked out over the bar and sighed gently, this was going to take some getting used to.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:34 am

Sitting at the bar, Markuz looked out over the crowd. Spotting a lonely woman who looked somewhat depressed, Markuz decided to investigate.

Draining the last of his beer, he stood up.

Walking up to the brown-haired woman, Markuz softly spoke with his calm voice: "Would you mind terribly if I sat here?"

Whilst pointing at the bar stool next to the woman. Looking at her expectantly, Markuz calmly waited for an answer.

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:47 am

Visperia turned her head and fixed the man who approached with one of her business like smiles, which were still genuine however professional they looked, she could never be too careful however, who she trusted, who she spoke to, so her guard was up although you couldn't tell.

Nodding her head gently Visperia spoke;

"Of course, I will be glad of company besides the wine in my wine glass." she smiled slightly wider "I suppose you wont give me as much as a headache as this will."

With that she held out her hand to the man; "Visperia. Nice to meet you."
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:43 am

Seeiing the woman give him a nice smile, Markuz took her hand.
He considered kissing it, but decided not to and he went for a simple shake.

"Markuz, nice to meet you too. I honestly hope not. Causing you a headache is not exactly on my to-do list." Giving a soft smile, Markuz sat down.

Honestly feeling curious, he asked the question which had immediately sprang up on him upon hearing Visperia's name.

"Visperia does not sound German. I'm going to hazard a guess and say either Spain or France?"

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:43 am

Visperia smiled gently once more and she thought about the name for a moment, it certainly sounded German through and through, as did the man in front of her, it was very nice however to meet a local, perhaps he could show her around town...to a better wine bar.

"Well good, then we should get along together just fine." she grinned, placing her glass back on the bar top.

When he mentioned that her name did not sound German, Visperia smiled softly and shook her head, one of his guesses however was correct;

"I hail from France, yes." she answered "You're very smart to be able to figure that out from a name alone."
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:25 am

Smiling appreciatevily, Markuz felt flattered by Visperia her compliment.

"Thank you, I wouldn't say smart exactly, more something like a lucky guess. I was considering Italy as well, but something just doesn't fit with that. Now, how long have you been in Germany then, Visperia?"

Markuz looked at the woman in front of him, glad to have made a new acquaintance.

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:11 am

Visperia gently caught the attention of the barman and she signalled for some iced water, after all she was not in any hurry to try the wine again, and water seemed like the safest bet, you couldn't get it wrong after all.

When Markuz asked how long she had been in Germany, Visperia smiled softly and elaborated;

"I have only been in Germany for a few days, however I have purchased a house and am ready to move in now, I don't know the area very well though."

Sipping her water she asked; "Where do you come from then Markuz?"
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:43 am

Ah, so Visperia would be around more often then, if she had just purchased a house around here!

Focusing upon hearing her question, Markuz honestly spoke.

"I was born in Poland, where I lived until I turned eleven. I went to Durmstrang and moved permanently to Germany upon graduation. After serving in the army for ten years, I moved to this region six years ago."

Finishing his explanation, Markuz called the bartender over and ordered another beer.

Waiting for his beer, Markuz turned to Visperia again,

"May I ask why you moved here? With the conflict with England and everything."

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:36 am

Visperia sipped at her water again while she listened to Markuz and what he had been through in the past few years, it turns out that she was wrong when she had thought that he had always been from Germany. Maybe the accent had just rubbed off on him?

"Interesting." she said with a small smile "I thought that you were originally from Germany, but it appears I'm not as talented at guessing as you are."

With a slightly larger smile, Visperia remembered the reason why she was here in Germany, and she hung her head a little bit, the first meeting between her and Dmitra had not gone well.

"I am here on family matters, after a death I had a few loose ends to tie up in Germany, I thought it best to move here for the time being."
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:44 am

Listening to Visperia's replies, Markuz emptied his beer. Subtly ordering another one, he felt Visperia was selling herself short.

"I wouldn't say you are not as talented at guessing, you just had the disadvantage that I have been in Germany almost non-stop since I turned eleven, and truly non-stop since my graduation."

Seeing Visperia lowering her head somewhat, Markuz was horrified to hear she was here because of a death!

"My condolences, and apologies as well, I didn't mean to pry."

Receiving another beer from the bartender, Markuz could only hope he hadn't caused Visperia any undeserved sorrow by so rudely reminding her of losing somebody.

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:12 pm

Visperia smiled gently and she finished her water with a happy sigh, it was so nice to be able to converse with someone without having to think about getting shot or killed herself, simply because she had managed to acquire a new protective rune necklace.

"I suppose that would make it a little harder to tell by the accent alone." she smiled gently "I take it that you went to Durmstrang Institute? My daughter goes there."

When he apologised for mentioning the death that she had come here from, Visperia merely disregarded his comment with a friendly smile, it was strange to have someone care whether they offended her or not.

In all those years alone she hadn't experienced that in a while.

"Oh don't worry yourself, it was bound to come up in the conversation at some point."
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:08 am

When Markuz heard Visperia mention her daughter going to Durmstrang, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, I went to Durmstrang as well. I teach there now, as a matter in fact. Or at least, I will be teaching there, I haven't given my first lessons yet. Do you know if your daughter will be following Transfiguration?"

When Markuz apologized for his rudeness, Visperia merely smiled. Hearing her explanation, Markuz was relieved that he hadn't insulted her.

"Ah, very well then. Do you plan on getting a job around here? Or have you already found employment?" Markuz was curious, Visperia seemed like a fascinating woman, so surely her job had to be as well?

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:22 am

Visperia realised that she had not asked her daughter what lessons that she was taking in her school life, however she did not think that she was going to be taking transfiguration, she would make a note to ask her however the next time they saw each other.

"It seems strange but I don't know if she will be taking that subject, she hasn't mentioned it so, I would not think so." she said with an apologetic smile on her lips "Do you think you will have many students in your classes when you begin?"

At the question that he asked her Visperia smiled gently and she shook her head, she didn't have a technical job, she was just a French Ministry advisor when they needed some help. Surprisingly it still paid very well for part time.

"I am not sure if I plan on finding new employment, but I work part time for the French Government at the moment so I don't really need to."
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:36 am

Markuz listened as Visperia told him about her daughter who probably wasn't taking Transfiguration. Too bad.

Upon her question, Markuz answered immediately, he had been walking around with that question in his head for days. But he had found his answer when he accepted the position.

"I care not for numbers, one student or a thousand. But they must be talented. If I have only one student, I'm fine with that. I'd rather see that one student succeed and excel, then have ten students who are merely average."

Hearing of Visperia working for the French government, Markuz became curious.

"Truly? Fascinating! What do you do in the government? Law? Finance? Creatures? Relations? You seem too intelligent for a simple job like secretary or something lowly like that."

Realizing how that might have sounded, Markuz bit his tongue.

"I apologize, I meant no insult to secretaries. I meant to say that I would expect you in a high position, to utilize your intelligence to the utmost.

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:30 am

Visperia smiled warmly, it was a good attitude to have when it came to teaching, surely a student who was poor at your lesson would be a horror to teach, but one who seemed to have a natural aptitude for the subject would be a delight. It made perfect sense to her.

"Thats a very good view point to take, I can see that you would be a dedicated professor for whatever amount of students you have, I just hope they don't try your patience."

Casting her eye around the bar, Visperia didn't see anyone suspicious and so continued to relax, with her appearance change, they probably wouldn't recognise her anyway.

Laughing a little, Visperia smiled wider at Markuz when he spoke his mind about her role in the Government;

"Oh no need to apologise I know what you mean, I don't give off the air of a secretary, just like you don't give the air of a caretaker." she smiled gently "I work in relations and at times advise the French Minister. Impressive enough?" Viseperia asked, somewhat teasingly.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:45 am

Seeiing Visperia smile, Markuz knew he had found somebody who shared his point of view.

Hearing her response, Markuz couldn't suppress his chuckle.

"I hope so too, ... For their own sakes."

Markuz maintained a poker face, although he had to admit that he was indeed impressed.

When Visperia added her teasing, "Impressive enough," Markuz replied jokingly.

"Meh, it'll do I guess."

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:48 am

Visperia smirked a little bit and she thought that Markuz was someone who was not only interesting, but matched her a little in personality, it was strange to say the least but it was not something unwelcome to her. Maybe they would be able to meet again in the future.

"Well well then, do you not really enjoy working with children then?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

When he teased her back Visperia nodded her head towards him and ordered another glass of wine from the bar, the most expensive one they had, which would hopefully be halfway decent.

"Do you want some wine along with me? Or are you more of a beer or spirits drinker?" she asked, actually vaguely interested.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:05 am

Markuz couldn't supress the smile that appeared when Visperia asked him about working with children.

"Oh I like working with children alright, I simply can not stand those who are foolish or delude themselves into thinking they have talent, when they have none. I like children, but as all have their strenghts, they have weaknesses as well, and I am not willing to sugarcoat the truth for them. Simply said, I'm a realist. Not a dreamer or optimist. But working with a talented child, and bringing it to greatness? See it excel and surpass its teacher? Now that I like."

When Visperia asked him about his drinking habits, Marcus replied, "I like a good wine, but red. I drink beer here for two reasons, first and foremost, I highly doubt this place has any decent wines. Second is habit. Beer is cheaper then wine and as I was rather poor when I started drinking, beer was a more logical decision. If by some miracle, you do find a decent red wine in this place, feel free to let me now."

Finishing his explanation, Markuz drained the last of his beer and held up a hand to stall the barman. If Visperia did find a good red wine, he'd love to have a good glass as well.

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:14 am

Visperia raised her eyebrow a little it was a sort of harsh outlook to have on children, after all they did need some sort of support, just herself and seemingly Markuz was not very good at giving them the support that they needed. She supposed the their approach could be called 'tough love'.

"I actually agree with you, I think that there's a way to handle children and that parents should encourage them to pursue their talents, and discourage them from taking up things they aren't so good at doing." she smiled wryly "A tough love approach."

Taking a sip of her wine Visperia placed it back on the bar and tried very hard not to pull a face, however it was something she thought that she failed at doing. Beer was not a drink that Visperia enjoyed, it was not very pleasant to drink;

"Well considering that this is the more expensive wine in the place, and it still tastes foul, I think that would be a no. German wine is nothing to the French." she said with a slight wrinkle of her nose.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:50 am

Markuz was pleasantly surprised when Visperia told him that she agreed with him. Most people thought he was too harsh. But there were other schools and other teachers for those who needed mollycodlling. He would have none of it.

"Indeed, and for those who can't accept their failings, there is always independent study. I actually got my Charms OWL like that. I failed out of the class but got my OWL at the ministry, two years after graduating. As I see it, why give somebody false hope when there are other things he might truly be talented in?"

When Visperia pulled a face after sipping her wine, Markuz knew he would be drinking beer for the remainder of the evening. Spirits were saved for when he wanted to get drunk.

Hearing Visperia say that German wine had nothing on its French counterpart, he had to disagree.

"You are correct about French wine being great, but there is one region in Germany which produces good wine as well. The Mosel region. It lies near the Mosel, Saar and Ruwer rivers. They have very good wine actually. Although I must admit that I personally prefer a good, red French wine most of the time."

Becoming somewhat hopeful, Markuz had to ask, "You didn't happen to bring some good, French wine with you, when you moved here?"

If Visperia had brought wine, Markuz would have to see about getting some from her. He didn't have the time to go to france. Or he'd have to send an owl to some wineries in France...

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:22 am

Visperia smiled gently and she didn't think that what Markuz was saying was too bad, after all when you looked at some of the muggle television programmes, such as the ones where talent is displayed, the support of some of those children when they are so clearly rubbish makes them ridiculed on a national level!

"That shows such great determination, I personally love charms, but my greatest lesson will always be History of Magic, I have a knack for remembering names and dates." she grinned a little "It helps me a lot in my job."

When Markuz asked her if she had brought any French wine with her Visperia raised her eyebrow, why would she give him one of her bottles, after all they were quite expensive and they had only just met. Perhaps he intended to pay for it?

"I have brought a few of my own personal bottles, but they are a very old vintage, so they are quite expensive and rare, it is one of my hobbies I must admit, collecting wines. Perhaps you ought to show me one from that region of Germany, if you are such a fan." she smiled teasingly.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:35 am

Pleased at the compliment, Markuz smiled when Visperia told her about History of Magic being her favorite. Now that was something you didn't hear very often.

"Thank you. And yes I can imagine that being quite handy. The only part of history I really like is diplomacy and international relations through the years. It gives so much more background for the current political climate. Understanding how we got where we are now. That I like. But all those dry dates are nothing for me really."

When Visperia mentioned the words vintage and hobby, Markuz knew he'd just have to send an owl to a winery in France.

"Lucky you, I guess I'll be sending an owl to France soon, to order some bottles. You don't happen to have any recommendations?"

At Visperia's tease, Markuz grinned.

"Now why would I share our delicious German wine if you clearly prefer French wines? Clearly, that would be a waste of wine!"

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:24 am

Visperia knew that she enjoyed those aspects of history the best too, it was what had first gotten her interested in magical politics and had gotten her where she was now, thinking about the schooling in Beauxbatons, Visperia remembered it was rather dismal.

"Well when you go to Beauxbatons, and you're stuck between taking History and Magic and Politics, and Magical Cooking For Beginners...you find yourself becoming very interesting in politics." she said with a small laugh "The other parts weren't very interesting no."

With a small smirk on her lips Viseperia shook her head; "I'm certain I have something in my personal collection that would suit you, maybe just not the expensive ones."

Grinning right back Visperia leant against the bar, placing her chin on her folded hands as her elbows leant on the bar;

"The only waste of wine is giving it to someone who can't hold their alcohol, besides, you're the only other person I know in Germany, maybe it would give us a chance to meet up again." she suggested.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:44 am

Markuz laughed. The idea of Visperia in a kitchen, waving her wand as pots and pans circled around here! He understood her interest in politics completely.

"I do believe you would have made a fabulous cook! Now the world will never get to enjoy the masterful dishes of Visperia, master chef of the magical kitchen!"

Smiling, Markuz continued, "Under those circumstances, I fully understand why you went for History. I dare say I would have made the same choice."

Markuz had to supress a snort when Visperia talked about her personal collection. Coming to the conclusion that he like Visperia's sense of humour, Markuz smiled, "Seeing as I don't know exactly how... ah, extensive your collection is, I'm going to take your word on it."

Markuz couldn't help but agreeing when Visperia mentioned the only waste of wine being weak drinkers. He smiled when she mentioned meeting again though, that sounded nice.

"True, that would be a waste. Although giving a good wine to somebody who doesn't even understand the subtle differences and thinks there are only two kinds, red and white, I would count that as a waste as well."

"Meeting up again sounds good to me, send me an owl or something when you have a hole. The students have a week long vacation, so I have a rather loose schedule for the next week at least."

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A New Beginning (OPEN) Empty Re: A New Beginning (OPEN)

Post by Visperia De Auvergne Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:30 pm

Visperia grinned when she thought of her trying to cook, it was very strange to her considering she couldn't cook worth a damn, shaking her head a little bit she chuckled gently;

"I think the world would be a better place without the cooking of Visperia De Auvergne, I can''t cook to save my life." she smiled gently "So don't ask me to make you a meal or anything."

Nodding her head Visperia cast her mind back to her wine cellar in her home in France, it was vast and she had filled it most of the wine of France, or at least one bottle of each wine.

"I think that you should, I could easily get a case flown over for you." she smiled gently, opening the phone and typing a memo into it.

Tilting her head to one side Viseperia wondered if Markuz was one of those wizards who didn't do muggle technology, and as such did not have a mobile phone? Hearing her own phone buzz Visperia looked down at the message and sighed;

"I suppose I'm going to have to head off now, the French Minister needs to speak with me about god knows only what, probably someone insulted his combover." she joked "I'll drop you an owl later in the week."

With the Visperia hopped down from the bar stool, flipped her hair over her shoulder and waved at Markuz as she saunted out of the bar, her heels clicking against the stone floor.
Visperia De Auvergne
Visperia De Auvergne

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